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Episode 1
Esteemed Eclair

Alk is contracted to ensure Eclair—a famous arena fighter—gets some peace and quiet on her day off. He takes her to Starview Village for a picnic, and invites her to visit whenever she needs a change of pace.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, you are in luck! It's time for the show to begin!

Announcer: Give it up for our undefeated arena beauty! The one, the only...

Announcer: Shiiiining Eclair!

Eclair: Thanks for coming, everyone! Let's make this next bout a match for the ages! Now, what would a dance be, without a partner?

Announcer: Calm as ever, I see! But just wait 'til she gets a look at the hulking horror behind that gate, folks!

Announcer: If I were you, I wouldn't blink! Let the shoooow—

Announcer: BEGIN!

Eclair: Shine forth, Elysian Blade! Haaaa!

Announcer: Eclair takes the victory!

Announcer: How did you find the match, Alk?

Alk: It was amazing! The swordplay was nuts—I've never seen someone dance so elegantly with a blade!

Eclair: I'm happy you enjoyed yourself. It's a relief knowing my bodyguard appreciates good technique.

Alk: I get the feeling that, with skills like yours, you don't really need protection...

Announcer: We mostly need you to protect Eclair from herself—someone needs to ensure she rests on her days off.

Alk: I need to watch... Eclair herself?

Announcer: Indeed. She spoils her fans far too much. You need to keep them away from each other.

Announcer: Why, just last week Eclair spent her ENTIRE day off signing autographs!

Eclair: It's no trouble—Signing a few photos is much easier than fighting.

Announcer: Be that as it may, you need rest if you're going to remain competitive!

Announcer: See what you're dealing with, Alk? Even if you're not likely to walk into any sort of danger, you keep a careful eye on her.

Announcer: Now then, have a restful holiday! And I do mean restful!

Alk: Seems tough being famous...

Eclair: It never gets boring, at least! Now, come on! We've got places to be.

Alk: Huh? You just fought? Shouldn't you take a break today?

Eclair: As if. I almost never get a day off. I have to get out there and feed my soul, don't I!

Eclair: It hungers for adventure! It thirsts for fun! That's why we have to make the most of today!

Eclair: This place looks nice for a break. Shall we do lunch here?

Alk: A mountainside picnic is nice and all, but... Well, it's not the most exciting, is it? Are you sure you wouldn't rather be in town?

Eclair: Nah, I don't want to cause a ruckus in the city.

Eclair: Besides, I had plenty of fun filling the picnic basket with you. I hear you're a killer cook—I've been excited for lunch all day!

Eclair: It's our special time together. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Alk: I wasn't expecting you to enjoy the simple things in life.

Eclair: Yeah, people misread me all the time. Every day I participate in all these intense events; it makes you appreciate a little normalcy.

Eclair: Of course, being a potato is a great way to rest your body. But it's also depressing. The mind needs stimulation too, you know?

Eclair: It's moments like today that really heal the soul. Small, unassuming moments that bring us together. Thanks for humoring me, Alk.

Alk: Actually, I think I know the perfect place for you. Want to check it out?

Eclair: This is a beautiful place. Quiet, calm, and warm...

Alk: You can come whenever you'd like. You can even join us on our adventures—when you have free time, of course!

Eclair: Hah, you drive a hard bargain. But I can manage that.

Eclair: And for my part, whenever YOU have some free time, you can come to the arena and see my bouts whenever you'd like. Special seats are on the house.

Eclair: Sound like a deal?

Alk: I think we can work with those terms! Welcome to the team, Eclair!

Episode 2
Candid Eclair

Eclair worries her artistic swordplay wouldn't hold up in a real fight, but Alk assures her that arena-honed poise is a true asset. She's quickly put to the test rescuing a party of adventurers from the Kaleidoscope—and passes with flying colors.

Eclair: It's certainly exciting fighting monsters on their home turf. They're more active than they are at the arena.

Alk: So this is where the arena's been finding all those monsters...

Alk: Why did you want to come down here? To compare the Kaleidoscope monsters to the arena's?

Eclair: Yep. I needed to challenge myself, to find fresh opponents.

Eclair: Everyone tells me I fight with elegance. But that's because I specialize in battle choreography—stage fighting, as it were.

Eclair: It's flashy, but it wouldn't hold up in a real fight. I'm a "fighter" in name only. Laughable, really.

Eclair: It would break my heart if I disappointed my fans, though. I want to show them what I'm truly capable of!

Eclair: What do you think of my swordplay, Alk?

Alk: I guess it is pretty flashy.

Alk: But I don't think that's a bad thing. You've got poise—REAL poise.

Alk: Even when your back's against the wall, you never lose your edge. I think that's amazing.

Alk: You may not believe it yourself, but you ARE amazing, Eclair.

Eclair: Alk... I like your swordplay too.

Alk: Really? That's great to hear coming from you!

Eclair: Perfect timing. I'd love to see those skills in action.

Alk: Sure! But only if you show me yours! Sounds like there are enough monsters for both of us!

Eclair: You drive a hard bargain!

Eclair: This fight's over!

Adventurer: Is, is that Shining Eclair? What's she doing here?!

Eclair: I heard fighting! So I came to make this my stage for the day!

Alk: Get behind us—we'll take it from here!

Eclair: Let's dispatch these monsters quickly!

Adventurer: Thank you so much! Never in a million years would I have thought Eclair herself would come to our rescue!

Eclair: You did well holding off all those monsters. That was true courage!

Adoring Fans: Eclair! Eclair! Look over here!

Alk: All the world's a stage, huh?

Eclair: Hm? It's always like this when I come into town.

Alk: You seem like you're enjoying it.

Eclair: I am. Even if it makes for restless days off, the crowds bring me a kind of happiness.

Eclair: So long as my sword is sharp, the people are smiling, and life goes on... Well, I couldn't ask for much more, could I?—Except for a big dinner to top the day off!

Alk: Hmm, so should we head for the tavern? Seems like a place with a lotta life.

Eclair: Good call. A table to write on WOULD make signing autographs easier!

Alk: Autographs? That's not what I—Just, just don't overdo it, okay?

Eclair: Never fear! My hand is drawn more to pub food than to pens.

Eclair: Come, everyone! Good cheer awaits us! Heck, I'll even sign the table itself—Now where HAVEN'T I signed a table yet?

Alk: If anyone knows a good place that'll fit this many people, please speak up!

Episode 3
Shining Eclair

The Coliseum Crusher has arena fighters shaking in their boots—until Eclair crushes HIM! When Alk asks if he could challenge her next, Eclair admits she'd rather fight alongside him, but wouldn't mind a taste of the cook's training menu.

Alk: Is it just me, or does everyone seem a little on edge?

Eclair: You picked up on it? A troublesome challenger has come to the arena.

Announcer: He's more than troublesome—he's called the Coliseum Crusher! And he's a pest!

Announcer: They're fancy, sure, but the arenas are just the big-city equivalent of circuses. We put up a good show, but the Crusher? He puts up a FIGHT!

Eclair: He's swept through arenas far and wide, taking down one champ after another. He ever so kindly wrote ahead to warn me I'm next.

Alk: So, what are you going to do?

Announcer: Refuse, of course! We can't risk Eclair's health!

Announcer: What if she got hurt? She's our ace! It's better she misses a match than an entire season—we'll come up with an excuse.

Alk: That's one way to go about it. I was looking forward to the match today, but safety comes first...

Eclair: What should my new name be? Shying Eclair? Skiving Eclair?

Eclair: If I lose, I lose... but I'll never run. Make arrangements for the match.

Announcer: But, but Eclair!

Eclair: Please. Better my body break than my spirit.

Announcer: If this is how it has to be. Just... try not to get hurt, okay?

Eclair: Come now, I'm sure it won't be any worse than our average autograph session.

Alk: Are you sure about this? It won't be like other arena fights—you could get hurt for real...

Eclair: Never fear. Thanks to our little excursions, I have experience in AND out of the ring.

Eclair: I'll wave to you in the stands—after I have secured the win!

Alk: I'll hold you to that, Eclair! ...And I'll make sure you're well fed after your match!

Eclair: That's the spirit! I'll look forward to my victory feast!

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, you are in luck! It's time for the show to begin!

Announcer: Give it up for our undefeated arena beauty! The one, the only...

Announcer: Shiiiining Eclair!

Announcer: And her opponent—a treacherous menace who leaves no enemy unpummeled—the Crrrrrusher!

The Crusher: You know how long I've been waiting to beat the spit out of you? Make this interesting for me, Eclair.

Eclair: Of course. I hope you're a good dancer.

Announcer: Keep your eyes peeled folks! We're about to start!

Announcer: Ready...Begin!

The Crusher: Not bad, twinkle toes. But how long can you keep it up?

Eclair: Shine forth, Elysian Blade! Haaaa!

Eclair: Longer than you, by the looks of it. I'm not giving up the champ title any time soon.

Eclair: If you ever want a rematch, we'd always welcome a good heel.

Alk: So how's the Crusher taking to his new job at the arena?

Eclair: He's a good fighter, and a pretty good performer too. He lays on the bad guy act, but makes sure to hold back against everyone but me.

Eclair: This way he gets to challenge me as much as he likes—and, as resident champ, I'm obliged to accept.

Alk: So if I challenged you to a fight, you would go through with it?

Eclair: Of course. But I must admit...

Eclair: I would rather fight by your side than as your foe.

Eclair: I'd hate to harm my favorite chef who cooks me post-match dinner!

Alk: I see how it is...

Alk: I'll have you know this sword arm's been trained in the fires of the kitchen—and I'm not afraid to give the arena a taste of it!

Eclair: Haha! You'll have to share your training menu with me then. Gimme the full course!