Dream Armament Procurement Bundle Addition

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"A bundle that gives you a Dream Armament Exchange Ticket.png Dream Armament Exchange Ticket and a Multi Armament Portal Ticket.png 10-Pull Armament Ticket!"

Dream Armament Procurement Bundle Addition announcement.png


Dream Armament Procurement Bundle Addition, also known as "weapon suptix", is a guaranteed pick and choose summoning where players can trade one Dream Armament Exchange Ticket.png Dream Armament Exchange Ticket for one armament eligible for trading. The eligible armaments is a select range of previously released armaments that are either a permanent, non seasonal or crossover limited armaments, 4 or 5* rarity which can either be new or duplicate.

This bundle will cost 750 Lodestar Bead.png Paid Lodestar Beads and is only available for one purchase but may reappear in the future.

Players are also awarded with the addition of:

Event Period

Eligible Armaments