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Episode 1
Floating Fighter

Alk and the others meet the fighter Diletta, who makes ends meet by fishing in her off time, at an arena in the Endless Blue. Due to her flashy fighting style, a fan compares her to Ardor the Masked, not knowing he's her father. Diletta insists that the strength she's after differs from her father's, and Stella welcomes Diletta to Starview Village to aid her in her quest.

Announcer: Whoa! A direct hit! Diletta's in trouble now!

Diletta: Heh... Not bad... You've got the skills, I'll give you that.

Diletta: But guess what?

Diletta: So do I! Take this!

Alk: Now THAT was a match! The crowd was going bonkers!

Stella: It was very thrilling.

Nimbus: Haha, your eyes were practically glued to the stage.

Diletta: Come on, you floating hunk o' junk! Start up, damnit!

Alk: Huh? Wait, isn't that the fighter from-

Diletta: I said, MOVE!

Diletta: Again, I'm really, really sorry!

Diletta: As an apology, feel free to eat as much as you want! It's my treat!

Diletta: Oh, definitely grab a bit of that fish! I just caught that bad boy this morning!

Light: You did? Are you not a professional fighter?

Diletta: Yeah, but I fish on the side. On a backwater Float like this one, it's not easy to get by just fighting-

Diletta: Wait, how'd you know I was a fighter? Didja happen to watch my last match?

Light: We received tickets to your show as a bonus for an errand we completed. We were all thoroughly entertained.

Diletta: Aw man, you shoulda said something sooner!

Nimbus: You're a pretty tough fighter, you know that?

Light: Indeed. I was surprised to see you deliberately put yourself in the way of your opponent's attacks.

Diletta: Hehe, that's just my style!

Diletta: I stop my opponent's strongest move in its tracks, and then I win! Really gets the crowd going, you know?

Alk: Well I can't argue with that, but... aren't you worried about getting hurt?

Diletta: Nah, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve. Like redirecting the force of the attack or weakening it with a blow of my own.

Diletta: Although, to be honest, recently, I've-

Young Fangirl: U-um... You're Diletta, right? I'm a huge fan of yours! Can I get an autograph?!

Diletta: Oho, a fan, eh? I'm kinda off-duty right now, but what the heck! Gimme some paper!

Young Fanboy: I love how dramatic your fighting style is! Consider me a fan for life!

Middle-Aged Fanboy: You know, you remind me of a fighter from back in the day. Ever heard of Ardor the Masked? You're both such great fighters!

Diletta: Ardor... the Masked?

Diletta: I ain't nothing like my old man!

Diletta: What a buzzkill... Saying crap like that.

Light: So your father was also a fighter.

Diletta: Yeah, but a real dumb one. All he cared about was getting the crowd going.

Nimbus: I mean, that sounds a lot like what you're doing...

Diletta: No way! I'm actually trying to win!

Diletta: But Pops... He cared more about giving a flashy performance. The actual outcome of the match didn't matter to him...

Diletta: He eventually got hurt and had to retire.

Diletta: I refuse to turn out like my old man. Someday, I'm gonna be the champion of some big-time arena!

Diletta: Or at least I hope so! I know I've got a long way to go!

Diletta: Anyway, sorry about that. I made things a bit awkward, didn't I?

Alk: Not at all. We'll be cheering you on.

Diletta: Hehe, 'ppreciate it!

Diletta: Ah, if you really wanna support me, how about helping me out with my training?

Diletta: I don't know if you're bounty hunters or scavengers, but you guys look seriously strong.

Nimbus: Well... I guess you could call us fighters in our own right.

Diletta: I knew it! You see, I'm in a bit of slump lately, so I've been on the lookout for new ways to train.

Light: I see... Well, the strength you seek may be different from what we can provide.

Diletta: Yeah, I know, but if it'll help me out, even just a little, I wanna give it a try!

Stella: Then shall we head to Starview Village?

Diletta: Star what now? Never heard of it. That a Float somewhere?

Nimbus: Uh... It's something like our own base of operations. You won't run out of sparring partners there, that much I can assure you.

Diletta: Seriously?! Then take me with you to this Starry Villa or whatever!

Light: Just one more question then, Diletta... Can you keep a secret?

Diletta: Ah, I getcha... No worries there. I'm a lady of my word. Your business is safe with me.

Stella: Then welcome to Starview Village, Diletta.

Diletta: Thanks! I really owe you guys!

Diletta: Hey, Chef! Grab all the fish I caught today! We're gonna have ourselves a party!

Episode 2
Don't Sweat It

Despite her winning streak, Diletta can't get her mind off the words of some cynical fans. Nimbus is blunt with her during their match, but that just makes Diletta more nervous. She trains the night away, only to be discovered by Alk and Stella, who she vents to. After Stella makes her realize she's lost the enjoyment she gets from fighting, she thanks the two of them and finally leaves the training grounds.

Diletta: Now you'll see what I've been training for! Eat this!

Diletta: Shining Maelstrom! Graaah!

Announcer: And she's done it! Diletta has turned the tables and won the day! This makes nine consecutive wins for her this season!

Alk: Great job out there, Diletta! The crowd was going crazy for you!

Diletta: Hehe, thanks! Don't worry, I've got plenty more where that came from!

Diletta: I'm aiming for Float Champion, after all! On that note, hope you're up for another sparring match, Nimbus!

Nimbus: Agaian? Man, you just don't quit, do you?

Young Fan: Ugh, Diletta's streak just keeps going, huh? I'm sure the casual fans are eating up that flashy style of hers, but I'm sick of it.

Middle-Aged Fan: Well, she's only big for now. That showy style of hers isn't gonna cut it once she's in the big leagues.

Nimbus: Tch, listen to them whine behind someone's back. What a bunch of cowards.

Diletta: Leave 'em alone. They're the type of fans who always find something to complain about.

Diletta: Besides... They're not totally wrong.

Diletta: But forget about that for now! Let's grab some grub! I know a great place close to here!

Diletta: Take this! And this! And some of these! There's more where that came from!

Diletta: Phew! That should be good for today. Thanks for the match, Nimbus!

Nimbus: Hey... Were you really going all out just now?

Diletta: Huh? Of course, I was! Wouldn't be training if I wasn't taking it seriously.

Nimbus: That so... Then forget I said anything.

Diletta: Wait, what the hell? If you've got something to say, spit it out!

Nimbus: You're not responsible for what other people say about you.

Nimbus: You know that better than anyone.

Diletta: I...

Nimbus: Whatever. Forget I said anything.

Diletta: ...Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit!

Alk: Huh? Is someone still using the training-

Alk: Diletta! have you been here the whole time?!

Diletta: Huh? Ah... Yeah...

Alk: Are you serious?! Don't you think you're going a bit- no, a lot overboard?!

Diletta: H-hehe... What's the big deal... I'm f-fine...

Stella: No, you are not.

Diletta: ...But what am I supposed to do if I'm not training? Just think about how screwed I am?

Diletta: The higher up I go in the matches, the tougher my opponents are gonna be. My fighting style ain't gonna cut it then.

Diletta: I already knew that, but... I'm still scared.

Diletta: Dammit! Why am I so weak?!

Stella: Are you having fun, Diletta

Diletta: Does it look like I'm having fun?! Of course no-

Diletta: Oh.

Diletta: Now I'm the one who's not making any sense! How could I let it get this far?

Diletta: Aaargh!

Diletta: Dammit... That's so lame!

Alk: What is?

Diletta: Me! All this talk about winning, losing, and whether my techniques will work or not... All of it is so stupid!

Alk: Uh, I don't know about that... Those all seem like important things to consider...

Diletta: Yeah, but my own worries about that junk ain't exactly what I want the crowd to see. To put on a convincing show, I need to be having a good time myself.

Diletta: Sorry for snapping like that. I'm feeling better now.

Stella: Then it's fine.

Diletta: All right, now with that out of the way, you're up, Alk! Spar with me!

Alk: Hold on... I'm pretty sure I just said you're overdoing it.

Diletta: Come on, just a little longer! I'm really itching to fight right now! Can't we just have an itty-bitty match?

Stella: No.

Diletta: Th-then what about-

Stella: No.

Diletta: Fine...

Alk: The bath's already heated, so why don't you go for a nice soak and take it easy for the rest of the night? We can spar all you want tomorrow.

Diletta: Hehe, well, when you put it like that...

Diletta: Thanks, you guys.

Episode 3
Like Father...

Diletta and the others are celebrating her winning streak when pirates attack the ship they're on, resulting in Diletta going toe-to-toe with the pirates' captain. Upon winning, they reveal they are fans of Diletta's father, and ask for an autograph. Diletta obliges, but when the captain asks her to sign his "Ardor the Masked II," she sends him flying.

Head Fisherman: Three cheers for Diletta! Congrats on beating your personal record for most wins in a season!

Fisherman: As both fellow fishermen and fans of yours, we're so stinkin' proud of you!

Diletta: Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first hundred times. Man, you guys don't know when to quit.

Head Fisherman: And three cheers to her trainers, too! Stuff your faces to your hearts' content.

Stella: Thank you. This food is very delicious.

Diletta: I still can't believe you guys rented out a restaurant boat for this. Doncha think you're going a bit overboard?

Head Fisherman: Gyahaha! It wasn't that expensive! These waters have been overrun by pirates lately, so they were practically beggin' for customers.

Nimbus: ...And you didn't think to tell us about the pirates?

Fisherman: Come on, it's fiiine! Besides, if they try to mess with us, we've got Diletta on our side! We fishermen can hold our own too!

Pirate Captain: We'll be takin' this here ship, ya filthy landlubbers!

Nimbus: Speak of the devil.

Pirate Captain: Hah-hah! now give us all the grub and booty you can find, or we'll make you walk the plank!

Diletta: Hey, jerkwads! You've got a lotta nerve interrupting our party like this!

Fishermen: Who you callin' landlubbers?! We're men of the sea just like you sorry lot! Don't you dare look down on us fishermen!

Pirate Captain: W-well, blow me down. These seadogs wanna fight! In that case, give 'em a good showing, boys!

Alk: Phew, I think that takes care of this area...

Light: Now to find Diletta and Nimbus... Perhaps they're at the bow of the ship?

Light: Wh-what's going on?!

Pirate Captain: Yarrgh! Take this, lass!

Diletta: Nngh! Didja think that would work on me? I'll show yooouuu!

Alk: Uh... What's going on?

Pirate Crew: That's it, Cap'n! Get 'er!

Fishermen: You're doin' great, Diletta! Just keep pilin' on the hits!

Nimbus: Ah, so you guys finished up over on your end of the boat, huh?

Alk: Y-yeah. Uh... Care to explain what's going on?

Nimbus: Diletta's taking on the pirate captain one-on-one. Before I knew it, they had themselves an audience.

Light: Both camps have stopped their quarrels and are fully absorbed in the spectacle...

Pirate Captain: This calls fer drastic measures! Feast your eyes on this, lass! Pirate Suplex Slam!

Diletta: Gah! P-pretty good for an old timer! But guess what?

Diletta: Now it's my turn!

Diletta: Take this! Shiniiing... Maelstrooom!

Diletta: Hehe, didja see that, boys? Looks like I'm your champion!

Pirates & Fishermen: Yeeeaaah! Diletta! Diletta!

Pirate Captain: Good game, lass. You beat me fair 'n square... But blimey, what a fight!

Diletta: Thanks, man. You weren't half bad yourself.

Pirate Captain: I haven't felt this good losin' since I went up against Ardor the Masked... Hell, he might be the only other match I enjoyed!

Diletta: You know my pops?

Pirate Captain: Pops?! So you're his kin! Of course, we know him!

Pirate Crew: We're all huge fans of his!

Alk: Wh-what...

Pirate Captain: We had ourselves a wee spar back in the day, and the crew and I were hooked after that!

Pirate Captain: Hate to admit it, but we haven't been keepin' up with the sport since he retired. I had no idea his daughter was carryin' on the family legacy!

Pirate Captain: Don't know how I missed it. your styles match up perfectly!

Diletta: Tch. I ain't doing this to carry on his legacy. I'm my own fighter!

Diletta: ...Hey.

Diletta: Was my dad... strong?

Pirate Captain: You bet your booty he was. But more importantly, fightin' him was a riot.

Diletta: Gotcha... Then I guess I can let it slide. Don't compare us ever again though!

Diletta: Hehe...

Pirate Crew: E-excuse me, lass. Could we get yer autograph?

Pirate Captain: Get in line, ya sea dogs! Cap'n gets first dibs!

Nimbus: These guys realize they're going to jail, right?

Diletta: Okay, fine. I guess you've all earned yourselves some autographs. I'll sign your clothes, how's that sound?

Pirates: Thank ya, lass!

Diletta: There, how's that look?

Pirate Captain: Ah, wait! Could you write "Ardor the Masked II" under your name here?

Diletta: Who you think you're messing with, huh?!