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Episode 1
Can You Hear Me?

Lost in a blank world of white, Alk and co. follow the tune of a familiar voice. They eventually find Dia putting on a show for her fans. After a heartfelt reunion, she decides to join them on their journey.

Alk: Yep... Still nothing but white.

Light: White as far as the eye can see.

Alk: White in the sky, white on the ground, nothing but white all around. What kind of place is this supposed to be?

Nimbus: And not a single scent to pick up. Something's fishy about this place.

Nimbus: Hmph. Would you look at that?

Light: This... is the mark we left when we first arrived.

Alk: We should've been going in a straight line. I don't get it.

Alk: Where are you going, Stella?

Stella: I... I can hear her.

Nimbus: What're you talkin' about? I don't hear nothing.

Stella: My ears do not deceive me. This way.

Light: Um, Stella...

Alk: Should we check it out?

Nimbus: Might as well—it's not like we've got anything else to go on.

Alk: Wait, Nimbus... do you hear that?

Nimbus: Course I can. I've got better hearing than any of you. Well, besides Stella's.

Nimbus: And I've got a feelin' that we've heard this tune before.

Stella: It must be her...

Stella: Dia!

Dia: No way! Stella?

Dia: Ahahaha! I'd recognize that organic body and squishy cheeks from a mile away!

Dia: I can't believe it... It really is you!

Stella: It sure is.

Alk: I thought I recognized that voice!

Nimbus: Well, if it ain't Miss Metal Mask!

Light: I never thought we'd run into you here. What a lovely surprise!

Dia: Likewise! And I can probably guess why you're here too.

Dia: Say, K-2... Can you take us to you-know-where?

Dia: Okay, just follow the K-2, everyone!

Stella: You can comprehend their words?

Dia: Oh, more or less.

Dia: Turns out they're fans of my singing, so it works out!

Light: Hold it. Where are we going, exactly?

Dia: To the World Flipper, of course!

Alk: I'll be darned. There it is.

Dia: They've been protecting it this whole time, although they've never managed to use it.

Stella: How did you activate it?

Dia: When I touched it, it started right up.

Dia: You've been a lovely audience, but I'm afraid this is where I must depart.

Dia: Thank you so much for the support, everyone! I'll come back to see you again!

Dia: And I'll leave this thing open so you guys can come to my concerts!

Dia: I've been on a journey myself, actually. There's so much I want to tell you about!

Stella: Of course.

Episode 2
Record of a Diva

During her time apart from Alk and the others, Dia traveled through many of the same worlds as they did. After taking a trip down memory lane, she decides to put on a show for Stella and the people of Starview.

Alk: So you've been to the same worlds we've been to, Dia?

Dia: Yup! After returning all of the bugged memories, I decided to go on a journey of my own!

Nimbus: By yourself? I'm surprised that traitor didn't have anything to say about it.

Dia: Well, Regis insisted on coming along... so I just slipped away without telling him!

Dia: This was something I wanted to do on my own from the start anyway.

Nimbus: Hahaha! Serves him right.

Light: How pitiful.

Dia: The first world I visited was just a wasteland as far as the eye could see.

Dia: But I eventually found a feline girl teasing a canid boy.

Dia: They showed me their village, and there were all sorts of furry friends there!

Nimbus: There were felines AND canids?

Dia: Yep! It seems they just started building the place too. One thing's for sure— those cats and dogs could SING!

Nimbus: Glad to hear it.

Dia: After that, I went to a world that was pretty much all water! I'd never traveled by boat before!

Dia: I met some mermaids there, and we had a contest to see who could lure more pirates with our singing!

Dia: It ended up in a tie, I think. Those pirates never knew what hit 'em!

Alk: We dabbled in a bit of piracy of our own, didn't we?

Stella: It was quite fun.

Dia: For real?! Wow, I totally wish I could've had a chance!

Light: I've had enough piracy for a lifetime, thanks.

Dia: After that, I found myself in a world full of sand! It was kinda scary at first.

Dia: But then I met some children who were super nice to me. They gave me a cloak to hide from the scary grown-ups!

Dia: Oh, and there were these gorgeous dancers! When they performed with me in the moonlight, it was so beautiful...

Nimbus: That's not the impression I got.

Dia: What, you don't believe me?

Nimbus: Oh, I do all right.

Dia: Anyway, after that was a forest world, full of verdant life!

Dia: There was an old guy there... I think he was dead? But still living... sort of. What's the deal with that?

Light: Ah, wise Regitare. A sage among sages.

Alk: He called himself the king of the dead or something at first. It totally spooked me out!

Dia: But he turned out to be a total sweetheart! He even prepared a stage for me to perform in the forest!

Dia: I'd never seen a place so green before. And when I began to sing, all these mushrooms came out of nowhere!

Stella: They must have been Shroombo's relatives.

Dia: Yeah, there were red, blue, green, pink, and yellow mushrooms—an entire spectrum!

Stella: I would love to see you perform onstage sometime, Dia.

Dia: Well... How about now?

Alk: Now that's an idea—a performance to celebrate your arrival in Starview Village!

Dia: Let's start the show! Activating sound unit. Deploying audio field!

Dia: All eyes and electrons on me! Here. We. Goooooo!

Episode 3
Take a Deep Breath

As Dia's travels with Alk and co. continue, she reflects on the administrator now having gained a deeper understanding of her behavior. With the help of Alk and the others, she puts on a show with Stella as promised before.

Dia: Laaa, la, la, laa...

Dia: Having trouble sleeping too?

Stella: I'm just taking a late-night stroll.

Dia: Oh. You wanna chat for a bit?

Dia: I'm an android, so you'd think I could just go to sleep mode or something, but I'm weirdly human like that.

Dia: I don't think I could ever be like Regis when it comes to modifications and stuff.

Stella: Are the two of you fighting?

Dia: Huh? What do you mean?

Stella: You went on this journey on your own without him.

Dia: I guess you could say he's kinda my biggest fan. But it can be a lot, you know?

Dia: Oh, but don't worry, Stella! It's not like I dislike him or anything.

Dia: I just... wanted to go on a journey where I didn't need to rely on anyone else.

Stella: That's very courageous of you, Dia.

Dia: I wish. All I've learned on my own is that I can't be on my own!

Stella: What makes you say that?

Dia: Well, it's like... no matter where I went, I couldn't stand to be alone.

Dia: I'd have someone sing with me, or listen to me sing. Even when alone, I always had someone on my mind.

Dia: I've realized... I can't ever be alone.

Dia: And I think I understand why the Administrator ended up the way she did.

Stella: You mean the one we defeated?

Dia: Yeah... She said that a lot of humans once lived on our planet.

Dia: But there was a terrible war that destroyed most of the world. The only way for the survivors to go on was to become one.

Dia: That's why the Administrator made androids—to meet the people that disappeared once again.

Dia: But I guess it didn't work out in the end, huh?

Stella: I wouldn't say so.

Dia: Huh?

Stella: Your songs have the power to do just that, Dia.

Stella: At the very end, the Administrator... She looked like she was smiling.

Dia: Wow... I never thought about it like that. Thanks, Stella.

Stella: Of course, that is only my opinion.

Dia: True, but if you saw it that way, then me too!

Dia: Say, do you remember our promise?

Dia: We promised to sing together. How about now?

Stella: Oh. Well, I...

Dia: C'mon Stella, let's sing together!

Stella: V-very well. A promise is a promise, after all.

Dia: You hear that, everyone? Operation: CONCERT is a go!

Nimbus: Yeesh... That android knows how to get her way with people, huh?

Dia: Hey, no complaining! You said you wanted to hear her too, right?

Dia: Okay, activating sound unit! Deploying audio field!

Stella: W-wait, Dia! What is all this?

Dia: Heh-heh... I know you've been rehearsing every day Stella!

Dia: Besides, it's way more fun to sing with a friend, right?

Alk: And count us in too! The more the merrier, right?

Stella: Did you know about this, Alk?

Alk: Yeah. I mean, it sounded like it'd be a lot of fun! Right?

Dia: You betcha! Totes fun!

Stella: I... I'm inclined to agree.

Dia: Haha! Sounds like we're good then! No need to be shy—I'll kick things off myself!

Stella: All right. Go ahead, Dia.

Dia: Okay!

Dia: Ready, everyone? Let's make some noise!