Denah (Oath to the Dawn)/Stories

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Episode 1
Adventure on the Dunes

Denah senses the somber atmosphere in Starview Village and invites the group to go exploring ruins. Within these ruins, they encounter a group of hunters, though their quarrel is interrupted by the emergence of the ruin's guardians. The two groups cooperate to take down the enemies, and depart on good terms. Denah leaves the treasure for the hunter, but still says the experience was worthwhile.

Denah: MY LORD calls upon me again, granting me a new mission- one which will see my grand desire realized!

Denah: That mission? To retrieve an ANCIENT ARTIFACT, long interred in sand, lying in wait deep within a distant desert!

Alk: That's the plot summary for your next adventure, I take it?

Denah: Yep.

Denah: I mean... I feel like we need one! Don't you think the mood in Starview's been a bit... dour? Given the whole business with the Overlords...

Stella: I...

Denah: Oh, sorry, I wasn't blaming you! Please don't make that pouty face, Stella, I can't take it!

Denah: Anyway... I get that the situation is dire, but it's not like we can do anything about it NOW, right?

Denah: So I figured... we could use a diversion! A breather! Some fun and games!

Alk: You know what? I think Denah's right.

Alk: Let's take some time off and go on an adventure!

Stella: Okay! Please take us along, Denah.

Denah: Leave it to me! My Lord's all-seeing Phantom Eye has already glimpsed the scorching, sandstorm-ravaged land to which we head!

Denah: You but need to follow behind me- as obedient goslings cling to their mother- and you will not go astray!

Alk: ...Yeah, we'd better not. Getting lost in the desert is a death sentence- you won't be able to survive there for a month like you did in Oceanus, you know.

Denah: I-I know that! Sonia told me as much. Don't worry, we'll be fine- mainly because I've decided YOU'RE going to be our guide!

Alk: Okay. But, uh, are you really going to head into a desert with clothes like that?

Denah: What do you mean? This new outfit is perfect for a devoted servant of darkness like myself!

Alk: I suppose it does look pretty stylish...

Denah: Aha! So there IS a part of you that longs for darkness... You know, you'd look pretty good in black too, Alk- why don't you get a similar outfit?!

Alk: Uh, no thank you.

Alk: Besides, aren't you hot wearing something like that?

Denah: Nope! This shields my skin from the sun's rays. Plus, I got an alchemist to outfit it with special heat resistance- cost an arm and a leg, though...

Denah: This grab is capable of withstanding even dragon's breath! Well, it biter be- if it doesn't, that alchemist is getting a beating...

Denah: Soooo... Hotttt...

Alk: Hate to say I told you so, but... Here, need some water?

Denah: Do I ever!

Light: The plan is to explore some ancient ruins, no? Once we're inside, things should cool down considerably.

Denah: Really?! Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! My destiny awaits!

Alk: Denah, stop! That's the wrong way!

Alk: Think you can open it?

Denah: Hmm... Give me a sec here. That rune means "a", and that one is "d", so given the context... it's gotta be this one!

Light: Hold on- you can read this script?

Denah: Yeah. I just thought it'd be cool to be able to read an ancient language, you know?

Denah: Hah! I'm not one to balk in the face of a minor challenge like reading ancient glyphs!

Alk: You... studied a language from an ancient civilization- from another world, mind you- all because it would be "cool"? That's... honestly impressive.

Denah: Yeah, but you know what I think is even more interesting? All the different magic system they have on other worlds! They all just make my head spin!

Light: You really are quite talented, Denah.

???: That's far enough.

Brawny Hunter: Are you members of the Golden Dawn? Or do you hail from the Kingdom?

Slender Hunter: It doesn't matter who they are, Brother. We can't let the relic fall into their hands!

Light: Wait! This is all a misunderstanding-

Denah: Let's be real here- you guys are just here for the treasure as well, right?

Slender Hunter: The history that lies buried within these sands... The likes of you do not deserve to have it!

Denah: Yep, with a lame comeback like that, now I'm convinced.

Denah: You guys are all high-and-mighty about it, but basically you're just exploring ruins to search for goodies.

Denah: Meaning, we're not so different. Let me put it to you in a way you can understand...

Denah: In a fight with me and my Lord is what you desire, then so be it! Come, grave robbers!

Denah: But beware- the darkess that I wield stems from the farthest depths of the abyss! Can you stand undaunted before the might of the VOID?

Slender Hunter: D-damn it... You...

Denah: Er, well... That's no good. How about a temporary truce?

Slender Hunter: ...Agreed.

Brawny Hunter: Our village is just to the west of here. If you are ever in need of something, come see us.

Slender Hunter: Heathen or not, we swear to repay this debt to you.

Light: Was that truly the right call? They ended up leaving with the treasure...

Denah: Pfft, it's no problem. That thing didn't look like it was going to be of any use to me on my quest anyway!

Denah: More importantly than that, we've gotta decide where we're going next!

Alk: Man, nothing gets you down, does it? I guess you're gonna need a chaperone and guide on your next outing too, huh?

Denah: You bet I will! Let's all go somewhere together! This was SO much fun, I want to do it again!

Stella: Yes, me too.

Denah: Okay! Then it's settled. We're off to our next adventure!

Episode 2
Endless Blue Bop

Denah and Sonia are discussing the culture of the Kingdom of Sand, when Sonia invites Denah to partake in some dancing. While practicing, Sonia takes an interest in the dances of the Endless Blue, and decides to choreograph a new type of dance- with some assistance from Stella. They perform this dance for Alk and co., and have quite the good time.

Alk: Well, this isn't a duo you see every day. What are you two talking about?

Sonia: Why hello there, Alk! Are you usually this interested in snooping on girls mid-conversation?

Denah: Heh-heh. Give him a break Sonia, he's young. Probably still worried about cooties and stuff!

Alk: Well, this was a mistake! I'm out.

Denah: Oh come on, don't be like that! We're just teasing. It's nice of you to show an interest in our conversation!

Alk: You were discussing the culture of the Kingdom of Sand? Now that I think about it, you did mention talking to Sonia before, didn't you?

Denah: Yep. I've been getting her advice on a whole bunch of stuff recently!

Denah: There's no use hiding it either- I got the idea for my new REGALIA OF DARKNESS from none other than our Floating Lotus here!

Sonia: Yeah, but I distinctly remember telling you that wearing that massive black cloak with it would be way too hot.

Denah: Well... Nobody said looking good was easy! Sometimes you have to suffer in the name of style!

Sonia: Hehe. You're such a character, Denah. I like you!

Alk: Now that I think about it, you don't really come across people like Denah in the Kingdom of Sand, do you?

Denah: Huh? What do you mean? I'm sure there's tons of people like me there! Who doesn't love ancient civilizations?

Denah: Sunken ruins, highly advanced artifacts lying around in conspicuous places- it's all just so... EPIC!

Alk: I'm not sure that's everyone's cup of tea- Sonia included. She's working as an entertainer in Palpebra now, after all.

Sonia: Speaking of which... Denah would you be interested in trying out? Dancing, I mean!

Sonia: I can teach you some of our moves! That way, you can feel the culture of the desert with your body as well!

Denah: Dancing, huh? I suppose that's one way I could show my loyalty to my Lord- by engaging in the ritual of dance!

Denah: I'll do it! Teach me how to dance, Sonia!

Sonia: Will do! Listen carefully, we've got a lot of ground to cover!

Sonia: Hahaha! That's incredible, Denah! You're catching on so fast!

Stella: Denah is a dance machine.

Denah: But of course! If it's for the sake of my Lord, I will do whatever it takes!

Denah: But uh... To be honest...

Denah: Isn't this dancing a little... You know... dirty?

Denah: Hey, Alk... What do you think? Was that a little risque? Should I tone it down?

Alk: No comment.

Denah: Sonia, where did you learn how to dance like that?! I'm not sure I'm ready to do a dance that... mature.

Sonia: Hehe. I don't know about "mature", Denah. I'm pretty sure you're older than I am!

Sonia: But the important thing is that you danced incredibly well, You looked like you were having the time of your life.

Sonia: I guess that type of dance isn't to everybody's liking though. Maybe we can try something else?

Sonia: What kind of dances do they have on your world?

Denah: Dances... Hmm, let me think about this...

Denah: We've got something like that...

Sonia: Not bad!

Sonia: That's pretty cool. I think I can even make a new dance out of that!

Stella: I have some music that would go well with it.

Denah: Whoa, this track is awesome!

Denah: Hehe... There it is! I feel some abyssal inspiration coming on!

Denah: Feast your eyes on this! I dedicate this to my Lord... I shall call this dance... the dance of DARKNESS!

Light: I wonder what could have come up? It's unusual for Denah to call us all out like this.

Nimbus: She's probably up to something super shady as usual.

Alk: Nah, this time it's different. There's nothing to worry about.

Alk: I still haven't seen her do the full version yet either, though.

Light: Stella? What are you doing?

Stella: Sound unit activated. Initiating music playback.

Denah: Welcome, brave travelers of the stars, to my GALA OF DARKNESS!

Denah: The dance I will perform for you today is dedicated to the one and only KING OF THE VOID AND DARKNESS! May its sight be burned into your eyes forever!

Nimbus: Damn. Tentacle lady's really got some moves.

Sonia: You haven't seen anything yet. Best part's coming up!

Denah: From the depths of the blackest abyss, he rises... And thus compels you- TO DANCE!

Alk: D-dance? We have to dance too?

Denah: Of course! The whole point of this is for everyone to have fun!

Denah: Don't worry if you can't dance! I'll do it for you!

Light: Wh-whoa!

Stella: I'm flying. This is incredible.

Denah: Come on, Alk, the others are doing it! Don't leave your friends behind- DANCE!

Alk: D-do I really have to? I...

Denah: You what? Hmm?

Alk: I... *sigh* Okay, I'll dance!

Denah: All right, things are only gonna heat up from here! Let's keep this party going!

Episode 3
The Horror Within

Denah and co. head out to explore ruins once again, but fall into a trap door, and are then assaulted by a group of golems. Denah brandishes her power to help the group, but loses control and is possessed. Just before she is about to hurt her friends, she comes to her senses. Finding it hard to forgive herself, Denah apologizes to the group, who reassures her that they still want her to stick around. Denah is happy to hear this, and proclaims that she will be their friend forever.

Denah: Oh gosh... It's so... unbelievably hot... I'm definitely going to melt by the end of this.

Stella: Have some water, Denah.

Denah: Thank you... Man, I even went through the trouble of upgrading the heat resistance effect on my clothes too...

Light: Are you sure you're in good enough health to do this? The ruins we're to explore today are said to be on the safer side, but if you're not feeling well...

Denah: No way, they said that once we get into the ruins, it'll be a breeze! Nothing to worry about.

Denah: In what world is this a BREEZE?!

Denah: Gah... What even WAS that?

Light: Quite odd for a trap to still be active. According to those hunters, these ruins are supposed to have been thoroughly excavated already.

Alk: Yeah... Also, it's weird that only Denah got caught in the trap.

Denah: No kidding! It's like I'm the only one playing on hard mode or something.

Light: Stella? What's wrong?

Stella: There's something here.

Alk: Letters? How about it, Denah? Can you read what they say?

Denah: Hmm... Let's see... This inscription appears to be... a warning?

Denah: "Those who covet forbidden power are condemned to die." What?!

Light: Alk! Stella!

Denah: Lend me your aid, my Lord!

Denah: Is everyone all right?

Alk: I-I think so... You seriously saved our butts there.

Stella: Thank you so much, Denah.

Light: I saw my whole life flash before my eyes there for a moment...

Light: This must be the innermost section of the ruins. Why would the trap door lead to a place like this?

Denah: Everyone, look!

Alk: Does that just scream "trap" to anyone else?

Denah: It totally does...

Alk: Looks like we're not alone here...

Light: This room was merely another part of the trap... This isn't good. We must find a way out!

Denah: Don't worry. I'll take care of this.

Denah: Throw as many enemies at me as you want, I'll destroy them all!

Light: There's something wrong... That power... It's not normal!

Alk: Get back, both of you!

Denah: ...How easily they break.

Denah: Haha... Muahahahaha!

Denah: G-gah...

Alk: Denah! Are you okay? Can you hear us?

Denah: Mortals... Your bodies... So ephemeral and frail...

Light: You... Who are you?!

Denah: None escape my gaze... I am witness... to all creation...

Alk: Just stop! We don't care what you have to say- just give us Denah back!

Denah: Humans... So... irredeemably... weak.

Stella: Stop, Denah! This isn't like you!

Denah: I will... End you...

Alk: What happened?

Denah: Gah...

Denah: No! No, no, no, no, no! This is WRONG!

Denah: Stop it... Even if you are my Lord, I can't...

Denah: I can't let you hurt my friends! I won't allow it!

Light: Denah... Thank goodness you've returned to your senses!

Stella: Denah!

Denah: Haha... That's right, it's regular old me! Hold that thought, please- I need to take care of the rest of these guys!

Denah: Stay back where it's safe, everyone!

Denah: How dare you lay a hand on my friends!

Stella: Denah... Are you okay?

Denah: I'm so sorry for screwing things up, everyone...

Denah: I... I was able to keep my memories this time. I remember.

Denah: My Lord possessed my body and... tried to kill Alk.

Denah: Apologizing won't undo what I did... If you want me to, I...

Denah: I'll leave Starvew Village-

Stella: No. Don't.

Alk: We, uh... We're about to go pick a fight with literal gods, you know.

Alk: We'll need all the help we can get to do that. Having abilities like the ones you just demonstrated could come in handy.

Alk: I definitely agree that this... Lord of yours is bad news, but... If we use him correctly, he could be our trump card.

Stella: Let's go back to Starview Village.

Denah: O-okay... Thank you, Alk, Stella.

Light: But I must ask you to keep a strong hold on these powers of yours, Denah. There's no guarantee you'll be able to stop yourself next time.

Denah: You're right. I... I'll do my best! I'll face the Lord head on and get him to see things my way!

Denah: I swear this! Let this be our covenant!

Denah: No matter what happens... I will always be your friend!