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Episode 1
Reach Out to the Truth

Detecting a shift, Stella leads her friends to a catfolk girl named Couette ho commands a magic lion familiar. Couette reveals that, through her dreams, she knows that other worlds exist and desires to travel with Alk and co. to expand her horizons. Unsurprisingly, Stella welcomes her with open arms.

Catfolk Girl: So pretty...

???: That's far enough.

Silver-Haired Woman: Run along home now, dearie. It's too soon for a little darling like you to go any further.

Catfolk Girl: But I want to know..

Catfolk Girl: What lies ahead.

Silver-Haired Woman: Even though you forgot who you were along the way? I bet you don't even remember your own name.

Silver-Haired Woman: Unfortunately, it's time to wake up.

Silver-Haired Woman: We'll meet again someday, Couette... Take care not to lose yourself before our next meeting.

Light: Stella? Something wrong?

Stella: ...I think I detect a shift.

Couette: Attack. I dare you.

Alk: Stop right there!

Alchemist: Hold it!

Alk: Out of the way! That little girl is gonna get hurt-

Alchemist: If you don't stay put, you'll be caught in her attack!

Alk: Huh?

Couette: Koma, help me out.

Alk: O-oh...

Couette: *yawn* They didn't stand a chance.

Alchemist: They sure didn't. Dad is proud of you!

Stella: Look out!

Alk: Not on my watch!

Couette: Koma!

Alchemist: Th-that was close... I don't know how I can ever repay you!

Couette: I'm sorry, that was my bad. Are you okay-

Couette: ...Dad. He's the one.

Alchemist: Is that so? He certainly looks the part.

Alchemist: Well then, young lad... Take care of my daughter Couette.

Couette: I'm not the most experienced, but...

Alk: Wait, what's going on?!

Light: ...You've been searching for someone to be your mentor?

Couette: Yes. I want to know more about my power. I want to see where it leads me.

Alchemist: The people of this world aren't very well versed in the ways of magic.

Alchemist: Unlike the rigid logic and laws of alchemy, magic often has a mind of its own. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone here adept in it.

Elliot: ...Ah, but my apologies. I've been extremely rude, haven't I? I am Elliot, Couette's father.

Light: Er, well met, sir. But I'm confused. What do you mean by the people of "this world"?

Couette: It's okay, you don't have to pretend. We already know. You're all from another world.

Couette: I saw it in a dream. Our world was one of many in a sea of stars.

Stella: In a dream...

Elliot: Indeed. But Couette's dreams are no mere dreams. In fact, we discovered Koma's vessel atop Couette's pillow one morning.

Elliot: To be able to interact with things outside our realm... My daughter is truly blessed.

Light: Is that why you're searching for a mentor- to develop her power further?

Elliot: Oh, not exactly. I just thought it would be a good experience for her, should the opportunity ever present itself.

Elliot: After all, how often is it that you spend your life searching for something and actually find it?

Elliot: She takes after me in that regard, though I am nothing more than an amateur researcher.

Couette: He's just being polite. My dad's actually an amazing alchemist.

Elliot: You flatter me. Regardless, it is unfortunate that others seek my dear Couette's power for their own gain.

Light: I assume you're referring to the foes you felled earlier... Indeed, leaving for other worlds would keep her safe from them, as an additional boon.

Alk: We'd never turn away someone in need, of course, but... I'm not sure we're qualified to teach magic.

Couette: That's okay. The worlds beyond this one are new to me. Everything will be a learning experience.

Couette: Plus...

Alk: Wh-what now? I don't smell, do I?

Couette: I know your scent.

Couette: So even if I'm lost in a dream...

Couette: Alk. Stella. Will you take me with you?

Stella: Of course. We welcome you, Couette.

Elliot: Take care, Couette. Don't stay up too often, and eat all your green peas, okay?

Couette: Okay, Dad. But promise you won't work too hard. You'll worry Mom.

Elliot: I promise. Be well, my dear Couette.

Couette: I will!

Couette: I'm going to become a wise and powerful mage.

Couette: But I can't do it by myself. I'll need your help and guidance.

Alk: We'll back you up however we can!

Episode 2
Hand in Hand

Alk and co. bring Couette to Voluntas Academy to learn magic, but instead are confronted by the dark mage of the Kaleidoscope. He calls Couette a kindred spirit before disappearing, causing her to lose consciousness. Couette has fitful dreams after, but is comforted by Alk and Stella holder her hand. When she wakes, she happily reveals that she's learned a little bit more about magic.

Alk: *sigh* Ugh, I'm wiped...

Alk: Not enough strength in my follow-through, but... Is it my waist? Or my arms... I dunno anymore...

Couette: Hnng... Just... a little more...

Couette: So close...

Alk: GAH?!

Couette: Ah... Sorry to wake you.

Alk: Huh... EH?! C-Couette! What were you doing?

Couette: I wanted to let you lie in my lap.

Alk: Say what now.

Couette: Whenever I was really tired, my mom and dad would do this for me.

Couette: So here. Lie down.

Alk: Sorry, but I'll pass. I've got an image to uphold... Besides, that kind of thing is a privilege reserved for kids.

Couette: But my dad always got to lie down in my mom's lap.

Couette: Plus, I read in the Oculus that everyone likes it.

Alk: I swear the Oculus exists just to haunt me...

Alk: Welp, it's a good thing you woke me though. passing out here is terrible for my back, and I've still got a lot of work left to do-

Couette: Then let me hug you at least.

Alk: Err, I'm gonna pass on that too.

Couette: What about head pats? Surely that's okay?

Alk: If you really insist...

Couette: You work too hard, Alk. You should ask other people to help you more.

Couette: Like me. Future best mage ever.

Alk: You sure the best mage ever shouldn't be doing more important things?

Couette: My mom and dad are both amazing alchemists. They told me alchemy is for helping others.

Couette: That goes for magic too.

Alk: Huh... You know what, bow you're got me feeling all inspired.

Alk: Remember how I promised we'd go visit Voluntas Academy sometime? How would you like to go now?

Alk: I'd like to learn a little more about magic myself, actually. We can take this opportunity to learn together.

Couette: I'm so excited... My knees are shaking...

Alk: What do you mean you can't teach Couette?

Alk: You were all eager when you noticed she was super powerful earlier-

Academy Teacher: That's because, well... That was before we realized the nature of her power. She's a potential danger to the other students...

Academy Teacher: Please accept my sincerest apologies! There's nothing more I can do about the matter!

Couette: It's okay.

Couette: Dad always said that people are reluctant to accept things that are new and unknown.

Couette: it just takes time. Maybe one day...

Alk: Couette...

???: I highly doubt you even need their company...

Academy Professor(?): Knowing them would not sate your desire for truth- for the axiom that will lead you to the answers you seek.

Couette: Who... are you?

Academy Professor(?): I couldn't help but be curious upon hearing we received a child prodigy who could wield magic without relying on incantations.

Academy Professor(?): Tell me: do you honestly wish to see where your power will lead you?

Couette: Yes. I want to know.

Academy Professor(?): Are you sure? Nothing awaits you down that path.

Couette: Ah... Ahhhh...

Academy Professor(?): Power does not lead to elegant truths and fulfilled ideals. All things are tainted with darkness.

Academy Professor(?): In your pursuit of truth you will find only disappointment- for the true way of this world is that of complete nihility.

Alk: Get away from her!

Mage: Gahahaha! Shelve your anger.

Mage: Surely there's nothing wrong with sharing a fact or two with a kindred spirit, hm?

Alk: Couette, open your eyes! Are you okay?

Alk: Stella, how is she?

Stella: Okay. Her nightmares seem to go away when I hold her hand.

Alk: I see...

Couette: Alk... Stella?

Alk: We've got you. Everything's fine now. That weird guy is nowhere near here, promise.

Couette: A long time ago...

Couette: When I learned Mom and Dad would pass away someday, I got really scared and cried a lot...

Couette: But then... Mom and Dad held my hand just like this...

Stella: I will always be here for you.

Alk: Me too. We're not going anywhere.

Couette: Alk.

Couette: I'm here to talk about magic like we promised.

Alk: Couette? Er, but... Yesterday didn't exactly go as planned...

Couette: That's okay. I had a bunch of dreams!

Couette: A lot of them were scary. But there were also fun ones too. And... and...

Couette: I think I understand magic a little better now.

Couette: Did I say something funny?

Alk: Nah, it's just... You're amazing, you know that? You might actually become the best mage ever.

Alk: We should go grab Stella if we're gonna chat about magic. I think she'll appreciate it.

Couette: I was about to ask if we could do just that.

Episode 3
Brave Little Soul

After Amelia appears with news that Couette's parents have been kidnapped by pirates, Couette rushes into the World Flipper by herself and becomes lost in a dimensional rift. However, the guidance of her friends shows her the way out, and she manages to warp directly to her parents to save the day.

Suizen: What a truly fascinating tale.

Suizen: Based on what I've heard, I believe I know why the academy rejected you, Couette.

Suizen: they were probably fearful of you interfering with the fundamental basis of their school of magic.

Couette: The fundamental basis... of their magic?

Suizen: Take the diviners' art for instance. This chart illustrates the fundamental principles of our magic.

Suizen: Earth creates metal, metal creates water, water creates wood, wood creates fire, and fire creates earth. This is the cycle that generates.

Suizen: On the other hand, earth overpowers water, water overpowers fire, fire overpowers metal, metal overpowers wood, and wood overpowers earth. This is the cycle that destroys.

Suizen: What do you think, Couette?

Couette: This is different from the six elements that the academy's books wrote about.

Couette: But I think it's just as nice.

Suizen: The problem is, mixing magic from a variety of fundamental bases is dangerous. Mix too many, and your body will reject it. Your very self could be dismantled.

Couette: ...That's okay. I've already done that before.

Couette: Even if I forget all the things that made me happy and sad..

Couette: I'll just choose to try again.

Suizen: ...Very well.

Suizen: I shall teach you the core principles of divining.

Couette: Thank you!

Nimbus: Okay, is anyone else as lost as I am?

Couette: So... hungry...

Alk: Pretty sure Stella is feeling the same ay right now. Hold tight. I'll whip up some omurice real quick.

Couette: It's so late. Why haven't you eaten yet?

Stella: You said before that you liked eating dinner with others.

Stella: I do too, so I waited. Let's eat together.

Couette: Stella. Alk. Can I ask you something?

Couette: I'm an only child, and I've always wanted friends.

Couette: Is it okay for me to call you my friends?

Alk: Go for it!

Stella: Please do!

Couette: Hehehe... hanks. This makes me super happy.

Amelia: We've got, like, a total sitch on our tails!

Amelia: Ahh! Found you, Cou-Cou! This is literally just the worst! Your parents, they...

Amelia: They were taken hostage! Just totally got SNATCHED by pirates!

Couette: Mom... and Dad?

Light: The scoundrels are currently far from the mermaids' sacred grounds, aren't they?

Amelia: Y-yeah, like... Literally no way you'd make it there today- or even tomorrow!

Light: If they've taken Couette's parents as hostages, they definitely don't want to hurt them until they get what they want. We shouldn't panic.

Couette: Can't the World Flipper send us flying to them directly?

Stella: We've only launched like that when I don't have exact coordinates...

Stella: I can't control where we land when that happens.

Couette: But... Still...

Couette: There's a chance it can work!

Alk: Couette?!

Silver-Haired Woman: Lost yourself again, darling?

Silver-Haired Woman: You mustn't be so careless when you're walking the path of the void.

Couette: Ah... Ahh... What was I... I'm...

Silver-Haired Woman: But it seems you won't need my help this time.

Alk: Couette!

Couette: Alk... Stella!

Silver-Haired Woman: You have steadfast companions by your side now.

Silver-Haired Woman: Our next meeting shall be elsewhere, my dear Couette. Until then, use your power wisely- this power that we both share...

Couette: Mom! Dad! Get away from them!

Elliot: C-come on now, Caroline... Surely that's enough scolding-

Caroline: EXCUSE ME? Is it not a parent's job to thoroughly scold their child when said child has misbehaved?

Caroline: Because YOU won't reprimand our reckless daughter, that role falls to ME!

Elliot: To be fair, the recklessness does come from your side of the family.

Couette: Urk... I'm sorry...

Elliot: I am grateful beyond words for your aid in saving us...

Elliot: As well as how you have watched over our daughter and facilitated her growth.

Alk: Oh, please. You know she's always been one to take charge of her own fate. But she does get a little lonely from time to time...

Stella: You should come visit us in Starview Village when you have the chance.

Elliot: That is a wonderful idea. I'll pitch the idea to Caroline... once her anger has subsided.

Couette: *mumble* I want to chat with everyone too...