Corinna (Halloween)/Stories

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Episode 1
Happy Hallowork!

Corinna splurges on Halloween costumes for the orphanage—and has to clean a haunted mansion to break even. There, she rescues a pair of kids from a poltergeist, and receives a handsome reward from their father.

Alk: Corinna? Is everything okay?

Corinna: Ah! You two startled me. I was just looking for a quest, but... *sigh* I don't think I could handle any of these myself.

Light: In need of work, huh? You did mention that you were planning a Halloween party for the kids.

Corinna: Exactly. See, the other kids' Halloween costumes get fancier by the year.

Corinna: It wasn't easy, but I managed to get everyone at the orphanage something fun for the big day.

Light: That explains why you're dressed up like an angel. It does suit you, though.

Corinna: Ahaha, thank you. The kids picked it out for me. They even made the wings themselves!

Alk: They did?! They're so detailed, I almost thought those were real—

Alk: Hang on... ARE those real feathers? How much did that cost?

Corinna: N-no, wait, I can explain! They tried to make them out of paper, but they kept falling apart, and then one of the kids started crying and, and—

Corinna: I, um, caved in and helped make a new pair...

Alk: Aaand went over your budget.

Light: Which means you need to earn enough FOR the party.

Alk: The gold's already spent, so looks like we'll just have to hit the quests. Were there any good ones for a party of three?

Light: We'll figure something out, Corinna. It would be a shame to let the costumes go to waste.

Corinna: Oh goodness! Th-thank you both so much! I promise, I WILL make it up to you!

Alk: Not gonna lie, when the client said we'd be "tidying up" their mansion, I wasn't expecting... this.

Alk: Looks like we've got our work cut out for us.

Light: I'm starting to see why the townsfolk call the estate "haunted."

Corinna: *yelp* Wh-what was that?! ...This place isn't r-REALLY haunted, is it?

Light: Hey! Whoever's out there, come out and show yourself!

Mature Kid: S-sorry for scaring you.

Happy Kid: We were just messing around, honest! Heh, what do you think of our secret base?

Light: Your secret base? It seems we've found the source of the rumors, then.

Corinna: S-Stars above, you had me going there. N-not that I was SCARED or anything, nope! Not me! Ahaha... ha...

Alk: Huh?! I think we might have a REAL ghost on our hands!

Light: A poltergeist. Corinna, we'll take the ghost. Watch the kids!

Corinna: O-okay!

Mature Kid: *whimper*

Corinna: Shhh, everything's going to be fine.

Corinna: Stars, shine forth—and deliver unto this lost soul your Guidance!

Alk: Whoa... You OBLITERATED that ghost.

Corinna: I-I know you said you'd handle it, so I hope that was okay...

Light: Of course. You went above and beyond, Corinna. ...And took half of the room with you.

Corinna: ...Oh NOOO! I-I didn't mean to!

Alk: I'd understand docking some pay to cover the repairs, but to refuse to pay at all... *sigh*

Corinna: I'm so sorry... This is all my fault.

Mature Kid: Dad, Dad! That's her!

Burly Adventurer: Good evening. I heard all about your heroics from the Guild. I'm terribly sorry my kids caused you trouble, and am eternally grateful that you saved them.

Corinna: H-heroics? I hardly did anything, really. I'm just glad they're safe.

Burly Adventurer: No need to be shy! I don't know how I could ever repay you—but please accept a donation to your orphanage as a small token of my appreciation.

Corinna: Huh?! N-no, this is far too much! I couldn't possibly accept this...

Burly Adventurer: I thought it only fitting to help the children in your care as thanks for helping mine. I hope they have a positively bewitching Halloween!

Burly Adventurer: I wouldn't want to disturb you this late in the evening, so I'll swing by the orphanage in the morning to finalize the payment. Again, I cannot thank you enough.

Corinna: No, thank YOU! This is all very generous!

Happy Kid: Seeya tomorrow!

Alk: All's well that ends well, huh?

Corinna: You can say that again! I can't wait to get everything ready for the party!

Episode 2
Halloween Getaway!

Corinna's wallet is stolen while chaperoning at Palpebra's Halloween street fair. The kids pull a spooky trick, helping secure both the wallet and a sweet treat—the thief's bounty!

Children: Trick or treaaat! And trust us, you DON'T want the trick! Heh.

Grocer: All right you rascals. Here's one for you too, Corinna. Happy Halloween!

Corinna: F-for me? I appreciate it, but I'm just chaperoning...

Alk: I doubt anyone would mind if you did some trick-or-treating yourself, Corinna.

Corinna: I mind! As a cleric, I need to be a good role model—and that means no goofing around when I'm supervising children.

Corinna: B-besides, it's not like I want to trick-or-treat or anything, even if it DOES look fun. F-for kids, of course!

Corinna: Ow! I didn't mean to block the road...

Stella: Are you all right, Corinna?

Corinna: Yes, I was just caught me off guard, is all.

Corinna: ...Huh? Wait, hang on.

Corinna: Oh... Oh no, I think my wallet's gone!

Corinna: It must've fallen out of my basket! Wh-what should I do?

Alk: For starters, take a deeeep breath, and then let's try retracing your steps.

Stall Owner: I'm afraid I haven't seen it. I know it's not much by way of consolation, but here. I hope this helps cheer you up a little.

Corinna: Flowers? Th-they're lovely, but these are supposed to be for sale, right? I couldn't possibly...

Female Shopkeeper: Shhh, none of that now, dear. You're always so sweet to us merchants.

Food Cart Owner: Yeah, even if luck's not on your side today, we've always got your back. Hope this helps!

Corinna: Ohhh, you're all too kind... Thank you so much!

Corinna: Still no sign of it, and... *sigh* It's my own fault I lost it, but people keep trying to cheer me up with sweets and presents...

Alk: Hmmm... I checked with the Guild, but no one's brought it to the lost-and-found. We'll just have to keep asking around.

Alk: Hi, sorry, do you have a moment? We're looking for—

Passerby: N-nope! Haven't seen the angel girl's wallet!

Alk: ...No one's said anything about a wallet yet.

Stella: I remember you. You're the one who ran into Corinna earlier.

Passerby: Tch... I'm outta here!

Alk: Not so fast!

Corinna: H-HEEELP! Someone stop that man! He stole my wallet!

Passerby: *panting* Did... did I shake 'em?

Children: On the count of three. One, two, three... BOO!

Passerby: GWAAAAAH?!

Corinna: F-found you! Wait, what are you three doing here?

Female Shopkeeper: We've got you cornered now! Hand over the wallet!

Passerby: You wanna fight? TRY ME!

Corinna: Don't you DARE hurt anyone!

Corinna: I've got a whooole arsenal of Halloween tricks ready for troublemakers like you!

Pur Lilie: Whew, awesome work, gang! We've been trying to catch that nasty old purse-nabber for weeks.

Pur Lilie: Which means—drumroll please— a nice! Big! BOUNTYYY!

Corinna: Wait! The merchants at the street fair are the ones who caught him. We just helped a little.

Pur Lilie: Well, I WAS gonna split the cash between everyone, but they insisted it all go to you.

Pur Lilie: After all, we never woulda caught him without help from the three spoOoOokiest ghosties in town!

Little Girl: Yaaay! Corinna, does this mean we can get a pumpkin pie for the party?

Little Boy: Wait, don't waste it on pie! I wanna buy a sword! Pleeeease? I'll get super strong and protect everyone!

Corinna: Wh-whoa! Let's not get TOO excited, now.

Corinna: But I guess it won't hurt to splurge a liiittle. We'll have the best Halloween ever!

Children: Really? Let's gooo!

Corinna: Ahaha, right behind you! Trick or treaaat!