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Episode 1
When Life Gives You Lemons

When clumsy Corinna drops a whole jar of salt into a pot of stew, world's worst cook Stella steps in to help. Despite the ensuing chaos, the two somehow come up with a delicious—albeit avant-garde—dish.

Stella: ...You're remarkable, Corinna.

Corinna: W-who, me?

Stella: Of course. I'm not familiar with any techniques capable of preparing such a large amount of food.

Corinna: T-techniques? Oh, goodness, no. I haven't done anything fancy.

Corinna: I was the oldest at the orphanage, so I know how to feed a lot of mouths. I'm not a GOOD cook, just a fast one!

Stella: Are you certain? That would contradict my memory. I recall your cooking to be very pleasing.

Stella: I am quite fond of your food.

Corinna: O-oh, gosh, you're too kind...

Corinna: Aha...haha. I guess I'll have to wh-whip up something extra speci—

Corinna: AAAAL?!

Corinna: T-the salt! I—Oh, Stars above! There goes... the whole... jar...

Corinna: Oh no... OH NO, wh-what should I do?!

Corinna: Ick?! It's so salty!

Corinna: Stars, I... This much salt CAN'T be healthy! What have I brought upon us?!

Corinna: ...Stella? Stella, what are you doing with all that water?

Stella: If you over-season, water it down. If you overdo the water, just add more seasoning.

Stella: That's what Alk taught me.

Corinna: AAAAACK?!

Corinna: Stella! Stella, stop, that's too much!

Corinna: WAIT! Stella, that's not—Stella! Th-that was sugar!

Corinna: Stars help me! Stellaaa?!

Corinna: Oh! That actually looks... pretty tempting?

Alk: I have a bad feeling about this...

Corinna: I'm so sorry...

Stella: As am I...

Alk: You two, um, certainly made a LOT of stew.

Corinna: We kept adding water and seasonings and MORE water and MORE seasonings...

Corinna: THEN the stew was essentially spiced water, so we had to add more stock and... Well, the rest speaks for itself.

Alk: Sounds like you two had quite the adventure. It doesn't smell half bad though.

Alk: Ooh! This is actually pretty good!

Stella: Dreams DO come true!

Alk: Whoa, Stella! That was a big reaction coming from you!

Alk: But... What are we going to do with all of this?

Corinna: O-oh, um... I might have an idea!

Corinna: Who's hungry? All right, all right, no cutting. There's enough for everyone.

Bright-Eyed Child: Yummm! Thif iv really good!

Rosy-Faced Child: What IS this stuff?! It's all weird and goopy... But it's really sweet! I like it!

Alk: Ahaha, that's good. Sounds like they're all enjoying it!

Corinna: Yes, but...

Corinna: I used far too much... I promise I'll recompensate you for all the ingredients I took. I can't apologize enough!

Alk: All's well that ends well, so let's just sweep this one under the rug.

Corinna: B-but...

Alk: You know, I think this is the first time Stella has EVER cooked something good. Just look at that smile—

Stella: Corinna! Let's make stew again sometime!

Alk: How about we call things even now and split the tab next time?

Corinna: Okay! Thank you so much!

Episode 2
A Lucky Break

Corinna's been working herself to the bone to support the orphanage that raised her, and collapses while adventuring. Just as the party's about to retire from the Kaleidoscope, the Stars answer Corinna's prayers with a pricey, rare crystal.

Alk: Alright, we should be all set! Let's head out!

Light: We won't be going too deep, but stay alert. Just because this area has been explored does not mean it is safe.

Corinna: Sigh...

Stella: Are you okay, Corinna?

Corinna: J-just peachy! I'm DEFINITELY ready to head out into the Kableido... Ka-Kaleidoscope!

Alk: Does something about Corrina seem off to you?

Light: Off? Hmm... If anything, she has been less clumsy than usual.

Alk: Ow! That was close.

Light: I told you to stay alert, did I not? Sorry, Corinna. Could you heal him with your magic?

Light: ...Corinna? Are you okay?

Corinna: Huh?! O-oh, right, healing magic! Coming right up!

Alk: Are you feeling alright? You seem a little out of it.

Corinna: Perfectly fine! No need to worry about lid-little old me.

Corinna: Ready, Alk? Cu-cure and Keel!

Alk: Keel? W-WHOA?! CORINNA?!

Alk: So you haven't gotten much sleep lately?

Corinna: I'm afraid not... I'm so sorry…

Light: You have our apologies as well. We should have paid closer attention to your condition.

Light: Healers are a party's lifeline. If you go down, it endangers everyone. Could you explain why you hid your fatigue?

Corinna: ...I need the money to pay off a loan. I've also been taking on quests by myself.

Alk: You took out a loan?

Corinna: Oh, no, um... not me personally! It's for the orphanage.

Corinna: The Guild used to be more invested in its upkeep, but... the current members have been less than accommodating.

Corinna: They're raising interest rates now that the economy is booming, or what have you. I, I don't have much time left!

Alk: Th-that's rough...

Light: Indeed. But is it truly a burden for you to bear alone?

Light: Your generosity is commendable. However, it should not come at the expense of you yoursel—

Light: No. It is not my place to judge you. I just... Forgive me, Corinna.

Alk: I guess what he means to say is, there's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Stella: Exactly. You have us.

Corinna: B-but...

Stella: I can run deliveries and salvage treasures too. You don't have to work alone.

Alk: Yeah! We can watch each other's backs and make sure no one's in over their head!

Alk: We can also see if anyone in the Guild would be willing to help negotiate with the upper brass.

Corinna: Oh, I... Thank you all so much...

Light: You aren't alone. Keep that at heart.

Corinna: I will! Really, I don't know how to thank you enough!

Alk: Now that THAT's sorted, I think it's time we got you home.

Corinna: Yes, I suppose you're right. I should put my health firs—OH?!

Light: Corinna?! You are not fit to ru—

Corinna: Look! Could it be? Oh, goodness, it is! A rainbow crystal!

Corinna: I've heard they can only be found in the Kaleidoscope, but I never thought I'd... They're supposed to be incredibly rare —and valuable!

Corinna: Is this a sign from above?! That all my financial troubles will soon come to an end?

Light: What incredible luck... Hopefully, this will ease the load on your shoulders.

Corinna: It will. Thank you all so, SO much! Praise the Stars for their guida— Oh, I, I feel a little dizzy...