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Episode 1
Rabbit Fighter

Alk and co. save a rabbitfolk boy named Cody from a pack of dogfolk. Cody exclaims that he wishes to be the strongest fighter out there, which leads Stella to invite him to Starview.

Alk: Um... We're getting an awful lot of stares...

Light: We appear to be almost alien to them. I suppose running into any other races is a rarity, aside from their issues with catfolk.

Light: Perhaps we should be on our way, especially since we already finished the job Albert gave us-

???: Where the hell'd you come from?!

Rabbitfolk Boy: What? You telling me I gotta get permission to enter town or something? That's the first I've heard of that.

Dogfolk Man: Giving me attitude? Brave, but stupid, punk.

Rabbitfolk Boy: Wow, who took a crap in your breakfast? Oh, wait...

Rabbitfolk Boy: Don't tell me your master told you to sit, do a trick, and bark before he let you have food this morning!

Dogfolk Man: Oh, now you're asking for it, punk!

Cody: The name's Cody, actually. You've got enough brain cells to remember that, right?

Dogfolk Man: I'll kill you!

Cody: You really think you're so tough? You can't even take me without backup.

Cody: Small fry are still small fry, even when there's only three of 'em. I can take you all with one eye closed-

Cody: Tch... Now who said you could invite more to the party?

Dogfolk Man: Get him! Kill the bastard!

Light: Jump up and use the wall!

Light: Use the environment to your advantage! They can't defeat your mobility.

Cody: Who the hell-

Alk: Now's your chance! Run!

Alk: Phew... I think we lost them.

Cody: Who are you people? Why'd you get in my way?

Alk: Huh? What do you mean we "got in your way"?

Light: It seemed like you were in a spot of trouble. Or were you actually capable of escaping that situation on your own?

Cody: You-

Cody: What even are you? You're no rabbitfolk. And you can fly? You a monster or something?

Light: I am no monster! I'm the Champion!

Cody: The what now? You delusional or something?

Light: *sigh* In any case, if we overstepped, then I apologize.

Light: Let's go, Alk. Stella. Albert should know that a group of dogfolk that large has come together.

Cody: Hold it.

Cody: I don't like you. You act like you know how to fight, even though you can't fight at all.

Cody: Unless you're hiding some sorta secret power? But you definitely don't seem like the type to trick your enemies.

Light: ...You were correct the first time.

Light: As you can see, I'm smaller than you. I don't even have the strength to swing a sword. I am the most ill-suited for combat out of us all.

Cody: Huh? You think you're weak because you're SMALL? That's a coward's excuse.

Light: ...That's true. I should probably find a way to be useful in combat, despite my limitations.

Cody: Ugh, I REALLY don't like you.

Alk: Now listen here-

Stella: Why do you fight?

Cody: Why? Isn't it obvious? To get stronger.

Cody: That way I can beat the crap outta any idiots who come barking my way.

Stella: You wish to get stronger...

Stella: I think I know how to help you with that.

Stella: What is your name?

Cody: Cody.

Stella: Cody. We welcome you.

Cody: Huh? What are you, a mercenary band or something? Well, whatever. I guess I do owe you one for back there.

Cody: I'll join your party, lady.

Alk: Uh... Was that really such a good idea?

Episode 2
Seeking Strength

After a disappointing match with one another, Alk and Cody have a verbal confrontation. Cody reveals his resolve to beat every person who looks down on him and become the strongest of the strong.

Cody: A training spar? Sounds interesting.

Cody: Am I gonna be fighting you, Whitetail?

Nimbus: No matter how many times I tell you not to call me that... You're not gonna listen, are you?

Nimbus: Anyway, you opponent's him. Not me.

Alk: Let's do it.

Light: Stop! Point goes to Cody!

Alk: Ngh... No good, huh... Just a little bit more, and I might've pulled it off.

Alk: You're just so fast, Cody.

Cody: What're you smiling about?

Cody: Lemme guess. You didn't go all out because I'm your opponent.

Cody: You're never gonna get stronger like that.

Nimbus: Ugh, kids...

Alk: Did it look like I wasn't trying?

Light: Perhaps he sensed your lack of hostility and believed you weren't truly willing to fight him.

Alk: ...Well, I definitely wanna give him a good smack whenever he gives me attitude, at least.

Cody: What do you want?

Alk: You know, I wanted to see what fighting with martial arts was like, so I sparred with Nimbus.

Cody: Huh?

Alk: I was awful, I think even if I seriously fought him with my sword, he'd still beat me.

Alk: And you know what? In this town, there are plenty of others that are even stronger than him.

Alk: Light even implied that he could beat Nimbus if he was still in his prime.

Cody: What's your point?

Alk: I'm not the type of person that can beat someone around my skill level by trying to throw them off their game.

Alk: Also, I'm gonna win next time. Don't care how fast you are, I'll get you.

Cody: Huh. Didn't expect that much attitude from you.

Alk: Well, I've learned a thing or two about throwing shade from a certain someone here.

Cody: ...I really don't get you.

Cody: But you know what? If you wanna get your butt kicked so bad, I'll be happy to do it.

Alk: Oh yeah? You're just fast. Once I get used to your speed, you're done for.

Alk & Cody: Hahaha.

Alk: Just outta curiosity... Why are you so obsessed with getting stronger?

Cody: ...Even though I can never be the strongest? Because I'm one of the rabbitfolk? Is that what you're getting at?

Cody: Okay, yeah, maybe you and me... We're far from the top.

Cody: So what?

Cody: If someone looks down on me, then I'm a hundred percent gonna get stronger than them. Doesn't matter who.

Cody: Doesn't matter how big. Bigger they are, harder they fall.

Cody: That's how I'll become the strongest out there.

Alk: Wow... I mean, I don't get where you're coming from, but... Your big talk made me feel a little something.

Cody: Heh. You wanna get your face pummeled that badly?

Alk: You know, I'm under no delusion I'll ever be the strongest out there. Don't feel like I need to be either.

Alk: But I definitely will beat you. When I do, will that make me the best fighter in existence?

Cody: ...That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Cody: But I can deal with stupid. Whatever challenge comes my way, I'll beat it.

Cody: I'll get stronger no matter what!