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Episode 1
The Bro is Back!

Claw—newly appointed chief of the catfolk—visits the crew in Starview. His sense of responsibility towards his people leads him to hit the books, wherein he learns of fuel that could greatly improve quality of life for cat and dogfolk.

Nimbus: Sigh— Curry AGAIN? At least put some meat in it...

Stella: It's better than nothing.

Alk: With so many new mouths to feed, if you want expensive ingredients like meat, you'll have to save up for them yourself!

Claw: Gotta bring home the bacon 'fore you can eat it, bro!

Alk: C-Claw?! When did you get here?!

Claw: Just got here! Dude, it's been forever, man! How've you guys been?

Nimbus: ...What the hell do you want?

Claw: Hey, c'mon, bro, don't be like that. Turn that frown upside-down!

Nimbus: Shouldn't you be off doin' your duties as chief of the catfolk?

Claw: So THAT'S what was getting you. I've got it, bro, don't worry! But I'm glad you've got my back!

Alk: Did your peace negotiations with the dogfolk work out?

Claw: More or less, yeah, but there are still LOTS of problems to iron out.

Claw: Figured I better expand my horizons, y'know? To really be a proper leader and stuff. That's where you guys come in!

Stella: I see. You've come to Starview Village to study?

Claw: Yeah! There's so much out there beyond my little corner of the world— And it's my job now to learn about it!

Stella: Shall I escort you to the library, then?

Claw: The library?! Dude, you guys have a library here!?

Claw: WHOOOA! Man, just... just... just LOOK at all the books!

Stella: Claw, please refrain from shouting in the library.

Claw: I know, dude, but this is AWESOME! Are these seriously ALL library books?! I-is it really okay to borrow a few?

Stella: Of course. QUIETLY.

Claw: Oh, right, sorry.

Alk: Um, before you get TOO settled in reading, we should find you somewhere to stay. I'll show you around the village.

Claw: Nah, don't sweat it. Man, I'd live riiight here if I could!

Stella: ...Living in the library is not permitted.

Claw: Hmm... Hmmmm...

Claw: Now THAT'S interesting.

Claw: Oh, I get it now. That's a good point! Let's see... Wow, check THAT out!

Nimbus: Does this guy EVER shut up?

Claw: Sorry, sorry. I got a little carried away there, huh? There are so many cool books, I just couldn't help myself.

Nimbus: Things aren't goin' as well as you let on, are they?

Claw: Well... You've got me there. Thanks to your guys' help, there haven't been any major conflicts, but...

Claw: Just 'cause we've made peace with the dogfolk doesn't mean the people are prospering. The land's still as barren as ever.

Claw: For now, my priority as chief is to make sure everyone at least gets hot meals in their bellies. So, here I am, hitting the books.

Nimbus: So that's what you were up to. I guess I—


Nimbus: H-hey! Shut it!

Stella: Claw, PLEASE...

Claw: Oh, right, I'm sorry, really! But check this book out! Look what it says here!

Stella: "Energy Development?"

Claw: It's got stuff about rocks and liquid gloop that burn like wood! Apparently they pack enough punch to power a windmill—without wind!

Claw: Just imagine the impact on our forests if we could use this stuff to fuel the iron smelters instead of trees!

Stella: To my recollection, internal combustion engines using similar energy sources are commonplace in the Endless Blue.

Claw: Internal whats?

Stella: ...It would seem a field trip is in order.

Claw: ...gulp.

Nimbus: Urgh, the sea always makes my fur feel gross.

Claw: Who cares about FUR, bro? I'd shave myself into a naked mole-cat if I had to!

Claw: I, I can't believe this place! Dude, they've got a whole entire CITY just floating on the water!

Claw: We might have some of the flammable gloop they're using back in the canyon... right? Oh man, we GOTTA!

Stella: The chances are fairly high.

Claw: ...Really?! It's gonna CHANGE THE WORLD! It'll work, right?

Nimbus: ...If a bookworm like you thinks it'll work, I'm sure you'll figure somethin' out.

Claw: ...I will! I totally will, bro! I'll make a better world— for catfolk AND dogfolk!

Episode 2
Operation: Burny Gloop

Claw's all set to commence an oil-digging operation, but some older catfolk hesitate upon seeing dogfolk in the project team. Claw changes their minds with an eloquent speech, and takes another step on his quest for reconciliation.

Claw: You're sure?! Like, reeeally sure?! Really, really, reeeeeeally sure?!

Confident Feline: Dead sure! I can feel it in my whiskers, man!

Excited Feline: Same! My feline instincts are telling me this is the spot!

Claw: Dude, that's AWESOME! We've finally found it! That black gloop is gonna change how we power EVERYTHING!

Claw: C'mon guys, we've gotta get back to the village! Wait 'til everyone hears! We've gotta prep for the big dig!

Claw: All right, dudes! Let Operation: Burny Gloop begin!

Concerned Feline: No! Absolutely not!

Concerned Feline: Chief, we've been playing along with all your big talk about new energy because of the potential it had for US, the catfolk.

Concerned Feline: You're supposed to be on OUR side, looking out for OUR people! Who are those mutts?!

Claw: They're part of the team. The catfolk are in charge of research and scouting, and the dogfolk are going to manage the excavation.

Elderly Feline: Yer out of yer mind, sonny! That fancy gloop of yers would be better off in the ground than the clutches of DOGS!

Cynical Feline: They're just stringing you along to steal the gloop, boy! A real chief would see right through those mangy dogs!

Nimbus: Alk, don't.

Alk: But— But that's not FAIR!

Nimbus: Yeah, well. That chatterbox isn't chief for nothing. Watch.

Claw: All right, everyone quiet down for a sec!

Claw: Dude, I hear you. You guys are excited for the new power, and you're worried that the dogfolk will take it away.

Cynical Feline: Exactly! We're the ones who found it, so it belongs to us!

Claw: Do you propose we excavate the premises on our own? I would remind you; we lack the technology and workforce to do so efficiently.

Claw: It's not feasible. What we DO have is information! A valuable resource, albeit a temporary one.

Claw: That information will inevitably pass to the dogfolk, and when it does, they'll have the means to excavate, but no obligation to share.

Cynical Feline: ...Gulp.

Claw: Conversely, if we pool our resources with the dogfolk, both our peoples will reap the benefits—hot meals! Warm beds!

Claw: I recognize that we've only just closed the chapter on a long and bitter war. You don't have to like the dogfolk...

Claw: But I ask for your trust! Not in the dogfolk, but in the opportunities they present us! The burny gloop will rejuvenate these lands!

Claw: Think of your children! Their children! Okay? C'mon, man, I'm begging you guys here!

Concerned Feline: ...gulp.

Calico Girl: ...Y'know, I think Claw has a point. That burny gloop stuff is gonna be so cool!

Tabby Man: Yeah. The dogfolk agreed to the truce same as we did. If we can't get along now, what was the truce even for?

Burly Canid: Oi, cat—I mean... You over there, may I ask your name?

Callie: Huh? Me? I'm Callie! Callie the calico! This tabby over here is Travis.

Frantz: Callie and Travis, eh? I'm Frantz. Would you two like to join our team?

Travis: Wait, you mean the dogfolk team? Are you sure?

Frantz: Course, mate. You lot'll have a BLAST learning how to use saltpeter. Heh.

Claw: Sigh—

Claw: Man, sorry you guys had to see that!

Alk: You were really cool though, Claw! I can't believe you managed to convince everyone that easily.

Claw: Nah, I'm not so sure about that. It's great they're going along with the plan, but they still looked reluctant to me.

Nimbus: Guys like them aren't interested in reason.

Claw: You said it, Bro. I've sure had my paws full as chief.

Claw: But, y'know? The war really wore those poor old farts thin. They don't have the energy left to try new things.

Claw: Me, though? Dude, I've got enough energy for all of 'em!

Claw: I'll put smiles on those crochety old faces! On EVERYONE'S faces! I'm meeting with the dogfolk's dig team first thing tomorrow!

Claw: Operation: Burny Gloop will be our very first joint project with the dogfolk! We'll rebuild our village—and our relationship!