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Episode 1
Destructive Alchemist

Clarisse finds herself suddenly lost in the Kaleidoscope, but she uses her destructive alchemy to blast a way out. She emerges in Palpebra, where she soon encounters Stella. Back in Starview Village, the young alchemist vows to return home.

Stella: Garlic, ginger. Pumpkin and tomato. Chicken, too.

Stella: Perhaps I should make red stew.

???: Out of the way, out of the way!

???: Aaaah! Sorry! Look out!

Red-Caped Lass: Yeeeowch... Ack! Are you okay?

Stella: Is it normal to see stars?

Red-Caped Lass: I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? If only I had been looking forward then—

Red-Caped Lass: Gah! But I'm in so much trouble! Awww, what in the skies do I do!

???: She should still be in the market! After her!

Red-Caped Lass: Eeek! You can't tell them you saw me, okay?!

Guild Staff: Strange. I could've sworn she went this way... Oh, Stella?

Guild Staff: Perfect timing! Did you happen to see a strange young woman run through here?

Stella: I believe I did, yes.

Guild Staff: Ah! Which way did she go?! She came out of the ground with a huge explosion—she's gotta be a monster!

Guild Staff: And probably one from the Kaleidoscope, if I had to bet my pension. We have to put 'er down before she blows up the place.

Stella: She went through the market. I saw her exit on the other side.

Guild Staff: You did? Perfect! Thanks, Stella! You be careful, okay?

Stella: Are you really a monster?

Red-Caped Lass: M-me? Look at my pretty face...

Clarisse: How could I be a monster and look this cute? I'm Clarisse, journeyman alchemist! Yay!

Stella: And I am Stella....Yay.

Stella: Clarisse, did you cause this massive hole?

Clarisse: Yes, b-but! I was just practicing with Master when I got a spell wrong and suddenly I was in this weird maze thingy!

Clarisse: Then these monsters came out of nowhere, and Master wasn't there to fight them! And I couldn't use my alchemy!

Clarisse: But then my instincts took over my powers, and when that happens, well—

Clarisse: KAPOW! My magic kinda bursts out.

Stella: The explosion... Is this what alchemy does?

Clarisse: Mm, kind of? That's all mine does, but I'm still working on it.

Stella: Thus you used your power to create a shaft from the labyrinth... all the way to the surface?

Clarisse: Yeah, you get it! If I could control my atomic dissolution, I think I could've been more delicate though.

Clarisse: But—you know what they say—if you can't beat, blast 'em!

Stella: I understand now why the guards were pursuing you.

Clarisse: You do? That was so dumb, making me run first thing in the morning!

Clarisse's Tummy: *grumble*

Clarisse: And I haven't even had breakfast yet. Do you know any food around here, Stella?

Stella: Hmm. Yes, I do. And today the flavors should be exceptional.

Clarisse: Whoa! Is it close?

Stella: It is very far. But we can arrive there in an instant.

Clarisse: Wow! Look at that big marble float! Is that the World Flipper thing you mentioned, Stella?

Clarisse: Wh-whoa... Wait a minute. I've really crossed into a different dimension.

Alk: Who's your friend, Stella?

Stella: She is an alchemist by the name of Clarisse.

Alk: Really?

Clarisse: That makes sense. Explains why I couldn't use my alchemy at first.

Clarisse: But I can get by without my atomic dissolution, especially if I put my mind to it.

Clarisse: No! What am I saying! I'm on a whole 'nother WORLD! Gaaah! I'm gonna die!

Alk: She's kind of dramatic, huh?

Clarisse: Hey now! Of course I'm being dramatic —I don't know anything about this place!

Clarisse: All I can do is follow my own path, on my own time, and just hope it works out for the best! Yep!

Stella: Would you like to intersect paths with us?

Clarisse: Hm?

Alk: We're already searching for a certain world. We could look for yours along the way.

Clarisse: A-are you sure? People tell me I can be kind of annoying?

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village. You have a home here now, Clarisse.

Clarisse: Aww, thanks, you guys! We're going to be best friends!

Clarisse: My crew... Master... You're all going to have to wait for me. But I'll make it home! For sure!

Episode 2
Barrettes and Bonds

Clarisse learns that Stella isn't really into fashion. In an attempt to get Stella to love all things cute, Clarisse buys her a barrette. They promise to go shopping together again in the future.

Clarisse: Doesn't matter when we come here, it's always bustling.

Stella: People believe they will gain fame and fortune by delving into the Kaleidoscope. More adventurers appear by the day.

Clarisse: It's crazy that such a dangerous place is so popular. Remember last week? When that poor guy got stuck in there?

Clerk: Hello again, Little Miss Fire in the Hole! You're looking perky as ever!

Clarisse: Of course! Every day is a good day when you've got power like mine!

Clerk: Wish you could share some of that pep with the rest of us.

Stella: Do you know each other?

Clerk: No, no. She's more like a local celebrity here in Palpebra. She burst out of a tunnel in the ground, hence her nickname.

Stella: Again?

Clerk: Oh, but we didn't take any offense to her antics. After all, without her, one of our missing explorers would never've been found!

Stella: She is certainly something.

Clarisse: Nah, it was nothing. Seriously.

Clerk: Haha, you're blushing! Can't take a compliment?

Clarisse: O-of course I can! But we've got shopping to do now! Right, Stella! C'mon! This vendor looks like they have tons of cute stuff!

Stella: Ah, very well. But, Clarisse, I do not care for clothing so much.

Clarisse: Whoa, really? Why not?

Stella: I am not so knowledgeable about fashion...

Clarisse: What! How do you get through the day without fashion? We have to fix this!

Clarisse: You're such a lovely girl! You need an ensemble that matches your adorableness!

Stella: Must I?

Clarisse: You must!

Clarisse: Leave it all to me! I'll select the perfect outfit for you and make you cute as a button!

Stella: Are buttons cute?

Clarisse: Oooh! What about this one?

Stella: Is this enough fabric?

Clarisse: Mmm... I think so?Then how about this one?

Stella: Is it intended to look menacing?

Clarisse: Phew, who knew you would be so hard to shop for?

Stella: Forgive me, Clarisse...

Clarisse: What's with the apology? I love a styling challenge!

Clarisse: I think I know what's going on here. It's hard to suddenly change up your style, right? Hmm... How's this?

Stella: A barrette? Oh. I think this could work.

Clarisse: Yay! In that case, it's on me!

Stella: Huh? No, I couldn't...

Clarisse: Of course you can, silly! It looks soooo cute on you, Stella!

Stella: ...!

Light: What's become of Stella? She's been staring slack-jawed into the sunset for hours...

Clarisse: Mm... I think I wore her out during our shopping extravaganza.

Nimbus: Nah, not at all. She just takes time to process cheesy, personal stuff.

Stella: Clarisse.

Stella: Thank you for today. When I wear this barrette, I will think of you.

Nimbus: Good work, Little Miss Fire.

Clarisse: It was my pleasure, Stella! I'm just happy that you're happy!

Clarisse: Let's go shopping again soon! That way we can really start your makeover!

Stella: I would love to. But please refrain from selecting such tiny articles of clothing in the future.

Episode 3
Underground Banter

Clarisse, Stella, and Alk are trapped in the Kaleidoscope. Clarisse reveals she was ordered by her parents to kill her Master. Miasma begins to leak into the room, forcing Clarisse to clear a way out using existential dissolution.

Clarisse: Heeeeeeey! Can anyone hear me?

Clarisse: ...It's no use. I bet the damage wasn't contained to just this floor.

Alk: It seemed like a regular shift, but I never expected the whole pathway to crumble.

Clarisse: Do you think it's because I've been blasting tunnels everywhere?

Stella: It is not your fault, Clarisse.

Alk: Yeah, what Stella said. The Kaleidoscope repairs itself super fast, so this couldn't have been you.

Alk: But, uh, why don't you just blast our way out now?

Clarisse: Mm... I could, but we might get caught in the kapow?

Stella: Perhaps we should try after finding a more stable location. Our current area is not safe for such experimentation.

Alk: Let's just wait for a rescue team. I'm sure someone will come soon.

Clarisse: Awww, no one's coming!

Clarisse: Are you guys really okay with this?

Alk: Eh, we're used to getting into sticky situations.

Stella: Yes. Though it is much more entertaining with your presence, Clarisse.

Clarisse: Whoa, what happened? Were you guys thrown in prison somewhere?

Alk: We didn't tell you? At first, we were both trapped in Starview Village.

Clarisse: Oh yeeeah! You said you had amnesia, right?

Alk: Yep. I don't remember anything before waking up in the village.

Clarisse: Not even your family?

Alk: Nothing. But that's okay. Stella's in the same boat, right?

Stella: Yes. I am not sure who my parents are.

Clarisse: Aww, you guys...

Alk: What about you, Clarisse? Do you have family?

Stella: We would love to hear about them.

Clarisse: Really? My family's nothing special though. Let's see...

Clarisse: My parents once ordered me to kill Master—er, who's basically my ancestor.

Alk: THAT'S nothing special?!

Clarisse: Don't get the wrong idea! I mean, yeah, we've had our moments...

Clarisse: But the whole family is fine now. Mom and Dad and me finally learned how to talk to each other.

Clarisse: Though it sure helps that I became the head of the family! We've got zero problems with me in charge!

Alk: YOU'RE the head? Man, family's come in all shapes and sizes, huh?

Alk: Can't help but be a little envious though.

Clarisse: You want to find your family?

Alk: Umm... I'm not sure how that would go. I probably hail from some boring old town.

Clarisse: Well, I wouldn't mind meeting them.

Clarisse: In fact, I know they're good people! I bet you've got older siblings! Your big brother or sister are going to be great!

Alk: How do you figure that?!

Clarisse: I mean YOU'RE not the big brother type. Right, Stella?

Stella: Affirmative.

Alk: Heeey, what's that supposed to mean?

Alk: Huh? I, I don't feel so good...

Clarisse: Alk? What's wrong!

Clarisse: Wait, I'm start, starting to feel faint too.

Stella: Miasma has been known to escape from underground pockets.

Clarisse: For real? Stupid poison gas... Alk! Hang in there!

Alk: Urgh...

Clarisse: Oh no, are we all gonna bite the big one?

Clarisse: No! NO! Not on my watch!

Clarisse: This wall should do the trick. I can't make fire; not enough space for a big impact... If I can just use dissolution…

Clarisse: But the kapow might swallow us all— not a good look...

Stella: I believe in you, Clarisse.

Clarisse: Yeah... Yeah! I believe in me too! All I have to do is give it a little backbone!

Clarisse: Heeeere goooes!

Clarisse: Yay! Wait... This doesn't look right!

Stella: Clarisse! Leap in!

Clarisse: Aaah! If, if you say so! Here we go, Alk!

Clarisse: What the—?! Starview Village?

Stella: It appears so.

Alk: Phew... You're amazing. What did you do exactly?

Clarisse: Alk! You're awake!

Clarisse: Um, well... I did a little of this, and a little of that!

Clarisse: Wait a minute. How come it didn't work this time?

Alk: Haha. Maybe you work better under pressure. You saved our bacon regardless.

Stella: Indeed. Thanks to you, we have returned safe and sound.

Clarisse: Hooray, me! Hooray, alchemy! It got us back home, sweet home!