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Episode 1
Courage to Believe

Clara's sick of thankless mercenary work, but seeing Light gallantly defend a child from thugs inspires her to action. She sends the thugs running, then asks to join the Starview crew, eager to work alongside someone with valor.

Beastfolk Woman: Um, sorry, could you tell me where to carry this stuff?

Merchant: Nn? Oh, don't worry about that, Clara! I'll take care of it!

Clara: Huh? But—

Merchant: Shhh. Just stand back and leave the heavy lifting to us, girlie.

Clara: ...Heavy? This?

Mercenary: Bahaha! That girlie could bench press an anchor! Clara's tougher'n any of the crew— me included, I'd reckon.

Mercenary: That aside, we could use some extra muscle for our next shipment. You in, Clara?

Clara: S-sure. Work is work...

Clara: *sigh* That'll be another week of dealing with these drunken louts, huh?

Clara: I know I can't afford to be picky with jobs, but a girl can dream.

Clara: Why do they even hire me if they're just gonna act like I can't do my job. Mercenary work isn't exactly stable, either...

Clara: Long as it puts bread on the table, I guess I can't complain, though.

???: You should be ashamed of yourself!

Light: Extorting money from a child?! Have you no honor?

Churlish Man: Look, bun, this here's my dock. If the kid wants to use, he's gotta pay the toll like anyone else.

Light: It most certainly is not your dock.

Light: As I understand, the Floatdwellers long since rejected feudal holdings. This land belongs to all!

Light: I will not stand for highway robbery in a world which touts liberty and free trade!

Churlish Man: Restrain the rabbit. I'll deal with—

Light: Run! I'll hold them off!

Churlish Man: Ngh! GET OFF ME!

Churlish Man: Blasted beast... Better hope you can pay, or I'll—

Clara: Geez, I'm SOOO clumsy! I dropped my axe!

Clara: You two are lucky it didn't hit you.

Churlish Man: Sh-she threw an axe that big f-from the other side of the ship...

Churlish Man: You know what, we've got uh... places to be!

Light: You have my gratitude, mercenary. It was not my intention to cause a scene.

Clara: No problem! *sigh* You were so cool!

Light: Huh?

Clara: That speech of yours was really inspiring! I felt braver just watching you stand up to those thugs.

Stella: Thank you for saving Light, Clara.

Light: I'm ashamed I couldn't handle the situation myself.

Alk: All's well that ends well. I'm glad neither of you are hurt.

Light: I'm truly sorry. If I hadn't run my mouth...

Alk: Relax, Light. No one's mad at you.

Light: I know, but all the same. I should know by now that I cannot defend myself in this form, and yet I still acted rashly.

Clara: Aw, that's okay. You were super brave! I've never seen someone so dashing!

Alk: I'll bet. That's our bunny in shining armor!

Light: I was tossed face-first into the ground! That's not—

Nimbus: All right, enough. Clara, you asked if we had any work for a mercenary, right?

Clara: Yes. Hearing that you're setting sail for distant lands, I thought it'd be a good change of pace.

Clara: I'm stronger than I look, so I'm sure I can make myself useful somehow.

Light: I don't doubt your abilities, but are you certain you'd like to join us?

Alk: We're, uh... Let's just say our adventures aren't the most lucrative, so you might be better off sticking to the docks.

Clara: That's okay. I'd rather work with people I believe in—people I know who'll push me to be my best self!

Nimbus: Hah! Sounds good to me.

Stella: We'd be glad to have you with us, Clara. Welcome to the team.

Clara: Aye aye, captain! Thank you so much!

Episode 2
Courage to Be Me

Clara's enamored with Light, but Nimbus is worried she's letting the bunny boss her around too much. She explains that Light's the first one to see her true potential, and is happy to follow his lead. Hearing this, Light tells Clara he trusts her judgement as much as his own.

Light: Clara! Swing wide and try to catch them both!

Clara: On it!

Light: Good work. Let's rush the monsters over there!

Clara: Yep! Hold on tight!

Light: Now! You've got them on the ropes!

Clara: Leave it to meee!

Nimbus: Look, I ain't one to meddle, but why do you let him boss you around like that?

Clara: Huh?

Nimbus: Light. That furball's been parked on your shoulder every fight, tellin' you what to do. You don't have to listen to him, y'know?

Clara: ...Why wouldn't I? It's sound advice.

Nimbus: Maybe, but a fighter like you doesn't need it. Wouldn't you rather do your own thing?

Clara: My own thing, huh? To be honest... I never really liked mercenary work.

Nimbus: And you're tellin' us that NOW?

Clara: Well, it USED to be my dream. But everyone back home was against it, even though they never complained about the boys learning to fight—and I'm way stronger!

Clara: I struck out on my own and found work, but... I dunno, it just wasn't what I expected. It was so routine and boring.

Clara: Oh, except for the times I worked with the Fellowship of Floof! That doctor sure was something...

Nimbus: And? Why'd you keep at it if you didn't like it?

Clara: I think part of me kept hoping I'd land a contract somewhere I could really apply myself.

Clara: I was tired of always being given easy tasks, but now I can put my skills to use and give it all I've got!

Clara: All this time, I'd been longing for a challenge—for someone to see my true potential. I just never realized how bad I needed it until now.

Nimbus: ...And that someone is Light, huh?

Clara: Yup! So yeah... I'm more than happy to be working with him!

Nimbus: Mmm... Can't say I don't understand.

Nimbus: If you don't mind Light tagging along on Kaleidoscope runs, I won't interfere. Sorry I butted in.

Clara: Ahaha, don't worry about it!

Alk: Uhh, I don't want to interrupt, but the waitress has been staring us down with menus for about ten minutes now...

Clara: Yaaaah!

Clara: Another monster! Light, what should I do?

Clara: ...Light?

Light: You know what to do, Clara.

Clara: Huh?! B-but—

Light: You can do this. You don't need me telling you how to fight.

Alk: ...Sounds like someone was eavesdropping.

Light: It was not my intention to eavesdrop, but I did overhear you talking, yes.

Light: The monster approaches. Go, Clara. Show us what you can do.

Clara: But I... I don't...

Light: You're a true warrior, perfectly able to dispatch a monster such as this.

Light: You saved me in my time of need. You are just, and you are courageous!

Light: Know that I trust you as much as you trust me. Now go!

Clara: Oh... Light, I... I'll do my best!

Nimbus: All right, all right, quit windin' her up. Relax, we've fought a million of these things.

Light: The battlefield is no place to relax, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Yeesh. Clara, I'll back you up if things get ugly, so ignore that old prude and go have some fun!

Clara: I'b... *sniffle* I'b nod worried aboud the fighd, I just... I'm jusht so happy, I—

Clara: Aaaah, come on Clara, focus! I- I'll show that monster what I'm made of!

Alk: That's the spirit!

Clara: Here goes nothing!