Challua (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Holiday Transformation

Challua comes across a magnificently decorated holiday tree in Palpebra's town square. After listening to it, she decides she wants to join in the festivities. Decked out in her best holiday finery, the dryad pays Regitare a visit.

Challua: Wooow. So many people. They all look happy!

Challua: Is something special going on?

Light: The holidays are nearly upon us. Take a look at the square.

Light: See the trees decked with golden tinsel? And the big one crowned with a star? We had a similar festival in my world.

Challua: Such a nice tree! It likes everybody here too!

Light: You can hear the tree's voice?

Challua: Hmm... Normally trees don't talk, but this one's listened a lot!

Challua: They're faint, but I can hear the voices it's heard. Happy voices, lonely sighs... and lots of laughter! It's a tree full of memories!

Challua: In a few hundred years, it'll be able to speak for itself.

Light: Th-that's a fascinating bit of arbor lore... It's a pity. I'd have loved to speak to this tree.

Challua: I guess that means I'm this tree's big sister.

Light: Come again...?

Challua: That's why I'm gonna do it!

Challua: I'm gonna become a holiday tree too!

Alk: What... What are you doing there, Challua?

Stella: She says she's a holiday tree.

Light: ...She's been at it for a while now. I don't wish to naysay her, especially as she has her heart set on it, but I can't say I understand.

Challua: I'm a tree right now, so I'm staying nice and still.

Challua: I am thirsty, though. Could I have some water?

Stella: Certainly. And while we're at it, we will decorate your boughs.

Challua: You've made me a very happy Challua... I mean tree.

Alk: Um... Okay... I'm sure it can't hurt to humor her for a while.

Challua: Wind, stars, voices, light... I think I'm ready to transform!

Challua: Ta-da!

Alk: Wow...

Stella: So pretty... You look incredible. Is that really you, Challua?

Alk: Whoa! Calm down, Stella!

Alk: Still, she's right. The holiday trimmings really suit you!

Stella: Yes, you're beautiful!

Challua: Hehe. Aww, you're making me blush.

Challua: Now that my boughs are decked, I'm off!

Alk: Off? Where are you going?

Challua: To spread holiday cheer, silly!

Regitare: *gulp* Ahh... Nothing like a warm mug of tea on a cold winter's night.

Regitare: Och, but the year's gone by so fast. I suppose when you get to be my age, time passes in a blink, ho-ho-ho...

Challua: Happy holidays, Regitare!

Regitare: Gwuh?! Wh-what's all this hullabaloo now?

Regitare: Do my eye sockets deceive me or is that you, Challua? You look positively festive!

Challua: I'm a holiday tree! The others helped decorate me!

Regitare: Well, well, you do make for a splendid tree... Ack, this won't do! This won't do at all! The tears flow more readily as you get older.

Challua: But you don't have eyes, Regitare!

Regitare: I've still got emotions, lass! And right now, they're overflowing and leakin' through me eye sockets!

Regitare: But aye, it's good to know that the blessed stars are celebrated outside of the forest as well.

Challua: Everyone was having so much fun! Do you want to come too, Regitare?

Regitare: Ah, I'd best not Challua. This isn't the right holiday for the walking dead to be out and about, ye know.

Challua: It'll be fine! You just have to cosplay!

Regitare: Hmph. It seems they've been teaching you more of their odd words. Ye really think I should go?

Challua: Uh-huh! We'll go together, Regitare!

Episode 2
A Holiday Switcheroo

Challua and her friends enjoy the festivities in town, but when the dryad finds out the holiday tree is ill, she tries to find a way to help. With Alk and co.'s cooperation, she finds a volunteer to take the ailing tree's place.

Regitare: Hwaa-ha-haa! Bow before the Lord of Scarecrows, Regitare!

Children: Look, a skeleton! C'mon everybody, let's get him!

Pur Lilie: Looks like they're having a topsy-turvy good time!

Challua: Topsy-turvy is fun!

Pur Lilie: Wrong holiday for spooky skellies, but seeing as the kids are having a blast, I'll overlook the cackling.

Pur Lilie: It's not every day you see a prancing skeleton, though. How is it able to do that?

Alk: Uh... The power of magic...? Maybe?

Pur Lilie: Oh, is he a friend of yours Alk? Guess that makes sense, then!

Challua: Alk! Stella! Come quick! The tree isn't feeling so good!

Pur Lilie: The tree...? Oh, you mean the holiday tree?

Pur Lilie: Actually, a mob of monsters came crashing through not too long ago. The poor tree hasn't been the same since.

Pur Lilie: Maybe... It's feeling under the weather.

Challua: Then it needs to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.

Pur Lilie: Hmm. I'd love to do that, but it's already decorated, and finding another holiday tree on such short notice might be difficult...

Pur Lilie: I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do.

Regitare: I know how you feel, child, but this tree doesn't belong to our forest. I'm afraid there's not much we can do either.

Challua: Mrgh...

Nimbus: Grrrgh! I didn't know... reindeer... have it—*wheeze*... have it so tough!

Alk: Nrrrgh! Just keep pulling! I don't know how much longer I'll last...

Challua: You can do it! Just one more push!

Challua: Okay! You can stop here! Thank you so much!

Nimbus: Phew... You sure here's all right? Not that I'm complaining—I'm beat after lugging this thing.

Nimbus: But heck, I didn't think you had it in you to kidnap a tree. You've got guts, Challua!

Challua: I didn't kidnap. I came here to ask for a favor.

Alk: A favor? From who?

Challua: Who else? The trees!

Challua: I speak as a child of the forest and Spirit Tree!

Challua: Hear my voice! Listen to my wish! Inheritors of the forest's will, answer me!

Stella: Those words... Are they an incantation?

Alk: Amazing! The forest is glowing!

Challua: Awaken! Hear my voice!

Challua: Would anyone here like to be a holiday tree?

Pur Lilie: Is it just me, or is there something different about this tree...?

Alk: Haha... Maybe it's just your imagination?

Challua: The tree's so pretty!

Pur Lilie: Speaking of which... We got reports last night of some tree-like monster walking around the outskirts of Palpebra. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Alk: I-is that right? Can't say I do...

Pur Lilie: And the adventurers who were sent out to deal with it had a run-in with a masked tiger-man.

Nimbus: Gotta be careful. You never know what's lurking in those woods, huh.

Pur Lilie: Ohh, you know that I'm the one who has to clean up after you, right?!

Light: What kind of trouble did you get into in my absence?

Stella: Nothing worth mentioning.

Challua: Challua is a troublemaker! Troublemaking is so much fun!

Regitare: Hoo-hoo, what have we done?