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Episode 1
Blessed by the Sun

After Alk and the others leave the forest, Regitare suggests that Challua join them in Starview Village.

Regitare: Challua? Where'd ye go?

Regitare: Ah, there ye are.

Regitare: Say, 'ave you seen Shroombo around these parts?

Regitare: ...Still 'ave them otherworlders on your mind, do ye?

Challua: Regitare! Sorry... How long were you there?

Regitare: It's been quite some time since I've seen you this quiet for so long.

Regitare: What's on your mind, love?

Challua: Nothing... I'm fine! No problem! No worries!

Challua: I'm a sprite of the forest! As long as sun is bright, I'm happy!

Regitare: Izzat so? Then tell me, what do ye think of the night?

Challua: I like night too!

Challua: The moon is out, and I like Owlbert's singing!

Challua: And the stars... the stars are bright!

Regitare: That's right. You've always been intrigued by the stars, haven't you, Challua?

Regitare: Ow about ye join Alk and the others then?

Challua: Regitare... Can you read minds?

Regitare: Not exactly. I just know you that well, child.

Regitare: You're one of me beloved forest children, right?

Challua: Regitare...

Challua: But I can't go. I can't leave you alone.

Challua: It's not a secret, Regitare. You have a hole where your heart was.

Regitare: I mean, there isn't much between me ribs as of late.

Challua: No... Not like that!

Challua: We forest sprites... We all know. We watched you when we were trees.

Challua: It was your crying that woke me up, after thousands of years!

Regitare: Yes, well... I don't want to tie ye down to these woods, Challua.

Regitare: I'd hate for you to live a lonely life as I once did! And don't you worry about me. I'll be reight.

Challua: Regitare... I'm happy you'll always be here.

Regitare: Thank you, Challua. But this is a journey ye need to take for your own good, methinks.

Regitare: You've been blessed by the great Spirit Tree with legs to travel and a heart full of love.

Regitare: Don't ye want to go?

Challua: I do.

Regitare: Excellent! That's me Challua!

Regitare: Teach them everything ye know— about the blessings of the sun and nature!

Challua: Okay!

Challua: Stella!

Stella: Challua?

Challua: I kept my promise! I came to see you again!

Stella: I'm happy to see you too.

Regitare: Now then.

Regitare: I went and said all that, but... I guess I'm worried about her.

Regitare: And she ain't the only one who wants to see what these worlds 'ave to offer!

Regitare: Maybe it's time for ol' Regitare to go on a journey of his own...

Episode 2
Smiles 101

Challua teaches Stella and the others a lesson on how to be happy. However, her techniques are slightly unconventional.

Challua: Welcome to Smiles 101. I'm the teacher, Challua!

Stella: I look forward to our lesson, teacher.

Alk: What's the point of this?

Challua: To make Stella smile!

Challua: That's why I'm here! Stella's in good hands!

Stella: Yes. The best hands.

Challua: Thanks to Regitare's lessons, I learned to talk! Knowledge is power!

Alk: Sure, but... a class about smiling?

Challua: Ahem! Lesson one!

Challua: Get lots of sunlight!

Stella: Lots of sunlight... Okay.

Alk: Yeah, that makes sense. Especially coming from you, Challua.

Challua: Lesson two!

Challua: Bury yourself in the dirt.

Alk: Wait, what?!

Stella: In the... dirt. Okay.

Alk: Uh, Stella? You don't need to write that one down.

Challua: Lesson three! Get plenty of fluids... and pour them on your head!

Alk: This lesson seems incredibly plant- specific!

Challua: But look!

Alk: ...What's gotten into you?!

Light: Listen, Alk. I was once a nonbeliever like you.

Light: But I tried it out, and... this is surprisingly soothing. Perhaps it's the body, but I could get used to this.

Alk: ...Huh.

Challua: Lesson four! Cut off any excess branches!

Alk: Oookay, I'm gonna stop you right there. Could we get a HUMAN-specific lesson, by chance?

Challua: Hmm. Humans and sprites not the same. I forgot!

Stella: How unfortunate.

Challua: I'll make a new lesson soon! For humans!

Stella: I'm looking forward to it.

Light: Quite an odd pair, those two.

Alk: Their backgrounds may be completely different, but they could totally be sisters.

Light: At first glance, Stella might seem like the responsible, older sister, but—

Alk: Yeah, she's definitely the younger sister in this dynamic.

Alk: But I wonder if that's actually true?

Alk: Say, Challua. How old are you, anyway?

Challua: How long I've been alive?

Challua: Umm... A hundred... A few thousand years? Somewhere in the thousands, I guess?

Alk: Thousands?! Are you serious?

Challua: Does my time as a tree not count?

Alk: Er, I'm not sure, actually. Let's just say it doesn't.

Challua: In that case... Maybe ten? I don't remember when I became "me", exactly.

Alk: I guess you can't really compare sprite ages to human ages, huh?

Alk: How old is Stella, anyway?

Stella: I have no recollection myself.

Alk: Looks like it'll remain a mystery then— which one of you two would be the "older sister".

Stella: The "older sister"?

Stella: I have much to learn from Challua, so... I think it would be her.

Challua: Me... a big sister? I've never had such a responsibility before...

Alk: Whoa, that's a pretty big word for you!

Light: I guess the Smiles 101 course was a success after all!

Light: Wh-what? Did I say something wrong?