Celtie (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
Berserker's Plight

At her brother's invitation, Celtie heads to Tris and shows off her prowess in practice matches. Afterward, Ciel tells her that Tris needs her skill, leaving her unsure what to do. She even forgets her sparring match with Alk.

Celtie: To the greatest swordsman I know, whom I treasure greatly... From your brother... Well, this isn't like him in the slightest.

Celtie: I suppose I should be on my way.

Alk: Ah, m-my bad, I wasn't-

Alk: Celtie?

Celtie: Hehe, who do you think it was?

Celtie: Being oblivious to your surroundings will only cause trouble Sir Alk. Understood?

Alk: Y-yes, ma'am. Sorry...

Light: You're certainly dressed up. What's the occasio- Ah, now that I think about it, isn't the partnership ceremony being held soon?

Celtie: Indeed there is, but not until a later date. You see, I received a letter from my brother requesting an audience.

Celtie: Seeing as Ciel is now leader of the Tris family, I felt it necessary to prepare more formal attire...

Celtie: How do I look?

Stella: Cute!

Celtie: What do you think, Sir Alk?

Alk: Yeah, your outfit's cute!

Celtie: ...Do you not have anything else to say?

Stella: You look beautiful!

Celtie: Oh, Lady Stella, I love you so much.

Stella: Hm? Ah, yes... I love you too.

Celtie: Now then, I shall be off. I will be back by evening.

Celtie: I expect to see you later for a sparring match, Sir Alk.

Alk: Ah, okay, I'll be sure to mentally prepare.

Light: Why didn't she ask for my opinion?

Tris Knight: En garde!

Celtie: What is the meaning of this, Ciel?

Ciel: Apologies, Cel, but our forces have grown complacent and arrogant as of late. They could do with a little humbling...

Ciel: Especially from someone of your caliber of skill.

Tris Knight: Ha! Once I'm done with you, next is Sir Cie-

Celtie: Your manners could use refinement, in addition to your poor swordsmanship.

Celtie: Who's next?

Tris Soldier: M-me!

Ciel: ...Excellent Work, Cel.

Celtie: Good grief. If I had known this was your plan, I would have come in my normal attire.

Ciel: Heh. Isn't it nice to dress up on occasion? Besides, your current outfit has nary a scratch no tear.

Celtie: ...Are you sure it was all right for me to fight the knights?

Ciel: Father is not here. Neither are the small-minded men too obsessed with pride to face you, dear sister.

Ciel: Have you any thoughts of returning to Tris?

Ciel: No one here fears your return... As you saw today, there are many who would welcome the return of our strongest fighter.

Ciel: Above all else, we need you if we wish to sharpen our blades even further.

Celtie: May I have some time to think about it?

Ciel: Of course. The partnership ceremony has not even been held yet. You have plenty of time to think.

Alk: Now this is are.

Alk: I never thought you'd be the one to forget a sparring match.

Celtie: Ah... M-my apologies... It completely slipped my mind...

Alk: ...What happened?

Celtie: You know, Sir Alk, I may not look it, but I was once an innocent, delicate little girl.

Alk: Y-yeah?

Celtie: I was eight when I learned I could wield a sword. I was twelve when I first beat my brother. Both times... I was just so happy...

Celtie: I thought my family would share in my joy.

Celtie: What a fool I was. Even when I saw the way my father looked at me the day I defeated that dragon, I never suspected the truth.

Celtie: That I was someone that did not belong.

Alk: But that's changed now, right?

Celtie: Indeed it has. My brother has asked me if I have any interest in returning home.

Celtie: He said... He needs my skills...

Alk: ... I see.

Celtie: I'll be honest, I'm not sure what to do. Is it truly okay for me to return?

Celtie: What do you think I should do, Sir Alk?

Alk: Well, I-

Celtie: No, wait! No doubt you will tell me to do what feels right, correct?

Alk: Y-yeah...

Celtie: In that case, allow me to rephrase the question...

Celtie: Will you miss me if I'm gone, Sir Alk?

Alk: Huh? What are you talking about?

Alk: Of course I'd miss you. It'd be like losing a teacher, a little sister, and a friend all at once.

Celtie: That's quite the list of roles you've given me.

Celtie: But thank you. Your comments are duly noted.

Celtie: It seems I have more thinking to do.

Alk: Maybe I'll make something sweet today.

Episode 2
A New Me

After informing Ciel of her decision, Celtie speaks from the heart and declares she will become the world's strongest swordsman. On her way out, she is teased by a previously hidden Hanabi, and she leaves for Starview in a huff.

Celtie: What are you still standing there for?

Alk: Whoa!

Celtie: My apologies, Sir Alk!

Alk: Celtie! No problems protecting the city, I’m guessing?

Celtie: Yes, everyone is safe! I am also relieved to see you all in one piece!

Alk: About that… We weren’t able to take back the stolen relic.

Alk: I know you believed in us… I’m so sorry!

Celtie: Whatever you retrieved the relic is of little concern to me.

Celtie: What I believed in was your judgment and actions.

Celtie: Both Palpebra and Arum are safe. Wishing for any more than that is greed, pure and simple.

Celtie: So… Welcome back, everyone.

Alk: Yeah… It’s great to be back!

Ciel: …I assume your decision is final.

Celtie: Yes, I will not be returning to Tris.

Celtie: I will walk my own path.

Ciel: Is that is your decision, I highly doubt I will be able to sway your mind.

Ciel: I will ask you one question, though. Do you longer consider Tris a place you can return to?

Celtie: I assure you that is not the issue. I will always treasure our home dearly.

Celtie: …When you asked me to return, I actually shed tears of joy.

Ciel: Then am I correct to assume there is some other reason for you to stay?

Celtie: Brother, all I wanted was to become a honed blade.

Celtie: So I drew my sword and fought.

Celtie: I forged myself in the flames of combat, fusing my very being with my blade, and began to chisel the rest of myself away.

Celtie: I tossed aside my very identity-the entirety of Celtie Tris.

Celtie: If I could temper myself enough…

Celtie: I believed I would become the sword itself.

Celtie: All I wanted was to grow stronger. But that has changed.

Celtie: I now believe I can become something more than a simple sword.

Ciel: …It sounds like you’re trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

Celtie: Perhaps. In all honestly, I am not sure what I want yet.

Ciel: Could this be your new master’s influence?

Celtie: Again with the master nonsense… But perhaps you are right. He is both my pupil, master, and most of all, my most-trusted friend.

Celtie: So I will continue down my path with him and the others.

Ciel: I suppose that answers my question. Thank you, Cel.

Ciel: More than just a sword, huh… Well, if you have any intention of becoming a bride, I hope you will at least allow me to meet him.

Celtie: I never said anything about marriage!

Celtie: My path will always involve my sword. I have no intentions of abandoning my title as the Demon Blade of Tris.

Celtie: In fact, I aim to become the greatest swordsman in the world.

Ciel: You say that as if it will be easy.

???: Looks like you two had a nice chat. Good for you.

Celtie: Hanabi? Were you eavesdropping on us?

Hanabi: Yeah, sorry. I thought he might try to punish you. Turns out I had nothing to worry about.

Celtie: I never felt your presence, and neither did my brother… You’re quite skilled.

Hanabi: Well, this IS my job…

Celtie: Up until now, I would have left it all that, but with this, I am now certain that you are hiding your true potential.

Hanabi: Huh? Wait, shouldn’t we be taking about your conversation with your brother?

Celtie: I've witnessed you use plenty of smaller weapons, but what about swords? Do you have a katana?

Hanabi: Whoa, you're freaking me out. Sparring with you is not on my to-do list. That's more of a samurai's departm-

Hanabi: Ah, speaking of sparring...

Hanabi: Hehe, I heard everything. What did you call him back there? Something about him being the one you trust the most?

Hanabi: You really-

Celtie: Wh-wh-what in the world are you talking about!

Hanabi: ...Really treasure our friends, don't you?

Hanabi: Hehehe.

Celtie: H-how dare you hide yourself away like a coward? Come on this instant!

Hanabi: No thanks.

Hanabi: I'm hungry, so I'll be on my way.

Celtie: The next time I see you, we are sparring, you hear me? Whether it's with blades or what have you, I will take you down!

Celtie: And don't get any funny ideas!

Episode 3
Knight of the Stars

While on an outing with Alk and the others, Stella tells Celtie how much she would miss her if she was gone. After glaring at Alk, Celtie reassures her that she's not going anywhere. When a group of children stop to thank the Farlan knight for defeating the dragon, a bewildered Celtie happily corrects them, stating she is a knight of the stars.

Celtie: Phew... I feel much better now.

Alk: Why...

Celtie: It's been far too long since you and I last sparred. Today's match was most satisfactory.

Alk: Are you really okay with me as your opponent?

Alk: You finally got time to practice again, so wouldn't it be better to spar with someone stronger?

Celtie: No, I specifically wished to fight you today, Sir Alk.

Celtie: It's true that fighting you poses no challenge to me...

Celtie: But that is the same with everyone. Not to mention those with skill rarely reveal their secrets anyway.

Alk: Huh? Really?

Celtie: If you truly wish to hone your blade, then there's nothing better than fight for your life!

Alk: No wonder they call you the Demon Blade...

Celtie: Well, this is where my next adventure begins.

Celtie: Here I can learn more about myself, not just my sword.

Celtie: ...And on that note!

Celtie: Let's go have some fun!

Celtie: The incident from the other day is behind us, and the festivities are up and running again, sooo...

Celtie: I say we enjoy ourselves!

Stella: Agreed!

Hanabi: Why am I here?

Celtie: Don't think I've forgotten your rude behavior the other day. What would you rather do? This, or spar with me until I get bored?

Hanabi: Both those options suck, but... I guess hanging out with you isn't so bad...

Celtie: Then off we go!

Light: Is this... supposed to be fun?

Stella: ...are we not in a weapon shop?

Celtie: That we are. This shop stocks all the various weapons unearthed in the Kaleidoscope.

Celtie: My knowledge extends only to swords, but surely Hanabi is well acquainted with the other weapons here.

Hanabi: So you wanna learn about other weapons, huh?

Hanabi: Well, that's fine.

Stella: What is that? It has a chain on it...

Hanabi: That's a kusarigama, or chain-sickle. You gotta be careful though, If you get tangled up, you could lose your limbs or worse...

Celtie: Surely a sword is stronger than this!

Hanabi: What happened to learning about other weapons?

Nimbus: I figured we'd just be carrying shopping bags, but those bags are starting to look pretty heavy...

Alk: Yeah...

Nimbus: She really does only think about getting stronger, huh?

Alk: Yeah.

Nimbus: ...Heh.

Celtie: Mmm... Scrumptious! I'm so glad we came to this shop!

Celtie: Palpebra's cuisine truly does outshine the rest. This is absolutely perfect.

Hanabi: Hm... Yeah, I can agree with you on that.

Stella: Are you having fun, Celtie?

Celtie: Hm? Of course I am.

Stella: I am having fun as well. I would love to do this again.

Stella: If you left... I would miss you.

Celtie: Sir Alk... Did you tell her?

Celtie: Don't worry, Lady Stella. I am not going anywhere. I've decided to stay here with all of you.

Stella: Thank goodness...

Little Girl: Ah! It's her! It's gotta be!

Little Boy: You're the flying lady, right? You beat up the dragons too, right?

Little Girl: Aren't you a knight from the Farlands? Thank you for saving us!

Celtie: No... It is I who should thank you...

Celtie: And while it is true I wield a sword, I am not a knight of the Farlands.

Celtie: I am Celtie Tris, the strongest swordsman of the Tris family.

Celtie: And I am but one knight of the many who serve the stars.