Cecilia (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
A knight's Day Off

After noticing a man watching her and Phira on their outing, Cecilia confronts him, only to find out he wishes to confess his love to her. Cecilia challenges the man, but Alk arrives and resolves the situation. When Phiria and the others ask how she feels about the confession, Cecilia declares her intent to forget it ever happened, and proceeds to order a drink.

Phiria: Look, Cecilia! I think that's a new stall!

Phiria: I wonder if they're selling candy? I'm sure Stella would love some if they are!

Cecilia: Y-yes, I am certain she would...

Cecilia: Hehe... This reminds me of our first meeting...

Cecilia: And yet... I cannot seem to relax. Perhaps I am not used to these civilian clot-

Phiria: Look! This one changes colors as you mix it! Arum would love thi-

Cecilia: Lady Phiria, we are being watched.

Cecilia: Worry not, my lady. I will handle our pursuer. please make your escape.

Phiria: W-wait... I can fight too-

Cecilia: Stop right there! What business do you have with Lady Phiria?

Young Adventurer: Huh? wait, this isn't what it-

Cecilia: I know you have been watching us from afar! Who is your master? Are you with the Star Augurs?

Cecilia: Regardless, I will not let you-

Young Adventurer: I-I love you!

Young Adventurer: Argh! This is NOT how I wanted this to go! But desperate times call for desperate measures!

Young Adventurer: From the moment I first saw you, I fell for your beauty! I just wanted you to know who I am!

Cecilia: S-so this is your business! I-I see... Unfortunately, Lady Phiria is-

Young Adventurer: No, I love YOU!

Young Adventurer: Not the girl behind you! YOU! The one with the beautiful wavey hair! You, my fair lady!

Cecilia: ...Wh-what are you saying! Surely you must jest-

Phiria: I know what you mean!

Phiria: I-I totally agree with you! Cecilia is the most beautiful girl in the world!

Cecilia: L-Lady Phiria!

Phiria: Isn't she amazing? She's always there to protect me, Reliable, cool, and beautiful- She's got it all!

Young Adventurer: Oh, yeah? Well, I think even the way she walks is beautiful! And that lonely expression of hers-

Cecilia: S-stop!

Cecilia: Please stop this!

Young Adventurer: O-okay!

Cecilia: N-now, you! You... you scoundrel! Reflect upon your actions!

Cecilia: H-how dare you disrupt public morals by declaring such emotions out in the open! Have you no shame?

Cecilia: Th-therefore, I... I...

Cecilia: I challenge you! Draw your sword, warrior!

Phiria: Cecilia!

Young Adventurer: Does that mean... if I win, you'll go out with me?

Cecilia: I-I never said that!

Nimbus: What are these two doing?

Alk: W-we should stop them before-

Nimbus: Nah, hold on a sec, Alk.

Nimbus: Let 'em fight for a bit. I could use some entertainment.

Alk: Seriously though, I'm going to stop them.

Cecilia: How shameless of me...

Nimbus: Now THAT was a show. I've never seen you get that flustered before.

Alk: You don't have to sound so happy about it...

Nimbus: So? What next?

Phiria: Y-yes, what next?

Cecilia: Wh-what are exactly are you two referring to?

Phiria: Are you going to date that man?

Cecilia: D-don't be ridiculous! I would never! In fact, I plan to pretend this whole affair never happened.

Nimbus: Wow, so you're just gonna ghost him? That's cold.

Cecilia: Barkeep! Bring me an ale! Extra large!

Nimbus: Now we're talking! I'll have the same!

Phiria: Well, to be honest, I'm glad everything turned out this way.

Alk: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Cecilia: Barkeep! I'll take some dry-cured ham and pickles as well!

Episode 2
A Knight's Plight

In order to become more flexible, Cecilia asks Alk and Light to help her train by having fun. However, the trio end up fighting crime instead, and Cecilia feels she has failed her mission. Arly happens by and tells Cecilia she should take pride in her actions so far and continue on as she has, which puts Cecilia at some ease.

Cecilia: I wish to train more.

Alk: A-any specific reasons why?

Cecilia: I made a shameless display of myself during my previous outing with Lady Phiria.

Cecilia: However, that incident did provide me with some insight... It would appear my way of thinking is a tad obtuse.

Cecilia: My knowledge and experience are those of a knight, but that is no longer my station in life. I'm fully aware of this, and yet...

Light: Hm... I understand you plight all too well. So, what is this training you speak of?

Cecilia: I must become more flexible as a person. Therefore, it is imperative that I... learn to have fun!

Cecilia: Could I possibly request your assistance in this matter?

Guild Knight: Thank you for helping us catch the criminal! We'll see you around!

Alk: Catching a shoplifter, busting an illegal street stall, helping a lost child, and stopping a pickpocket... You've had one heck of a day, Cecilia.

Cecilia: My apologies... We were suppose to be having fun, but I kept interrupting us...

Alk: Y-you don't need to apologize. We helped a lot of people!

Cecilia: But I am still as obstinate as ever.

Cecilia: And I'm beginning to think... that will never change...

Arum: Ah! It's Lightsy!

Light: Hngh! A-Arum, p-please... Not so tight!

Arly: Hey there. Didn't expect to see you guys here.

Cecilia: Arly...

Arly: What's with the long face? You and Phiria have a fight or something?

Arly: ...Hmm, so that's that's going on.

Arly: You're aware that the fact you're even worrying about this is proof you're uptight, right?

Cecilia: R-really?

Arly: What's the big deal anyway? So what if you're a bit of a square?

Arly: You get along with Phiria just fine, right? I don't see the problem.

Cecilia: But Lady Phiria has changed. She's becoming so strong.

Cecilia: In contrast... I'm embarrassed to say that I have not changed in the slightest.

Arly: ...You're overthinking it.

Cecilia: That is very likely, but... That does not stop me from worrying.

Cecilia: Despite my status as a knight, I am weaker than Lady Phiria. I am a fraud-

Arly: Now THAT I understand!

Arly: You're the one supposed to be protecting them, but you're too weak to actually do it! It pisses you off, doesn't it?

Cecilia: I-I don't know if I would phrase it in that way, but...

Cecilia: So you also experience this?

Arly: Yeah, but I think I'm fighting those feelings a bit more than you. I guess I think of them as a reason to get stronger.

Arum: Sisty, I got it! I brought it all by myself!

Arly: Yes, yes, good job... How are you holding up, Light?

Light: Hehe... Pay me no mind... I am just an adorable little doll...

Arly: My bad. I shouldn't have forced Arum on you.

Cecilia: I think you're a fine big sister.

Arly: You think so?

Arum: But she's weaker than me.

Arly: I betrayed the army, took Arum, and escaped. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for my actions.

Arly: I don't know if that makes me a good big sister, but I know it makes me pretty impressive in my own right.

Arly: Wouldn't the same go for you?

Cecilia: ...Well... You have a point...

Cecilia: Heh... I suppose my actions up until now are rather unbecoming of a knight.

Arly: Exactly. So there's no need to change. Take pride in what you've done and keep doing things your way.

Cecilia: Pride... A reason to get stronger...

Cecilia: She really is an extraordinary person...

Episode 3
Our Future

As Cecilia and Phiria gaze at the stars, Cecilia declares that her role has ended, and from now on, she wishes to continue as Phiria's friend. Phiria happily agrees. As part of her new lease on life, Cecilia decides to start taking jobs she's accustomed to and branch out from there. She runs into Alk and Light, who feels extra motivated upon hearing her resolve.

Phiria: What a beautiful sky...

Phiria: It reminds me of our past.

Cecilia: On nights when even the mountains seem to freeze, the stars shine all the brighter... That is why you chose the coldest night, correct?

Phiria: I was wondering tonight would be a disappointment... Starview is so warm, after all.

Cecilia: We certainly have come a long way haven't we?

Cecilia: Thinking back on it now, it's almost surprising that we're able to carry on as we do.

Phiria: C-Cecilia...

Phiria: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! I-

Cecilia: Lady Phiria! Oh, Lady Phira!

Cecilia: Thank goodness you are unharmed!

Phiria: ...Cecilia?

Cecilia: I've thought long and hard about what I would do when I saw you again... What I should do...

Cecilia: But no longer. I have made my decision!

Cecilia: I will never force you onto the battlefield again. I will protect you!

Phiria: But... But I... I abandoned all those people-

Cecilia: It doesn't matter... They don't matter, Lady Phiria. You should have never been forced to fight...

Cecilia: Let us gaze upon the stars again sometime...

Cecilia: Despite all that, you chose to enter the battlefield once again. But this time, you were driven by your own hopes and dreams.

Phiria: I-I'm sorry... Cecilia, I-

Cecilia: You need not apologize.

Cecilia: I am simply stating that my role as your protector has come to an end.

Cecilia: You are strong, Lady Phira. Strong enough to move forward on your own. You no longer require my assistance.

Phiria: N-no!

Phiria: I-I made a vow. I promised myself that I would protect the wind that blows through Starview!

Phiria: I wish to create a place where my loved ones and I can live together in peace!

Phiria: S-so... If I can't be with you, Cecilia, then... Then my dream can't come true!

Cecilia: In that case, we will achieve that dream together.

Phiria: Huh?

Cecilia: Instead of your knight, what if I was your comrade? Someone who could stand beside you.

Cecilia: Lady Phiria, will you be my friend?

Phiria: Yes... Of course I will! We're already friends, after all!

Pur Lilie: Man, you really saved my bacon! I really appreciate you helping us out!

Cecilia: Think nothing of it. I am used to patrolling, after all. Make use of me in whatever capacity you see fit.

Alk: Hm? Cecilia?

Cecilia: Ah, greetings, you two. It seems the festival was in need of more security, so I came to offer my services.

Light: Is that so?

Cecilia: I wish to expand my horizons, so I thought starting with a task I am familiar with and branching out from there would be an effective strategy.

Cecilia: After all, I have already decided I will never return to my homeland.

Cecilia: I do not know what the Star Augurs were thinking...

Cecilia: However, I am now certain that their methods conflict with my own ideals. I will never return to their side.

Light: I see... You truly are a courageous woman, Cecilia.

Cecilia: To be fair, even if I did wish to return, we have yet to find our world anyways.

Cecilia: And if one wishes to eat, they must earn their keep.

Alk: Gotcha... Is that why Phiria was in the library studying before?

Cecilia: Lady Phiria?

Cecilia: Hehe... She's a strong one, is she not? I have my work cut out for me if I wish to keep up with her.

Light: We were just about to accept a request from the Guild ourselves. Would you perhaps like to form a party?

Cecilia: Yes, it would be an honor!