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Episode 1
Law and Order

When Cecilia, an old-school knight, arrives in Starview, she is shocked by the lack of laws. With a little encouragement from Light, she decides to set up the village's first patrol.

Cecilia: I am Cecilia Cerdic. I live by the sword, though knighthood was once the province of men.

Cecilia: I reached this place after long wandering in the dark... You may have saved my life.

Cecilia: Until the day comes that I have repayed my debt to you, please accept my fealty.

Alk: Whoa... She's so... proper.

Light: At last! One who speaks my language!

Light: Ah... It's nothing.

Light: We welcome your aid, Cecilia. We are all wanderers here, searching for home.

Cecilia: Thank you.... But before I return, there is a task I must see through. I seek a woman.

Cecilia: We were together shortly before the darkness consumed me. I believe she too was sent to a different world.

Stella: If she was, then we will find her.

Stella: Since Light, the World Flipper has brought many people to Starview.

Stella: We may be able to call her to us. I will do my best to locate her.

Cecilia: Stella... You have my gratitude.

Cecilia: Now, will you not tell me the customs of your land?

Cecilia: Er... The laws? The... rules?

Alk: ...Did we have any rules?

Cecilia: But without laws, how can you have order?!

Stella: Order?

Light: Cecilia... In our society, there is none of the structure you are accustomed to. We live by common sense, not laws set into stone and paper.

Cecilia: So you live like brigands...

Alk: Oh, wait! We DID have a rule!

Alk: Any food that goes in the refrigerator has to have your name on it!

Cecilia: No customs, no rules besides those found in every small household... And yet folk of all sorts gather here—even a sentient mushroom!

Cecilia: What is more, the borders are not guarded. People are free to settle here, or come and go as they please.

Cecilia: And, at all times, there are other worlds in the sky... Can I truly live here?

Light: That was quite a sigh... Though I cannot blame you for it.

Cecilia: I-I'm sorry! I did not mean to be ungrateful!

Light: Raise your head. I said I do not blame you.

Light: This village is peaceful. A place where you can take your ease.

Cecilia: That's true. I see no signs of serious conflict or dispute.

Cecilia: There are no laws in Starview... And yet, I believe there IS order.

Light: That is because its inhabitants are honorable. It's odd, but Alk and Stella seem to attract good people.

Light: They are objects of neither devotion nor fear. One merely... wishes to see them happy.

Cecilia: Yes... I somehow felt that... But people and circumstances change. The future offers no guarantees.

Cecilia: Do you not think some measures should be taken to guard against unrest?

Light: I believe that is why we are here.

Light: Cecilia. Will you not stay and look after Alk and Stella?

Cecilia: I would be honored to... Champion.

Cecilia: Perhaps I should start by setting up a patrol.

Light: A fine idea. Allow me to help.

Episode 2
Duty and Desire

Cecilia has a moonlit conversation with Stella about duty, doubt, and following one's heart.

???: No... No! Oh, I can't anymore...

???: Please, don't make me kill—

Cecilia: Lady Phiria!

Cecilia: Go! Run!

Cecilia: Hurry!

Daemon: KEEEEE!

Cecilia: Beast! Now you shall face me!

Cecilia: No... I cannot fall here... I only fought one, and Lady Phiria fought many…

???: Cecilia! Where is the oracle?!

Cecilia: Lord Gerard...

Gerard: I did not ask for my name! WHERE IS THE ORACLE?!

Cecilia: She... She ran away...

Gerard: She WHAT?! You had ONE task, and it was to KEEP her from escaping!

Cecilia: She was in a state of panic... If she had not fled, she would have…

Gerard: Then you should have turned her fear into a weapon! Do you understand how much MONEY, how much SACRIFICE went into making the oracle?!

Cecilia: ..."Making" the oracle?

Gerard: AGH! Where are the elves? What is the matter with this forest?!

Gerard: Cecilia! Chase after the oracle!

Gerard: Bring her back, even if it means dragging in her cold corpse... Now GO!

Cecilia: Lady Phiria...

Stella: Good evening, Cecilia.

Stella: Is something keeping you awake?

Cecilia: Oh, no... I merely wished to look up at the sky.

Cecilia: Lady Phiria used to beg me to go stargazing with her. Those nights are some of the most beautiful I remember.

Cecilia: I will find her and bring her home. That is my duty.

Stella: It is your duty, but it is not what you want.

Cecilia: What?

Cecilia: I-it is. Without a doubt, I—

Cecilia: Why did you think that?

Stella: I am not sure. I had... a feeling.

Cecilia: Did you now? Heh. To tell the truth, I no longer know what I want.

Cecilia: I believed it my wish and duty to guard and guide her…

Cecilia: But if that means forcing her back onto the battlefield, I…

Stella: It will be all right.

Stella: The two of you will go stargazing again.

Cecilia: How do you know?

Stella: I used to be alone under the night sky. But then I met Alk, Light, and finally, you.

Stella: Now, the sky feels much bigger. The possibilities are endless.

Stella: I'm sorry... I am not good at explaining things, but... I just know. Things will be all right.

Cecilia: ...Thank you, Stella. Though much is still uncertain, I have come to understand one thing.

Cecilia: I will find Lady Phiria and once again walk with her beneath the stars. Not because duty commands me to, but because my heart asks me to.