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Episode 1
Uncouth Alchemist

Alk and friends accept a request to check on the alchemist Bryce in a nearby Float, who is focused solely on his work- until Stella shows an interest in his research. After a while, Bryce goes outside to the roof and scatters an unknown powder into the air, scaring the locals. It turns out to be anti-rust powder, but because of his lack of explanation and repeat offenses of scaring the populace, he is exiled. Stella invited him to move to Starview Valley.

Alk: Hello? Hope you don't mind that we let ourselves in...

Nimbus: What a mess... Are all alchemists this much of a disaster?

Bryce: Ugh... Hey, any of you know what time it is?

Alk: Uh, a little past lunch, I think?

Bryce: Another failure then. It was supposed to stop working 4 hours ago.

Bryce: I suppose it might be impossible to effectively incorporate shade elements into sleep medicine...

Light: Someone from the Float requested that we check on you and your research, Bryce. That's why we're here.

Bryce: Hmm, in other words, you're putting me under observation.

Bryce: You don't appear to be government lap dogs though.

Light: As the outsourced help, we're supposed to keep you from doing anything dangerous.

Alk: Well, you don't look like you're up to anything naughty. Sorry if we end up getting in your way...

Bryce: Not at all. Whether I have an audience or not makes no difference to me.

Bryce: Let's see. What was the proper procedure for tending to guests again?

Alk: Uh... What're you digging around for?

Bryce: Tea. I'm supposed to serve that to guests from what I recall. Give me a moment to synthesize some...

Alk: This is probably the first time I've ever had tea out of a beaker...

Nimbus: I'm no alchemy expert, but is this guy actually doing legit research? 'Cause it sure doesn't look like it.

Light: Bryce, are you sure wrapping the test tubes with tape is safe?

Bryce: Why is everyone so obsessed with safety protocols? I swear...

Bryce: What basis do you have for your concerns? Do you even understand what I am handling in the first place?

Light: S-so long as there are no issues, then... Excuse me for saying anything.

Bryce: Ah... No, I'm sorry for snapping.

Stella: Is this an element shard? It is colorless.

Bryce: That's because it is inert, waiting to be activated once more.

Bryce: Wait... Don't tell me you're actually interested in the subject?

Stella: I am. Could you teach me more?

Bryce: I don't mind. However...

Bryce: My schedule is packed today. I don't have time to give you a full lesson.

Bryce: Strange though. You don't have the looks of a specialist...

Stella: What are these test tubes wrapped in tape for?

Bryce: These are spark elements, converted into liquid form to be used in medicine.

Bryce: Normally, elemental shards are processed into useable energy through an extraction technique-

Bryce: But that is something to save for another time. I have business outside, and if you're going to follow me, then don't dally.

Alk: So... Mind telling me why we're on the roof?

Bryce: What do you mean, why? Isn't it obvious?

Bryce: Whatever, you just stand there and watch.

Bryce: Hehehe... Yes, this is perfect. The numbers are stable. It's working! I've concocted enough as well!

Light: Bryce, what are you doing?!

Bryce: Hm? Why the scared looks? Are my brains seeping out of my head or something?

Nimbus: Answer him! Else we'll hafta slap some sense into you!

Bryce: All this over some anti-rust spray?

Nimbus: ...Say what now?

Bryce: Floats are comprised mostly of steel. Naturally, rust is a problem best avoided.

Alk: Then... Nobody was hurt?

Bryce: Of course not. I am an alchemist of the highest caliber.

Float Official: Again, Bryce? You're not getting with it this time!

Alk: No way! They're shutting down your research and kicking you out? But where will you live?

Bryce: My problems are a bit more pressing than losing a home. It seems I've been exiled from this Float entirely.

Bryce: It beggars belief, honestly. Shouldn't everyone wish to preserve the structures holding up their homes?

Nimbus: You know... You should've told someone what you were doing before you scared the crap outta everyone like that.

Bryce: Perhaps an explanation WAS required...

Bryce: Well, whatever the case, I can't change the past. I'll just have to find a new place to conduct research.

Stella: If you need somewhere to stay, I know just the place.

Stella: Please come with us.

Bryce: Excuse me? What's the meaning of this?

Alk: She means that we can get you set up with a roof over your head and a place to do work.

Bryce: I understood that part, but why extend such an invitation to me? What are you after?

Stella: To provide you with that you need.

Stella: Also, I wish to continue the lesson from earlier.

Bryce: Hahaha... Simply curiosity, is it?

Bryce: Driven only by a single motive... How nostalgic.

Bryce: All right, I accept. You've garnered my curiosity as well.

Bryce: I look forward to working with you.

Episode 2
Like an Inert Shard

Alk and co. take Bryce to the Kaleidoscope, where he collects elemental shards for his research and happily gathers combat data. Later, while answering Stella's question, he explain that he's continuing research on a subject that he can't let go of. That night, he dreams of the past that drove him to his research.

Bryce: Hmm... I'm surprised elemental shards an the study of them exist in other worlds.

Bryce: But now, what to do...

Nimbus: Yo, what're you doing spacin' out here?

Bryce: Ah, don't get me wrong. I appreciate that you prepared a research space for me. However...

Alk: Do you still need something? We'd be happy to help, whatever it is.

Bryce: I have adjusted accordingly to life in another world, but there's still the matter of procuring research materials- elemental shards in particular.

Alk: Oh, if it's stuff you're looking for, want to come along with us? We're just about to head out, actually.

Bryce: Hahahaha! Nobody told me there'd be ample opportunity for combat! This is PERFECT! Time for some practical application!

Bryce: More data! WONDERFUL! I knew I was right to prepare beforehand! Hahahaha!

Nimbus: The hell is wrong with this guy?

Alk: Honestly... I'm kinda freaked out right now.

Stella: Bryce does get very excited when he experiments.

Bryce: That was the last one. Thank you for this. Not only was I able to procure the shards, but I also collected a good amount of data.

Nimbus: Is that all you have to say?! You nearly hit us!

Bryce: Haven't I told you before? I always take care to aim properly. Besides, even if I were to make a mistake, I have treatment prepared.

Nimbus: How the hell were we supposed to know that? You gotta explain these things before we're in the danger zone!

Nimbus: Just 'cause you're not worried, doesn't mean the rest of us aren't!

Bryce: I see. It makes sense that you're angry.

Bryce: If I alone am the only informed party, then you have every right to doubt my opinion and your safety.

Bryce: My apologies. How about I explain on the way back? Better late than never.

Bryce: Another failure on my part... Why is it that I never learn.

Bryce: Even though I proudly boasted to him before...

Bryce: But I'm right. I know I am.

Bryce: The result speak for themselves. These techniques won't be what causes strife... Right?

Stella: What are you talking about?

Bryce: Oh, it's you. Forget that. I was muttering to myself.

Bryce: Did you come for another lecture? You're quite the peculiar one.

Stella: Yes, I wish to learn more.

Bryce: Suit yourself. I hope you have time set aside, though. This will be lengthy.

Stella: I am free. Very free.

Bryce: ...And that concludes my summary on recycling elemental shards. As you can see, it shows promise as a sustainable source of energy.

Stella: To restore their light and give them purpose again...

Stella: This is an impressive technology you discovered.

Bryce: I can't claim all the credit. Besides, it possesses a significant flaw.

Bryce: There is a slight chance that the energy will surge beyond control- which is a risk that can't be ignored.

Bryce: All my time since being exiled from the Tartas Society bas been devoted to providing this conjecture.

Stella: So the lightless shards can't be used?

Bryce: ...No, they can. The probability that there ISN'T a problem is higher.

Bryce: It's more likely that all my research is for naught...

Bryce: Completely useless, just like inert shards. Hehe, oh, the irony...

Stella: Why do you continue this research then?

Stella: What do you still have left to do?

Bryce: Alchemy is for the sake of others. For the sake of the future...

Bryce: But I can't bring myself to move on. I have to do this...

Bryce: Recycling a large amount of elemental shards at once has a chance of warping the mana.

Bryce: If it begins to release unstable energy... It will be too late to stop an accident once things are set in motion. You know this, Frank.

Frank: Hehehe... It's been quite a while since we've argued like this.

Frank: How miniscule of a chance are we talking about anyway? You've always been so paranoid about everything, obsessed with thoroughness.

Frank: This technology will save our drowning world. Have more confidence in your life's defining work!

Bryce: ...That is all the more reason to investigate. We can't risk lives at this stage.

Frank: It's too late, Bryce. Our sponsors are already moving things along, and I'm planning on doing whatever they tell me.

Frank: Alchemy has the power to change the world, remember?

Frank: And now I'm at the top of ours. All it would take is a simple command, and you'd be removed from our society. But I'd rather we avoided that.

Bryce: This is not alchemy is meant for...

Bryce: What an awful dream.

Bryce: I'll see this research through. I have to..

Episode 3
For the Sake of Tomorrow

Bryce finally reaches a turning point in his research- he secures proof that recycling elemental shards has a chance of destabilizing energy, which will cause massive destruction. He and the gang quickly make their way to the offshore elemental-shard power plant where a meltdown is already happening, and swiftly avert the crisis using Bryce's research. His old friend Frank, who once ignored Bryce's warning about using such technology, apologizes to him.

Bryce: Stella, we're getting a steady stream of readings. Be prepared to start once the numbers cross the threshold.

Stella: Threshold has been reached. I am ready to go.

Bryce: All right, stand back and cover your ears!

Stella: What are the results?

Bryce: It is as I thought... We've also run enough tests to safely draw an overall conclusion-

Bryce: Recycling elemental shards undoubtedly warps the surrounding mana for a period of time.

Stella: Then it's just as you predicted.

Bryce: No... It's worse. The probability of an accident is the same, but the severity is far worse than I originally thought.

Bryce: They already have an offshore power plant running and are in the process of making more. There's no time to waste.

Bryce: But... What can I hope to accomplish alone?

Stella: I see. I know just what to do.

Bryce: The power plant needs to be shut down at any cost.

Nimbus: You sure sprung this on us outta nowhere... Can you explain EVERYTHING before we jump the gun this time?

Bryce: Tis is an inert elemental shard. We've discovered that it is extremely hazardous to recycle it.

Bryce: If an energy surge happens... There won't be a tomorrow for the people living there.

Bryce: I need to stop my old friend from continuing to use this technology... There's a chance this will get ugly...

Bryce: Still, can I count on you?

Nimbus: Wow, that's the clearest explanation you've given yet! In other words, you need some backup, eh? We got ya!

Alk: The Gaeans are SO not gonna be happy with us again...

Bryce: I'm sorry, but... I appreciate what you're doing. Thank you.

Shard Engineer: Frank, you have to do something! The plan won't last much longer!

Frank: ...Very well, I shall handle this. Gather everyone and evacuate the premises.

Shard Engineer: B-but if the ether decays-

Frank: Stop fussing around and go! You know the fewer casualties involved, the better!

Frank: What a coincidence that Star Augurs are nowhere to be found. Were we all just disposable test subjects for them?

Frank: Hmph... What a fitting price to pay for neglecting thorough safety measures.

Frank: Warping mana, and the resulting monster frenzies... You were right all along.

Bryce: Hahahahaha!

Bryce: What outstanding timing! My lick must finally be turning around! Wouldn't you agree, Frank?

Frank: Bryce? Is... Is it truly you? Why are you here?

Bryce: Save the small talk for later! Today I reclaim my dignity! One can never be too prepared, and I'm here to prove it!

Frank: This... is a theory on stabilizing elemental shards?

Bryce: Condensed down for a quickly study, so you can mobilize everyone and start synthesizing the materials! No time to waste!

Alk: Good thing we tagged along, huh?

Nimbus: ...Y'know, you're looking pretty chipper for a guy whose worst prediction came true.

Bryce: Hehehe... Yes, it came true, which means I was RIGHT, in addition to being able to show off my research!

Bryce: This is an alchemist's greatest dream come true!

Bryce: Not a single person will be harmed under my watch! Behold, the supremacy of testing theories and research! Hahaha!

Nimbus: He's a pal of yours from way back when, right? Go on. Talk to him.

Bryce: Right... Excuse me for a moment.

Bryce: This crisis is averted with minimal damage... What will happen to the power plant now?

Frank: I can't imagine the government officials will remain idle. At best, the plant will remain as a place for study.

Bryce: Why not put your negotiating skills to use in the Society? You still have that going for you, despite your faults as an alchemist.

Bryce: And if you manage to make it happen... Here. Take this data. Keep studying the technology, analysis, and adapt.

Frank: You gathered all this by yourself... Are you certain? Depending on the result, they might seal the tech away in the end...

Bryce: Alchemy exists to provide a better tomorrow for everyone. I can live with any result, so long as we act according to this creed.

Bryce: Besides, I have a feeling you'll find a useful application for this research, even if it's not a form you originally intended.

Frank: Bryce!

Frank: I just wanted to say... I'm sorry.

Frank: Won't you consider rejoining us?

Bryce: To cling to hope, even when you've sunk to your lowest...

Bryce: I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I can't accept. While I've been gone, I've taken on a rather passionate student who needs looking after.

Bryce: Frank... Goodbye for now. I'm sure we'll meet again someday.