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Episode 1
A Sweet Encounter

When Light saves a forest sprite named Bonnie from a horde of monsters, she quickly becomes infatuated with him. Stella invites her to join their party afterward, to Light's dismay.

Light: The sheer magnitude of this forest never fails to amaze me.

Light: It's a shame that more people don't live here.

Alk: Now that I think about it, wasn't Regitare the one who taught Challua how to speak?

Alk: I wonder if he taught anyone else.

Light: I doubt there are many here who would need to be taught—

Light: Wait. Do you hear something?

???: Get away from me!

Light: Someone's in trouble!

Alk: H-hey, wait up!

Light: Not on my watch!

Light: Are you okay?

Bonnie: You... save me?

Light: Wait... Are you not human?

Bonnie: You can talk too! Are you sprite?

Light: I, er, not exactly. More importantly, are the—

Bonnie: Fluffy sprite! Fluffy, fuzzy, wuzzy sprite!

Bonnie: Monsters, no problem!

Bonnie: Take this! Honeybee Needle!

Alk: Uh... What's going on here?

Light: ...Her name is Bonnie, apparently. I guess she didn't need my help.

Bonnie: I like Light! Let me join you!

Bonnie: I can use language too! Just like sprites! It's fun!

Light: Yeah, so... just let her down gently, would you?

Stella: You're welcome to join us, Bonnie.

Light: S-Stella?!

Light: L-let's think this through! She's a fiend!

Light: Not her appearance, but rather—

Bonnie: I love you, Light! Let's have babies!

Light: Like I said, how would that even work?!

Alk: Nature... finds a way?

Stella: Welcome to the team.

Bonnie: Thanks for having me!

Episode 2
20 CCs of Royal Jelly, Stat!

Bonnie becomes worried about Light, who has fallen ill. She hastily leaves Starview on a quest to find something tasty and nutritious to bring him back to health.

Light: *cough* *hack* Sorry you had to... see me in this *cough* sorry state.

Alk: Hey, nobody's impervious to a cold— not even a champion. Just focus on getting some rest for now, okay?

Light: I'll have you know that *cough* I NEVER caught a cold in my original form.

Light: I don't like it, this feeling of weakness.

Alk: Yeah, well... You've got a major fever, so I'm not surprised.

Alk: I'll make you something nutritious to eat, so just rest easy—


Alk: Oh, uh, Bonnie! Shh... Inside voices.


Alk: ...Calm down, he's alive.

Bonnie: W-will he be okay?! W-will he DIE?

Light: Bonnie... Is that you?

Light: I'm fine, as you can *cough* see. It'll take much more than a mere cold to vanquish a champion, so…

Light: ...

Bonnie: He's dead.

Alk: He's just sleeping!

Bonnie: I'm worried...

Alk: Aww, he'll be fine. With a little rest, Light'll be back on his feet in no time.

Alk: We can help by making him something tasty and nutritious to eat in the meantime.

Bonnie: Tasty? Nutritious? I have an idea!

Bonnie: Wait here, Light! I'll save you!

Alk: Wait, where are you going?

Stella: Did you find her?

Alk: I looked around, but... nothing.

Alk: It's getting late, too. I just hope she didn't go anywhere too dangerous.

Alk: I'll make another round just in case, but you should probably watch over Light while I—

Alk: Bonnie!

Bonnie: I... I found it! Royal jelly!

Alk: Bonnie, you're hurt! And what in the world is royal jelly?

Bonnie: I'm fine! No worries! More important that you give this to Light!

Alk: ...Understood. We owe you one.

Light: Wait... What's this feeling? My strength... it's back!

Light: I'm all better!

Alk: Whoa. This stuff really IS amazing.


Light: I feel so much lighter! Thank you, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Really? You're better now? You won't die?

Light: That's right.

Bonnie: Really? Can we have babies now?

Light: Yeah... I mean, NO! That's completely out of the cards!

Bonnie: Aww.

Bonnie: But I'm happy you're better now! That's most important.

Light: Thank you, Bonnie. And sorry for worrying you.

Alk: Isn't that nice, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Yeah! Light will grow up to be big and strong!

Bonnie: ...Perfect for making babies.