Bianca (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
Santa Queen Is Coming

Bianca is chosen by the Guild to dress up as Santa and hand out presents to kids at the square. Although she resents having to do so, Light points out that her queenly personality makes for a great Santa, which amuses Bianca.

Bianca: Me?! Of all people, why me?!

Bianca: Kids and the holidays... Two things I have very little patience for.

Light: Is something the matter, Bianca?

Pur Lilie: E-every year we have an event where an adventurer dresses up like Santa Claus and passes out presents to the kids...

Pur Lilie: And this year there were a couple of people who suggested having Bianca play the role of Santa!

Light: Bianca... as Santa?!

Bianca: My thoughts exactly, See how absurd this is?

Bianca: Somebody in the Guild is out to get me, and you're going to tell me who it is! Spill it, Lilie!

Pur Lilie: Nobody's out to get you! Erm, well, knowing you, I actually can't guarantee that... But I have a good reason for picking you- just hear me out!

Pur Lilie: This may come as a surprise to you, but it seems like you've got quite a number of fans among the kids!

Bianca: ...Lilie, my dear, are you sure you're not confusing me with someone else?

Alk: This job... Does Bianca really have to go through with it?

Pur Lilie: We can't force her to do anything, of course! But all those little kids are really looking forward to seeing her! It'd be a shame to let them down.

Bianca: Ahaha. Happy holidays!

Bianca: Come, my little dearies! Your master has arrived bearing gifts for all- naughty and nice alike!

Alk: If you're trying to act like Santa, I'm not really seeing it...

Bianca: Quiet, you! This isn't exactly my normal routine!

Light: Perhaps it isn't, but I must admit... You and Aperio have wonderful matching outfits!

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: *sigh* Maybe this was a bad idea after all...

Pur Lilie: Without further ado, let's get this show on the road! Santa's in town- and she's got plenty of presents to give out!

Little Boy: A-are you Santa?

Bianca: Hehehe. Are you interested in becoming my little pet? Just say the magic words and I'll give you some TLC!

Little Boy: Your pet? ...TL-what?

Mother: S-sorry about that! It looks like we mistook you for something else!

Alk: Whoops! Looks like an honest mistake...

Light: Th-that's right! People makes mistakes all the time!

Bianca: I don't need your sympathies. Like I said before, I'm not cut out for-

Sweaty Man: L-Lady Bianca!

Alk: Huh? This even is for children only, sir...

Sweaty Man: Apologies m'lady! But I couldn't wait another second longer to see you! Please, punish this pathetic fool as you see fit!

Sweaty Man: Lady... Bianca?

Bianca: ...And why should I waste my precious time on a buffoon like you?

Sweaty Man: Ahh, yes! Just like that! Thank you so much!

Bianca: I hope he got what he wanted. Adults need presents from time to time as well, I suppose.

Alk: Th-that was supposed to be a present?!

Light: Hmm? it looks like more children are headed this way!

Sisters: Happy holidays!

Bianca: H-happy holidays! Here for some presents? Let's see what we've got.

Sisters: Miss Bianca! There's one more thing we want!

Older Sister: That rabbit! Can he be my pet?

Younger Sister: He's a raccoon, not a rabbit, dummy! And I already called dibs! He's going to be MY pet!

Bianca: Are they imitating me? ...I might have more influence over these children than I though.

Bianca: I'm sorry dearies, but he's actually my pet. I'd be terribly sad to give him up. You can understand that, can't you?

Bianca: How about this... Ten years from now, come back and talk to me again. By then you'll be old enough to have your own pet!

Sisters: That sounds great! Thank you!

Bianca: ...I feel like this isn't your average day in the life of Santa Claus.

Alk: It's definitely not... But hey! Those kids looked happy, so who cares?

Bianca: I just hope that I don't get any complaints from their parents...

Little Boy: A-are you Lady Bianca?! Is Aperio with you too?

Bianca: That's me. And yes, Aperio us right over there.

Aperio: Grawr!

Little Boy: Oh my gosh it's the real Aperio! This is so COOL!

Bianca: You're a fan of his, are you?

Little Boy: That's right! I mean, he's a dragon! They're so awesome- I can't believe you're friends with one!

Bianca: Aperio, how about showing our friend here a trick?

Aperio: Grawr!

Little Boy: Whooooa! That's so cool!

Bianca: Happy holidays. Here's a little something from me and Aperio.

Bianca: And be sure to come back once you're a little bit older. Who knows, maybe you can even be my pet? Hehe.

Light: That questionable last comment aside, I would say that you've made quite a good Santa, Bianca!

Bianca: Hmm? But I wasn't pretending to be Santa just now. I was just acting as I normally would.

Bianca: Giving back to one's loyal subjects is a queen's duty, is it not?

Bianca: You know, the offer still stands. If you become my pet, I'll give you everything you could possibly want.

Light: *sigh* Just when I was trying to compliment you...

Episode 2
Then and Now

On the last leg of her stint as Santa, Bianca encounters a boy wanting to be friends with a dragon. After hearing about the boy's problems, Bianca offers her advice and encourages him to choose his own friends. With a little help from Aperio, Bianca watches with satisfaction as the boy successfully confronts his bully.

Pur Lilie: Our annual holiday giveaway is coming to a close! We're counting on you for that last push!

Bianca: Well that certainly went by in a flash... Another year, another holiday season over.

Light: Is everything all right, Bianca?

Bianca: It's nothing. I was just talking to myself.

Shy Boy: Um... Happy holidays...

Bianca: Hehehe. Happy holidays to you too. Have you been a good boy this year?

Aperio: Grawr!

Shy Boy: Wow... A real dragon...

Bianca: Looks like we found another fan of yours, Aperio.

Aperio: Grawr!

Shy Boy: If you don't mind me asking, how did you become friends with a dragon, Miss Bianca?

Bianca: Well... I came across this grimoire in the estate where I used to live. When I opened it, Aperio just materialized- I'd summoned him accidentally, you see.

Bianca: Back then, I didn't really have any friends. All I had was books to keep me company. I was a voracious reader.

Shy Boy: I-I also love books! I can relate to them more than people...

Bianca: So why are you interested in becoming friends with a dragon?

Shy Boy: I mean, if I had a dragon for a friend that's all I would need... I wouldn't have to bother dealing with people anymore.

Shy Boy: Other kids think I'm weird, so they don't want to be around me either... But my mom just tells me to make friends with them anyway...

Bianca: If that's the type of person your mom is, I'm not sure she'd approve of you becoming friends with a dragon either.

Shy Boy: You think so?

Bianca: I do. But here's the thing... It's entirely up to you who you want to be friends with- or who you want to avoid.

Bianca: Humans, dragons, it doesn't matter. Only you have the power to make that decision.

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: Though you might not have a choice this time- Aperio seems to have taken a liking to you.

Shy Boy: R-really?! I-I also want to be his friend!

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: Aperio says he wants yo see you again.

Shy Boy: I'll definitely come by again! Thank you for everything, Miss Bianca! I'll see you soon too, Aperio!

Light: How curious. You open up substantially whenever Aperio comes into the picture.

Bianca: Hush. Or I'll tie you up into a knot.

Bully: Aren't you a little too old to be lining up back there for Santa? You're such a weirdo.

Bully: Hey, what's that? Let me take a peek at what you got!

Shy Boy: L-let go! Th-that's mine!

Bully: Huh? What's with the fuss? We're friends, right?! So quit whining and hand it over!

Light: A quarrel among children... But I can't just stand back and watch this happen. I'll go break this up.

Bianca: Wait a minute. I have another idea. Aperio, could you go help our new friend?

Aperio: Grawr!

Shy Boy: A-Aperio!

Bully: Wh-whoa! What's with the lizard?! That thing's freaky... Perfect for a weirdo like you!

Shy Boy: Shut up!

Shy Boy: Aperio's my friend now, and I won't let you make fun of him! Get lost!

Aperio: Grawr!

Sisters: Yeah, you tell him! We knew you had what it takes!

Sisters: Fancy being our new pet?

Shy Boy: Huh?!

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: Aperio sure seems to be having fun.

Light: The two of you make quite the formidable team. I wonder...

Light: No, never mind.

Light: Anyway, we only have a couple more presents to go through before we're finished. Let's get to it, Bianca.

Bianca: Can I be myself, even if that means I'm not your typical Santa?

Light: Yes, why not? ...There clearly seems to be demand for your particular brand of Santa.

Bianca: *sigh* I'll never understand people.

Bianca: Well then, I suppose it's time for me to do what I do best.

Bianca: Line up, my cute pets! I've got all kinds of wonderful presents to give out!

Bianca: Happy holidays!

Aperio: Grawr!

Episode 3
Holiday, Schmolidays

Knowing too well from her own childhood how lonely the holidays can be without a present, Bianca decides to deliver one last gift before the end of the holidays. Getting back late, she heads to the bar, but is surprised by Alk and members of the Guild, who have prepared a present for her. Elated by the gesture, Bianca joins in for her first true holiday party.

Aperio: Grawr?

Bianca: *sigh* Looks like mother and father are going to be late again.

Bianca: Maybe they're busy with work? Or maybe they have other plans... Who knows.

Aperio: Grawr...

Bianca: But at least you're still here Aperio...

Bianca: It's past midnight now... The holidays are officially over.

Bianca: Another year without a present.

Aperio: Grawr...

Bianca: I hate the holidays...

Pur Lilie: Good work today, everybody! That's a wrap for this year's holiday giveaway!

Pur Lilie: And that means we can get started with the holiday party! Time to move out to the bar!

Bianca: Sorry, but I'm afraid that I won't be joining.

Pur Lilie: Oh, do you already have plans? Understandable- it is the holidays, after all...

Bianca: Not quite. Don't you remember? I told you that I'm not a fan of this season to begin with.

Light: Hold that thought for a second. It says here that one child was absent- that means we have a leftover present.

Pur Lilie: Yes, that happens from time to time. Every year there's some kid who can't make it for one reason or another.

Pur Lilie: But I wouldn't worry about it too much! Somebody from the Guild will deliver it at some point in the future!

Bianca: ...And how long will that take, exactly?

Pur Lilie: Hmm, probably... around a week?

Bianca: Do you have that kid's address? I'll go drop it off myself.

Pur Lilie: ...But we don't even know if they'll be home!

Bianca: Well, there's only one way to find out.

Bianca: Holiday presents need to be delivered during the holidays, right? Otherwise it defeats the purpose.

Light: Apologies for the intrusion. We've come to deliver you a present.

Bianca: Hehehe. Happy holidays.

Bianca: I have a little something just for you- a token of my love.

Bianca: Hurry up and get better, ok? That's an order. Hehe.

Light: Looks like the party's almost over.

Bianca: Yes... And so are the holidays.

Bianca: Ah, I forgot. I left my clothes back in there- give me second to go in and grab them.

Light: Go ahead. I believe there are still people inside, so the door shouldn't be locked.

Everyone: Happy holidays!

Pur Lilie: Thanks for taking care of that last present, Bianca!

Alk: Looks like even Santa gets a present this year- for all your hard work!

Bianca: Huh? What's the meaning of all this?

Alk: We saw how hard you worked back there, so we wanted to return the favor.

Pur Lilie: Everyone chipped in to get something special just for you!

Stella: I am glad we could give this to you before the holidays ended.

Bianca: Is this all some sort of joke?

Alk: Not at all! Everyone was saying that this was the best way to surprise you.

Light: Here, Bianca. I would like you to have this.

Light: This gift is directly from me to you. You said you liked books, right? I was hoping this would be well-aligned with your interest.

Bianca: Isn't this... a children's book?

Light: I-is it?! I didn't realize... I merely thought the illustrations would be to your liking!

Bianca: Seems like there are things you still need to learn about your master...

Bianca: ...But I appreciate the effort. Thank you.

Bianca: I suppose now I need to give my cute pets a little something in return.

Alk: What do you mean?

Bianca: I mean that it's far too soon to end this party! How about it? Let's drink until the sun comes up!

Bianca: Of course, you and Stella are more than welcome to join in as well.

Alk: Uh... Actually, we're both still not old enough to drink...

Bianca: Oh come on now, don't you want to see how we adults celebrate the holidays? Hehe. Nobody is going to bed on my watch.

Light: B-Bianca! He just said they were underage, didn't he?!

Bianca: Ahaha. Uptight as always. If those two aren't coming, I suppose I'll have to have my fill with just you.

Bianca: I'll give you a night to remember.

Light: H-hands off! Let go of me-