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Episode 1
My Lovely Pet

Bianca shows Alk and co. her beloved pet dragon, Aperio, who she can summon from her grimoire. She invites the two to become her pets as well.

Bianca: Allow me to introduce you. This handsome fellow is Aperio, my beloved pet.

Aperio: Grawr!

Alk: Whoa, you can summon a dragon out of thin air?

Light: A summoner, are you? You must be well-versed in the arcane arts then.

Alk: So where does he come from, exactly? Like, another world or something?

Bianca: It may be an exaggeration to consider the contents of my grimoire to be of another world, but I suppose you could say that.

Bianca: Within the confines of this tome exists a space that houses all of my pets.

Light: I see... Its very pages fold and distort space itself. That is rather extraordinary.

Bianca: If you're curious, why not take a look inside for yourself?

Alk: Wait, we can?

Bianca: Of course. But only if you're willing to become my pet. What do you say, Mister Rabbit?

Light: I-I'm no rabbit! I'm the champion! S- stay back!

Bianca: Champion or not, you can still become mine if you wish.

Light: N-no thank you! The champion is no one's pet!

Alk: Ahaha! He always gets like this whenever someone calls him a rabbit.

Bianca: That invitation goes for you as well, cutie-pie.

Alk: Huh?

Bianca: There are plenty of boys clamoring to become one of my playthings, you know?

Bianca: You're actually pretty cute up close... Although it looks like I'll need to teach you some manners.

Bianca: There's no need to be afraid... Pain is merely another form... of L. O. V. E.

Light: H-hey! Don't you try and use your feminine wiles on Alk like that!

Stella: I heard some commotion. Is everything all right, Alk?

Alk: Y-yep! N-no problems here!

Stella: Your face is beet-red. Are you sure you haven't caught a fever?

Alk: N-nope! I'm right as rain!

Stella: Are you certain?

Bianca: Hehe. Sorry, Stella... Our conversation just got a little intense, that's all.

Bianca: Let's be on our way, Aperio.

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: My invitation's still open, by the way. If you ever change your mind... just give me the word.

Bianca: I'll leave an impression on you that'll last a lifetime.

Light: Bianca Balzaretti... I'd better keep an eye on her.

Alk: Y-yeah... That might be for the best.

Alk: You really helped us out of a bind there, Stella. Thanks!

Episode 2
Keeping Up Appearances

Alk and co. pay Aperio a visit in Bianca's room. Despite her attempts to create an intimidating persona, it's clear to everyone how much she cares for Aperio's well-being.

Light: Completely out of the question! What do you take the champion for?!

Bianca: Ooh, someone's a little touchy. Wouldn't you agree, Aperio?

Aperio: Rawr...

Stella: Hello, Bianca.

Bianca: Oh? What brings you two here?

Alk: I thought I just saw Light bolt outta here with a disturbed look on his face...

Bianca: Hehe. I wonder what could've possibly gotten into him?

Alk: I can think of a few things...

Bianca: So, what do I owe this pleasure to?

Stella: We're here to see Aperio, actually.

Bianca: Hm? Aperio?

Stella: Correct. He assisted me with my shopping duties the other day.

Stella: I've brought him some meat today as a reward for his efforts.

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: Aperio, you did all that?

Aperio: Roar...

Bianca: Oh, no, it's okay! You're free to act as you please, darling.

Alk: You can understand him?

Bianca: Why, of course! I'm his master, after all.

Bianca: We've been together ever since the day I first cracked open this grimoire. It's only natural we'd understand each other.

Alk: Wow... Color me impressed.

Stella: Full already, Aperio?

Aperio: Grawr!

Stella: Perhaps I brought him a little too much.

Alk: I mean, he may be a dragon, but he's still just a kid, right?

Alk: Wait... Does this mean he'll grow into a dragon-sized dragon someday?

Bianca: I'm... not sure, to be honest. He's been the same size since the day we first met.

Bianca: He can't fly for very long, either— although he SHOULD be able to, all things considered.

Aperio: Rawr...

Bianca: Aww, I'm sorry, Aperio. I wasn't trying to be mean.

Stella: You really must love him, don't you?

Bianca: Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden?

Stella: When making something your pet, is that your way of showing your love for them?

Bianca: N-no! It's nothing so basic as that! It's much more, uh...

Stella: It seems I was mistaken. So you don't love Aperio then.

Bianca: That's not what I meant by—Ugh!

Bianca: I think you two have overstayed your welcome!

Alk: So soon? Aww, she's blushing!

Bianca: ENOUGH already!

Bianca: *sigh* Just how red is my face right now, Aperio?

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: Ugh... Talk about cringe.

Episode 3
Boatside Rescue

Light dives into the sea to save a drowning girl, forgetting that he is also unable to swim. Bianca and Aperio work in tandem to rescue them.

Light: All right. Everything seems to be in order.

Light: Nothing to report here either.

Bianca: What are you still doing out here? Everyone's returned to their cabins already.

Light: Just making the rounds to make sure nothing's amiss.

Bianca: Why? Are we in danger?

Light: I'm merely ensuring that our voyage goes smoothly. It's about the most I can do these days.

Bianca: Doesn't it get tiring playing the role of the champion all the time?

Bianca: Have you ever thought of trying another way of life? You never know... It might just awaken something in you.

Light: Once again, I have no intention of becoming your pet, if that's what you're insinuating.

Light: I'm not looking to serve anyone or be served, for that matter. What I need are friends—companions that I can trust.

Light: This is the only path I need to—

Bianca: ...! Why's the wind picking up all of a sudden?

Girl: Oh no! My hat!

Bianca: What's that girl doing?!

Bianca: Light?

Light: Hold on tight!

Girl: Nooo! I'll drown!

Light: I won't let that happen. Just trust me.

Bianca: Are you okay out there, Light? I thought you couldn't swim!

Light: ... ...That's right! I can't!

Light: I just jumped in without thinking and— *glug* *glug*

Bianca: I can't BELIEVE someone could be so reckless!

Bianca: What do we do now, Aperio? They'll drown at this rate!

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: What are you doing?

Aperio: Graaawr!

Bianca: Is he afraid... because I'm afraid?

Bianca: Aperio. Listen to me well, darling.

Bianca: Remember back to when I opened the grimoire for the first time. You were the first to answer my call, right?

Bianca: That's right—it was your bravery that led you to me. And I need you to be brave again right now!

Bianca: Please... save my friends!

Bianca: Fly, Aperio!

Aperio: Grawr!

Bianca: He... he did it!

Light: Thank you, Bianca. It was your quick thinking that saved us both.

Bianca: Oh, think nothing of it. It's what any pet owner would've done.

Light: A pet, huh? I could've sworn you called me a friend just earlier.

Bianca: Surely you were just hearing things.

Light: I have no intention of becoming your pet, but a friend? I could do that.

Bianca: Heh, cheeky little rabbit, aren't you?

Bianca: Very well then, friend.

Bianca: Hehe... I just hope that you'll keep an open mind. Isn't that right, Aperio?

Aperio: Grawr!