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Episode 1
Wicked Witch of the Rift

While traveling via World Flipper, a malfunction separates Stella from the pack and sends her hurtling into the domain of the witch Belsidia. Taken in by Stella's sweet naivete, Belsidia offers her help and a tea party. However, things quickly sour when Light arrives on the scene and recognizes Belsidia as his once-nemesis.

Stella: There's a disturbance in our trajectory.

Stella: Alk? Light?

Stella: Where is this place?

???: So you're finally here...

???: Welcome to the Rift.

???: I know what you're here for... But unfortunately, I'm too beautiful to die.

Stella: Hello. My name is Stella.

???: ...Oh? Is that so?

Stella: Yes. I'm quite certain of the fact. And you are?

???: Well, well... Isn't this a delectable surprise?

Belsidia: I'm Belsidia. Otherwise known as the Wicked Witch of the Rift.

Stella: It's very nice to meet you, Belsidia.

Belsidia: My! Aren't you just the sweetest cupcake? I could gobble you up!

Stella: ...! I can't... breathe...

Belsidia: Oh... My bad, sugar plum. I got a little excited...

Belsidia: I've never had such a cute guest, you know. I'd better see that your stay is pleasurable.

Stella: ...But there was nothing there... Did you use a form of teleportation?

Belsidia: This is the Rift, buttercup. My very own space, far away from the stars. All it takes is a little magic, and you can have all the sweets you want.

Belsidia: Of course, it's nothing impressive when compared to the World Flipper.

Stella: You know of the World Flipper?

Belsidia: I do. There isn't one here though.

Stella: Impossible. The World Flipper exists in all places.

Belsidia: Hehe... Like I said, this is the Rift. The space in between. Not to mention, the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.

Belsidia: ...But I'm turning your head with all this talk. Sit down. The tea's going to go cold.

Stella: ...It's delicious.

Belsidia: Happy you like it. I import my leaves from several different worlds.

Stella: You can travel to different worlds?

Belsidia: Sure, if there's a crack I can hitch the Rift up to. Truth is, muffin, I could send you home with a snap of my fingers.

Stella: But I can't return yet. I must locate my companions.

Stella: They are important to me. Belsidia, would you help me search for them?

Belsidia: Of course, sweet pea. How could I say no to you?

Light: ...What is this place?

Stella: Alk! Light!

Alk: Stella! Thank goodness! We were looking all over for—

Light: Stella! Keep away from her!

Belsidia: Oh my... You're the champion Light, aren't you?

Belsidia: Well, haven't you turned into the cutest honey bunny?

Light: Belsidia! You should've fallen by my—

Light: Mph! Let go! Your tricks—

Belsidia: Really, Light. I don't think that kind of talk's appropriate for young ears.

Belsidia: Simmer down. I'm done with being bad. I even cut off ties with the fiends.

Belsidia: Besides, it's not every day you meet a cinnamon roll like Stella. Can you blame me for wanting to lend a hand?

Light: Traitor! You must not be left to wander at will!

Belsidia: The funny thing is, I don't remember asking for permission.

Stella: Light, we are currently safe because of Belsidia. And she has offered to guide us home.

Stella: She also reminds me of Alk—both host excellent tea parties.

Belsidia: You coming, Light? Or do you want to be left all alone in this cold, scary place?

Belsidia: O, darkness found in each vale and scar, Void that enfolds each twinkling star, Bear us hence to a world away far!

Alk: Light... Who is she?

Light: The Wicked Witch Belsidia. She was once a great sorceress, but her lust for power poisoned her heart.

Light: She made her way to the Dark Throne, turning her back on the world of mortals. She is faithless... beyond redemption.

Belsidia: *sigh* What a cutie... I'd be mad to trust her to a butterfingered champion.

Episode 2
The Witch's Spell

Light and Belsidia agree to move on from their brutal past, but not before the champion threatens vengeance on the witch should she ever betray Alk and Stella.

Belsidia: Here, Alky-Walky. Say ahh...

Alk: Um, no... I...

Belsidia: Don't be shy, tootsie-wootsie. Ahh...

Stella: She is requesting that you open your mouth.

Alk: Yeah... I know that, I just—

Alk: Listen. Miss Belsidia. Why don't we all? Eat our own food? Like NORMAL people!

Belsidia: ...Why...

Alk: Huh?

Belsidia: I'm the only one you don't just call by name... Do you not like me, Alk?

Stella: Yes... That is quite strange. Why, Alk?

Nimbus: Look, I get how you feel. But cool down some. You're like a volcano about to erupt.

Light: I'm NOT! Everything is under control.

Nimbus: Under control, huh? Yeesh.

Light: How did things come to this?

Belsidia: You're looking a little hot under the collar.

Belsidia: You that upset you didn't kill me?

Light: ...What are you scheming, Belsidia? Why turn to us now?

Light: Years ago, I tried to recall you the world of mortals. But instead, you chose to tread the path of war. Am I to believe you've changed so easily?

Belsidia: Why not? Times have changed, and so has the world. Who's to say I can't have a little growth myself?

Light: The world has changed?

Belsidia: Yes. Doors have opened, Light, and all sorts of unknowns are crawling out of them.

Belsidia: Everything's transformed or transforming. Including you.

Light: I haven't changed. Whatever forms I may take, I remain a champion!

Light: Laugh, if you so wish. I will not let your plots come to hatch.

Light: ...I do not regret that you are alive.

Light: But if I find you are deceiving them as you once deceived the people of our land, this time, I will see that you are brought to justice.

Belsidia: Aww... You really are loved, aren't you, Alk?

Alk: You should lay off of him.

Alk: That's the whole reason you won't leave me alone, right? To get to Light?

Belsidia: It's only part of the reason, sweetcheeks. You're so cute when you go all red.

Alk: Um... You mentioned killing... Why would he...

Belsidia: Isn't it obvious? I'm a wicked witch, and he's a champion. We're mortal enemies.

Belsidia: After I cast one evil spell too many, he showed up and took my life... Or, that's what I let him think.

Alk: Phew... Well, that's a relief.

Belsidia: A relief?

Alk: I mean, Light still seems upset, but at least he could blow off some steam.

Alk: And besides, I'm glad it wasn't anything personal. No love affairs, no broken hearts...

Belsidia: Hehe... That's what you were thinking? Light would hit the ceiling if he found out.

Alk: We'll keep it between us.

Belsidia: Aw... Alky-Walky!

Alk: There is... literally... no reason... to be hugging me!

Alk: Can you stop it with these... sudden bursts of affection?!

Belsidia: What if I went slow?

Alk: No!

Belsidia: Shame...

Alk: *sigh* Look, it's getting late. We should be heading back.

Belsidia: Hey, Alk.

Belsidia: Do me a favor, and never become a champion.

Alk: A champion? I hadn't even thought about it.

Belsidia: Good.

Belsidia: We'll have much more fun if you stay the way you are.

Episode 3
Witch Among the Stars

Belsidia rescues Alk and Nimbus from a tight spot in the Kaleidoscope by transporting them to the Rift. However, when enemies follow them into this non-dimension, Belsidia is forced to destroy her old home and find a new one in Starview Village.

Nimbus: Eat this!

Nimbus: Damn! There's no end to 'em!

Nimbus: Alk, where's Light?

Alk: I don't know! I'm trying to look, but... these things keep attacking!

Alk: There was a tremor earlier too! He might not even be in this zone!

Nimbus: ...I'll create an opening. You run and get—

Belsidia: Help's already here, sugar.

Belsidia: Sorry, but the party ends now.

Nimbus: ...Where are we?

Light: Alk! Nimbus! You're unhurt!

Alk: Light! Thank goodness. Everyone's safe... then?

Nimbus: Stella, what are you doing here?

Stella: Belsidia was hosting a tea party.

Belsidia: She looked bored on her own, so I invited her over.

Belsidia: But then Alk got himself into a sticky situation, and I just couldn't sit still...

Nimbus: Wait. How'd you know that about Alk?

Belsidia: Well, he's my Alky-Walky. I've ALWAYS got an eye on him.

Alk: What.

Nimbus: Hope she's exaggerating...

Light: We'll discuss that later... For now, Belsidia, you have our thanks. We'd have been lost without you.

Belsidia: Oh, I'd never let anything hurt my—

Alk: You've got to be kidding!

Light: How did they reach the Rift?!

Belsidia: You knew this was the domain of the Wicked Witch, and you still came barging in?

Belsidia: You've got a death wish... and I'll be happy to grant it!

Alk: Nimbus! We'll back her up!

Nimbus: ...Does she need backup?

Light: Look closely, Alk. That... is the Wicked Witch Belsidia.

Belsidia: Run them through! Cosmic Pike!

Alk: Whoa...

Nimbus: Damn.

Belsidia: That takes care of our unwelcome guests...

Belsidia: But it looks like this world's on its last legs.

Stella: Are you... happy, Belsidia?

Belsidia: Happy? ...Oh. I was smiling, wasn't I?

Belsidia: I'd never thought my world would crumble.

Belsidia: I'm sad, of course, but this is a good opportunity. I'll let the old world fade to black, and build myself a brand new space.

Nimbus: At this rate, your world's not gonna be the only thing fading! Let's get a move on!

Belsidia: ...Or maybe we'll all live together in Starview from now on.

Light: ...Do as you wish.

Stella: You'll be required to sleep in your own bed.

Belsidia: Aw... That's no fun.

Belsidia: We can discuss it once we get home, okay?