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Episode 1
Undying Blue

Beatrix ends up in the Kaleidoscope once again and is saved by Alk and Light. She explains that she traveled over to conduct some surveys, and is extremely grateful to Alk and Light when they offer to help and give her a place to stay.

Mage: Hmph. So it won't seal, even after all this.

Mage: The shifts are growing out of hand... At this rate, I won't be able to handle it on my own-

Mage: No, I'm being ridiculous. The Kaleidoscope is MINE to control! I am its master, and it WILL bend to me...

Light: The effects of the primal beasts have mostly faded, it seems.

Alk: Looks that way. I wonder if Beatrix and Zeta made it out okay...

Light: You saw firsthand how powerful they are. I'm sure they are fine-

???: AAAHHH!

Beatrix: Are you KIDDING me?! Why'd that stupid hole spit me out HERE of all places!

Alk: B-Beatrix?!

Beatrix: Is that you, Alk? Perfect timing! Help me out, will you?

Light: Hang on, we'll pull you up!

Beatrix: Phew! That was close! I really owe you guys one!

Alk: How'd you end up hanging off a cliff? Actually... why're you in this world in the first place?!

Light: ...Don't tell me we're about to get another visit from those primal beasts too.

Beatrix: We already beat the stuffing outta those guys, so you don't need to worry about them!

Beatrix: Remember the hole that sucked us all into this world?

Beatrix: It's still open, so I've been checking it out. Just to make sure no other primal beasts snuck their way in.

Light: In other words... You're here on patrol.

Alk: You've been coming over on the regular? You should've told us!

Alk: ...Beatrix?

Beatrix: Er, yeah! That's totally why I'm here! Just a regular ol' patrol- not me accidently falling through the hole or anything!

Beatrix: Definitely jumped through on purpose so I can survey the area!

Beatrix: Besides, I've been meaning to see you guys again! Never got to properly say thanks the last time we saw each other, what with all the fighting going down!

Alk: Uh-huuuh... Sure, let's leave it at that.

Light: Still, I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to explore the Kaleidoscope alone.

Beatrix: No need to worry on that front. Embrasque is always with me, so I'm never alone! Best partner ever!

Light: Ah, your seal weapon... I admit that it's powerful, but...

Beatrix: Nice, some target practice! Time to prove you've got nothing to worry about!

Alk: Huh... I do have to admit, you're pretty strong.

Beatrix: Heheh, see? Me and Embrasque are unstoppable!

Alk: Guess you attracted an audience.

Beatrix: D-don't worry about it! This is actually perfect!

Light: Wait, this is too much, even for you! We should retreat-

Beatrix: I do best when I'm in a pinch! Stay back, or you'll get caught in the crossfire!

Beatrix: Embrasque Sword! Devour this karma!

Beatrix: Heheh, didn't even break a sweat!

Light: As impressive as that was, I thought my heart was about to stop...

Beatrix: Didn't Zeta tell you guys? I get stronger the more I'm pushed into a corner.

Beatrix: That's why I'll be fine without supervision-

Light: At this rate, I might actually have a heart attack...

Beatrix: *wheeze* S-sorry...

Beatrix: B-but at least when it comes to monsters, I can handle anything this place throws at me!

Alk: Clearly, the problem isn't the monsters. What would you have done if you'd actually fallen down that hole?

Beatrix: Uhhh...

Alk: Why don't you let us help with your survey and patrols?

Beatrix: I mean, I'd definitely appreciate it... But are you sure?

Light: Of course. If more primal beasts ever came through, it would be a problem for us as well.

Alk: Yeah. To be honest, I'd feel a lot better if I had you fighting by my side if we ever ran into them again.

Beatrix: Y-you guys... You're the best!

Beatrix: I was actually a little bit worried about going at this alone... But only a little bit! I don't have my usual comrades here to help, after all.

Beatrix: So you'll just have to be my new comrades instead!

Beatrix: If you ever need any help too, just ask! Comrades look out for each other!

Alk: Yeah! Thanks, Beatrix.

Light: We appreciate it.

Beatrix: And I appreciate you!

Episode 2
Loneliness Blues

While helping out the Guild, Beatrix runs into a boy who just lost his parents and believes he is all alone in the world. He refuses Beatrix's help, then dashes off. Beatrix later finds him and rescues him from drowning, proving that he isn't as alone as he thought.

Light: It doesn't seem as if any of these are related to primal beasts.

Beatrix: That's perfectly fine by me. Dealing with them is always such a pain...

Beatrix: They're tough as heck and have awful tricks up their sleeves. I've even had one blow itself up when it was about to go down...

Alk: Seriously? Dang, that's pretty nasty...

Pur Lilie: Thank goodness you're here, Alk! Save us!

Alk: Uh, from what?

Beatrix: Did a primal beast pop up?

Pur Lilie: No, something worst- the Guild's hosting an event, but the catering service never delivered!

Pur Lilie: We're scrambling to cook something up in time!

Alk: So you need some cooking done? Sounds like you'll need some sweets and other easy0to-hand-out foods.

Beatrix: Heheh, in that case, leave this to me!

Alk: Wait, Beatrix, you can cook?

Beatrix: Can I cook? Heck yeah, I can! Just gotta let the ingredients do the work!

Pur Lilie: Thank you so much! You're a real lifesaver!

Beatrix: Don't worry, I got this!

Alk: I am so CONFUSED. The laws of cooking were just... broken...

Light: I simply don't understand... How is it possible that EVERYTHING she cooks, no matter the recipe, tastes as sweet as a pastry?

Stella: Beatrix's cooking is amazing.

Light: ...To be fair, her actual sweets are quite good.

Alk: That's true! They taste great... even though I don't get HOW they do...

Alk: I guess it's good to see she's having a fun time too.

Beatrix: C-come on, don't swarm me! You gotta line up and wait your turn! There's plenty of treats to go around, okay?

Beatrix: Hey there, kid. You didn't get any sweets yet, right?

Little Boy: Shut up! Nobody asked you for help!

Little Boy: I could've done that on my own! I can't... count on anyone else anymore...

Beatrix: H-hey!

Light: What's wrong? Did he give you trouble?

Beatrix: Not exactly... I might've overstepped, that's all.

Guild Staff: Sorry about that. He's quite the handful.

Light: Did something happen to him?

Guild Staff: He lost his parents in an accident not too long ago.

Guild Staff: Everyone in the neighborhood's tried to get him to open up, but he refuses to talk about it.

Beatrix: So he's all alone too...

Guild Staff: Wait! You should really give him space for now-

Beatrix: The last thing he needs is space, trust me.

Light: ...You sound confident about that.

Beatrix: Considering my own past, I'm pretty sure I know what he feels like.

Beatrix: I might be overstepping again, but I can't just leave him be!

Stella: Then let's find him.

Alk: I'm in. It's not safe for a kid to be running around unsupervised, after all.

Light: He shouldn't have gone far.

Beatrix: Appreciate the backup, everyone!

Beatrix: Found him yet?

Light: There has been no news from the Guild either. Where could he have gone?

Light: Hold on, running off on your own isn't going to help-

Beatrix: It's better than just standing around doing nothing! I can't shale this bad feeling I have...

Beatrix: My instincts says he's this way!

Beatrix: Alk, grab onto this, and don't let go!

Beatrix: Relax. Everything's gonna be fine.

Little Boy: You... Why are you here?

Beatrix: You see, I used to be all alone too.

Beatrix: You hung in there, kid. Great job!

Guild Staff: Beatrix, we truly owe you a great debt!

Stella: You're a real hero.

Beatrix: Heheh, I know, right?

Alk: Why were you carrying rope around though?

Beatrix: Figured it'd be convenient to have around! Plus it's right there whenever I mess up an infiltration mission and get tied up! Makes it easy to grab more!

Beatrix: This is actually ripe from the last time I got snatched-

Beatrix: Er, back home, I mean! Anyway, I'm pretty good at escaping every kind of knot!

Alk: Is that because... you've gotten tied up that many times?

Light: I knew you were reckless, but not to THIS degree. You and I need to have a good, long chat, Beatrix.

Beatrix: Oh, come on! I get enough of that from my comrades back home!

Little Boy: You try to act all cool and adult, but you're getting scolded too. Laaame.

Beatrix: What was that? Say that again, I dare you!

Episode 3
Stronger Together

In the middle of exploring the Kaleidoscope, Beatrix is kidnapped by the dark mage. He tries to convince her she has no friends and to hand over her sword, but she breaks free of his influence by remembering all the support her friends have given her.

Nimbus: What're you doing?! Fall back or you'll get hurt!

Beatrix: It'll be fine, just watch!

Beatrix: Whoa!

Beatrix: Heheh, see? All according to plan!

Nimbus: You're not fooling anyone. Can't believe you've made it this far in life without losing a limb or two.

Alk: She always pulls through somehow...

Light: Is something the matter?

Beatrix: Something's off... Don't you guys sense it too?

Beatrix: Lately, whenever we come here, it feels like we're being watched...

Nimbus: Yeah? I don't smell any danger though.

Alk: Neither do I. Are you sure about this?

Beatrix: Hmmm, Embrasque feels it too.

Light: Is your sword perhaps... sentient?

Beatrix: Yeah. I swear there's someone staring at me right now.

Light: It could be some sort of observation spell... We should stay vigilant.

Nimbus: If you gave us a little more to work with, we could figure this out.

Beatrix: I'm giving you all I've got, okay? Just following my instincts here...

???: Instincts, hm? I suppose it's only natural to call your extraordinary power that.

Mage: You keep exceeding my expectations. It's quite vexing.

Alk: You!

Mage: I don't have any business with the rest of you. Get out of my sight.

Beatrix: Wait, this place is...

Mage: The hole you opened. As annoying as it is, there's use for it.

Beatrix: You again! What'd you do with Alk and the others?

Mage: Ha, you should be more concerned about yourself at the moment.

Mage: O darkness that lurks within all creation... Let the shadows inside spill forth!

Beatrix: What kinda weird magic is this?!

Mage: Why bother asking about the others anyway? You have no friends.

Mage: Nothing's changed. Nothing will every change. You'll always be alone.

Beatrix: You're wrong! I...

Mage: You run out before everyone else because you don't trust them to watch your back.

Mage: You trust no one, and in turn, nobody ever sticks their neck out for you. That's just the way your life is.

Mage: It's why you want power... recognition... So you can get revenge without relying on anyone else.

Beatrix: That's right, I... I lost everything... so I have to get stronger on my own...

Mage: If it's power you want, then it's right here... Singularity.

Mage: You need but reach out... and hand me your blade!

Mage: You stubborn pest!

Beatrix: If you knew me at all... You'd know I'm not alone! Not anymore!

Beatrix: I've got a pal out there who taught me how to move on! You can't change the past, but you can change the future!

Beatrix: And I've got a pal who always believes in me no matter what! Someone who lets me go wild and tags along for the ride!

Mage: Nonsense... Utter drivel!

Beatrix: You wanna know why I rush out on my own all the time?

Beatrix: It's so I can cut a path forward for my friends, no matter what obstacle stands in our way!

Mage: Tch!

Beatrix: Embrasque Sword! Devour this karmaaa!

Beatrix: *pant* How'd you like that!

Mage: This is absurd... I just need to... unleash the darkness within you one more time!

Beatrix: Heheh, like I'd let you!

Alk: Beatrix! Are you okay?

Nimbus: Haha! Nice going, ripping a hole through the ceiling with your sword!

Beatrix: Still think you stand a chance? If you wanna try your luck, then you better be ready for a pounding!

Mage: Curses...

Mage: Hand onto that sword, Singularity... I'll be back for it one day!

Alk: You sure you're okay, Beatrix? You seem bothered by something.

Beatrix: Huh? Nah, I'm perfectly fine! See?

Nimbus: Oh yeah? Then why aren't you blabbing your head off and charging ahead on your own?

Nimbus: Which I know you're gonna do. Because that's who you are.

Light: At the very least, I hope you'll be a little more careful in the future.

Beatrix: ...Haha, are you guys that worried about me? How sweet!

Beatrix: You can count on me to cut a path through any foe that gets in our way!

Beatrix: So don't lag too far behind, you hear?