Azel (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Hotter than Sand

Alk and the gang are shocked to find Azel has somehow transformed into a handsome beachgoer with a simple change of clothes. The gang head out for a day of beachside fun, and even an incident with an "iron horse" isn't enough to slow them down. Through these adventures, Azel realizes he can help the gang not just as a dragon slayer... but also as a friend.

Alk: Ahhh, it's good to be back on Paradise Isle!

Alk: Oh, that reminds me, Light said he wants to master swimming this time for sure. Think you could be my teaching assistant?

Stella: Of course.

Nimbus: Hey, you guys seen Azel at all? He WAS on the boat with us, but he's up and vanished since then.

Woman in Bikini: U-um... Like I said, I'm fine.

Chatty Playboy: Don't be like that, babe! We don't mind carrying your bags!

Thin Playboy: Yeah, sweetheart, why don't you hand 'em over and tell us where you're headed? We can show you a REAL good time.

Mystery Hottie: Excuse me?

Mystery Hottie: There seems to be a problem here. Perhaps I can offer my assistance?

Chatty Playboy: Oh no... He's HOT!

Thin Playboy: Abs...olutely not! We were just headed out! Anyway, b-b-biceps- I mean, bye!

Alk: Uh... Yeah, for their sakes, I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that...

Mystery Hottie: Alk, Nimbus! Apologies for the wait!

Alk: Huh? Who are you?

Nimbus: Wait... Azel?!

Azel: Feigning ignorance at your friend's greeting is very rude, Alk.

Alk: S-sorry, but... Can you blame me? You look totally different!

Azel: Hm... As I feared...

Azel: I noticed a number of eyes on me on my way here... I've never worn a swimsuit before, so perhaps I am ill-suited to such attire?

Alk: Not at all! Quite the opposite, actually...

Alk: A-anyway! You said this is your first time at a resort like this, right?

Alk: Is there anything you want to do? We can definitely show you around.

Azel: Well...

Azel: I have to admit, I'm not accustomed to this sort of leisure, so I think I will simply follow your lead.

Azel: As long as you don't mind.

Alk: Sure! In that case, what do you wanna do first, Stella?

Stella: I have the perfect plan.

Azel: Hold on tight, okay? Ready, and...

Stella: Off I go.

Alk: Jeez, that really sent you flying.

Stella: Yes, it did. But for a brief moment... I was speed.

Azel: Quite the wild stallion we have here. But once we break him in, he should make a find steed.

Azel: Wonderful, Stella! How do you feel?!

Stella: The wind! It's like I'm riding the wind!

Stella: But...

Stella: I cannot stop.

Azel: We're lagging too far behind! Alk, take the wheel and stay the course! I shall-

Chatty Playboy: H-hey, Mr. Hot Shot! We're here to pay you back for before!

Thin Playboy: W-we challenge you to a race! If we win, you come with us and explain to that cute girl it was all a misunde-

Azel: Apologies, but we do not have time for silly games! This is an emergency!

Thin Playboy: W-wait a minute. This sounds serious. What's going on?

Azel: That iron horse is running wild, and our fair companion is trapped aboard it!

Azel: You two seem quite adept at riding these contraptions. Could you lend us a hand?

Thin Playboy: (He's asking... for OUR help?!)

Chatty Playboy: Leave it to us! We've got this!

Azel: My thanks! I shall repay you in kind!

Stella: Thank you, Azel.

Azel: Your gratitude is unwarranted, Stella. It was my lack of forethought that led to this incident. If those men hadn't-

Stella: No, it was my own fault. But that is not what I am referring to.

Stella: I had a lot of fun today. Thank you for that.

Azel: I see. Well, I'm glad.

Azel: Do you remember what I swore to you and Alk?

Stella: I do.

Azel: I swore on my pride as a dragon slayer that together, we would build a ne future, no matter what that future is. That much has not changed.

Azel: However, even if I am not needed as a dragon slayer... I would not mind being there for you two as a friend either.

Azel: In any case, our vacation is just beginning. Are you ready for more fun in the sun?

Stella: Yes!

Azel: Good answer.

Azel: Now... What would you like to do tomorrow?

Episode 2
Playing Lovers

Phoebe, the daughter of a Paradise Isle big shot, implores Azel to play the part of her boyfriend to get our of an arranged marriage. After a day of unintentionally charming the soon smitten Phoebe, she calls off the rouse and asks Azel to take her on a real date before running off.

Bold Woman: Ah, perfect!

Bold Woman: Hey, you there! You gotta help me!

Azel: What seems to be the problem, miss? Are you being pursued?

Bold Woman: Huh? Uh... Yeah! A bunch of people are after me! I've got nowhere left to run!

Bold Woman: You're my only hope! Please... pretend to be my boyfriend!

Azel: Understood. Fear not, mi-

Azel: Excuse me... Could you repeat that?

Man in Suit: Phoebe! Enough of this game of tag! Be a good daughter and listen to your father. I've found a suitable husband for you this time, I swear.

Phoebe: But Daddy...

Phoebe: I CAN'T marry him because... I'm already with someone!

Phoebe: Isn't that right, Darling?

Azel: Uh... Yes?

Alk: So let me get this straight... You're the daughter of one of the big shots here on the island, and you're trying to get out of the arranged marriage your dad set up.

Phoebe: Exactly! Why would I marry someone I don't even KNOW?! That makes no sense!

Phoebe: That's why I need your help to get Daddy off my back! Please, just be my boyfriend for a few days! That should do it!

Alk: I don't know... Something tells me Azel isn't down for this kind of thing...

Azel: Why not? I'll do it.

Azel: I will essentially be your bodyguard, correct? Then I see no problem with helping someone in need.

Azel: As long as you are comfortable with me taking on this role.

Phoebe: Th-thank you so much! Then let's head out on a date, Sweetie!

Azel: An excellent proposal!

Azel: By the way, what does one do on a date with their lover?

Alk: It's gonna be a long day...

Nimbus: Yeah, but at least it'll be plenty entertainin'.

Azel: I see... I had no idea...

Azel: So allowing you to decide what we do is bad? Please explain.

Phoebe: You see, if you pawn off all the decision-making on me, you're basically making ME do all the work. Not that you shouldn't ask my opinion at all!

Azel: Relationships might be tougher than negotiating with dragons. Or perhaps I shouldn't think of this as dealing with a hostile opponent...

Phoebe: Huh? Not sure what you're going on about, but let's get this show on the road, Sweetie-pie.

Phoebe: Oh my gosh, this dress is totally cute! Don't you think?

Phoebe: H-hey, say something! If you don't, Daddy's men are gonna find us out!

Azel: Ah... Apologies... I was just picturing you in this dress. I think you would look quite cute in it.

Phoebe: No! Get a grip, Phoebe! This numbskull did NOT just make your heart skip a beat!

Azel: Phoebe, are you feeling unwell?

Phoebe: N-no! I'm perfectly fine! And personal space, please! You're gonna give me a heart attack!

Azel: O-oh, my apologies...

Phoebe: ...It's fine, just... go buy me a crepe from that stand over there, will you? Just pick out whatever you think I would like.

Azel: Something you would like... Understood. I shall return shortly.

Nimbus: Man, this chick's a real handful.

Phoebe: H-how did you know I like these toppings!?

Azel: It turns out the stall owner knows your preferences. It seems you have good taste in shops. What great service.

Azel: Now Phoebe, there's somewhere I'd like to go...

Phoebe: Wh-wh-where would that be? Don't tell me you want to-

Azel: This little girl here has lost her parents. Could you tell me where I can report a lost child.

Phoebe: ... *sigh* The visitor's center is this way. Follow me...

Phoebe: I'm... gonna give today's date a six out of ten. Not great, but if we keep this up, we should be able to fool Daddy.

Azel: Quite the strict assessment. My apologies. I will be sure to improve my score in the days to come.

Phoebe: Y-you don't need to apologies. It wasn't perfect, but... It was still nice.

Azel: I see... That's good.

Phoebe: Hey... Why DID you agree to this whole boyfriend shtick anyway?

Phoebe: I mean... I don't exactly have a winning personality. And this town is full of swindlers. This could've been some big scam, for all you know...

Azel: Well, none of that matters to me. All I care about is helping those in need.

Phoebe: Okay, that's it! I give in!

Phoebe: ...I didn't plan on falling for you, but you've won me over.

Azel: Phoebe...

Phoebe: Azel...

Azel: Um... Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over the fireworks.

Phoebe: You... You... YOU BIG KNUCKLEHEAD!

Azel: Wh-why are you angry?

Phoebe: *sigh* It's fine... You know what? I think that's enough playing pretend. I'll convince Daddy some other way.

Phoebe: But once I do that... You better take me on a real date!

Nimbus: Looks like you got yourself another fan there, Mr. Popular.

Azel: Um... If my services are no longer needed, I assume the issue has been resolved?

Episode 3
Friend to Dragons

Azel spots Nieve, the lost girl he met the other day, who tells him about the rumors of a dragon on the isle. After researching the sightings with Nieve, Alk and Azel take her to the site of the eyewitness accounts, only to be attacked by the dragon. Luckily, Rams arrives just in the nick of time to protect Nieve. After a short chat, Rams asks Nieve to be friends, an idea which Azel finds appealing.

Azel: Excuse me, are you all right?

Azel: Ah, you're the girl that was lost the other day... Nieve, was it?

Nieve: Waaahhh! Mr. Azel!

Azel: A dragon? On Paradise Isle?

Nieve: That's what everyone's saying! There have been sightings and everything!

Nieve: But my big sister just laughs whenever I bring it up. She says dragons aren't real...

Azel: Hmm... What do you think, Alk?

Alk: I'm pretty sure dragons don't exist in this world.

Azel: I thought as much... I can imagine sea serpents and the like, but I cannot fathom where a dragon would make its nest in this landless world.

Azel: That being said... The fact that there are sightings means there must be SOMETHING out there... Dragon or not.

Azel: ...Or it could be completely hearsay and we find nothing... Either way...

Azel: It looks like we'll be having ourselves a dragon hunt!

Azel: If you think there's a dragon, then I will help you track them down. How does that sound?

Stella: Azel is an expert when it comes to dealing with dragons.

Nieve: Really? Then yeah, let's find the dragon! Thank you, Mr. Azel!

Alk: You sure about this? What if it turns out there is no dragon...

Azel: Either way, I'm sure Nieve will learn a lot from this experience.

Azel: And... I must admit I find myself intrigued.

Azel: Our hunt should begin with some preliminary research.

Azel: We should first confirm what we can about the rumors by looking through newspaper archives and researching old legends... Think you can handle that?

Nieve: ...Yeah! I've got this!

Nieve: Um... If we find the dragon, do you think it'll be my friend?

Azel: ...Dragons are volatile creatures. Many have been known to attack civilians.

Azel: However, just because MANY are dangerous, doesn't mean they ALL are. An important distinction to make.

Azel: Nieve... Can you promise me that you will never forget that desire for friendship?

Nieve: Uh-huh... I promise.

Azel: Then I'm sure you'll make friends with a dragon someday.

Azel: According to Nieve's research, this should be the spot where an unidentified creature was spotted... Correct?

Nieve: Yup! This is the place! But... I don't see anything...

Azel: Worry not, Nieve. I'm sure your research will bear fruit.

Azel: But it's getting late... Perhaps we should withdraw for toda-

Nieve: A-a dragon! A real-life dragon!

Azel: Let's go, Alk!

Alk: R-right, but that dragon...

Couple's Voice: Yaaaaah!

Azel: Halt, beast! I shall be your opponent!

Alk: Azel! We fought a dragon like this in the casino! This one must be a survivor!

Azel: So in other words, I don't have to hold back!

Azel: Alk!

Azel: Take this!

Nieve: W-wow!

Azel: Watch out, Nieve!

Azel: I was wondering when you'd get here...

Rams: Was I too heavy-handed for your liking, Azel?

Azel: It doesn't matter, as long as Nieve is safe and sound. She's not exactly accustomed to combat.

Azel: Besides, I'm overjoyed at the chance to see your lighting again, Rams Euphoria.

Nieve: Mr. Azel... Who's this pretty dragon?

Azel: This is the dragon that saved my life... And who taught me that coexistence is possible.

Rams: Good evening, little one. I am Rams, one of the Ancients and an ally to these fine people.

Nieve: Whoa... So you guys were friends with a dragon the whole time! Cool!

Rams: Friends... Hehe... I suppose so. Would you also like to be friends with me, child?

Nieve: Huh? Um, I mean, sure!

Azel: See? Your dreams came true, didn't it?

Nieve: Yeah! Just like you said it would... Thank you, Mr. Azel!

Azel: Haha, no need to thank me, Nieve. This was all your handiwork.

Azel: Friends with a dragon, eh... That has a nice ring to it.