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Episode 1

Alk learns the hard way that, once you get Azel started on dragons, he never shuts up. The two make a promise to go hunting for dragon meat.

Alk: Wow... Look at this bonanza. And everything's for hunting dragons?

Azel: Yes. Would you like to learn more, Alk?

Alk: What kid doesn't want to hear about dragons? ...Hey. Why do you have two of these knives?

Azel: An excellent question. Now, these two knives may LOOK the same, but...

Alk: Whoa!

Azel: Swing one, and the blade will ignite. Swing the other, and it unleashes a bitter frost.

Azel: A dragon may be any one of the six elements. One requires different tools when skinning a water or a thunder dragon.

Alk: Okay. I can see that.

Azel: However, as in any fight, knowledge is the keenest tool. It's like that old saying: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Alk: Yep. Good saying.

Azel: But one does not learn about dragons overnight. It takes years of diligent study and observation.

Alk: Uh-huuuh...

Alk: (How long is he going to keep talking...)

Azel: Take this spear. It is a weapon I designed to be particularly effective against the beasts. Go on. Try wielding it.

Alk: Oof! It's... heavy...

Azel: Exactly! The weight of that spear is what makes it deadly.

Azel: Light slashes and jab will merely glance off of a dragon's scales.

Azel: But a heavy thrust! THAT will penetrate to the core!

Alk: I see. I'd, uh, love to hear more, but it's time I got dinner going...

Azel: MOST renowned dragon slayers of yore were spear-users. What that tells us is —

Alk: Y-you're still going...

Azel: Of course! Didn't you just express your desire to hear more?

Alk: (Someone save me.)

Azel: ...And that is the bare minimum any self-respecting warrior should know about dragons. Do you have any questions, Alk? ...ALK?!

Alk: I'm so hungry...

Azel: What?! The sun's set! I'm so sorry, Alk!

Azel: I tend to get a bit... over-zealous when it comes to dragons. It's why everyone calls me Dragon's Swain, instead of Dragon's Bane.

Azel: How... How can I ever atone for this?

Alk: Please stop talking like you just killed me...

Alk: Anyways, we need to eat. What are you feeling tonight? Meat?

Azel: Meat... Yes... Alk, how would you like to try dragon meat?

Alk: Dragon meat? Is it any good?

Azel: Ah! The light has been rekindled in your eyes! Yes, dragon meat is known as the gem of all game. It is so rare and delicious, it is sometimes called miracle meat, and a good-sized cut is worth its weight in gold.

Alk: Miracle meat... I'm liking the sound of that.

Azel: Very well then! I shall find a particularly plump and succulent dragon, and bring back its carcass so we may feast on it!

Alk: Awesome! So, when should we go?

Azel: "We"? Alk, dragon-hunting is incredibly dangerous.

Alk: Yeah, but you'll also be there, right? I think we'd make a good team.

Azel: Yes, of course... You're right. We'll go together, Alk.

Alk: All right! Dragon meat's on the menu, kids!

Alk: But first, let's have a normal barbeque. People are going to start rioting if I don't get dinner on the stove.

Azel: ...All will be well. I'm a changed man now. Never again will a dragon hurt someone I care about.

Episode 2

Azel admits that he is beginning to conflate Alk with his little brother, whom he lost to a dragon attack. However, when Alk proves himself in battle, Azel realizes he must let go of the past.

Alk: That's our target? It's bigger than I thought it'd be...

Azel: Keep your guard up. He is one of a cruel breed of dragons that have only a single purpose: to destroy.

Nimbus: Yeah... He's a mean-looking one, all right.

Alk: What I want to know is... Is he going to taste good?

Azel: Well, there's a popular saying that goes, "The nastier the dragon, the sweeter the flesh."

Alk: That's good enough for me! Let's beat this bad boy!

Nimbus: Hah. You'd jump off a cliff if there was a good meal at the bottom of it.

Azel: Leave the vanguard to me!

Alk: Let's back him up!

Azel: Alk! Are you all right?!

Alk: Yeah! He just grazed me!

Azel: Watch out!

Alk: Azel!

Azel: I'm fine! It will take a far stronger blow to crush my armor!

Nimbus: Now! Take the shot!

Azel: RAAAH!

Alk: Did... we do it?!

Nimbus: Azel! The hell were you doing?!

Nimbus: If you hadn't been hoverin' in front of Alk, the fight would've been over in two blows!

Azel: I was only trying to keep him safe.

Nimbus: You think he needs babysitting?

Alk: Stay... down!


Alk: Okay. It HAS to be over this time. Right?!

Nimbus: Heh. Not bad. What'd you think, Azel?

Azel: I think Alk... has more than proven his strength.

Alk: Aw shucks.

Azel: Alk, I owe you an apology. It seems that, somewhere along the road, I ceased seeing you as a warrior.

Azel: However... you are not my brother.

Alk: Gee, uh, that's a lot less revelatory than "I am your father."

Azel: W-what I mean to say is, I had lost sight of that simple fact...

Alk: Do you have a brother?

Azel: Yes, a younger one. One day, he was attacked by a dragon, and I... failed to protect him.

Azel: You remind me of him. So much so that I've begun to confuse the two of you.

Alk: ...

Azel: But you are not my younger brother. You are a fellow warrior—a brother-in- arms. Alk, Nimbus... Thank you for opening my eyes.

Nimbus: Don't thank me. I only yelled 'cause you were starting to piss me off.

Azel: ...By the way, Alk. I have a request to make of a fellow warrior such as yourself.

Alk: Your wish is my command!

Azel: My wounds must be tended to. There is a forest ahead of here, from which I'd like you to bring back some herbs.

Alk: A forest... ahead of here...

Alk: Wait. That place is miles away!

Azel: The dragon dealt me a fierce blow. If I don't get those herbs quickly, I fear the wound may turn fatal.

Alk: What? What was all that about your armor then?!

Azel: My armor? I don't recollect saying anything about my armor... Please hurry, Alk.

Nimbus: His life's in your hands, friend.

Azel: Once I've been seen to, there's still the matter of transporting the carcass. You must make haste if we're to return to Starview before sundown.

Nimbus: So, Alk? Are we gonna have that dragon barbeque tonight or not?

Alk: Y-yeah, but... why do I have to do everything?!

Azel: You are a warrior, Alk. Warriors are strong, stoic. They do not grouse.

Nimbus: Yeah. What are you waiting for... warrior?

Alk: Uncool!

Episode 3

When Azel brings Alk and Stella along on a dragon-hunting quest, they learn that their target is only trying to protect her nest. No longer willing to slay her, the three companions parley with the dragon.

Azel: Our client says that, a few days ago, she was attacked by a dragon in these woods.

Azel: She claims it was of a vicious breed... but I would not trust fully to the evaluation of a layperson.

Alk: Roger that. ...And can I just say, I never thought YOU would invite US dragon-hunting.

Stella: Agreed. This seems wholly inconsistent with accounts of you being overprotective.

Azel: ...I'd wager all those accounts came from Nimbus.

Azel: Well, my eyes have been opened. I see now that Alk is a fine warrior.

Alk: Please stop saying that...

Azel: Furthermore, this was a quest I felt you two needed to be a part of.

Stella: Why?

Azel: You will see soon enough. En garde!

Alk: Stella, take cover!

Azel: Now, Alk!

Alk: It's strong!

Azel: We won't break through her defenses like this... Alk, get back!

Alk: Roger!

Dragon: Begone! This is MY territory!

Alk: She... she talks?

Azel: Yes... Just as I thought.

Alk: Stella!

Stella: What are you hiding?

Dragon: Stay away!

Alk: She was just protecting her egg...

Dragon: You will not lay so much as a finger on my child!

Stella: You do not belong here. You must find someplace else to live.

Dragon: I do not belong? I was BORN here!

Dragon: I will not be banished by lowly humans!

Stella: It's the only way to save your child.

Alk: Yeeeah... Sorry, Azel, but I don't want to fight anymore.

Azel: Is that so? Well, it seems I have nothing left to teach you.

Azel: Dragon! It is as the girl says. If you wish to keep your child from harm, you must leave these woods!

Dragon: SILENCE!

Azel: Rah!

Azel: This is your last warning. Leave these woods!

Dragon: Gr...

Azel: Further north, there is a mountain range. Cross over it, and you will be in a wild realm inaccessible to humans. A suitable place to raise your child in peace.

Azel: But should you choose war, I will fell you here and now. You can only have one, Dragon. Pride... or the life of your child.

Dragon: Gr... GRAAAH! I shall never forget this... Mark my words!

Stella: Alk, do you have a large cloth?

Alk: Huh?

Stella: We can wrap the egg in it.

Alk: Oh! Okay, yeah, uh... Maybe we should fill it with grass first, you know, give it some padding.

Alk: We were totally the bad guys here.

Stella: As soon as we threatened her with brute force, we ceased being negotiators and became... tyrants.

Azel: Yes... But it is still an improvement from the dark days of mindless slaying.

Alk: But I thought dragon slaying was your life.

Azel: It was. Once. But then I learned that even humans and dragons may come to an understanding.

Alk: ...How?

Azel: A dragon taught me. A noble... and beautiful dragon.

Azel: Today, I sought to pass her lesson on to the two of you, but... it seems I didn't need to.

Azel: You are blinkered neither by ego nor prejudice. You see things far more clearly than I ever could.

Alk: Gee... Thanks. But I still feel like I'm getting schooled by Light and Stella every day.

Azel: It was an honor to meet ALL of you.

Azel: Alk. Stella. I swear, here and now, on my pride as a dragon slayer, that, together, we shall build a new future!