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Episode 1

On a delivery mission, Alk and the others fight some would-be ambushers to help the delivery bot get away. Later, the gang reunites with the boy, who calls himself Axem. Axem explains that he is aiming to be a pro extremeboarder, and in order to save money for board modifications, he's even willing to drink flavorless SoyMate Shakes. Appalled, Alk invites him to Starview for some real food.

Light: This appears to be our destination.

Alk: Now all we have to do is hand the chip over to the carrier, right? They said something about him riding in on a board...

???: Right on time, as usual! Man, I'm good!

Skater Boy: Hey, 'sup? You're the ones handing off the chip, right? Where is it?

Skater Boy: Thanks, man! I'll take care of the rest!

Ambusher: Stop right there! Hand over the chip, and nobody gets hurt!

Skater Boy: Phew, nice save there, dude!

Alk: Get away while you still can!

Nimbus: Hah! Gotta say this suits me much better than that delivery business!

Alk: Phew... Thank goodness we made it out of there in one piece.

Skater Boy: Yo, I remember you! Thanks again, man!

Alk: Ah, looks like you finished your half of the delivery. Um... Sorry, I didn't get your name.

Axem: I'm Axem. You guys're hella strong! I was a bit worried at first, but you totally took care of them.

Alk: Well, that thing you rode was pretty cool too. Talk about speed! I could hardly believe it.

Axem: Wait, is this your first time seeing an extremeboard? They're, like, extremely popular!

Axem: See? Look at this beauty! This extremeboard here is my baby! Ain't she the coolest thing you've ever seen?

Axem: But looks aren't all she's got! She's equipped with DOUBLE anti-gravity boosters and a sweet aerial gyroscope, plus her body is made out of special lightweight carbon!

Axem: She might not be as stable or powerful as the newest models, but her speed and turning abilities are second to none! My modded board is the best in the biz!

Light: N-none of those words made any sense to me, but am I right to assume this board of yours is quite impressive?

Axem: You bet she is! And since I can ride such a beast with ease, that makes ME equally as impressive!

Axem: I haven't made my debut yet, but I've been scouted by a whole bunch of agents, you know.

Alk: So you're going to be a professional... extremeboard?

Axem: Yup! I've already passed a hundred thousand followers online! Pretty sure that makes me the top up-and-coming rookie!

Light: A hundred thousand? On Line? Is this some new system used to indicate power levels?

Axem: You really are outta the loop, huh? Where'd you guys come from, anyway?

Synthetic Waitress: Here's your order. Our brand new SoyMate Shake.

Axem: Hehe, thanks! Bottom's up!

Alk: Whoa! You drank it just like that? Aren't you gonna use an AdTaste or something?!

Axem: Hehe, wanna give it a try? You guys really saved my skins, so it's on me!

Axem: Excuse me! Can I get three more shakes?

Alk: Urk! This texture... It's like putting clay in my mouth!

Axem: Ahahaha! Pretty nasty, right? It's a nutritious drink, but man, oh man, does it taste like liquefied exhaust fumes!

Nimbus: Why do you know what that tastes like... How can you even drink this slop anyway?

Axem: Dude, AdTaste is expensive. I'd rather spend that money on tricking out my board.

Axem: If I'm gonna go pro, I can't skimp on the vitamins and protein. Besides, it all goes to the same place anyway, so I can get past the taste.

Alk: W-well, I certainly admire your dedication...

Alk: But this flavor is just too terrible. I can't allow this!

Alk: Axem, have you ever signed a non-disclosure agreement before?

Axem: Whoooa! What is this? I've never eaten something with so much flavor before! And this is all-natural?! I feel like a real foodie!

Axem: This is probably the best meal I've ever had! No way would I ever get sick of this!

Axem: Ah, but... I bet eating this kinda stuff is pretty bad for you, right?

Alk: Not all all. Everything here is high in protein and low-carb!

Axem: Seriously?! Aw man, you're a cooking GOD, Alk!

Alk: All I did was follow the recipes. You know, if you lived here, you could eat like this whenever you wanted.

Axem: No kidding?! Count me in, dude! Consider this my move-in date!

Axem: Now for a quick ride around town to celebrate!

Alk: H-hey! No extremeboarding inside!

Episode 2
Bigger than a Dream

After being approached by an AltMeme corporation, Axem meets with a manager there to discuss his debut. However, the manager's plan involves fixing events, which Axem refuses to participate in. Just as the manager fires a gun at him, Alk and light come to his rescue. The three of them make a speedy getaway, and Axem proclaims that he's open to a new management.

Axem: Hey, you two, check it out! I'm finally making it big- like, superstar level of celeb!

Alk: C-calm down. What are you talking about?

Axem: My extremeboard trick video! It's trending all over the place3! And look at those views! Over a million of them!

Axem: All I had to do was film myself and upload it, just like my new manager said!

Axem: I knew I'd be a hit, but I never knew it would happen so fast! I'm so good it's almost scary!

Light: I-I see... Does this mean you are now a famous person?

Axem: You bet! Even the big-time boarders are liking my video... Look, they're even talking about me on the news! I'm breaking the internet!

Alk: That's great, Axem! Sounds like tis calls for a celebration.

Axem: Hehe, thanks, dude, but it'll have to wait!

Axem: My manager just called me for a meeting. I'm headed over to AltExtreme right now.

Alk: AltExtreme... wait, that name... Are they-

Axem: Yup! They're an AltMeme subsidiary! They manage a ton of pro extremeboarders!

Axem: And I'm about to be one of them! Get ready to see me in the news even more! See ya later!

Alk: AltMeme... Companies related to them tend to be pretty sketchy...

Light: We can't just jump to conclusions either though... Perhaps we should ask around?

Axem: Aw man, I can;t believe my professional debut is finally happening!

Manager: Heh, congratulations, Axem. I look forward to seeing what else we'll accomplish together.

Manager: Now then, on to business. I'd like to explain how your debut is going to play out.

Manager: This book contains a list of all the events you'll be participating in and who will be winning each one. Everything's already decided, so just act your part.

Axem: W-wait, isn't this cheating?!

Manager: That's certainly one way to look at it, but where else are you going to get such an enticing offer? All the fame and fortune you want, with a fraction of the work.

Axem: And in return, I become your puppet...

Manager: Call it whatever you like, but this is how things work in the real world. It's time to grow up and face the music, Axem.

Axem: Forget that!

Axem: I want to be a REAL extremeboarder! No way am I gonna be limped in with a bunch of cheats and fakers!

Manager: It seems you misunderstood me, Axe. We have already invested a large sum into promoting you. You can't back out so easily.

Axem: Y-you...

Axem: What the-

Light: Axem, this way!

Axem: Dude, your timing was spot-on! How'd you know to find me?

Alk: Let's just say we have a very informative friend over at Noxel.

Alk: When we told her about your meeting with AltExtreme, she told us all about their shady dealings. After that, we rushed over as fast as we could.

Light: I see no pursuers. That mist be her doing as well.

Axem: Gotcha... Thanks, man, I really owe you one.

Alk: No problem!

Alk: Still, I'm sorry about what happened. This was your chance to make it as a pro...

Axem: Pfft, you call that being pro?! I'd just be their lackey! Hard pass!

Axem: I'm not gonna follow the path someone laid out for me. I wanna shred my own!

Light: Are you sure? I thought becoming a professional was your dream...

Axem: Yeah, and? I never said I was giving up!

Axem: I just have to keep doing what I do best- skate! And now I know better than to get tricked by those phonies!

Axem: You saw how much I was trending, right? Now the world knows who I am, and the ad revenue was sweet too! Everything worked out GREAT for me!

Alk: Well, I'm glad you're taking everything in stride...

Alk: But I agree... Being able to skate freely suits you best.

Axem: Right? Hehe, I'm gonna skate my way to the top!

Axem: And for everyone's information, I am now seeking new management!