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Episode 1
Avian Halberdier

Aurore almost skewers Light while hunting. He sleepily apologizes and bids Light farewell, only to crash land moments later, sound asleep. Light and Alk take him back to Starview for some R&R.

Light: Night approaches. Can you pick up the pace, Alk?

Alk: I'm trying! The ground is REALLY uneven, okay?

Light: All the more reason to hurry home while there's light. It also makes us more vulnerable to attac—

Light: Who— Who's there? Show yourself!

???: Sorry, friend. I'm over here! Look up.

???: I shouldn't hunt when I'm sleepy, eh? That was a close call.

Light: Hunt? Wait. Were you TRYING to hit me?!

???: I'm afraid I was. You looked the perfect size for dinner, but... if you can talk, you don't belong on a plate, do you?

Aurore: I'm Aurore. Birdfolk. It's nice to meet you both, er...

Alk: Alk. I'm Alk, and this is Light. He looks small now, but he's actually the champion!

Aurore: Champion? Well. I'm terribly sorry to have pointed a weapon at you, Champion Light. I hope you don't mind too much.

Aurore: I'd best save the hunt for another day, eh? I'll take a little stroll, clear my head a bit. 'Til another time, friends. Farewell!

Alk: ...And he's gone. Are you okay, Light?

Light: I almost died, and yet he... Ju- just who WAS that man?!

Alk: I wonder... He was birdfolk, right? It's amazing how they can fly like that.

Light: Look, Alk! That must be him.

Alk: Wow, he's already flown so high!

Alk: Why's he zig-zagging all over the place though? Is that what he meant by going for a stroll?

Light: No, something isn't right. Look, he's losing altitude!

Alk: Huh? W-whoa, you're right! He's falling! Light, what should we do?!

Light: Aurore! Hang in there, Aurore!

Alk: Thank goodness, he's still— Wait, is he... snoring?

Aurore: Champion Light, Alk, thank you for the aid. The winds brought us together again, eh?

Alk: How can you be so calm?! More importantly, how did you fall asleep while FLYING?! Isn't that dangerous?!

Aurore: Well, there was a nice evening breeze. Right above the cloudline, strong enough to cruise.

Aurore: Warm sunlight, cool clouds. Me, floating along, letting the current carry me... When I opened my eyes, here I was.

Aurore: I spent last night stargazing. Before I knew it, the sun rose. I guess the lack of sleep caught up with me.

Light: *sigh* Stretch out your arms and legs. Does anything hurt? Feel broken?

Aurore: Hm? No, not particular— Nn!

Aurore: That's odd... I sleep and fly all the time, but I've never gotten hurt.

Light: Everyone makes mistakes. Please, DO be more careful though.

Aurore: I will. Gliding is not flying, and what does not fly, falls.

Light: Is that a birdfolk saying? It has a nice ring to it.

Aurore: A saying? No, just a musing of mine.

Light: What wise words from someone who decided to take a nap leagues up in the air... I would love to know WHAT goes through your head.

Aurore: I hear that quite often.

Light: What are we to do with him, Alk? We can't leave him with these injuries, but he DID try to put a halberd through me.

Alk: Only because he mistook you for an animal. He definitely doesn't seem like a bad guy. Let's take him back with us.

Light: Very well. Aurore, we can treat your wounds. Can we trust you to keep the location of our base secret? It's... An unusual place.

Aurore: Of course. That's the least I could do. And I love to explore new places!

Aurore: Where are we? ...What are those?! I've never seen stars so big!

Alk: They do look like stars, but they're actually worlds! We've been to a few of them, like your home world.

Aurore: The stars are worlds?!

Aurore: You mean you can visit them? You HAVE visited them? But... how do you reach the stars without wings?

Alk: Um, that's a good question. I guess the World Flipper just... flips us over?

Aurore: Amazing. To think, the winds would guide me to star-hoppers.

Aurore: I can't say no to a chance like this, eh? If I stay here, then I'll... I'll finally reach them—the stars...

Episode 2
Birdfolk of a Feather

Aurore lectures some bullies in Palpebra. When the party question the warrior's non-belligerent nature, Aurore explains that he doesn't mind fighting—as long as it's to protect someone.

Stella: That was the last thing on our shopping list.

Alk: Whew! I could use a break—and a snack! Are you hungry for anything specific, Aurore?

Alk: Aurore?

Aurore: Ah, sorry, sorry. I was distracted by the city. I've never seen such a unique crowd.

Aurore: It really hit me that this is a different world. Different folks, different strokes —huh?

Stella: What's wrong, Aurore?

Aurore: A voice, a cry... Someone needs help! I can hear it on the breeze. That way!

Alk: A cry? W-wait for me!

Mouthy Bully: Who cares if your dad's some big, strong adventurer? YOU aren't! You're just a wimpy loser!

Angry Bully: Yeah, get outta our way, shrimp! And you better make it up to us for wasting our time!

Mouthy Bully: Cough up your lunch money, and maybe we'll forgive you!

Aurore: Humans hunt their own kind? What monsters...

Mouthy Bully: Hunt? What the heck is THAT supposed to mean? Want us to teach YOU some manners too?

Aurore: Manners? What of this is an honorable fight? You outnumber him! Outpower him!

Angry Bully: W-what's it to YOU, anyways?!

Aurore: Wait, you still owe this boy an apology!

Alk: Aurore, behind you! Look behind you!

Burly Adventurer: Are you the ones've been bullyin' Mikey? 'Cause you're cruisin' for a BIG bruisin'!

Aurore: Bullying? A big bruising?

Aurore: Wait, I'm not— Looks like we've no choice... Hold on, child!

Burly Adventurer: Hey! Get back down here and fight me like a man, you feathery bastard! Coward!

Aurore: Coward? The birdfolk are the proudest hunters in the canyon!

Burly Adventurer: Proudest!? Then give back my son and fight me with honor, bully!

Aurore: OH. I believe there may have been a misunderstanding...

Burly Adventurer: Mikeeey! Are you okay? Did the scary bird man hurt you? Daddy's coming, Mikey! Mikeeey!

Aurore: Stop! Humans can't fly?! You'll hurt yourself if you fall!

Burly Adventurer: As long as my little sunshine is safe, that's all that matters! GRRAAAAH!

Boy: This is so cool!

Boy: I've never flown before! Why do you have wings? Are you part bird? That's AWESOME!

Boy: Do it again, do it again! I wanna go up higher!

Aurore: I wouldn't mind flying you around a bit, but... Well. I think it might be a good idea to stop your father first.

Alk: That had me worried for a minute there. It's a good thing that kid backed us up.

Stella: His father seemed very sorry for the misunderstanding.

Aurore: That world is not without conflict, eh? I guess it only makes sense.

Alk: If anything, Palpebra is full of conflict.

Alk: Although, I guess it's not much compared to what the war between the dog and catfolk must've been like.

Aurore: I wonder. The birdfolk kept away from the war. As much as it shames me to say... we just sat atop the plateaus. Watched from afar.

Stella: You don't like fighting much, do you?

Aurore: It depends. To protect others, I will fight. To harm others, I will not.

Aurore: I don't think wings are meant for fighting. They're meant for flying, probably.

Aurore: The other birdfolk warriors always laughed at that. Said if I'm a warrior, I should get my head out of the clouds.

Alk: I can imagine. I bet you got in trouble for sleeping while flying, too!

Aurore: Yup. They laughed at that too. And yelled at me...

Aurore: Except for her. There was one who never laughed. Who always listened.

Alk: Her? A friend of yours?

Aurore: Mm. I guess? I'd say we're birdfolk of a feather.

Aurore: I haven't seen her—or those berry-red feathers of hers—for a long time. I hope she's well...

Episode 3
Dreams in Starlight

Light laments his powerless new body. Aurore whooshes him up into the sky for a pep-talk and stargazing.

Light: Pathetic. To think, I let this happen...

Aurore: What's wrong, Light?

Aurore: Look up! Above you!

Aurore: Did something happ— *gasp*

Aurore: You're bleeding! Are you okay?! What did this?! Monsters?!

Light: I'm fine. The scratches are nothing to worry about. They just nicked me.

Light: Just... just a little sore about how powerless this body is, how powerless I am. What good is this tiny body?

Aurore: Well, it's very cute, for one.

Light: Cute?! CUTE?! What use is THAT?! I—

Light: *sigh* No, you're right. I'm sorry for snapping at you. Forget this. All of this.

Aurore: Hm... The wind is picking up.

Aurore: Let's follow it!

Light: The wind? What's gotten in to you all of a— Wait! WAIT! WAIT AURORE! AUROREEE!

Aurore: Doesn't the breeze feel nice?

Light: It, it DOES, but... D-don't you DARE let g-go!

Aurore: The stars look beautiful from here. It's a shame they're so far away.

Aurore: It was always my dream to visit one, back when I was a hatchling. To fly up, and up, and up until I reached them.

Light: I see. What about now?

Aurore: I know now that might not be possible. That IS awfully far to fly, even for birdfolk. I've given up on the idea.

Light: Fair enough. Not much sense to keep trying, is there? It's a nice dream, though.

Aurore: Right? It would have been nice to fly there myself, but the other options I have are much more promising!

Aurore: The winds may not have carried me to the stars, but they carried me to you. To real, live star-hoppers!

Aurore: I know your "worlds" aren't exactly the same as the canyon's stars, but they're a start.

Aurore: With the World Flipper and all of you at my side, visiting the stars doesn't feel like a dream anymore! Now it's my goal!

Light: You sure do beat to your own drum...

Aurore: Yup! Hear that a lot.

Light: They're a sight to behold. I suppose this tiny body isn't all so bad.

Light: In my original body, I would have been too heavy to carry this high.

Light: Thank you, Aurore. This helped.

Aurore: Really? I'm glad. Thank YOU for taking me in, even after I accidentally attacked you in the canyon. You truly have a champion's heart!

Light: Aurore? Can I ask you a favor?

Light: If you don't mind... it would be nice to stay like this for a bit.

Aurore: Ahaha, of course! We've got all night!