Aureo (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
In Search of a Star

Aureo and Baloosh arrive to decorate a huge tree in the city plaza, only to learn that the star got mixed up in a delivery addressed to the adventurer Johnny! Now Alk, Aureo, and their companions must race to the Kaleidoscope and find Johnny before the holidays are ruined.

Alk: Snow, lights, smiles... It's beginning to look a lot like the holidays!

Aureo: Did you know they're decorating that tree in the plaza today? And I'm here to help!

Baloosh: Gu! Guin guin!

Aureo: No duh, Baloosh! Wouldn't be any fun without you!

Guild Staff: Hey, Aureo! Have you seen a star floating around?

Waitress: We've been looking for hours, but it's like it vanished into thin air. I swear it was here yesterday...

Aureo: Wait, we've lost our tree-topper?! That can't be good.

Carpenter: It was in a box like this one. Let us know if you find it, okay, Aureo?

Aureo: Huh? I feel like I've seen this box before... But where...

Aureo: OH! You guys sent out a delivery yesterday, right? To the Kaleidoscope! There was a box just like this jumbled in.

Merchant: *gasp* YOU'RE RIGHT! I'm so sorry, everyone. I must've gotten the packages mixed up.

Light: Aureo, who was the recipient?

Aureo: It was, uh... Oh! Johnny's party!

Aureo: Let me go find them real quick! Pretty sure it's still too early in the morning for them to have gone questing.

Guild Staff: A-Aureo! There's a bit of a problem...

Aureo: They haven't come back yet?!

Light: Could something have befallen them in the Kaleidoscope?

Alk: We've got to look for them. They might need help.

Aureo: Aureo and Baloosh are on the case!

Baloosh: Guin guin!

Light: There is no sign of them. Perhaps they ventured farther in...

Alk: Aureo, Baloosh. Any monsters up ahead are gonna be on a different level. Think you can handle it?

Aureo: You bet! Baloosh and I have learned a lot from our adventures.

Alk: You're real troopers all right.

Aureo: You know, more and more adventurers have been asking us to make deliveries for them.

Aureo: It makes me happy 'cause I love my job! My favorite part is when you hand over the package and get a big "thank you" in return!

Light: Gratitude is one of the most valuable gifts in this world.

Aureo: You can say that— ...Huh? What is it, Baloosh?

Baloosh: Gu gu! Gu gu guiiin!

Alk: What the?! WAAAIT!

Baloosh: Gu gu guuu!

Johnny: Baloosh! Aureo! Are we glad to see you!

Alk: Is everyone okay?!

Johnny: Yeah, now that you're here! But, come to think of it... why ARE you here?

Light: We heard you never returned from your quest. And... we're searching for a star.

Aureo: You remember the delivery I made yesterday? Was there a star mixed in there, by any chance?

Party Member: Oh... Oh yeah! You talking about this?

Aureo: Yeah! Thanks a bunch!

Party Member: We're the ones that should be thanking you. We'd run clean out of pots and were THIS CLOSE to giving up the ghost.

Johnny: Yeah. You saved our lives, little porter.

Alk: I can see why Aureo loves his job now. It's so much more than delivering packages.

Light: That it is.

Aureo: FOUND IT!

Guild Staff: Aureo! I knew you'd pull through, little fella! Thanks!

Guild Staff: Well! Soon as that star's on top of the tree, the holidays will be officially here!

Light: What is it, Aureo?

Aureo: N-nothing!

Alk: You want to put the star on the tree, don't you?

Aureo: No! ...Maybe. ...Yes.

Guild Staff: Ahaha! All right then. Usually, putting on the star's my job, but I think Aureo's proven himself more than worthy of the honor.

Aureo: Wait, really? Yay! We'll do it together, Baloosh! You ready?

Baloosh: Gu gu!

Episode 2
Holiday Delivery

When a gift meant for a favorite granddaughter is stolen by a monster, Aureo and his friends rush to bring it back. Baloosh teaches the beastly thief about respect, and Aureo demonstrates that sincerity and dedication to your work go a long way.

Aureo: Don't worry, sir! I'll see that this gets to your granddaughter for sure!

Aureo: And I won't forget to tell her you're fit as a fiddle!

Aureo: Oh! Hi, Alk! Hi, Light! Hi, Stella!

Alk: Got another package there? Business is picking up now that it's the holidays, huh?

Aureo: You bet! This time, I'm headed for the village on the other side of the woods!

Stella: You and Baloosh remind me of Santa.

Light: ...It is rumored that a monster now frequents those woods. Will you be all right?

Aureo: Wait, really? Oh no... What'll we do, Baloosh? The only road to the village goes through that forest!

Aureo: I know! Um, guys... Do you think you could come with me?

Aureo: I know I sound like a total amateur. I mean, it's my job to make deliveries, but...

Aureo: That grandpa really cares about his granddaughter... I'd feel so bad if something were to happen to his present!

Aureo: I-I'll pay you for your time!

Aureo: ...Why are you laughing?

Light: We have no need of payment. It is reward enough to accompany you on this quest.

Alk: Yeah. You don't ever have to feel nervous about asking us for a favor, okay?

Aureo: Thanks, guys! We're really lucky to have them as friends, huh, Baloosh?

Baloosh: Guin guin!

Aureo: Phew! We made it!

Alk: Wonder where that monster we heard about was...

Light: What does it matter now? Our task was to see that no harm befell Aureo.

Aureo: Anyone home? I've got a special delivery for a special girl!

Little Girl: A present from grandpa! Yay! I wonder what it could be!

Mother: Did you say thank you, young lady?!

Aureo: Don't worry about it! I've also got a message for you from your father, ma'am. He says that at the rate he's recovering, he'll be up and dancing by New Year's!

Mother: Oh, Dad... He kept going on and on about how he was going to find the perfect present this year, but then he dislocated his kneecap.

Mother: It had him feeling pretty down, so thank goodness for delivery folk like you. You've made our whole family very happy.

Aureo: Any time, ma'am!


Alk: It? Was THAT the monster we heard about?

Mother: Probably. It recently moved into the forest. It doesn't hurt anyone, thank the stars, but it IS a terrible little thief.

Aureo: Well, we'd better go teach it to respect other people's stuff!

Light: Agreed.

Light: Urk! I-I cannot retrieve your present if you do not unhand me.

Little Girl: *sniffle* But what if you get hurt, bunny doll?

Stella: She seems to be fond of fluffy objects.

Baloosh: Guin guin! Gu gu guuu!

Aureo: You're right, Baloosh! This is no time to be standing around! You stay here and take care of the kid, Light!

Aureo: Found you! Give back that present!

Aureo: That's a gift from a grandpa to his favorite granddaughter. If you steal it, you'd be ruining their holidays...

Monster: Squeak squeak? Squeakity squeak squeak!

Baloosh: Gu gu! Guin, gu gu gu, gu guin?!

Monster: Squeak... Squeakity squeak...

Aureo: Thanks for understanding, little guy. And thanks for talking some sense into him, Baloosh!

Light: Aureo... Hurry back!

Light: Nature... calls!

Aureo: Mission accomplished!


Aureo: Don't lose it again, okay?

Aureo: Oh! Almost forgot to say something super important...

Aureo: Happy holidays!

Little Girl: Hehehe... Thank you! Happy holidays to you too!

Aureo: Thanks for your help, everyone. I couldn't have done it without you!

Light: Though I was forced to be a doll, I am still glad I came today.

Light: Aureo, never have I seen a living soul more dedicated to spreading joy than you are.

Episode 3
Your Friendship is the Greatest Gift

After Aureo shields Baloosh from a falling icicle, the two friends, each worried for the other, squabble about who was in the wrong. But when snow starts falling, they put aside their argument for some winter fun.

Aureo: Hahaha! This is fun! Ready! Aim! Fire!

Nimbus: *sigh* I'm too old for snowball fights.

Light: Let go of your dignity for once. We are here for the children.

Nimbus: Right back... atcha!


Aureo: Baloosh! Watch out!

Nimbus: Phew... Close call.

Alk: Aureo! Baloosh! Are you all right?

Aureo: Y-yeah, I'm fine! How about you, Baloosh?

Baloosh: Gu gu! Guin guin, gu guin!

Aureo: What's the matter, Baloosh? Did you get hurt? Is it 'cause I pushed you?

Baloosh: Guin!

Aureo: No? Then are you angry 'cause I was too slow?

Baloosh: Gu gu... Guin...

Aureo: B-Baloosh? What did I do wrong?

Light: ...Nimbus and I will go after Baloosh.

Nimbus: You stay here and talk with Aureo, Alk.

Aureo: What do I do? Does Baloosh hate me now?

Alk: I don't think that's it...

Aureo: But... But... I've never seen him so angry.

Stella: Aureo, he seemed more sad than angry.

Aureo: Huh?

Aureo: Why would he be sad? I don't understand...

Alk: Hmm... Why don't you try putting yourself in his shoes?

Aureo: Baloosh doesn't wear shoes... But I get what you're trying to say... What if he had been the one to push me out of the way?

Aureo: Oh! I... I have to talk to him!

Light: Come back with us. You must know that Aureo was only trying to protect you.

Baloosh: Guin guin! Gu gu guuu!

Nimbus: I can tell you're, uh, really passionate 'bout what you're saying, but...

Light: We do not speak your language, Baloosh...

Baloosh: Gu gu... Gu...

Aureo: Baloooosh!

Aureo: I know why you're upset! It's 'cause I did something dangerous.

Aureo: You were scared I was gonna get hurt!

Baloosh: Gu... Guin guin!

Aureo: But I'm not apologizing!

Baloosh: Guin?!

Aureo: Cause I don't want you to get hurt either!

Aureo: You can't stop me from protecting you!

Baloosh: Gu gu gu!

Stella: No fighting.

Aureo: But Baloosh—

Stella: I said no.

Alk: Come on. Cut them some slack, Stella. They're just worried about each other.

Light: That burning wish to protect is what drives us to grow stronger.

Nimbus: If you want to keep your friends out of danger, you've got to learn to take care of yourself first. If Balloon Bird hadn't slammed face-first into that tree—

Aureo: Hey! No bad-mouthing Baloosh!

Nimbus: Why do I even try...

Stella: It started snowing again.

Aureo: Awesome! Hey, Baloosh! Let's build a snowman!

Baloosh: Guu!

Nimbus: *sigh* This is why I can't stand kids...

Alk: Liar. You love 'em just as much as we do.

Stella: Indeed.