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Episode 1
Little Boy, Big Bird

A delivery boy riding a giant penguin whizzes past the party. Alk notices the boy dropped a lunch box, and runs after him. The boy thanks Alk and introduces himself and his penguin as Aureo and Baloosh.

Nimbus: *sigh* Man, I'm stuffed.

Light: I'll bet. You ate enough for two people.

Alk: I packed a big lunch for us today, so you'll have to work off your breakfast by then.

Nimbus: Haha, I've always got room for your cooking, Alk!

Penguin Rider: Hurry, Baloosh! We're gonna be laaate!

Baloosh: Gu-guin!

Alk: *cough* H-huh?

Nimbus: What was that?

Light: A child riding... A giant bird?

Alk: Wait, they dropped something. Look.

Alk: I think it might be a lunch box. Did you see which way they went?

Nimbus: Probably the Kaleidoscope.

Light: We can put it near the entrance in case they double-back looking for it.

Alk: Yeah, if we hurry, maybe we can still catch them. Let's go!

Thickset Adventurer: What the heck, Aureo? There are only two lunch boxes in here! We ordered three!

Aureo: I'm so sorry! There were three when I picked them up. I-I don't know what happened!

Svelte Adventurer: All right, calm down. I guess that's what we get for asking a kid to deliver them.

Conventional Adventurer: Yeah, we can just divvy these two up between us.

Aureo: B-but... I'll go back to the store and buy you a new one!

Svelte Adventurer: It's fine, don't worry about it, Aureo. Just be more careful next time.

Aureo: *sigh*

Baloosh: Guin... Gu gu...

Aureo: I know, I know, but I still feel bad for messing it up. ...Thanks for trying to cheer me up, though.

Baloosh: Gu-guin! Guuu!

Aureo: H-hey! That's the lunch box I was supposed to deliver!

Alk: It was yours after all, huh? I'm glad we caught you. Here.

Aureo: Thank you so much! I thought we'd lost it.

Baloosh: Guiiin!

Aureo: Heh. Yeah, you're right. C'mon, Baloosh —They can't have gone far!

Baloosh: Gu-guuu!

Nimbus: Man, I'm starving! Feels like I haven't eaten all day.

Alk: ...Spoken like a true feline. You had a huge breakfast AND lunch, you bottomless pit.

Aureo: Welcome back! Thank you so much for the help earlier.

Light: Oh, you're the child we saw this morning.

Baloosh: Gu-guin!

Aureo: Wh-whoa! Baloosh, cut it out!

Aureo: My name's Aureo, and this is my buddy Baloosh. We have a little delivery service here in town.

Alk: You're a delivery boy? ...So that's what you were up to earlier.

Aureo: Yup! We got an order from some adventures to pick up lunch for them.

Nimbus: Man, I thought you were just an errand boy or something.

Aureo: Ack... W-we're still working our way up, okay? Honestly, I want to be a porter, and follow adventurers around on their journeys!

Aureo: Buuut, no one'll take us. Hmph. Grown- ups think they're so great just cause they're tall.

Aureo: A-anyways, Baloosh and I would be happy to deliver something for you on the house—as thanks for the help this morning.

Alk: I don't think we have any mail to deliver, but if you'd like to join us on a trip through the Kaleidoscope, we could always use a porter.

Aureo: W-wow! Really?! ...A-are you sure?

Nimbus: What, don't think you're up to it?

Aureo: N-no! We're totally up to it! Baloosh and I'll be the best porters you've ever had!

Alk: Ahaha, we'll be counting on you then!

Aureo: We did it... Baloosh, we did it! We're gonna go on a real adventure—with real adventurers!

Baloosh: Gu-guiiin!

Nimbus: Sheesh. Look at 'em go.

Episode 2
The Big Day

Aureo was pumped for his first trip into the midways, but his excitement kept him up all night. The party offer to reschedule, but Aureo and Baloosh power through—although they doze off as soon as they return to the surface.

Alk: Oh, here he comes. Hi, Aureo!

Aureo: Good morning! Hope you weren't waiting too long.

Aureo: Here are the lunch boxes you ordered. They're enchanted, so they'll still be warm when you open 'em!

Alk: Thanks, Aureo. You too, Baloosh!

Baloosh: Gu-guin!

Aureo: How deep are you headed today?

Light: The midways. There's an unexplored section we have our eyes on.

Aureo: The midways?! Ooh, I wish I could go too!

Alk: You wanna come with us, then?

Aureo: C-can I?!

Aureo: The unexplored regions can be pretty dangerous, though. A porter would just be extra baggage.

Nimbus: Hey, c'mon. You're still sayin' stuff like that?

Alk: Yeah, you and Baloosh are always welcome to tag along! An extra pair of hands in the Kaleidoscope never hurts.

Aureo: Thanks! I can't wait! Oh, but... um...

Alk: You've got other deliveries scheduled? Don't worry, we're going in again tomorrow. Just meet us here in the morning!

Baloosh: Guin guin!

Alk: Oh! Over here! Good morning, you two.

Aureo: Mm. Good mowh—*yawn* ...Morning.

Alk: Aureo?

Stella: You look very tired.

Aureo: S-sorry, I'm fine! Just didn't get much sleep.

Aureo: I was having so much fun planning everything for today, I lost track of the time...

Light: Fatigue dulls your senses—we should reschedule to another day.

Aureo: What?! No way! I'm fine, really! Please let me go with you, pleeeease!

Alk: I dunno, I'm kinda with Light. The Kaleidoscope isn't going anywhere.

Baloosh: Guuu gu-guin guiiin.

Stella: Hmm. I believe Baloosh is trying to say, "leave Aureo to me."

Alk: Huh? Wait, you could understand that?

Stella: No, I just get the feeling Baloosh is excited to explore the Kaleidoscope with him.

Alk: Yeah, they WERE both looking forward to this a lot, huh... All right, you two can come.

Aureo: Yaaay! Thanks, Alk!

Alk: Good work, guys!

Light: The sun's already starting to set.

Aureo: Whew! My heart was pounding the whole time!

Light: You did well, Aureo. I wouldn't have guessed this was your first time in the midways.

Aureo: Hehe, thanks! But it was Baloosh who did all the hard work!

Stella: Baloosh has a very good eye for spotting treasure and monsters.

Aureo: Yup! I dunno what I'd do without Baloosh at my side!

Light: You two certainly are good friends.

Aureo: Yeah, we're like family!

Aureo: We don't know what kind of bird Baloosh is, but someday when I've saved up enough, I want to go on a quest to find out.

Alk: Make sure you invite us when you do! We'd love to help.

Aureo: Of course!

Aureo: Right, Baloosh?

Aureo: ...Baloosh? Heh, all tuckered out, huh?

Alk: You look pretty sleepy yourself. You two had a big day.

Aureo: I'm fine. I'll stay here and wait for Baloosh to wake up.

Aureo: Usually Baloosh is the one looking over me when I fall asleep, so I've gotta take my chance to return to the favor.

Aureo: You guysh—*yawn*—go on ahead... Nmm...

Light: ...Sound asleep.

Alk: Birds of a feather, huh?

Light: I suppose we could babysit them for a quick nap before sending them home.

Aureo: Nmm... Mm...

Baloosh: Guin... Guin...