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Episode 1
Crossed Paths

The party accidentally find themselves in "The Crossroads," an eerie world between worlds. They get directions home from a boy named Asukirimaru, who is perplexed by their lack of reaction to his demon-like horns. He decides to tail the mysterious crew.

Alk: All right, who's ready for some—

Alk: Wait, where are we?!

Light: Not Palpebra, by the looks of it. We seem to be in a different world entirely!

Stella: Something isn't right... It almost feels as though we're caught between two worlds.

Stella: We should search for a way out quickly.

Alk: Looks like you're right Stella! We need to get out of here!


Light: Look out!

Asukirimaru: Hah! Gotcha! Nothing escapes Asukirimaru!

Asukirimaru: ...Huh? Wait, who the hell are you?

Alk: Who the heck are YOU?! You almost hit us!

Asukirimaru: You don't look like diviners, but then again, who else would come out to the Crossroads? Don't tell me you're humans.

Light: The Crossroads? We're lost. Can you tell us where we are?

Asukirimaru: That thing just talked!—A yokai?!

Asukirimaru: You've got guts to walk around the Crossroads with a yokai! Sounds like something a DEMON would—

Alk: Who are you calling a demon? We said we're lost, can you just LISTEN for a minute?

Asukirimaru: What's YOUR problem, brat?

Alk: Brat?! You don't look any older than me!

Light: Both of you, calm down.

Stella: Light is the champion.

Stella: He is not a yokai.

Stella: My name is Stella. The boy you're fighting is named Alk.

Stella: What is your name?

Asukirimaru: Me? I'm Asukirimaru.

Light: Asukirimaru. Thank you for your aid.

Light: We just want to find a way out of here. If you can, would you mind giving us directions?

Asukirimaru: What, you guys really ARE just plain old mortals? You picked a bad place to get lost.

Asukirimaru: Follow the road that way to the big gate, then take the path down the hill.

Asukirimaru: That should take you back to wherever you're from, just... Don't look back. Unless you WANT to be trapped here forever, that is.

Light: Understood. Thank you.

Stella: We appreciate the help.

Asukirimaru: Hey, you.

Alk: What now— Oh! Oh no, I looked back!

Asukirimaru: You haven't left yet, moron. Why weren't you scared of me?

Asukirimaru: Weren't you afraid a demon'd caught you? Don't act like you can't see my horns.

Alk: Your horns? Are they supposed to scare me?

Alk: Back in my world, there are tons of people with horns! Bigger, COOLER horns.

Asukirimaru: Where the hell does he LIVE? A demon's den? Hah! I'll find it, and then—

Asukirimaru: Then, I'll finally have a lead on where the demons're hiding!

Episode 2
Demon-born Demon Hunter

Alk catches Asukirimaru raiding the kitchen, who he learns has been stowing away, looking for clues. He explains he's searching for his deadbeat demon father, who abandoned his human mother long ago. Alk coaxes the reluctant orphan to join the party, at least long enough to pay off his pantry pilfering.

Alk: Man, I'm starving!

Alk: Time for a little midnight sna— Huh? What was that sound?

Alk: Something's in the kitchen—No, someone! Hey! Who's there?!

Alk: Get out of my kitchen!

Asukirimaru: Th-this isn't what it looks like!

Alk: My... My kitchen...

Alk: So, I think you have some explaining to do.

Asukirimaru: S-shut it, I know already...

Alk: Let me get this straight: you thought we looked fishy and decided to tail us —all the way to a different world—and now you're stranded.

Alk: THEN, instead of asking for help, you stowed away until your hunger got the better of you.

Alk: Not the type to look before you leap, huh?

Asukirimaru: Shut up! I said I KNOW alread—

Asukirimaru: Ngh...

Alk: First things first, huh? Go ahead, eat up.

Asukirimaru: I-I don't need it! I don't accept charity!

Alk: But you're okay with stealing?! You aren't paying for it either way!

Alk: Besides, I had to make you SOMETHING for my own sanity. I can't believe you tried to eat meat from the icebox RAW!

Alk: No more back-sass until you finish your dinner, mister!

Asukirimaru: Tch. Acting so uppity... Who are you, my mom?

Asukirimaru: Huh? This is— This isn't bad...

Alk: See, that's how meat tastes when you COOK it first.

Asukirimaru: I know what meat tastes like, idiot. That's not what I meant...

Asukirimaru: It just... kinda tastes like the stuff Mom used to make.

Alk: Really?

Asukirimaru: I dunno, maybe. She died when I was little, so I don't really remember, but something about this tastes... familiar.

Alk: I see... So you grew up with your Dad then?

Asukirimaru: Hah! As if. My father was a DEMON.

Asukirimaru: That monster left us high and dry. I don't even know what he looks like, but I'll find him, and he WILL pay.

Alk: You must've had it rough...

Asukirimaru: What about you, you nosy brat?

Alk: My NAME is Alk. But I guess I might be in the same boat as you. I'm not sure though, honestly.

Asukirimaru: What's that supposed to mean?

Alk: I have amnesia. I probably have parents out there somewhere, but I don't remember anything about them.

Asukirimaru: Nothing? Not even a little? Do you have any leads on where to look for them?

Alk: Oh, I'm not really looking or anything. Even if I met them, they'd still be strangers to me, so...

Alk: I guess we're all better off not knowing, right?

Asukirimaru: You don't want to meet them? That's weird.

Alk: Coming from someone who's trying to hunt down their father for revenge? Guess we're even.

Alk: Yawn— I have to be up early tomorrow for a quest, so I'm gonna call it a night.

Alk: Oh, actually, why don't you come help out? I think this one'd be right up your alley, Asukirimaru.

Asukirimaru: Why should I do YOUR job?

Alk: You said yourself you don't accept charity, so I'd say you owe us for the meal, at least.

Alk: Good night. See you tomorrow!

Asukirimaru: Hmph. Fine. If that sleepyhead needs a fighter, he's got Asukirimaru the demon-born—the best damn fighter there is!

Episode 3
Demon Hunting 101

While passing through the library, Asukirimaru finds Stella teaching Nimbus to read. He asks her to help read a worn-out guide to demons, but Nimbus challenges him to learn his letters and read it himself.

Stella: All right, Nimbus. Did you finish the practice sheet I assigned you last time?

Nimbus: Uhh... ........... Y-yeah, 'course I did...

Stella: I see. You did not complete your homework.

Nimbus: Busted...

Asukirimaru: What're you guys doing?

Nimbus: Oh great, here comes trouble... As you can see, we're studying.

Asukirimaru: Hah! You? Studying? You serious?

Nimbus: If you're just here to be annoying, shoo.

Stella: Currently, we are practicing reading and writing.

Asukirimaru: You can teach people to read?

Stella: Yes, I am a strong reader myself.

Asukirimaru: Huh.

Asukirimaru: Can you read this?

Nimbus: What's that? Your book looks old as hell, man.

Asukirimaru: The priest who made my demon- hunting gear had this. It's some kind of guide to demons.

Asukirimaru: Where they come from, what turns human into them, that kinda stuff.

Asukirimaru: Most importantly, it should have information on how to kill them. Can you read it?

Stella: From the looks of this, yes.

Asukirimaru: Great, can you—

Nimbus: Learn to read it yourself, Asukirimaru.

Asukirimaru: Huh? She said she can read it for me, so why bother?

Nimbus: Look, I'm not Light, so if you wanna go duke it out with demons, I won't stop you.

Nimbus: But combat training's on YOU, not Stella. She teaches ABCs, not fighting.

Asukirimaru: I never said she has to practice the techniques with me, I just need someone to read them for me!

Nimbus: Then looks like you better sit down and start learnin' your letters.

Asukirimaru: Hmph, you sound like that smiley samurai bastard...

Nimbus: Huh?

Asukirimaru: Nothing. Just sounded like something a guy back home would say.

Stella: We were just about to start our lesson. Please take a seat, and we'll begin.

Asukirimaru: Wait! I never said I'd—!

Nimbus: Haha, good luck! She's a strict teacher, so you'd better watch out.

Stella: That goes for you as well, Nimbus. Please start by writing all of the letters in alphabetical order.

Nimbus: Huh? W-wait, ALL of them? Leave me outta this, I just wanna read Rolan's old stuff.

Stella: I expect you to provide a good role- model for the new classmate you invited.

Nimbus: Tch...

Asukirimaru: Hah! Serves you right!

Nimbus: Shaddup and start writing!

Asukirimaru: If it'll bring me closer to busting that bastard, I'll be the best damn reader ever!

Nimbus: You're here to learn your ABCs, dumbass. Quit actin' cool.

Asukirimaru: You can't read either! OLD dumbass!

Nimbus: Oh yeah? Try sayin' that again, you tiny brat!

Stella: Nimbus, Asukirimaru...

Stella: This is a library. I expect indoor voices from both of you!