Astral Gem

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Astral Gem Astral Gem cycle.gif is a special material used to uncap a unit's maximum level. There are three (3) kinds of astral gems corresponding to their rarity:

  • 3star Astral Gem.png 3★ Astral Gem: A mysterious gem that can grant power. Resonates with units of up to 3★ rarity.
  • 4star Astral Gem.png 4★ Astral Gem: A mysterious gem that can grant great power. Resonates with units of up to 4★ rarity.
  • 5star Astral Gem.png 5★ Astral Gem: A mysterious gem that can grant immense power. Resonates only with 5★ units.


  • Limited-Time missions during events: 4star Astral Gem.png 4★ Astral Gem, 5star Astral Gem.png 5★ Astral Gem


  • Uncap a unit's maximum level by 5, up to a max level of 100.
  • Gain bonus % increases to HP and Attack stats.