Arum (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
Fiendish Santa

After hearing the story of Santa from Stella, Arum declares that she wants to give out presents as well. She decides to give out the elemental gems she has collected in the Kaleidoscope, and along the way, she helps out a few adventurers. In thanks, the adventurers give her treats, lifting Arum's spirits even higher.

Arly: Hey, you're gonna get your clothes dirty! Quit racing around!

Arum: Yeah, yeah! Ahaha!

Arum: Look, look! Aren't I cute? Sisty bought these clothes for me!

Nimbus: Did she now... Hey, lookin' good, small fry.

Stella: You look very cute. Are you dressed as Santa?

Arum: Santa? What's that?

Stella: "And to all a good night!"

Stella: "With a jolly laugh, Santa flew off into the night in his sled pulled by reindeer... The end."

Arum: Whoa... Santa's so cool!

Arum: Those kids didn't do anything, but he still got them candy and toys.

Alk: That's right. And you know, Arum, you might get something too.

Arum: Wait, Santa's REAL?!

Light: Th-that's right! He certainly is! I bet you can't wait for the holidays now!

Arum: Yeah!

Arly: Huh, who would've thought... Is he some sort of sprite? The human world sure is full of weird stuff.

Alk: Huh?

Arly: What?

Alk: Ah... It's nothing.

Arum: You know what? I wanna hand out presents too!

Arly: What are you going on about now?

Arum: Well, I'm dressed for the part, aren't I?

Arly: Just because you've got the look doesn't mean you can do the job.

Arly: What exactly do you plan on giving people, anyway? Candy?

Arum: No way! My candy is all mine!

Arum: Hm... What can I give people... Ummm...

Arum: Ah! I know!

Adventuring Man: I'll hold him off! Please... Leave now while you can!

Adventuring Woman: No, I won't leave you, Ted!

Adventuring Woman: TED!

Arum: Happy holidays!

Adventuring Man: Huh? What?

Arum: Here you go! A present, just for you!

Adventuring Woman: Uh, okay... Wait, what?! Where'd you get an elemental gem, kid?

Arum: Isn't it pretty? I got that in the Kaleidoscope!

Adventuring Man: A brat like you? What the heck are you talking about? Who are you?

Adventuring Woman: Wait... Are you the Little Lady Fiend everyone's talking about? They say if you encounter her in the Kaleidoscope, she'll help you out!

Arum: Huh? I'm just handing out presents.

Arly: Uh... Could you just accept the gift? I know it's a bit weird, but it IS the holidays.

Adventuring Man: I-I see... Well, thanks for your help—and the gem, I suppose.

Adventuring Woman: Ah, we should give you something in return for saving us. It's not much, but it should be tasty.

Arum: Whoa! Cookies! Thanks, weaklings!

Arum: Ahhh! Nothing better than a nice cold glass of milk after a hard day's work!

Alk: Good work out there, Arum.

Burly Adventurer: Oh, if it isn't the Little Lady Fiend! Thanks for your help the other day. Here, have some candy!

Arum: No problem! Here, you can have an elemental gem in return!

Burly Adventurer: Nah, I don't need it. Gettin' more charity from a youngin like you puts a bad taste in my mouth. I appreciate the thought, though.

Rookie Adventurer: You're her big sister, right? I'd like you to have these sweets!

Rookie Adventurer: That little lady's helped us out more times than I can count, so this is our way of saying thanks! Hope you like it!

Arly: Y-yeah, thanks...

Arum: Hehe! I knew this was a good idea! Look at all the treats we're getting!

Arum: When I grow up, I wanna do this for a living! What do you think, Lightsy?

Light: U-um, sure, that sounds nice...

Arly: Hey, wait a minute... Can fiends really become Santa? I thought the guy in the story was some kind of sprite.

Alk: Um, well, here's the thing about Santa...

Arly: He's not real?! Wait, so now what do I do? I spent all my money on that costume!

Alk: It'll be fine. We've already bought her a present this year.

Arly: Do you really think I'm gonna let you be the only one getting her something?

Alk: Y-you're a strict one, huh? Don't worry, we can work something out.

Arly: I appreciate it. I had no idea this whole Santa business was so complicated...

Arum: Ahaha! Playing Santa is so much fun!

Arly: Jeez... She has no clue what we're going through...

Arly: ...She sure is a handful, isn't she?

Arum: Happy holidays!

Episode 2
Heart-Warming Gift

Arum meets a young orphan named Voula, who refuses to believe Arum got her elemental gems on her own, so Arum drags her to the Kaleidoscope along with Light and Nimbus. After proving her skills, she tells Voula it's her turn to fight, revealing that Voula can perform magic. After learning to use her powers from Arum, a grateful Voula thanks Arum, warming Arum's heart.

Little Boy: Hehe! I asked Santa for a Guild Knight sword!

Little Girl: You mean, the toy version, right? You boys aren't cool enough to use the real thing!

Arum: Happy holidays! I've brought presents for all the good boys and girls!

Arum: Here you go! It's an elemental gem. You're all kids, so I got you the smallest ones.

Little Boy: Huh? Who are you calling "kid," kid?

Little Girl: Look at how pretty it is, though! It's so sparkly... Thank you! Can I really have this?

Arum: You bet! It's Santa's job to give out presents, after all!

Mother: ...Th-those horns!

Mother: Elena, get away from that girl! Children, come here this instant!

Arum: What was that about? Boooring.

Nimbus: Tch... Now I'm in a bad mood.

Light: It seems adventurers aren't the only ones frightened by Arum's appearance... The townsfolk fear her powers as well.

Light: That doesn't excuse their behavior, of course...

Arum: Here you go! I've got a present for you too!

Glaring Girl: I don't want it.

Arum: Why not? You don't need to hold back, you know. It's the holidays!

Glaring Girl: I-I don't need any handouts!

Glaring Girl: I-I do just fine all by myself! I don't need your pity!

Light: E-excuse us, we mean no—

Glaring Girl: Besides, you shouldn't be giving out presents that aren't even yours!

Arum: Huh? But these ARE mine. I got them all by myself.

Glaring Girl: Liar! I have to scavenge for elemental gem shards just to afford food...

Glaring Girl: There's no way a brat like you could go into the Kaleidoscope. You're just a big, fat LIAR!

Arum: I am not! Grrr!

Nimbus: Hey, Light. Is she—

Light: Yes... She seems to be an orphan. And one living on the streets at that. We will have to bring her to Lilie and—

Arum: Fine! I'll show you that I can get elemental gems all by myself!

Arum: Lightsy, Nimbus! We're going to the Kaleidoscope, and we're taking this kid with us!

Voula: Hey! I have a name, you know! Call me Voula!

Arum: Whatever! Let's just go already!

Light: Huh? Wait for us, Arum!

Nimbus: Heh, well, now we can take care of the brats and get some fighting in. Two birds with one stone.

Arum: See? I told you!

Voula: Ugh... Fine... I guess you were telling the truth...

Arum: Is that all? I think there's something else you should say to me.

Voula: Grr... Fine! I'm... sorry...

Arum: Hehe, it's okay! I'll be the bigger person and forgive you!

Arum: All right, now it's your turn, Voula!

Arum: Go on, give it a try! Make them go boom!

Voula: I-I can't do that, you idiot! I can't even use magic!

Nimbus: Whoa there, Arum... Doncha think you're going a little overboard?

Arum: Why? She can use magic. I feel it inside her.

Light: I suppose we're safe on this floor... Would you like to try?

Light: Arum's powers are quite special. Her magic is also slightly different from the magic I know. She could be telling the truth...

Nimbus: So, uh... How long is this gonna take?

Arum: Ah, no, Voula! You don't burn them! You gotta MAKE them burn!

Voula: I already told you that doesn't make any sense!

Arum: Okay, then I'll do it with you. Here, take my hand.

Arum: I'll just pretend, okay? Just do as I do.

Arum: See? I'm not burning them. I'm MAKING them burn.

Nimbus: Whoa!

Voula: I... I did it! I beat that monster!

Arum: See? I told you so! Ahahaha!

Light: Now, we may not have run into trouble today, but remember that you are not to go into the Kaleidoscope alone. Always take one of us with you.

Voula: O-okay...

Arum: *sigh* We fought all those monsters, but we only got a few gems. That's so dumb!

Voula: I-it is not! I got these all by myself... Hehe!

Arum: Huh? But these are so tiny! The one I was gonna give you is WAY bigger!

Nimbus: Haha, earning something yourself and getting it from someone else are two completely different feelings.

Arum: Really?

Voula: H-hey, Arum. Um... Thanks for today...

Arum: Why are you thanking me? You're the one who beat those monsters.

Voula: B-but you're the one who taught me magic... So...

Arum: Um, okay then! Hehe!

Arum: Hehe, my tummy feels all warm and fuzzy! That's so weird! Ahahaha!

Episode 3
Call to the Skies

After entering the Kaleidoscope alone, Voula is saved by Arum. Arum decides to help her collect elemental gems, but just then, a dark mage appears, cornering them. Knowing she's in danger, Arum calls for Alk and the others, and they appear. Seeing how upset her sister is, Arum reflects on her actions. Later, Voula invites Arum to a party, which Arum happily accepts.

Alk: Excuse me, we'll take three whole chickens, please!

Arly: Getting stuff for the party is a lot more work than I thought. I guess we should've brought more people.

Arum: I spy Voula! Whatcha doing? Going somewhere?

Voula: A-Arum! Uh... Nowhere special... Just forget you saw me!

Voula: Ah! Hngh...

Arum: Get 'em, Shadow Chariot!

Arum: Bad Voula! You know you're not supposed to go in here alone. Lightsy's gonna be so mad!

Voula: I don't have a choice... If I want to make it on my own... I need money...

Arum: But Lightsy told me you moved to a house with lots of other people in it.

Voula: That place... isn't my home... And neither is Palpebra! I just woke up in this weird Kaleidoscope place one day...

Voula: I already have a home... I already have parents!

Voula: I'm not an orphan... I don't need anyone's pity... or their help!

Arum: Huh? I don't get it.

Arum: Who said anyone's pitying you?

Arum: Whatever, let's go. You wanna get more elemental gems, right?

Arum: You're still a big weakling, so I'll help you, okay?

Voula: D-don't call me weak! Hehe...

???: Here I thought you were another troublesome bunch of intruders... If it isn't the cursed child and... some other brat.

???: I was planning to simply cast out any adventurers I happened across, but you... I can use you...

Arum: Whoa! You scared me! Who are you?

Mage: I am but the unlucky soul always relegated to cleaning up someone's mess. O all-devouring Darkness, heed my call—

Arum: Ahaha! Does that mean it's okay for me to beat you up? Here we go!

Arum: Crush him, Shadow Chariot!

Mage: Hahaha... You're rather good. Yes... You'll prove quite useful!

Arum: Argh!

Mage: It seems you're not very clever, though...

Arum: Huh?! I can't move... You... You...

Arum: Break us out of here, Shadow Chariot!

Arum: Chariot? Chariot! Wh-why?

Voula: A-Arum, I'm sorry! This is all my fault... You followed me in here...

Arum: Why are you apologizing? The bad guy is that weird old man.

Arum: And it's okay! I know exactly what to do!

Arum: When you're in trouble, everyone told me to do this...

Arum: Help! Nimbus, Alk, Lightsy, SAVE ME!

Arum: SISTY!

Alk: Meteor Break!

Arly: Arum!

Arum: See? It's just like Lightsy said!

Arum: It's okay to ask for help! They'll always be here to lend a hand!

Mage: Tch... It's that meddlesome sword again...

Voula: I-is he... gone?

Arly: Arum, what were you thinking! I thought we told you not to go into the Kaleidoscope alone!

Arum: But I wasn't alone... I had Voula with me...

Arly: I don't want to hear any excuses! No candy for the rest of the year!

Arum: What?! No, that's not faaair!

Arly: I don't wanna hear it!

Arly: We won't always make it in time to save you, understand? Don't... Don't be so reckless, okay?

Arum: Okay...

Orphanage Director: Voula! Oh, thank goodness you're safe!

Voula: Hic... Waaah!

Arum: Hey, Sisty...

Arum: Do you think our mama's... as worried as that person was?

Arly: ...Yeah, I'm sure she is.

Arum: Oh...

Voula: U-um, Arum, the orphanage director just told me something...

Voula: There's gonna be a holiday party tomorrow at the orphanage, but...

Voula: I... I don't know anybody there... She said I can invite a friend if I want...

Voula: So... would you come?

Light: A fine proposition. I say you go and have a good time.

Arum: Yay!

Arum: I'll go! I'll definitely be there!

Arum: It's a promise! Hehehe!