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Episode 1
The Little Fiend

A fiend has appeared in Palpebra! But when Stella and co. find out she's only a little girl in search of her sister, they decide to care for her back in Starview.

Nimbus: The hell's going on?

Townspeople: It's blue... It has horns... That thing's not human...

Townspeople: It's... a fiend...

Light: It can't be!

Girl: Please...

Guard: Hands in the air. Or we—

Girl: Stay away!

Guard: Monster!

Light: Stand down!

Light: That is a fiend! If you value your life, get back!

Guard: A fiend?

Light: Move!

Light: Stella, no!

Girl: I'm scared... I'M SCARED! Sisty! Help me!

Nimbus: STELLA!

Stella: ...

Stella: Is Miss Sisty here right now?

Girl: What?

Stella: I assume she isn't. Little blue girl, I am not your sister but...

Stella: I will help you.

Girl: Who are you?

Stella: I am Stella, the Keeper of Starview Village. And you are?

Arum: Arum.

Light: Stella, do you not understand?! She is... dan... ger...

Arum: *gasp*

Arum: A talking doll?!

Light: Doll?!

Stella: He is not a doll. He is Light, our champion.

Nimbus: Hey, Light. Clench up.

Light: What?

Light: Meep.

Nimbus: You calmed down some?

Arum: Hehe. He's fluffy.

Light: I can't breathe... Let go! ...?

Light: She's... asleep...

Stella: Let's bring her back to Starview.

Guard: You don't get to decide that!

Guard: A threat this big needs to be brought before the Guild!

Nimbus: You want to run that by us again, runt?! If Stella says the kid's coming with us, the kid's coming with us.

Nimbus: Try to stop us, and I'll eat you!

Guard: S-sir yes, sir…

Stella: Do you mind, Light?

Light: No. I think you made the correct choice.

Light: ...So even this form has its uses.

Episode 2
The Price of Sweetness

When Light and co. learn that Arum has been trained to fight in return for treats, they teach her that sweetness doesn't have to be accompanied by bitterness.

Arum: Cookies are so good... Arum's only gonna eat cookies for the rest of her life.

Alk: No, Arum. You can't skip out on broccoli and spinach.

Alk: But I AM happy you like my baking.

Arum: Did you make these, Alk? Wow. You must be, like, a genius!

Alk: Haha. Thanks.

Stella: How are you enjoying life at Starview?

Arum: I love it! I made friends with eeeeveryone. Even grouchy uncle Nimbus plays with me.

Light: I am glad to hear that.

Light: Now let go of me.

Arum: Don't wanna. Have some cookies, Lightsy.

Light: Mph! Stop! I think I've had quite enough.

Arum: If you're picky about your food, you'll never grow big and strong.

Light: I'm already big and strong for a rabbit...

Arum: Fine... But if you're done, you've gotta ask to be excused.

Light: May I be excused?

Arum: Hehe. Yes, you may!

Arum: Sooo... Who do you want me to destroy?

Alk: ...What?

Arum: It's a rule. If I get treats, I have to destroy someone.

Arum: Pick aaanyone you want. Arum's invincible!

Light: Who decided that rule?

Arum: Huh?

Light: Someone must write the rules. Who was it?

Arum: E-everyone said so.

Light: I'm sorry for frightening you, Arum. But you must listen to me.

Light: You do not have to destroy anyone. There is no such rule here, or anywhere else.

Arum: Are you sure?

Light: Yes. Never obey such an order again.

Arum: You won't get angry?

Light: I won't.

Arum: You'll still give me treats?

Light: Of course.

Arum: As many as I want?!

Light: ...Only during snack time.

Arum: No faaair.

Light: You must also brush your teeth at least twice a day. And I expect you in bed by nine.

Arum: Nooooo...

Stella: ...

Light: What is it, Stella? Did I say something wrong?

Stella: Not at all. I'm happy for you, Arum.

Arum: I want more treats...

Episode 3
Something Worth Protecting

When Light expresses concern for Arum's safety on the battlefield, the fiend tells him that she now wants to fight because she has something to protect.

Arum: Hahaha! Wanna play?

Arum: Smash! Shadow Chariot!

Arum: You lose!

Nimbus: Arum's rippin' through them.

Nimbus: Can't let a pair of pigtails show me up!

Light: ...

Light: I can bear it no longer!

Alk: What? You hungry?

Light: No! I speak of Arum.

Alk: Oh... You're STILL angry she tried to yank out your fur?

Light: That was... excruciating... But still, no!

Light: I talk of bringing her to the battlefield. Arum should not be fighting.

Alk: What? Why not?

Light: The fiends used her as a weapon. Are we not doing the same?

Nimbus: Talk about overprotective.

Arum: I know right?! SUPER overprotective.

Light: Arum...

Nimbus: The kid's just doing what she wants. Stop trying to decide things for her, Dad.

Light: I'm not trying to be her father!

Arum: Nimbus, I wouldn't say Lightsy's like my dad...

Arum: He's more like my sister.

Light: I'm a man!

Alk: Why's he like your sister?

Arum: I mean, they're both weaker than me, but suuuper bossy.

Light: I...

Nimbus: You're gonna need ice for that burn.

Arum: It's okay though. 'Cause I can protect them!

Arum: Didja know Nimbus is training me now? I'm gonna get sooo strong.

Arum: You don't hafta be scared! Okay, Lightsy?

Nimbus: Yeah. Okay, Lightsy?

Nimbus: Look, if you're that worried, just ride on her head. 'Least you won't be grumblin' on the sidelines anymore.

Light: Nimbus... Says what he likes and then leaves.

Light: Arum. Bring me whenever you set out to fight. Understand?

Arum: Whaaat? Do I have to?

Arum: Just kidding! I'm gonna protect you so good, Lightsy!

Light: Please do.