Arly (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
Hanging with Friends

After doing some research in The Oculus Times, Arly drags Alk and the others along to scope out some shops she found, in the hope of taking Phiria and Cecilia there. She hides when she spots Phiria and Cecilia, but Alk discovers that they too are looking for places to take Arly. After a little push from Alk, Arly joins Phiria and Cecilia as they explore the town.

Arly: Hehehe...

Arly: This doesn't look too ba-

Arum: Hey, Sisty!

Arly: Eeek!

Arum: Aaah! You're wearing that outfit again!

Arly: I-I don't wear it that often! And Arum! I thought I told you to knock before you-

Alk: What was that scream just now?!

Arly: Waaah!

Arly: D-d-doesn't anyone here know how to knock?!

Alk: S-sorry! I thought something happened, so I just- I'll leave right away!

Arum: Hey, Alk, what's this say?

Alk: Huh? "The Oculus Times Special Edition: Your Guide to Palpebra's Anniversary Festivities."

Arly: Aaah! Stop!

Alk: Ah, um... Sorry?

Arly: What are you looking at?! Sixteen-year-olds read this sort of stuff all the time, don't they?! Then it shouldn't be an issue!

Alk: You're sixteen?!

Arly: What, you got something to say about that?

Alk: Nope, not at all.

Arly: Hmph, good. Anyway, if you're free, you should help me out.

Arly: *munch* Mmm, this place is good too. Which do you think is better, this shop or the third one?

Alk: You're planning to go out with Phiria and Cecilia, right? In that case... This place might be better... I think.

Arly: Got it... Alright, now let's go over the afternoon course.

Alk: Wait... Are we going to check out all the spots you found in the Oculus?

Arly: O-of course. those girls have been so nice to me, so is only fair that I return the favor!

Arly: And if I'm gonna be the one inviting them out, I have to make sure it's perfect...

Arly: But I hardly ever go out for fun, so I have no idea what to do...

Alk: Got it. Don't worry, we'll help. I'll even show you a few places I know-

Alk: Whoa, wait, what are you doing?!

Light: I believe that's Phiria and Cecilia. Perhaps they are also here to peruse the shops.

Light: Arly?

Arly: ...I give up.

Alk: What? Why?

Arly: I'm a fiend. I shouldn't force myself into their little human circle. they're better off without me...

Alk: But wasn't Phiria the one who asked you to be friends?

Arly: ...She was probably just being polite. Besides, she's not exactly a typical human either...

Alk: Hmmm, but you won't know for sure unless you ask, right?

Arly: Huh?! Wait, what are you doing?!

Light: Wha- C-calm down, Arly! Nngh!

Arly: Why is he bringing them here?!

Phiria: Arly? Why are you here?

Arly: N-no reason! Just a big coincidence, that's all!

Alk: These two were just checking out a few places they wanted to invite you to.

Arly: Huh?

Cecilia: Well, this is rather embarrassing... You see, we're not very well-acquainted with these sort of activities...

Arly: I-I see...

Alk: Well, now that you're all here, why don't you three hang out?

Arly: Huh?! B-but... I'm not mentally prepared... I haven't finished my resear-

Alk: Come on, going in without a plan can be pretty fun, you know.

Alk: It'll be fine.

Arly: ...A-all right.

Arly: Um, well, in that case... There's a store I want to check out... Would you like to come?

Phiria: Of course!

Arly: ...!

Arly: Then... Follow me!

Episode 2
Fiendish Sisters

After getting into a fight with Arum over something minor, Arly confides in Phiria, who was passing by. After their talk, Arly heads to apologize to Arum, but her little sister's blunt remakes are the last straw, causing Arly to get even more upset. Arum promptly flees the scene as her big sister follows behind.

Arum: No fair, no fair, NO FAIR! Gimme, gimme, GIMMEEE!

Arly: What did I just say?! What's the point of buying new clothes if you're just gonna rip them up?!

Arly: Besides, you're at the age where you're constantly getting bigger. You'll grow out of these clothes in no time...

Arum: Well, it's not like I'm the only one growing! Except it's your tummy and butt that keep getting bigger!

Arly: What the- Quiet down, someone might hear you!

Arum: I don't care!

Light: Urk!

Arum: Stupid Sisty! You sure talk big for being such an itty-bitty weakling!

Arly: Arum, get back here!

Arly: *sigh* That girl... I swear...

Phiria: Um... I just saw Arum running off in a huff... Is everything all right?

Arly: It's fine. She's just throwing a tantrum after not getting her way... The usual.

Phiria: I see... Well, at least she's energetic...

Arly: All that energy is giving me a headache. I can't believe this is the same girl who bawled her eyes out while we reunited...

Arly: A-Arum...

Arly: ARUM!

Arum: S-Sisty...?


Arly: Oh, Arum! I'm so glad you're safe! Thank goodness!

Arum: Waaah! Siiisty!

Arly: ...It's like that sweet little girl never existed... *sigh*

Phiria: M-maybe she's just more at ease... Her reliable big sister is here now, after all...

Arly: Well... How reliable am I, really?

Arly: She's so much stronger than me. I'm not exactly cut out to be her big sister.

Phiria: Th-that's not true!

Phiria: I-I might be able to fight, but... Cecilia is always helping me in other ways...

Phiria: I can't even... cook a decent meal...

Arly: Suddenly I feel like you're the one who needs comforting...

Phiria: Ah, I-I'm sorry!

Phiria: Wh-what I mean is... I don't think it's a matter of fighting skills. It's more... Um...

Arly: Don't worry, I get it. I'm just ranting, that's all... Sorry about that.

Phiria: Y-you know... I think you're cool!

Arly: Are we talking about appearances here?

Phiria: W-well, that too, but... that's not what I mean! When I saw you rise to your feet that time, you reminded me of Cecilia!

Arly: Sometimes you remind me of Arum.

Phiria: Huh?

Arly: Both of you are strong and never bend to others' wills. But you're also both shameless. Phiria: Wh-what?!

Arly: Thanks. I need to go now.

Arum: *sniff* Hic... Stupid Sisty...

Light: U-um... Arum, I highly doubt Arly was being intentionally cruel back there.

Arly: There you are, Arum.

Arly: Come on, let's head back to our room. I'll buy you clothes some other time.

Arly: I promise.

Arum: Okay...

Arum: U-um, Sisty... Uh... I'm... sorry for calling you a weakling...

Arly: It's okay.

Arum: I should've been more careful... Hearing the truth like that probably hurt your feelings.

Arly: ...Excuse me?

Arum: Not only are you weak, but you're stupid too, so I gotta be the mature one here.


Arum: What the- Why are you mad this time?!

Arly: Hey, you! Get back here!

Episode 3
Settle Down, Class

After asking Cecilia to help her study, Arly heads to the library with Phiria and Cecilia. There, Arly tells them how getting to know the two girls has made her scared of her own ignorance, hence why she wants to know more about both humans and fiends. As Arly declares her determination to learn alongside her friends, Light smiles from afar.

Arly: Oh, it looks like there's a flea market going on.

Phiria: Hehe, these kinds of even tend to have items you can't find in normal stores.

Arly: Excuse me, are all of these books for sale?

Seller: They sure are. Those are magic textbooks, they're needed for some courses over at Voluntas, apparently. They're used, but feel free to take a look!

Cecilia: Hmm... These are very easy to understand. What splendid textbook.

Arly: You can tell?

Cecilia: Perhaps a little. As a knight, I received a basic education myself.

Cecilia: That being said, resources were scarce, and the books we procured were often rather impenetrable... It was no easy task.

Arly: Is that so?

Arly: Hey, Cecilia, could I ask you a favor?

Arly: I want you to be my teacher.

Arly: Stella, can we borrow this table?

Stella: Sure... Did you buy some books?

Phiria: Y-yes, some textbooks...

Arly: You didn't need to tag along, Phiria.

Phiria: W-well, I... I thought this would be a good opportunity to review what I've learned...

Phiria: Cecilia has taught me before, but I haven't been studying lately...

Arly: That makes sense, I guess... Ahem, Cecilia, you can start whenever you're ready.

Cecilia: Alright... To be perfectly honest, though, I am not sure where we should begin our academic pursuits.. . Cecilia: I suppose we could begin by determining what level of knowledge you both possess. How about a simple test?

Arly: Lady Phiria, this will be a review for you. We shall see how much you remember.

Phiria: I-I won't let you down!

Cecilia: Hmm. I'm not quite sure how to articulate this...

Arly: Phiria... You may look smart, but you're actually as dumb as I am.

Phiria: I-I'm so sorry, Cecilia!

Cecilia: D-don't fret, Lady Phiria. Academic studies must occur on a regular basis, lest the lessons we learn be forgotten.

Cecilia: I believe it is best we take a slow and steady approach to our lessons, then.

Arly: Good idea... Phew... It'll be tough, but I'll do whatever I can to learn.

Cecilia: An admirable attitude to have. I shall provide whatever assistance I can.

Cecilia: Why the sudden interest though? This appears to be an impulsive decision, but you're quite committed to it.

Arly: Do you remember what we talked about at the anniversary festivities?

Arly: I knew nothing, yet I never tried to learn either.

Arly: Before I came to Starview, I had no idea what humans were like.

Phiria: I was... the same way... I didn't even know what I was fighting...

Arly: I could make all sorts of excuses, like that I was raised in the boonies, or tat I was mere underline in the army, but...

Arly: Since coming here, I've come to know humans... I've even become, uh, f-friends with you two.

Arly: Now... I'm scared of my past ignorance. All I did was fight without knowing what I was fighting for.

Arly: I don't ever want to go into battle clueless again.

Arly: That's why I must learn more. About humans, fiends... and you two.

Arly: Jeez, look at me being all serious! I may talk big, but I still don't know HOW to study, so that's why I asked for your help.

Cecilia: You can count on me, Arly. As your friend, I will teach you everything I know.

Phiria: A-and Arly, please tell me more about fiends... and yourself as well!

Arly: Of course. We've all got a lot of work ahead of us.

Alk: Ah, so this is where you all are. I made snacks, so if anyone wants some, come to the dining hall.

Alk: If you see anyone else along the way, pass on the message, okay?

Phiria: Um... I would say taking a break is just as important as studying... Wouldn't you?

Arly: Took the words right out of my mouth.

Cecilia: Well, this is an appropriate place to stop, so shall we make our way over?

Stella: Light? What's wrong?

Light: It's nothing. It's just... Arly has changed a lot. Even I can trust her now.

Arly: Hey, aren't you guys hungry? If you don't hurry, the snacks will be all gone.

Light: Right. We'll be over in a moment.