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Episode 1
The Turncoat

Alk and Nimbus find a fiend heavily injured by daemons. She starts babbling about intel and a girl named Arum before finally blacking out. They decide to care for her back at Starview.

Alk: Eat steel!

Alk: Nice job, me.

Nimbus: We're good on my end too.

Nimbus: Heh. These Kaleidoscope runs are like walks in the park.

Alk: Well, we ARE sticking to the shallows.

Alk: People have cleared every inch of this thing. I can guarantee you that nothing out of the ordinary's going to happen.

Nimbus: Then I want my money back... 'cause I smell blood.


Arly: Shoot... There really were more of you, huh?

Arly: Well, time to deliver!

Arly: Shred 'em up... Soul Ripper!

Arly: The door... I can almost taste freedom...

Nimbus: The hell went on here?

Arly: Tsk. I don't remember inviting you to the party...

Arly: Shred 'em up... Soul— Gah!

Alk: Are you okay?!

Alk: You've lost so much blood! You're turning blue!

Nimbus: She was always blue, birdbrain.

Nimbus: She's a fiend.

Alk: Fiend? Like Light's mortal enemies, fiend?

Arly: You know about us? Then you must be...

Arly: Join forces with me! I'll give you all the intel I have!

Alk: Y-you're dripping! The blood's dripping!

Arly: Brand me a traitor! I don't care! All I care about is... is... getting Arum...

Alk: I'd, um, love to help, but I reeeally don't know what's going on here...

Nimbus: Save your breath. She passed out. Standing.

Nimbus: So? What are you gonna do?

Alk: Not leave her here, obviously. We'll bring her back to Starview.

Alk: That's what Stella would want.

Nimbus: True. But what about our resident champion?

Alk: Eh, he'll get over it. It's Light.

Nimbus: Yeah, he lets you kids step over him like a fluffy doormat.

Nimbus: Well, if you're so sure, let's get a move on. Before somebody sees us.

Alk: ...Hey, Nimbus. Think you could carry her?

Nimbus: What? I can, but why?

Alk: Cause, well, I mean... Her belly's showing...

Nimbus: *sigh* Puberty...

Episode 2
A Strange Tea Party

Arly meets Alk and co., prepared for a grueling interrogation. Stella, however, is determined to make it a tea party. Over fluffy cakes and dainty tea cups, Arly talks about a faction of moderate fiends and her own missing sister, Arum, earning Light's trust.

Arly: We fiends are hunters of the human race.

Arly: Our claws were shaped to piece the heart, and our powers granted to torment the soul.

Arly: It's only natural for you to fear me. It's only natural for you to hate me.

Arly: I don't care. All that matters to me is survival. I wasn't expecting your trust, and I certainly wasn’t expecting a warm welcome...

Arly: So what in the world is going on?!

Stella: This is called a tea party.

Arly: I know what it's called! I meant why are you doing this?!

Arly: I thought we were going to have an interrogation. Not sip out of fine china with our pinkies in the air!

Stella: I'm sorry. Do you not like it?

Arly: Wait, no. Please... Don't feel bad.

Light: I am the one who arranged this meeting. *sigh* But not the setting...

Alk: I mean, if we're gonna talk, why NOT have tea and cake?

Alk: Come on! Sit down.

Light: It's as Alk says... After you.

Arly: Okay... Though you being nice is REALLY making me feel awkward...

Light: So there are fiends who oppose the Lord of Shadow...

Arly: Yeah. They're known as moderates. They try to keep out of the spotlight, for obvious reasons. I don't know who's leading them, or how many there are.

Arly: All I can say is, they're not a myth. They're the ones who got my sister and me out of Pandemonium.

Stella: Did you utilize a World Flipper?

Arly: Probably. I didn't know what it was at the time, but it looked like the one in Starview. The moderates were the ones who told me where to find it deep underground.

Arly: You know, I almost didn't believe them. Who would've thought there'd be worlds other than our own? But the Dark Throne keeps many secrets.

Arly: I didn't want to die for a cause I didn't understand. So I took my sister, and ran.

Alk: Where's your sister now?

Arly: ...I don't know. We were split up in an ambush.

Stella: It would be best to search for her in the Kaleidoscope.

Arly: Yeah... Well, that's all I know. Any questions?

Light: Yes.

Light: What of the princess... the capital? How goes the war there?

Arly: Can't say.

Arly: I have no intel on the humans. I didn't even know we lived in different worlds.

Arly: ...If that's all, I'll be going.

Light: Arly!

Arly: Yes? You need something else?

Light: I still do not trust you.

Arly: You chased me all the way here to tell me the obvious?

Light: But I trust the judgement of Alk and Stella. And they have faith in you.

Arly: ...

Light: Do you like sweets?

Arly: Huh?

Light: Alk was surprised you finished the cake. He would be glad if you came back and ate with us again.

Light: Thank you for speaking with us, Arly. Good night.

Arly: They're so nice, it's a crime.

Arly: ...The cake was really good though. Arum would love it.