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Episode 1
Lost Girl

Arisa, a girl from another world, somehow ends up in the Kaleidoscope. There she encounters Alk and Light and offers to help them in a spot of trouble. Determined to find a way back to her own world with the power of the World Flipper, she decides to join Alk's party.

Arisa: Ngh...

Arisa: Where am I?

Arisa: ...! Losaria! Where are you?

Arisa: What's going on here? I was in the forest one moment, and now I'm... wherever this is.

Arisa: Losaria...

Alk: Oof... There's no end to them!

Arisa: Is someone there?

Light: This doesn't bode well.

Alk: Where'd all these guys even come from?

Light: I'll distract them. Alk, take the opportunity and—

Arisa: Do you need help?

Alk: Some help would be great!

Light: We'll handle the ones in front—don't let them near her, Alk!

Arisa: Just let me handle it! Elvish... Bow!

Alk: Phew. That should do it.

Light: Much obliged, stranger. My name is Light. And this here is—

Alk: Alk's the name! Thanks for saving our bacon.

Arisa: I just did what anyone else would've. I'm Arisa, by the way. I was training in the forest, and somehow ended up here... Do you know how I can get back?

Light: The forest?

Arisa: I guess that's a no. Actually... Do you know where I am?

Arisa: I was searching for the Morning Star in hopes that I'd find my friend, but somehow I've ended up... here.

Alk: The Morning Star?

Arisa: Wait, you've never heard of the Morning Star?

Light: I see. You must be from another world, then.

Arisa: A-another world? What do you mean?

Light: It may be hard to take in, but you must've traversed into this world somehow.

Alk: I'm not sure if it'll help or not, but this place isn't our original world either.

Arisa: No way... What am I supposed to do now?

Light: ...Thinking what I'm thinking?

Alk: Without a doubt.

Light: Arisa, there's something we'd like to show you.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its keeper, Stella.

Arisa: Oh, um, hello. I'm Arisa.

Arisa: Gosh, this really IS a different world, isn't it? How am I ever gonna get back?

Stella: What's the matter?

Arisa: I'm looking for a friend. Her name's Losaria.

Arisa: Is there a way I could find my way back to my original world?

Stella: A friend?

Arisa: Sorry if this seems sudden, but I... I have to find her.

Stella: I see. Let's find her together.

Light: By using the World Flipper, we'll be able to traverse many worlds.

Light: Yours may be among them. We'll help you find it.

Arisa: You're telling me this... door can take me back home somehow?

Stella: There are many worlds. It may take some time.

Stella: However, I am sure we can find it if we search together.

Arisa: (A "World Flipper"? I've never seen anything like this before. But today's been a day full of firsts, I guess.)

Arisa: (I can't afford to be afraid now. And this may be my best bet at finding Losaria for now.)

Arisa: O-okay! I'd be glad to join you guys on your journey.

Alk: Great! We're happy to have you.

Light: Your bow skills were remarkable. We'll be counting on your talents, Arisa.

Arisa: Oh, no! I-I'm still getting the hang of things. Losaria, on the other hand, now SHE knows how to handle a bow. *sigh*

Stella: You miss her, don't you?

Arisa: Yeah. She's everything to me. So, please... I hope that we can help each other out for the time being.

Alk: Of course! And no need to be so formal—we're all on the same team now.

Arisa: Yeah, you're right! Thanks for having me on the team.

Arisa: Just wait, Losaria. I'm on my way!

Episode 2
The Strength to Protect

Arisa finds Alk training in the middle of the night. The two bond over their reasons for becoming stronger.

???: Hut! Hyaaah!

Arisa: What was that?

Alk: One more!

Alk: Phew... I'm pooped.

Arisa: Whoa. You're training even at this hour?

Arisa: That's amazing. I didn't take you for the diligent type.

Alk: To be honest, I just couldn't get to sleep.

Alk: And we've had so many talented people join us lately, you know? I'm just doing what I can to keep up.

Arisa: Still, that's really admirable of you. Are you training to become a champion, like Light?

Alk: A champion? Heh, I wouldn't go that far.

Alk: I don't think Light's expecting anything like that from me in any case.

Alk: And to be honest, I don't think I'm champion stock, you know?

Arisa: Why?

Alk: I mean, just look at Light. Or Stella or Nimbus. Or even you yourself, Arisa. Everyone's got their own incredible talents and strengths.

Alk: I only hope that one day I'll be somewhere close to their level, you know?

Alk: It's a lot of work just to keep up with everyone else sometimes!

Arisa: You're doing more than plenty if you ask me.

Arisa: I always thought I'd be with Losaria forever, no matter what happened.

Arisa: But things turned out differently. And it was because I wasn't strong enough.

Arisa: I've since learned that sometimes it takes work to be with those you care for most.

Arisa: What do you think about training together?

Arisa: I know it's a bit late, but... I can't seem to relax either.

Alk: Of course!

Alk: Whoa, now that's some sharp shooting!

Arisa: Hehe, thanks.

Arisa: I just wish I'd been stronger before. If I had, then maybe Losaria wouldn't have been taken away from me the way she was.

Arisa: I'd honestly almost forgotten about it since coming to this world.

Arisa: So thanks, Alk... for helping me remember what's truly important to me.

Alk: Yeah. We may have different reasons, but I guess our goals are the same.

Arisa: Hehe. Let's try our best to keep up with everyone else.

Alk: This Losaria must be someone REALLY amazing, though.

Alk: Your bow skills are already impressive enough, but she's supposed to be even better? I'd love to see that someday.

Arisa: Yeah, absolutely! I'm sure she'd love to meet all of you!

Alk: Somehow I already know Stella would take a liking to her.

Arisa: Hehe... I can't wait for that day to come.

Alk: I'm sure it'll come sooner than later. We'll do whatever we can to help, too!

Arisa: Thanks, Alk.

Arisa: In the meantime, I'm going to keep getting stronger!

Episode 3
My Ideal Self

Arisa explores the Kaleidoscope in an attempt to find a way back to her own world. After a close encounter with a mysterious foe, she vows to grow stronger, more determined than ever to find Losaria.

Arisa: *sigh* The World Flipper, huh?

Arisa: I wonder if there was one back at home? I'd never heard of or seen anything like it though.

Arisa: Will I really be able to find my way back on this journey?

Arisa: I don't know... But I have to do something, right?

Arisa: Oh, I know! That Kaleidoscope place might have some answers.

Arisa: I still haven't seen much of what's there... There may something there I haven't looked into yet!

Arisa: Maybe I should've told someone I was coming here. No, Arisa... You can't keep relying on them for every little thing.

Arisa: Hopefully, I'll find some clues while I'm here.

???: ...I don't think you'll find anything of the sort, unfortunately.

Arisa: Who are you?

Mage: Nobody special... Just someone who wants to get even... with you.

Arisa: With me? But I don't even know you.

Mage: Don't you though? It was quite an endeavor, fixing up that hole you all tore.

Mage: I'm just here to get my dues.

Arisa: Look, I'm just trying to find my way back home, okay? So could you leave me alone?

Mage: A way home, you say? There is nothing like that for you here—only a path... into the shadows.

Mage: Unlikely as it may be... keep going, and you may very well just find the thing you're looking for. After all... you never know, right?

Mage: I can't guarantee you'll come out the other side the same, however…

Arisa: I don't need your guarantees, weirdo. I'm just trying to find Losaria!

Mage: Losaria? Now that's a pretty name... Is this truly the outcome you wish for?

Arisa: Wh-what? Of course it is!

Mage: O darkness, slumbering in the void… Reveal yourself to me—deepest of inner truths!

Arisa: What're you doing?

Mage: After everything, you're still alive? Or are you still waiting to be saved?

Mage: Isn't that what you've always wanted?

Arisa: Stop... Stop it!

Mage: You don't care about Losaria... This is just about yourself. It always has been.

Arisa: I told you to stop!

Arisa: I... I have to save Losaria! She's waiting for me, I'm sure of it!

Mage: Why? Did it vex you so that she's the one that had to save YOU all the time?

Mage: It must have indeed. Oh, how pitiful... Are you trying to prove yourself to her?

Mage: A shame, though, isn't it? There's no Losaria here for you to prove your worth to.

Arisa: No... That isn't what I...

Mage: You would do well to forget those you left behind.

Mage: Singularity. You've disrupted this world with your presence, yet you can still prove your worth... to me.

Arisa: My worth?

Mage: Losaria doesn't need someone like you. Why would she? You know good and well she's more than capable of handling herself.

Mage: Yes, indeed... Forget about her. In THIS world, you need serve only me!

Arisa: Why... would she... But...

Arisa: But even still!

Arisa: Even... even if that were true! I'm still going to keep getting stronger for her!

Arisa: ...And one day, I'll be just as strong as she was!

Alk: Arisa!

Stella: Are you okay?

Arisa: Alk... Stella!

Mage: Damn busybodies... So... I see you've made your choice, elf.

Arisa: ...That's right. I don't care what you say about me— I know that I'll be able to stand proudly next to Losaria someday!

Arisa: And I won't have any more of what you have to say! Elvish Bow!

Mage: How disappointing... All of you...

Arisa: *sigh*

Alk: Arisa, Are you hurt?

Light: Why'd you come to a place like this on your own? Do you have any idea how worried we were?!

Arisa: Um... Sorry, I...

Stella: We're just glad you're okay.

Arisa: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry.

Nimbus: Who was that guy, anyway?

Arisa: I don't know. He just came out of nowhere, calling me a singularity or whatever.

Arisa: ...But he also knew of Losaria somehow.

Stella: I don't know what he told you, but I can tell you one thing.

Stella: You will see Losaria again one day. I'm sure she's waiting for you somewhere.

Arisa: ...Yeah.

Stella: I'm here for you, Arisa. So please don't go off on your own.

Arisa: Thanks, Stella.

Arisa: And you're right... I promised that I'd introduce you all to her, didn't I?

Arisa: As long as I have my friends here, I know things will turn out okay. Just wait a little longer, Losaria!