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Episode 1
Haunted House Adventure

The Guild orders Alk and Light to a haunted house, where they are terrorized by a poltergeist. Right when a chandelier comes crashing down, a mysterious boy named Andy knocks Alk out of the way and gets crushed instead. Alk insists on caring for him back at Starview, completely unfazed by the fact that Andy is one of the walking dead.

Alk: ...All clear. Let's go.

Light: Keep your guard up. There's no telling what lurks here.

Alk: Can't believe we're in an actual haunted house.

Alk: ...You're not scared of ghosts, are you?

Light: No! But I can feel a dark presence, large and growing larger...

Alk: That "no" sounded a little defensive.

Light: This is no time for jests. Danger is all around—

Light: See?!

Alk: The legs are uneven, and we've been stomping around on the floorboards, so...

Light: I see...

Light: You truly do not find this place unnatural?

Alk: Th-the latch was broken, that's all.

Light: Ever since the Guild appointed us this task, my mind has been uneasy.

Alk: That's just your overactive imagination.

Alk: I'm sure everything that just happened can be explained by the good old laws of phys—



Alk: Whoa!

???: Urgh...

Alk: Oh no...

Light: Maybe we should not have brought him here...

Alk: What are you talking about?

Alk: He saved my life.

Light: Alk, can't you see—

???: Where am I?

Alk: Oh, you're awake!

Alk: I'm really sorry you got hurt protecting me.

???: Oh, you're that kid. Heh. Don't worry about it. I've had a lot worse.

Alk: A lot... worse?

???: I can't believe a chandelier knocked me out. My powers must've weakened.

???: *sigh* Explains how those poltergeists managed to start levitating things on my watch...

Alk: You still feeling weak?

???: No, I...

Alk: Wait right here! I'll whip you up a bowl of nutrition!

???: ...Well, can't say I don't miss people food.

???: But... I really shouldn't be here. Right?

Light: I—

Alk: Hey, what's your name? I'm Alk!

Alk: And, uh... Can you eat salt and garlic and stuff? It's not gonna exorcise you, is it?

???: Oh. You noticed.

Andy: I'm Andy. Thanks for taking care of me.

Andy: ...And go easy on the salt and garlic please.

Episode 2
A Fair to Die For

After learning that Alk and co. are helping plan for a local fair, Andy suggests they include a real haunted house. He exorcises the mansion where they first met, replacing the vengeful ghosts with friendlier ones. The attraction is a big success.

Alk: Hotdogs and popsicles...

Light: A ring toss, shooting range, and circus acts...

Guild Staff: *sigh* I know. Nothing that hasn't been done a billion times before.

Alk: I mean, that IS what comes to mind when you hear "local fair."

Light: Is it so bad to follow tradition? These are all attractions that have withstood the test of time.

Guild Staff: It's my first time planning the fair. I want to leave an impression, dude!

Alk: Hmm...

Andy: Alk, I think the people are gonna start rioting.

Alk: Oh shoot. It's already time for lunch. My bad.

Andy: Nimbus is seconds away from a total rampage. It's kind of funny watching him, because I don't really remember what hunger feels like.

Alk: Death is no excuse for skipping meals.

Andy: So, what's your excuse for being late? Are you here for a quest?

Alk: Yeah. We're trying to come up with original ideas for a local fair.

Andy: ...I think I can help.

Alk: I know this place...

Guild Staff: It's that haunted house we sent you to...

Andy: Yeah, and it's the real deal. Try really hard not to die.

Andy: Let's go.

Alk: *gulp* Okay.

Andy: Come on out! We're not afraid of you!

Guild Staff: D-did he just say "we"? 'Cause I think I just wee'ed my pants a wee bit.

Alk: It's here!

Vengeful Ghost: No... Hee hee hee... YOU'RE here... YOU'RE HERE!

Vengeful Ghost: Give it to me... Give it to me, giveittome!

Andy: Alk, show those books who's boss.

Alk: I-I'M the one getting schooled here! Andy!

Andy: Soul that death has—

Vengeful Ghost: Y-you got your powers back...

Andy: Yeah. And that, kids, is why you should eat three square meals a day, before AND after death.

Andy: Soul that death has failed to reap, In my coffin you shall sleep!

Vengeful Ghost: No... No... NO! I don't want to faaade! I DON'T—

Andy: Don't worry. When it's time for us to go, I'll be with you.

Alk: You did it!

Guild Staff: ...I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

Guild Staff: The haunted house was a success!

Alk: I mean, the ghosts were real.

Light: ...Were we being disrespectful? Using the souls of the dead for parlor tricks.

Andy: They agreed to it.

Andy: Besides, vengeful ghosts love scent of fear, vomit, and soiled underwear. Good memory to take to the grave.

Alk: ...I will never understand dead people.

Episode 3
Friends Beyond the Grave

Andy saves Alk and Light from the ghost of a priest who sacrificed him long ago. Then, along with the spirits of his friends, Andy finally takes his revenge.

Alk: I don't think they're gonna stop spawning.

Light: You're right. This fight only drains your strength. Let us retreat for now.

Alk: Roger!

Alk: ...Think we're safe now?

Light: No... The opposite.

Light: That is a sacrificial altar!

Light: Those lost souls must have met their end here!

Alk: So... we're trapped?

Undead Priest: Chosen would be a better word. It is an honor to be sacrificed!

Alk: Andy?!

Andy: Run away! I've got this!

Alk: We're not leaving you!

Andy: ...You shouldn't have to see this.

Alk: What are you saying?!

Light: Alk! We need to escape!

Alk: Not without Andy!

Andy: ...I get it. Death is scary. It's why you made up your own bogus religion with a bogus god and bogus sacrifices.

Undead Priest: You... It can't be!

Andy: It took me so long to find you. I actually gave up after fifty years, because I figured you'd be dead but... I should've known your cowardice would turn you into a ghost.

Andy: Well, at least it'll all work out in the end.

Andy: Anita. Johannes. Emile.

Andy: It's time to get our revenge.

Andy: I can't believe it's over.

Andy: I'm... getting sleepy...

Andy: Let's go home....

Andy: Huh?

Alk: Andy!

Nimbus: You're finally awake, you weird zombie-freak!

Andy: I'm... still alive... No. "Alive's" not the right word...

Andy: I'm "okay"? No, that's not right either.

Alk: We get it.

Stella: Welcome home, Andy.

Andy: That's it.

Andy: I'm home.