Amelia (Half Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
First Steps

After leaving a note for her father, Amelia heads to the northern seas with Marina in search of treasure. While there, they are attacked by the Devourer of Stars, and Amelia drinks the treasure, growing legs in the process. As Amelia regales everyone with her tale, only Stella ends up being impressed.

Amelia: Ugh... Why does studying have to be such a drag?

Amelia: I get it. It's super-duper important, but like, isn't this way too-

Amelia: Huh? The heck is this? It's practically falling apart.

Alk: That book's been in this library longer than I've been here.

Alk: Back then, this place was totally empty, except for that book.

Alk: I think one of the Champions left it here a long, long time ago.

Amelia: No wonder this book's so raggedy... Stellie must've read it a bajillion times.

Amelia: How long was it... before someone showed up to keep her company?

Amelia: All right, that settles it!

Alk: Settles what, exactly?

Amelia: Now that, dear Al, is a secret.

Grandpa: Amelia! Oh, my sweet, darling AMELIAAA!

Grandpa: Please help! She's in grave danger!

Stella: What happened?

Grandpa: She's disappeared! She left a note and vanished without a word!

Nimbus: Uh... Doesn't that happen all the time?

Grandpa: It does, but she doesn't usually take the forbidden tomes with her!

Grandpa: She's headed to the northern sea depths... where the Devourer of Stars sleeps!

Grandpa: The forbidden tomes do not simply explain that mermaids were originally humans...

Grandpa: They are also a record of regret and repentance... They tell of the calamity we invited into this world...

Light: Calamity... Is that what this Devourer of Stars is?

Grandpa: "Though the world continued to sink, our people continued to fight. No regard was given to what change would overcome the denizens of this realm..."

Grandpa: "That is, until the voice of the stars ceased, leaving those remaining to wonder..."

Grandpa: "Who, or what, was it that issued that single command... to go forth."

Grandpa: The tome appears to be from before the flooding of the world and the appearance of that monster in the depths.

Alk: Amelia... Don't tell me that's what she was looking into...

Grandpa: Of all those who ventured north of our sacred grounds, no one has returned! What could she be think-

Naska: Calm down, gramps.

Naska: She's a lot stronger than you know. You don't need to be such a worrywart.

Naska: Besides, it's not like she went alone-

Pirate Captain: Gyahahaha! I finally found you, you good-for-nothing sea brats!

Pirate Captain: These cannons are the latest and greatest... prepare to meet your maker!

Naska: Trailing us like a little lost puppy dog again, I see. It's almost as if they LIKE us or something.

Nimbus: Heh, so what's the plan.

Naska: Oh you know, just stealing their precious new toys. Come on, we're going aboard!

Alk: But the cannonballs!

Stella: I see something.

Amelia: Target in sight!

Amelia: Ready, aim... Open FIREEE!

Pirate Captain: What the- where did that come from?!

Ruffian Pirate: Cap'n! They're attacking from behind- no, below!

Pirate Captain: Below? How the hell're they doing that?!

Amelia: All righty! I think it's 'bout time I finish them with my super killer moves!

Amelia: Oh, Czarinaaa!

Marina: Let 'em have it, Amelia!

Amelia: You betacha! Here I go!

Amelia: Ta-dah! The pirate mermaid princess makes a splash with her debut!

Amelia: Congrats, guys! You get the honor of being my first pillage!

Amelia: So yeah, that's how I finally got my fins on something I've always wanted- legs! Cool, right?! Aren't they just the BEST?

Alk: I, uh... Sorry, I didn't understand a word of that.

Amelia: Aww, what's so hard to get? I found out about this TOTALLY RAD treasure in the northern seas, so I was like, I have GOT to see this!

Amelia: But when I found it, this big wibbly wobbly dude was like, GRAAH! And I was like, omigosh!

Amelia: But then I was like, come and get it, ugly! So I drank the treasure...

Amelia: And then fwoop! I grew legs! Get it now?

Light: The only thing I "get" is that I am completely lost...

Marina: Well, that sums it up pretty nicely. Basically, a monster attacked our ship and dragged it into the ocean. My sea legs were really shaking for a minute there.

Marina: But Amelia used her powers to allow our ship to sail underwater, and we blew that monster away.

Marina: Amelia acted like a true pirate out there. And she looked cool to boot.

Amelia: Aww, Czarinaaa! Hehehe. Still, I'm not sure I could pull that all off again!

Grandpa: Nngh... Grr...

Grandpa: You... You foolish child!

Amelia: Whoa! What's with the waterworks?! I'm sorry, okay?! Stop it!

Amelia: But you know... I worked pretty hard out there. Isn't that like, totally cool?

Amelia: What do you think, Stellie?

Stella: Yes, Amelia, you're very cool.

Amelia: I know, right?

Episode 2
Always Watching

After doing a little troubleshooting with Marina, Amelia declares that she wants Marina to watch over her, even if she can't fight with her. Marina takes that as a challenge, and Amelia gears up to prove to her that she can stand side by side with the pirate captain.

Grandpa: What were you... Did you even stop to... Are you listening to me?!

Amelia: Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.

Grandpa: And then you... But that wasn't enough, was it?! You had to... What were you... Do you have any idea how reckless...

Amelia: Yes, sir. I'm an idiot. Sorry, sir.

Grandpa: Don't think you can... I swear! You always... I have half a mind to... How am I supposed to... If you keep this up, I...

Amelia: Come on, I get it already! I screwed up! Can't this just be water under the bridge now?

Inaho: That old man seemed most infuriated...

Amelia: No kidding... I get that he's pissed, but like, tone it down a little, will yah?

Amelia: Well, whatevs! Even Czarina said I just need to wait for this storm to pass! He'll get over it eventually.

Inaho: I still cannot believe you grew legs...

Amelia: Hehe, I sure did. Aren't they amazing?

Inaho: Yes, very amazing indeed. I just do not see HOW they grew. Was it some sort of transformation spell?

Amelia: Dunno.

Alk: Seriously?

Amelia: I mean, it's probably magic, right? Must be pretty crappy magic though, 'cause walking really, EALLY hurt at first!

Amelia: I don't get why they had to stick to THAT part of the original story. Ugh.

Alk: Wait, how do you know about that fairy tale?

Amelia: Huh... Well, I must have picked it up somewhere. It's a human book, so maybe it fell into the ocean and drifted into my hands at some point.

Alk: Yeah, okay... Let's just leave it at that.

Inaho: The fact that it hurt means this is no mere illusion... But I'm not sure that's a good thing...

Amelia: What do you mean?

Inaho: I-I was just thinking it was a shame to change the body you were born with...

Amelia: Seriously? Jeez, Naho, you sound like one of those grouchy old geezers grumbling about "kids these days."

Inaho: G-g-g-geezer?! I was simply-

Inaho: No, I was wrong... It it your body, therefore it is your choice. If you are happy to have legs instead of fins, then I shall be happy for you!

Amelia: Ah, actually, I can switch back and forth between the two.

Inaho: You can?!

Amelia: Come on, having to use legs in the ocean would be a total bummer.

Amelia: And where's it written that I can't have both?! What kinda dumb rule would that be?

Amelia: If I want both, then I'm getting both. That's that.

Inaho: Someone is greedy.

Amelia: Well, remember how Didi switched out her body a while ago? I was more jelly than a jellyfish.

Amelia: And wait, can't you change into a fox too? You get the best of both worlds!

Inaho: Oh... I see your point! I would certainly hate to be stuck as a fox! My current form is much cuter!

Amelia: Now you're getting it! Anyway, I think this calls for a SHOPPING SPREE! We should invite Didi and Nef-nef too!

Inaho: An excellent idea! We must find you an outfit that accentuates those legs!

Amelia: Exactly! I need something that puts these babies on full display!

Amelia: Isn't that right, Al?

Alk: Uhh... I don't really know what you're getting at.

Amelia: Oh, Al, you're such a bad liar...

Amelia: Czarina told me all about it. You pretend to be all innocent and stuff, but in reality, you're-

Alk: NOOO!

Alk: Stop. Please. Amelia, not another word.

Amelia: Uh... Okay... My bad?

Amelia: What's the big deal? Hayzie is always blabbering on about how much he loves "well-rounded" girls...

Inaho: Other than fashion, is there anything else you wish to do now that you have your long-awaited legs?

Amelia: Totally! In fact, I already know the first thing I'm gonna do...

Bionic Soldiers: Son of a- that's it! Those two all-natural girlies ain't gettin' any farther than this!

Amelia: Ding-dong! Rookie troubleshooter Amelia, at your service!

Amelia: Bye-bye!

Amelia: Ahaha! Now that was a flippin' blast!

Amelia: Being a troubleshooter ain't half bad! What do you think, Czarina?

Marina: Well, I will admit I like the flashiness of it.

Marina: But I gotta say, it's missing something... Like a big boat and a crew.

Amelia: Yeah, I figured you'd say that.

Amelia: Well, that's fine. The main goal was some quality date time with you, so that's mission accomplished.

Marina: Didn't we already have our date?

Amelia: Well, yeah, I guess, but I still wanted to fight alongside you.

Marina: I see. So... did you like it?

Amelia: Like it? I loved it! Maybe next time I'll go at it solo!

Marina: Gotcha. Well, that's good.

Amelia: Hey, Czarina... I'm gonna keep on getting stronger and stronger...

Amelia: And I want you to have a front row seat to the new me's journey!

Marina: Hm? I thought you said you were gonna fight on your own?

Amelia: That's totally different! Even if we're not together, I still want you to watch me shine!

Marina: You and Alk are so alike.

Marina: Alright, Amelia, I'll be watching.

Marina: But you're gonna have to work pretty hard if you want to compete with me.

Amelia: Huh? Wait, who said anything about that?!

Amelia: Whatevs. I guess I'm fine with that too!

Amelia: You better watch your back, Czarina. 'Cause I'm coming for you!

Episode 3
Land, Sea, or Sky

After finding Stella gazing up at the connected worlds, Amelia tells her about how she felt back when she was captured. Just as Marina was her light back then, Amelia wishes to be Stella's light now. After declaring this, Amelia takes Stella's hand and the two swim off together.

Amelia: I'm forming my own pirate crew!

Alk: What?

Grandpa: Amelia... Please leave the jokes to the clownfish...

Amelia: It's not a joke! I seriously thought this through, I swear!

Amelia: Our world's got some seriously suspicious stuff going on in it, right?

Amelia: And the Crimson Blades aren't really around anymore to deal with it.

Light: Hm... It's true that Marina's absence has most definitely left an impact on your world...

Amelia: Yeah, we're just not the same without her. *sigh* That's my Czarina for you...

Amelia: On top of all that, there's a group of jerk pirates trying to creep into the northern seas!

Amelia: The government isn't doing diddly squat though. Something's fishy for sure!

Nimbus: You sure know a lot about this.

Amelia: Hehe, never underestimate my connections.

Amelia: Anyway, this got me thinking... Someone needs to step up and fill the Crimson Blades' shoes. And since I've got feet now, who better to step into those shoes than yours truly!

Amelia: The world needs a new hero!

Grandpa: Do you truly believe you can fulfill that role, Amelia?

Grandpa: You've been captured by humans and had to be saved by them as well... Surely you cannot-

Amelia: Yes, I can!

Amelia: I promise I'll be fine! I'll show you I'm not the old Amelia anymore!

Pirate Captain: Those blasted Crimson Blades... Come out and show your ugly faces, you cowardly sea dogs.

Corrupt Pirates: What's with him?

Corrupt Pirates: Who knows? Maybe he took a few too many cannonballs to the head.

Pirate Captain: Hey! I can hear you, dammit!

Pirate Captain: Another attack from below?! Turn on the radar, you scallywags!

Corrupt Pirates: C-Cap'n! There's nothing there! No enemy boats in sight!

Pirate Captain: Then HOW are we gettin' shot at?! Look harder, dammit!

Corrupt Pirates: B-but all I see are some really big fish...

Pirate Captain: Mermaids?

Amelia: Hehe, don't worry, we just hit you with some sonic weaponry. Your ship's totally undamaged!

Amelia: ...For now, anyway.

Pirate Captain: Y-you! Aren't you...? No, there's no way! Who are you?!

Amelia: Wow, rude much? I can't believe you forgot all about the mermaid you locked in that teeny tiny tank...

Amelia: Well, sounds like you need another introduction!

Amelia: The name's Amelia! And I'm the captain of the Mermaid Pirates!

Pirate Captain: The what?

Amelia: The northern seas are MY turf now! You mess around here, and you'll be swimming with the fishies! And not the nice ones either!

Pirate Captain: Wh-what makes you think I'll listen to some little gir-

Amelia: No one says you HAVE to listen to us...

Amelia: But if you do, I wouldn't mind taking you under my wing someday. If you behave , that is.

Amelia: Bye-bye!

Pirate Captain: D-damn that little-

Corrupt Pirates: What a woman...

Corrupt Pirates: I'll behave, Miss Amelia...

Pirate Captain: The hell are you dogs drooling over?! Compared to the Crimson Blades' captain, that little brat's-

Pirate Captain: Ugh... Ngh... Graaah!

Marina: I get it... You assembled a crew of mermaids who can move freely underwater without a ship. Now that's a nasty trick... I love it!

Love: I'm quite pleased to see that the state-of-the-art weapons I provided are performing well in the field.

Regis: Heh... It seems our little mermaids are enjoying them. What do you think, Colonel Selene?

Selene: An excellent display of power. I'd like to have them for my own unit, quite honestly.

Alk: She wasn't kidding. Those are some strong connections.

Nimbus: Well, that settles it, old man. She ain't the same guppy that got caught by humans anymore.

Grandpa: My sweet little Amelia... She's grown up before my very eyes...

Amelia: Looks like someone's got her head in the clouds.

Amelia: The sky in Starview is great, but we've got a pretty killer view out here in the ocean, don't we? It's because we're far from the city lights.

Amelia: That's actually how I got caught that time. I wanted to get a better view of the sky, so I went up to the surface.

Amelia: What an idiot, right?

Amelia: After I was caught, I tried convincing my captors to let me go, saying that I didn't taste very good, but they just didn't understand...

Amelia: But I'm the one who didn't understand. I knew I was in danger, sure, but I don't think I realized how scary the situation was.

Amelia: Just when I was about to be completely lost to that fear and confusion...

Amelia: Czarina and the rest of you all came to my rescue. With a few slashes, bam! I was free! And it was so cool! I fell in love with you all at first sight.

Stella: As did I.

Amelia: Now it's my turn to return the favor.

Amelia: Come on, Stellie, I'll show you something super cool!

Stella: Huh?

Amelia: This is the world through my eyes.

Amelia: You know, Stellie, I'll never forget the day I was saved. You were the first one to try and break me out, right?

Amelia: You just grabbed a barrel and charged at me, remember? No way would I forget that!

Amelia: But you know, that just showed me that this crew can do anything we put our minds to!

Amelia: Be it land, sea, or even the sky! Wherever you wanna go, I'll make sure we get there!

Amelia: Ready, Stellie?

Stella: Yes!