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Episode 1

Looking for an escape from her studies, Amelia escapes the sea in search of Starview Village. Stella allows Amelia to join them—if she agrees to study.

Nimbus: What're you doin' here, Alk?

Alk: I'm hoping to catch some cod and make fish meuniere tonight.

Nimbus: Hold on. You can fish here? That's one hell of a fishin' pole you've got.

Alk: I bought it in town. When it was just me and Stella, all I had was a string on a stick, but with THIS bad boy, I can—

Alk: Oh! Here we go!

Alk: Nrgh... This one's REALLY heavy! Lend me a hand!

Nimbus: O-okay! Like this?!

Alk & Nimbus: Hrnnngaaah!

Amelia: Tada! It's everyone's favorite little mermaid! Hehe, just kidding!

Amelia: And I don't appreciate being called REALLY heavy, Alk! Have a little tact!

Alk: You've gotta be kidding me.

Alk: Nope. No way. How the heck did you end up here?!

Nimbus: Relax, Alk. Amelia's always had a knack for this sort of thing...

Amelia: Hehe!

Amelia: It's been TOO long, Stellie! I told you I'd come and see you!

Stella: Indeed it has... Mel? Mellie?

Amelia: Ahaha, you don't need to force it, girl. Just Amelia is fine!

Stella: Thank you, Amelia. I'm delighted to see you too.

Light: You seem well, and that's good. But how did you end up here?

Alk: I... caught her with my fishing rod.

Light: Wait, what?

Amelia: Hehe, that was just me playing a little prank on Alk here.

Amelia: I took the World Flipper to get here of course!

Light: Was your old man okay with that? Especially considering what happened out at sea...

Amelia: Oh, my father? Nothing my... uh, UNPARALLELED persuasion skills couldn't handle! Yeah!

Nimbus: You didn't tell him, did you?

Amelia: Fine, I'm SORRY, okay! He's just such a drag, you know? Study this, study that!

Amelia: I can't waste the prime of my youth wrapped up in a book!

Light: What do you say, Stella?

Stella: She'll be able to study here, yes? I can teach her.

Light: I see... A sound idea.

Amelia: Wait, what?

Stella: Starview Village's library is home to an extensive collection of books from around the world. Enough for a lifetime.

Amelia: Enough... for a lifetime?

Stella: Indeed. If you'd like, I can show you.

Amelia: W-wow, that sounds great! I'd LOVE to, but, uh, I just remembered... I need to go home and wash my hair!

Nimbus: Leaving so soon, little mermaid?

Alk: Yeah, you just got here! Please, make yourself at home.

Stella: Now then. Shall we begin?

Amelia: Noooo! You can't make meeee!

Episode 2
Underwater Treasure Hunt

Wanting to make up for breaking Alk's fishing rod, Amelia shows him an underwater trove of treasures. When Alk says that he didn't mind and was simply happy to see her again, Amelia becomes flustered.

Amelia: Not even modern science can explain what's causing the rising of the seas.

Amelia: One theory suggests a wellspring of water may be flowing into this world from an otherworldly source...

Amelia: Despite the government's fervent... efforts... zzz...

Alk: Amelia... You still with us?

Amelia: Fwuh? Oh... So it wasn't just a bad dream?

Amelia: Aaaaugh, I can't take it anymore! How much longer are you going to keep me imprisoned here!

Alk: It's only been half an hour!

Amelia: I need to freshen up! If I don't get some moisture today, my scales are gonna crack!

Alk: There's plenty of water here. Not to mention a river, and you've been taking plenty of baths…

Amelia: W-well, that shows what YOU know! I, uh, need saltwater!

Alk: I could put some salt in the bath, if you'd like.

Amelia: No, Alk, you shrimp-for-brains! That's not the problem!

Amelia: What I'm trying to say is... we need to go to the sea! Let's rev up that World Flipper!

Alk: The World Flipper?! I mean... I guess we could.

Stella: It is important to take breaks when studying.

Amelia: That's more like it, Stellie!

Stella: Let's go... once we finish this chapter.

Amelia: Ugh.

Light: I'm not ready! You'd best not let go of me, Alk!

Alk: You'll never learn if I don't... Oop.

Light: C-curse youuu!

Alk: Heh... Would you look at that?

Amelia: You're swimming! Way to go, you adorable little champion!

Light: I... I can swim?

Stella: Yes, a splendid dog paddle.

Alk: Oof... You didn't have to phrase it like that.

Light: D-dog paddle?! How unbefitting for... a champion...

Alk: Uh-oh. He's sinking.

Amelia: Ahaha! Isn't this fun, you guys? Too bad Nim-Nim couldn't join us, huh?

Alk: Yeah... Nim-Nim's not one for water.

Amelia: I guess that's a feline for you, huh?

Light: I'm no rabbit... nor am I a dog...

Amelia: This is nice and everything, but don't you guys want to go even deeper?

Alk: Deeper? You mean with your powers?

Amelia: Yup, yup! That's right—just leave everything to this little mermaid!

Stella: Where are we?

Amelia: Ta-dah! Welcome, land dwellers, to my secret hideout!

Amelia: I found this place when I was just a girl... it's where I learned all about pirates and the surface!

Alk: Whoa... You think there's treasure around here?

Amelia: Sure is! Gold and silver and stuff... Feel free to take it if you like!

Light: You don't mind? Surely these must have some value to you.

Amelia: Not really! 'Sides, I kinda broke your fishing pole, right, Alk?

Amelia: Nim-Nim told me. Sorry about that, Al.

Alk: Is that why you brought us here? Heh... Thanks, Amelia.

Alk: You didn't have to do this. I'm just glad you're with us, you know?

Alk: Getting to see you again is worth more than any old fishing pole.

Alk: Yeowch! What's the big idea?!

Amelia: Oh, stop it, Alk, you salty dog!

Alk: Wh-what did I say?!

Light: Ah, I see. It seems Amelia's not used to boys or—

Amelia: Oookay, that's enough about that! Come on, go pick up some treasure already!

Episode 3
The Forbidden Tome

Amelia finds a tomb in a forbidden section of a library that claims mermaids were once human. As a mermaid princess, Amelia vows to strengthen relations between humans and mermaids.

Amelia: Nope, not this one... not this one either...

Amelia: I found it!

Stella: This is the book you were searching for?

Alk: I never thought you'd go out of your way to find a book of all things.

Amelia: Hee hee... Well, I got a little curious while I was studying, to be honest.

Amelia: Like, about the past, and us mermaids!

Alk: That's great!

Alk: But why are we doing this undercover?

Amelia: *sigh* It's my family... Ironic, right? They're always telling me to study.

Amelia: But for some reason, the books here are supposed to be off- limits.

Alk: Off-limits? What kind of stuff is written in that one?

Amelia: Let's take a look-see... It says that merfolk were once human.

Alk: Whoa.

Amelia: What else... Because of... genes? A virus? Psycho... kinetic... Grr, I don't understand any of this mumbo jumbo!

Amelia: Anyway, the gist is that merfolk were once human, got some modifications, and now we can live underwater!

Alk: That's a pretty simple way to put it.

Amelia: Yeah, well, I thought it might be something like that. So it's, like, yeah. Why not, right?

Amelia: I don't see what the big deal is. Why keep this a secret at all?

Alk: I wonder.

Amelia: You'd think it'd be some kind of horror story— like mermaid meat being the secret to eternal life or something!

Alk: She's already gone off on a tangent...

Amelia: Well, I guess it's just because my grandpa just doesn't like the fact that we're sorta related to humans.

Amelia: But I've made so many human friends! Like you, Stella, and everyone else. Why can't he see you all as I do?

Stella: Amelia...

Old Man: A... me... li... a!

Amelia: Urk. That voice...

Grandpa: You're reading the forbidden tomes! Not only that... in front of HUMANS?!

Grandpa: This is the last straw, Amelia! Prepare yourself for a stern lecture until morning!

Amelia: Oh, geez, he's got all his fins in a bunch now…

Stella: Will we also be receiving a lecturing?

Amelia: As if! Stellie, Al, hang on tight. We are OUTTA here!

Stella: Am I doing it right?

Alk: Is this okay? What's the plan?

Amelia: What do you think? We're escaping!

Amelia: Here. We. Goooo!

Amelia: To the surface!

Stella: ...!

Alk: Phwaaah!

Amelia: Hehe! Just in the nick of time.

Alk: Ahaha... Did that just happen?!

Stella: That was incredible, Amelia.

Alk: But are you okay with this? He seemed pretty worked up.

Amelia: Oh, don't you worry about that! It's not like I'm heading back home anytime soon either way.

Amelia: There are still so many worlds I haven't seen yet! And study about! Right, Stellie?

Amelia: How else am I going to become a worldly mermaid of the seas? There's still much to learn!

Alk: Much to learn, huh? That's good enough for me.

Stella: Indeed. I'll expect to see a concerted effort, Amelia.

Amelia: You bet! Oh, we're gonna have so much fun together, you guys!