Alk (Flipperversary)/Stories

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Episode 1
Beginner's Gastronomy

Following a significant incident that shook Palpebra, Alk and Arum decide to bake cookies in Starview Village. Alk is thrilled to be able to share the joy of cooking with another person and expounds on his personal philosophy regarding the craft. He promises to make even more sweets with Arum in the future.

Arum: It's Arum-

Alk: And Alk's-

Arum: COOKING CHALLENGE! Here we go!

Alk: And the crowd goes wild!

Arly: Just what are those two up to now?

Cecilia: This is Alk's attempt at keeping Arum entertained. He's getting noticeable better at taking are of small children.

Arly: Is that so...

Alk: Okay, so first things first, we're gonna start off with a lesson on how to make cookies!

Alk: There are two main things I want you to remember about cookies!

Arum: Uh-huh, uh-huh!

Alk: Those things are... Chilling and folding!

Arum: Oh.

Arum: Did you say "killing'? Killing and folding?

Alk: N-no... CHILLING, with a "ch"! There's no killing in the making of cookies.

Alk: The key here is to chill-again, NOT kill-the dough before you bake it. And folding just describes how to properly stir the dough!

Alk: Don't smash and knead it into a pulpy mess; instead, scoop all the way to the bottom of the bowl gently, then pull up and fold the mixture in on itself.

Phiria: I-it it's that simple, I could probably give it a try too!

Arum: No. Miss Phiria, please sit back down.

Phiria: O-oh. Okay... Sorry.

Alk: Okay, you ready to get baking?

Arum: Yeah! I wanna try!

Arum: Ooooh, a cookie cutter! These are fun. I'm gonna make a Light-shaped cookie!

Arum: Does the cookie cutter make them yummier?

Alk: Well, I don't know about yummier...

Alk: But it certainly makes things more FUN!

Arum: Yaay! Fun, fun, fun!

Stella: She's enjoying this a lot.

Arly: Yeah... I just kind of feel bad. Is Alk really okay with babysitting for so long?

Stella: I think he's having a good time too.

Arly: You think so? I hope that's the case...

Alk: And here they are- tada! Freshly-baked cookies!

Arum: They're done? Are they really done?!

Alk: They are SUPER done. And they turned out great, too!

Arum: Arm's gonna go call Nimbus and Light right away!

Alk: Hmm, you know what, it's a nice day out- how about having a picnic?

Arum: Well, well? How are they? Are they good? Yummy?

Nimbus: Hold your horses! I still haven't tried 'em... Aghh, my head...

Light: Another hangover? I know we're in the middle of festivities, but you really ought to cut back on the partying.

Nimbus: Easier said than done. Every adventurer in town is in a drinking frenzy. Give it a day and there won't be a drop of booze left in Palpebra.

Cecilia: Frankly, I'm just impressed that the festival is still going on, given the incident with the dragons earlier.

Nimbus: Heh, they turned that into an excuse to drink too- "Dragonslayer's Happy Hour" or something like that.

Arum: Didya eat it yet? Huh, Nimbus? Didya?

Nimbus: I'm eating it now! Geez, you've really got a set of pipes on you.

Nimbus: ...Huh. That's actually really good.


Hanabi: Yep! It's super delicious. You did a good job, kid.

Arum: YAAAAY! Alk, they like it! I'm so happy!

Alk: It's great when someone enjoys your food, isn't it?

Phiria: Wow, Alk, you're so great with kids. You must really like them.

Alk: I mean, maybe. Probably not as much as Nimbus does, though!

Nimbus: Say what?

Alk: But I think it's more that I really enjoy cooking, you know? Sharing my love of cooking with other people is the best.

Phiria: It's incredible how much you love cooking... Have you been doing it ever since you were young?

Alk: Er, I mean, probably? Most likely, yeah.

Phira: O-oh! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about your memories... I-

Alk: Nah, it's all good! Besides, I think you're right. I have a feeling I've loved cooking for a long time.

Alk: I feel like... good food is inevitable.

Alk: Er, how do I put this... Tasty food is like, objectively a good thing, right? No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Just pure... goodness.

Alk: There's no world where I wouldn't be drawn to delicious food. No matter who I was back then, I think that much is ture.

Nimbus: Sometimes I really have no idea what's going on in your head, you know that?

Alk: "I cook, therefore I am." Haha... ANYWAY, enough of that- how's the food?

Arum: Great! I want to make even MORE delicious sweets! Let's make something different next time!

Alk: Hmm, okay. In that case, how about... Cheesecake!

Arum: Cheesecake! I looove cheesecake!

Alk: Haha! I had a feeling you did.

Episode 2
Half-Forgotten Dreams

Waking up after a strange dream, Alk finds himself making an omelette in the middle of the night. After his previous battle with Procheon, he notes that he's been starting to dream more and more, which has been causing his body undue stress. Stella is worried about Alk and decides to improve the situation in Starview to help him.


???: ...yu... ...Come ooon!

Alk: Okay, okay! I'll get up and make it-

Alk: Huh? Who was that? What...

Nimbus: Alk?

Nimbus: It's four o'clock in the morning. Why the hell are you cooking?!

Alk: ...I'm making an omelette.

Nimbus: That's not what I asked.

Alk: With minced meat and onions. You fry them together in a pan. I like to add dried shiitake mushrooms for flavor.

Alk: You can make it more kid-friendly by mixing in a bit of sugar and milk in there too, she'll love it-

Alk: "She"? What am I even talking about?

Nimbus: Hey! Pull yourself together!

Alk: Huh?

Nimbus: "Huh"? Is that all you have to say?

Alk: O-oh... I'm sorry, I don't remember anything... What happened?

Nimbus: You were frying eggs like your life depended on it, and then you went and collapsed on the floor. That's what happened.

Alk: Oh crap. That's not good.

Nimbus: That's putting it mildly. Think it could be something you ate?

Alk: I dunno about that... If anything, I wish that was the case.

Alk: For a moment there, I felt like I could remember... Anyway, I'm sorry about all that.

Nimbus: You know, I just got some serious déjà vu of the time you got stabbed.

Alk: WHOA!

Nimbus: Well that's certainly one way to greet a guy who just saved your ass.

Alk: Oh, Nimbus... It's you...

Alk: Sorry about that. I guess I still get spooked easily...

Alk: But more importantly- thank you for saving me.

Nimbus: Now why'd you have to go and do something reckless like that, huh?

Nimbus: You usually hang in the back, away from the action. Why the hell did you decide to throw caution to the wind THIS time around?

Alk: Nimbus, tell me... What do you think of Light and Stella?

Nimbus: Huh? Why?... I guess I'd say the two of them are pretty nuts. Stella especially.

Alk: Exactly... Stella always jumps right in, doesn't she?

Alk: She doesn't even think about getting hurt or anything- she just immediately goes for it, guns blazing.

Alk: She's incredible...

Nimbus: Sorry to break it to you, but getting stabbed doesn't make you crazy all of a sudden. Unless you also it your head or somethin'.

Alk: I suppose you're right...

Alk: But that doesn't change the fact that I want to be more like her.

Nimbus: "I wanna do more dangerous stuff," said the guy who just got stabbed in the abdomen. Give me a break, Alk.

Alk: Yeah... You're right, Nimbus. I'm sorry...

Nimbus: Sheesh. Seriously though, no more of this risky business, all right? You do it again, I'll be super pissed.

Alk: I'll be more careful next time. Sorry, Nimbus...

Alk: I appreciate it. You worrying about me and all.

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah. Don't get all sentimental on me now.

Alk: Oh... So you're saying I did the same thing again? I got myself in trouble by being reckless...

Nimbus: Mhm. That would be what I'm sayin', yep.

Alk: You know... I've been having more and more dreams lately. Ever since we fought Procheon.

Nimbus: Dreams of your past? Hmm. You said you didn't care about stuff like that before.

Alk: I think it was more that I was afraid of knowing the truth. But now things are different. Now I need to know the truth.

Alk: Finding out more about your past self helped you out, didn't it? It made you a stronger person.

Nimbus: I dunno about all that...

Stella: Alk!

Stella: Are you okay? Are you alive? Are you in pain? Can you move?

Alk: I-I'm fine, Stella! Really! I didn't get stabbed this time around. It was just a small case of exhaustion from overworking.

Stella: Overworking...

Nimbus: Now that you've figured out the problem, it's time to fix it. Get some sleep. Getting restless and overdoing it never helped anybody.

Alk: Okay. I will.

Nimbus: I guess you can leave the housework to me in the meantime. That's what I'm here for, after all- to clean up your mess.

Alk: Thanks, Nimbus.

Alk: ...Oh gosh, should we really be leaving the chores to Nimbus?! I better recover fast...

Stella: Alk. I will call Shirano.

Alk: Oh, that's a great idea... That would put my mind at ease for sure.

Alk: I'm sorry, Stella. I really need to get some sleep.

Stella: This situation needs to improve.

Episode 3
The Gift

Stella manages to install new washing machines and dishwashers in Starview, much to Alk's delight. Now with more free time on his hands, Alk finds himself tricked into attending a cooking competition. After some strong urging from Shirano, Alk decides to compete, and manages to get second place. The gang worries he might be in the dumps because of this, but Alk is absolutely ecstatic at the result.

Alk: Wh-what the heck are these?!

Stella: Automated laundry machines.

Alk: A-automated?!

Alk: As in... They do everything for you?!

Shirano: That's right. They come equipped with a dryer too! The conveniences of the modern world are incredible, aren't they!

Alk: ...

Stella: They don't wrinkle clothes either.

Alk: *visibly shook*

Shirano: Alk, dear, are you okay?! Blink twice if you need medical attention!

Alk: I'm fine... But this is AMAZING! Wow, technological progress is incredible! We really do have a bright future ahead of us!

Stella: We asked Regis is manufacture these for us. He based them off blueprints we found in the Endless Blue

Alk: Regis did something useful for once! This might be the first time I've been glad to hear his name.

Stella: We also installed dishwashers in the kitchen.

Shirano: Alk? Take deep breaths!

Alk: Well... Today I learned that when you get TOO happy, you can start to have trouble breathing.

Nimbus: All that over some laundry?

Light: I'm not familiar with this tool- does it really make such a significant difference?

Alk: Yes! It does! I'll save SO much time doing laundry now I won't know what to do with it all!

Alk: Thank you so much, Stella!

Stella: You're welcome.

Light: I see. If this development has afforded you some time, why not use it for yourself? We're in the middle of a festival, after all. Have fun.

Alk: Yeah! I was just thinking about coming up with some new dishes to increase my repertoire.

Alk: Or maybe not? I-is that bad?

Nimbus: I mean, if it's what you wanna do, I won't be stopping you.

Light: If cooking truly is so important to you, why not make a trade of it? You could sell your dishes and make some profit.

Light: Of course I don't mean to suggest you should do that right away, but maybe after we complete our present mission. What do you think?

Alk: Um... I mean, I...

Alk: I suppose I do consider myself to be somewhat good at cooking... But I don't think I'm good enough to try to make it as a pro chef.

Alk: I'm satisfied with where my skills are right now.

Light: Hmmm. If that is truly how you feel, then so be it.

Light: Well then. It's been a while since we've bad the pleasure of eating your cooking. Would you care to indulge us tonight?

Alk: Of course!

Pur Lilie: Happy 50th Kaleidoscope anniversary, everyone! We're not gonna let a little thing like rampaging dragons interrupt OUR festivities, are we? Haha!

Pur Lilie: Coming up next, the culinary festival! Starting with a... FOOD FIGHT! The cooking kind, not the food-throwing one.

Alk: Um? What is going on? Why am I here?

Alk: Y-you told me I was ATCHING the event! Why am I in the middle of the arena?!

Shirano: To participate in the contest, of course. Come on, Alk, time to give it your all!

Alk: I'm sorry, WHAT? Why?! How?!

Shirano: I asked a certain explosion-loving ninja to help me out. She disguised herself as you and signed up on your behalf!

Alk: The sounds illegal!

Shirano: Alk, dearie. I know that you don't want to make your cooking into a competition.

Shirano: And it's true that you don't need to dedicate your life to refining and mastering your craft. You're not wrong.

Shirano: However, I draw the line at you calling yourself "not good enough"! That I cannot tolerate!

Alk: Shirano...

Shirano: It is true that perhaps your knowledge and skills are not sufficiently developed. But you have the perfect SENSE for cooking!

Shirano: You've felt the overwhelming happiness and pride that comes when you brighten another person's day with your dishes!

Shirano: Don't forget that it I too placed my confidence in you and chose you as my pupil! To devalue your own skills is to question my judgement!

Alk: I wasn't trying to do that, I'm sorry!

Alk: Me being too hard on myself made you feel bad, huh...

Shirano: Well, maybe just a little bit. I suppose that comes purely from my own selfishness.

Shirano: Well then, Alk. Would you be a dear and join your master in this cooking contest?

Alk: When you put it that way, I guess I have no choice!

Alk: Let's do our best to win this thing!

Light: Second place? So frustratingly close! Just a little more and he would have won the entire event.

Shirano: And after I gave that whole grandiose speech to convince him too... I feel terrible for the poor boy

Stella: It's not a problem. He will be okay.

Nimbus: If you're worries about the kid, why not sneak past his room later? See how he's doing.

Alk: Second place... Second... place...

Alk: Holy CRAP! I can't believe I got second place!

Alk: I'm so happy...

Alk: Is this a dream too?