Alice (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Alice in Resortland

Alk and co. invite Alice to join them on a vacation to a resort island. Alice initially refuses, but eventually agrees after Nimbus teases her and Stella gives her a heartfelt invitation. Once there, Alice has the time of her life playing on the beach, eating food, and shopping, before concluding the day with a little revenge on Nimbus.

Alice: So you're planning a vacation in the Endless Blue?

Alice: Hmm...

Alk: We're still discussing it, but... I thought you'd be more into the idea.

Alice: Did you forget I'm from there? I've seen enough blue to last me a lifetime.

Alice: There are way better places to take me for a trip.

Alk: Well, we're only in the planning stage-

Nimbus: Guess you'll be holding down the fort while we're gone. That's too bad.

Alice: I never said I WOULDN'T go-

Nimbus: What was that place called again, Alk? Paradise somethin' or other? Like some fancy getaway for rich folks.

Alk: Yeah, Paradise Isle. It's a pretty high-class resort they built on an artificial island.

Nimbus: Heard they've got fancy schmancy night pools and other expensive attractions.

Nimbus: But I guess even a place like that ain't nice enough for our lady's tastes. What a shame!

Alice: Now you listen here-

Alice: If you really want me to go so badly, then I'll consider accompanying you!

Nimbus: No need to force yourself for our sakes, yeah? I'll keep everyone company while you're gone.

Nimbus: What? Just say you wanna go if you wanna go.

Alice: Why, you...

Nimbus: Ouch! Hey! Don't kick me!

Alice: You poopie, smelly, buttface! No one loves you, you furry menace!

Alk: Think you went a little overboard on the teasing, Nimbus...

Stella: Alice, if I may.

Stella: I want to go on vacation with you. Do you not feel the same?

Alice: ...Of course I want to go.

Alice: B-but only because I know how sad you'll be without me! It's also extremely rude not to accept an invitation from a friend!

Alice: Those are the only reasons why I'm agreeing to this!

Alice: Ahahaha! Come on, Stella! Get over here already!

Alice: What are the rest of you standing around for? Hurry up before we leave you behind!

Alk: This is going exactly like we thought it would, huh.

Nimbus: Ugh... She's such a pain in the ass.

Alk: Pot calling the kettle black here.

Nimbus: Scuse me?

Alice: Get a move on, slowpokes! Oooh, what's that? It's so slimy!

Nimbus: Well, at least someone's having the time of her life.

Alice: This is so much fun!

Alice: This is so tasty!

Alice: I want more!

Light: So... tired...

Alice: Really? Is that all you old farts got in you? I expected better!

Nimbus: Old? Really? Don't lump me in with Light over there.

Nimbus: I just know how to have fun like an adult. Now run along and go splash in the water or whatever.

Alice: You're talking big for someone who was super excited to go earlier.

Nimbus: You really took that performance at face value, huh?

Alice: I'll have you know... I love a good performance.

Alice: Just like this!

Nimbus: Why, you...

Alice: Ooooh, so scawwey! What a big, bad kitty cat!

Alk: Just another day in paradise.

Stella: That looks like fun.

Light: You know, Nimbus really does become more child-like whenever he's around Alice.

Alk: It's nice that he's made a friend.

Stella: I want to be friends too.

Alice: Ahahaha! You sure you're not half turtle? Try to keep up!

Episode 2
Alice in Boredomland

Bored on the resort island, Alice harasses Nimbus to entertain herself, but Light steps in and offers to supervise her for the day. Alice ends up taking full advantage of the offer, running the champion ragged, until she finally distracts herself with the resort's hunting park.

Alice: He's asleep again.

Nimbus: Gaaah! What's the big idea?! Don't just sit on me outta nowhere!

Alice: I'm bored.

Nimbus: Huh?!

Alice: Come on, get up. Let's do something.

Nimbus: Can't you go play in the water? Build a sand castle or whatever?

Alice: I'm NOT a little kid.

Nimbus: Could've fooled me with the way you were actin' yesterday...

Little Girl: Mommy! Huggie!

Mother: Is somebody tired already?

Burly Adventurer: Why don't you let Daddy carry you?

Little Girl: Don't wanna.

Burly Adventurer: Awww, you're gonna hurt Daddy's feelings!

Light: Ahhh, ahem.

Light: Alice... I'll look after you today.

Light: You can even treat me as your father if you'd like.

Alice: Ew. What?

Light: I-I only meant that I am the oldest here! So naturally...

Alk: Light. Quit while you're ahead.

Light: I only wanted to let you know that, should you want a champion today, I can be one for you.

Alice: Ugh, I don't need you treating me like a little kid too.

Nimbus: Actually... If Light wants to babysit you, why don't we let him?

Alice: Hmm, now that you mention it.

Light: Huh?

Alk: Good luck, Pops!

Nimbus: Don't wear yourself out too fast, Pops.

Stella: Best of luck, Pops.

Light: ...Excuse me?

Alice: Let's go, Pops!

Light: Aaaahh!

Light: Waaaah!

Light: Gaaaah!

Alice: Ooohh, this next! This next!

Light: I cannot... go on... any farther...

Alk: Just a little more, Pops.

Nimbus: Don't give up now, Pops.

Stella: Please, Pops.

Light: Enough... I get the idea...

Alice: Fine, I'll just go on my own then!

Announcer: Hold it right there, little lady!

Announcer: This is a hunting park! We got all sorts of monsters cooped up in there!

Announcer: A little kid like you will get eaten up in seconds!

Alice: Oh yeah? We'll see about that.

Announcer: Did you not hear a word I just said? Listen to your elders, kid-

Announcer: Hey... Hey, hey, hey! What the heck?!

Light: A-Alice!

Nimbus: Go get 'em, Alice!

Alice: Just watch me!

Alice: Alice in Nightmareland!

Announcer: It can't be... Is she the Marine Nightmare?

Alk: Alice is pretty infamous no matter where she goes, huh...

Nimbus: Eh, let her have her fun. She'll be too wiped to complain much tonight.

Light: What part of this exudes maturity, exactly?

Alice: Light, did you see that? Wasn't I amazing?

Light: Yes, I saw everything. You did well.

Alice: Ehehe.

Alice: Now, what should we do after this?

Episode 3
Alice in Fashionland

An accidental run-in with a stressed staff member results in Alice becoming the replacement model for the newest Gilles Couture swimsuit. Her performance is wildly popular, and she wears herself out enjoying the experience.

Alice: Wow, there are lights everywhere!

Alice: This is exactly the kind of place I've been looking for!

Alice: It's perfect for a high-class lady like me!

Stella: It's very pretty.

Dinah: Meow!

Announcer: Man, oh man, what do I do? I'm in hot water now...

Announcer: Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!

Stella: Are you okay?

Announcer: I'm not. I mean, physically, I guess I am, but... But...

Announcer: AHHHH! I'm in super big trouble! I can't believe she canceled on me right before the show's about to start!

Alice: Hey, hands off!

Announcer: You! Could you be... You are CUTENESS INCARNATE!

Alice: Excuse me? Did you hit your head of something?

Alk: So the model for your fashion show bailed on you last minute...

Announcer: Gilles Couture is showing off its newest swimsuit at the very end of the show- the big finale, you know? But now that our original model's gone...

Alice: You want me to do it instead.

Announcer: Y-yes! You'd get to wear the super limited special pink edition too!

Announcer: It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Plus you'd be helping us out! Won't you consider it?

Alice: You really want me to model this...

Light: Alice is just a child. You can't ask her to-

Stella: Alice, what would you like to do?

Alice: Isn't it obvious?

Alice: A lady like me knows exactly what that stage needs.

MC: Is everyone ready? It's time for the bug finale!

MC: Give it up for the budding rose in the night- the one, the only... Lady ALICE!

Alice: If it's a show you want, it's a show you'll have!

Audience: Oh my gosh... She's so cute! Who is she?!

Audience: Alice! Alice! Alice! Aaaaalice!

Audience: Adorable. Fun0sized. Cute...

Alice: What was that? I'm sure there are better compliments you can give!

Audience: Cuuuuteeee!

Alice: Ugh, come on! Try harder!

Audience: Hot one minute, cold the next!

Stella: Alice is very good at this.

Light: I'm more concerned about the audience. Is she going to be okay?

Alk: Relax. Everything'll be fine! Just focus on cheering her on!

Alice: Don't you dare look away!

Alice: Or else I'll never forgive you!

Alk: The hotel's not far now, right?

Nimbus: No chance she'll wake up to walk the rest of the way. She's sound asleep.

Light: I wonder if she was more nervous than she let on. She did a wonderful job though.

Alice: Nnnn... Mama...

Stella: She must be referring to you, Alk.

Alk: Wait. Me?!

Nimbus: No doubt about it.

Alice: Mama... Papa...

Alice: Don't leave me...

Alk: It's okay. We're not going anywhere.

Dinah: Meow!