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Episode 1
How to Treat a Lady

Light overhears Alice crying out for her parents while having a bad dream. Embarrassed at her cries and peeved at Light's childish treatment, Alice demands to be treated like a lady.

Light: Still sleeping, Alice? You're going to miss breakfast, you know.

Light: She must've pulled another all-nighter...

Alice: *sniff* Mama... Where are you?!

Light: Alice, it's me!

Alice: Ah... Mama?

Alice: L-LIGHT?! Who gave you permission to come into my room?!

Light: My apologies. You didn't come to breakfast, so I... More importantly, are you okay?

Alice: Am I okay?

Light: You were having a bad dream. But it looks like you're fine now.

Alice: Oh, geez... I didn't say anything weird, did I?

Light: Not particularly. Although you did call me "mama".

Alice: Y-you must've been hearing things!

Light: No need to be embarrassed. It's perfectly normal to long for one's mother.

Alice: I don't wanna hear that from you, you dumb furball!

Light: F-furball? Wait, Alice!

Alk: Oof... I'm guessing something happened to Alice. How did she even get up there, anyway?

Stella: She floated onto the roof using her parasol.

Alk: Wait, she can do that?

Light: I'm sorry if I said anything to offend you, Alice. Won't you come back down?

Alice: Hmph! I'll bet you don't even know WHY I'm mad at you!

Light: Huh?

Alice: Well? Let's hear what you think this is all about then!

Light: Er... Was it because I berated you for sleeping in?

Light: I'm sorry. You're still a growing child, so you need your rest.

Alice: Seriously?! You REALLY don't have any idea, do you? I'm not coming down until I get a proper apology!

Alk: Aliiice... we have paaancaaakes. They're niiice and fluuuffyyy.

Alice: F-fluffy pancakes... I mean, hmph! You really think I'm that simple?

Alice: I've made it this far on my own! In some places, they call me the Marine Nightmare! I'm NOT a child, I'll have you know!

Light: But you still are a child. There's no way you've—

Alk: ...! That's where you're wrong. These aren't any ordinary pancakes, Alice!

Light: What do you mean? They're ju—

Light: Urk!

Alk: We've prepared a special set of pancakes for refined ladies such as yourself, Alice.

Light: Th-that's right. Made especially for you. A flavor only true ladies can appreciate—gourmet buttermilk and pancakes... with chocolate.

Alice: With... chocolate?

Light: Allow me to apologize for my discourtesy earlier. It was completely unbefitting of a champion.

Light: So please, Alice. Come back down and enjoy the pancakes we've prepared.

Alice: Hmph. See? That wasn't so hard, was it?

Light: Finally.

Alk: Welcome back, Alice.

Alice: I just felt bad for Light, that's all.

Light: Yes, yes. Now we can enjoy our pancakes together.

Alk: Let's get going before they get cold!

Alice: Very well then. By the way, mine will come with extra cream, of course?

Episode 2

Alice leaves Alk and co. a note, claiming she has run from home. She encounters Nimbus shortly after, to Nimbus's dismay. After the two take out some thugs together, they decide to head back to Starview Village.

Stella: "I've run away from home, so don't go looking for me!—Alice"

Stella: I found the note in Alice's room this morning.

Alk: Uh-oh... Did we do something to upset her again?

Nimbus: Let her do her thing. She'll come cryin' back to us by dinnertime anyway.

Nimbus: Hmm?

Nimbus: *sigh*

Nimbus: What are you doing?

Alice: Eep!

Alice: Oh, it's you. I've run away from home, so you're not allowed to talk to me now!

Nimbus: That right? Sorry, I'll leave you alone.

Alice: W-wait! You're just gonna leave me here all by myself!

Nimbus: You ran away from home, right? Best of luck out there.

Alice: Best of luck? Is that all you have to say to me?!

Nimbus: It's obvious that you wanted me to find you, right? You've barely made an attempt to hide yourself.

Alice: H-how DARE you! Now I'm really upset!

Alice: I'll show you just how serious I am about this! And you'll be my witness!

Nimbus: Your witness?

Nimbus: H-hey, watch the fur!*sigh* Why me?

Nimbus: How long are you planning on keeping this act up?

Alice: It's not an act!

Alice: Of course, I'll keep doing this until Alk or Stella find me.

Nimbus: ...I already found you though.

Alice: You don't count! Now watch this!

Alice: I'm gonna go hide somewhere you'll NEVER find me!

Nimbus: ...What's her endgame here, anyway?

Alice: Hah! That'll show Nimbus for doubting me!

Greasy Goon: Hey, missy. Whatcha doin' in a place like this?

Grimy Thug: You lost, little girl? Lookin' for yer mommy?

Alice: Go away. I'm not in any mood to entertain the dregs of society right now.

Greasy Goon: Dregs?!

Greasy Goon: You've got a big mouth for a little girl!

Alice: *sigh* You think you can act all big just because you think I'm a kid, don't you. Typical gutter trash!

Alice: I swear, some trash should just be left to rot!

Grimy Thug: Grr... This brat's got a real attitude on her!

Nimbus: Are you hurt, Alice?

Alice: N-Nimbus?!

Alice: What are you doing here? I had everything under control!

Nimbus: Is this how you thank someone who comes to your rescue?

Alice: Hmph! I didn't ask for you to come to my rescue!

Alice: Just watch and learn!

Grimy Thug: Grargh!

Nimbus: Whoa... Not bad, kid.

Alice: Heh-heh. See? Told you I could handle myself!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah... Don't get too excited. You're supposed to be a grown-up, right?

Alice: ...! Yeah? Well, you're just a no-good hooligan!

Nimbus: H-hooligan?!

Greasy Goon: Hey! We're still here, you know!

Nimbus: Get lost!

Greasy Goon: Aufgh!

Alice: I told you to let ME handle them!

Greasy Goon: Grargh!

Grimy Thug: Wait a second. A magical umbrella? Don't tell me... You're Alice, the Bewitching Hellcat!

Alice: And you've picked the wrong day to pick on this witch!

Nimbus: Let's finish 'em, Alice!

Alice: Don't tell me what to do!

Alice: Alice's Umbrella!

Nimbus: White Roar!

Thugs: Aaaaargh!

Alice: Hmph! Were you SERIOUSLY following me around all day?

Nimbus: It wasn't easy, you know that? Especially with that flyin' umbrella of yours.

Alice: This was all your fault anyway! This is what you get for ignoring me, you... stupid-face, doodoo-head nincompoop!

Nimbus: Now who's being childish?

Alice: I don't wanna hear it! And it's getting late anyway. Come on, we're going home!

Nimbus: Oh? I thought you ran away from home?

Alice: Not anymore! I'm hungry. And I don't want Light to start crying over me, okay?

Alice: And, well... I GUESS you were a little helpful today so I should thank you.

Alice: ...I mean, a hooligan like you should feel HONORED to come to MY rescue! You're welcome!

Nimbus: You done talking yet? It's gettin' late, you know.

Nimbus: Come on. Alk and the others are waiting for us.

Alice: I thought I told you not to order me around!

Alice: And wait for me! You big, dumb, poopieface!

Episode 3
Alice and the Cat

Alice finds a stray cat while on a walk. Although she is reluctant at first, Stella convinces her to take the cat back to Starview after it follows her.

Alk: Where you headed off to, Alice?

Alice: I'm not telling.

Nimbus: *sigh* You'd better not be "running away" from home again.

Alice: What? No! I'm just going for a walk, okay?!

Light: Are you okay on your own? I can come along, if you'd like!

Alice: Geez, stop treating me like a child!

Alice: Hmph! They all need lessons on how to treat a lady the proper way!

Cat: Meow!

Alice: A cat?

Alice: What're you doing here all by yourself in a place like this? Don't you have a home to return to?

Cat: Meow...

Alice: Are you lost, little kitty? I know how that feels.

Alice: Are you hungry? Here... Do you want this biscuit? Do cats even eat biscuits?

Cat: Meow! *nom* *nom*

Alice: Looks like this one does, at least. You sure were lucky to run into me today, weren't you?

Cat: Meow?

Alice: You can't always rely on others to save you, even if you ARE cute.

Alice: ...Because life isn't all rainbows and sunshine, you know?

Cat: Meowr...

Alice: You don't have to follow me.

Alice: I can't take you home with me, okay?

Cat: Meow? Reowr?

Alice: I said I can't take you—

Cat: Mew...

Alice: Oh, come on! You're not allowed to look at me with those... adorable, widdle... eyes—I mean, no means NO!

Alice: Hmph!

Alice: *sigh* I hope the little guy's okay. Perhaps I should've stuck around a little longer…

Alice: No. That cat needs to learn to be strong! I did the right thing…

Alice: ...Right? Aaaugh!

Cat: Meow!

Alice: Eeep!

Alice: Huh? H-how did you find me here?!

Cat: Meow.

Alice: Aww, you little rascal...

Stella: What are you doing?

Stella: A cat. What's it doing here?

Alice: H-hey, don't look at me! It's not my fault he decided to follow me here!

Cat: *purr* *purr*

Stella: ...

Cat: Mreow! Hiss!

Alice: What are you trying to do here?

Stella: I was hoping... I could touch it.

Alice: You can't just approach a cat willy- nilly! Here, nice and gentle... See?

Stella: Soft... and fluffy.

Alice: Wait, stop! Stop! Getting attached now is just gonna make leaving it harder!

Stella: Leaving? You mean the cat?

Alice: Obviously! We can't keep it, right?

Stella: Who said we can't?

Alice: Huh? I mean... I guess no one.

Alice: B-but we already have a pet—Light!

Stella: ...? Light isn't a pet.

Alice: Er, I... I know that!

Alice: And we already have a cat... person, right? Nimbus! Maybe he won't get along with another cat, right?

Stella: ...I don't think he'd mind.

Alice: I mean, not only Nimbus! Isn't there a quota for how many furry-types are allowed in Starview or something?

Stella: ...?

Alice: Um, er... I mean— Ngh... Don't you get it, Stella?!

Alice: What I'm trying to say is... I don't know if I'm ready to take care of a cat on my own!

Alice: I... don't know the first thing about being a mommy.

Stella: ...

Stella: Nonetheless, the cat has taken a liking to you.

Stella: What do you want to do, Alice?

Cat: Meowr...

Alice: I mean, will everyone else be okay with it?

Alice: You wanna come with me?

Cat: Mreow!

Alk: Alice! What's with the cat?

Alice: From today, this cat's staying here with me!

Alk: For real?

Alice: Do you have a problem with that? Because too bad! I won't have any of it!

Light: Alice... I'm so proud of you. *sniff* You're really growing up!

Alice: What's gotten into you?!

Alk: Light... Are you seriously tearing up?

Light: Raising a pet is a big responsibility, Alice. Are you sure you can handle it?

Alice: Of course! Who do you think I am? And besides, this guy's not that different from you, right?

Stella: Furry-types...

Light: Furry-type... Are you referring to me?! The Champion is no house cat! Or pet for that matter.

Alice: Hehe... I know!

Alice: Come here, little buddy... I think I'll call you Dinah.

Dinah: Meow!