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Episode 1
Birds of a Feather

When Albert visits the Starview library, he reminds Alk and Stella of his bookish friend Claw. He tells the story of how they first met as children.

Albert: What a splendid library!

Albert: To think worlds' worth of books slumber upon these shelves!

Albert: Why, I could sit here reading all day and should hardly hope to make a dent!

Alk: Ahaha, you two really are on the same wavelength.

Alk: You and Claw, I mean. He's an avid reader too, isn't he?

Albert: Yes, I suppose we DO have more in common than you'd expect.

Albert: Did he ever tell you how the two of us met?

Alk: No, I don't think so.

Albert: The dogfolk's castle town is better equipped for scholarly pursuits than his village. So, he snuck in to study.

Alk: He WHAT?! Weren't you in the middle of a war?!

Albert: That's never stopped him. At the time, I only saw him as an intruder. Even brandished my blade at him!—and what do you think he did?

Albert: Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. I'd venture to say he hadn't even noticed the sword at his neck what for the book at his nose.

Alk: What happened next? Was everything all right?

Albert: I sheathed my blade, and let him go. The adults were none the wiser.

Stella: Why did you release Claw?

Stella: You said you didn't know him yet.

Albert: Well, for one, we were both children at the time.

Albert: For another, I'd always been told catfolk were uneducated savages. And yet, there he was, smarter than anyone I'd met before.

Albert: It sparked a rivalry between us. Somewhere amidst the academic debates and one-upping each other, we realized our ideals aligned.

Alk: Wow... So that's why you two decided to push for peace.

Albert: Yes, but we could never have managed it alone. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Nimbus.

Nimbus: C'mon, I hardly did anythin'. Just stood around while you guys did all the talking.

Nimbus: All you needed was a white tiger to look the part, right? You could've grabbed a random tiger and dunked him in flour or something.

Alk: That's crazy...

Nimbus: I dunno, maybe, but I wouldn't put it past Claw.

Albert: Preposterous! You sell yourself too short, Nimbus. What you accomplished was no small feat.

Nimbus: Hmph, if you say so.

Nimbus: Anyways, what are you doin' here? Don't you have your paws full back at the castle?

Nimbus: That grouchy old king of yours seemed like he'll keep buttin' heads with you 'till he kicks it.

Albert: If anything, that's precisely why I'd best maintain a healthy distance.

Albert: Small though it may be, my family holds some claim to the throne. A fair number of dogfolk wish to see me crowned, unfortunately.

Alk: Unfortunately? ...You don't want to be king?

Albert: I do not. The era of kings will pass. Who better to convince people of the crown's obsolescence than the nasty old codger wearing it?

Nimbus: Reverse psychology, huh? Sounds like something Claw would come up with.

Albert: It was his brain-child, yes.

Albert: So that is where we stand. Would you mind if I visited Starview Village from time to time?

Alk: You're always welcome here!

Stella: We're happy to have you, Albert.

Nimbus: You don't have to ask. C'mon over whenever you want.

Albert: Thank you.

Albert: I suppose I'll stay here and read for a spell. ...I've got work to do if I want to keep up with a certain feline friend of mine.

Episode 2
A Proper Town

Albert and Nimbus catch a group of canid thugs pestering a young feline. Albert intervenes, but loses his temper when the thugs insinuate Claw bribed him under the table.

Canid Thug: Oi! Cat! The hell you doin' on dog turf?

Canid Thug: Look at 'im! Bloody cat's a shaman!

Canid Thug: Come to curse us all, 'ave you?

Canid Page: H-hey, lay off him! He hasn't done anything!

Feline Shaman: So much for peace, huh?

Canid Page: Shhh! Don't egg them on!

Canid Thug: Peace? PEACE?

Canid Thug: We were thiiis close to crushing of the whole lot of you.

Canid Thug: You didn't get PEACE, you got pity! Mercy! So you'd best not test our patienc—

Albert: Enough! You had best not test MY patience.

Albert: All catfolk are welcome in this city, and I will not tolerate such egregious inhospitality. Stand down, or stand on guard.

Albert: Back away from those kids. Now.

Canid Thug: Albert?!

Albert: Back away from the kids. I will not repeat myself again!

Canid Thug: ...Shill.

Albert: Excuse me?

Canid Thug: I said shill! Sell-out! How much'd that panther brat slip your way, eh?

Canid Thug: We had victory in sight! And now everything is RUINED because of you! The hell were you thinking?!

Canid Thug: Explain yourself! How much did you sell the kingdom for? How little is it— are WE—worth to you?!

Albert: How DARE you insinuate such a thing?! If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight—to the death!

Canid Thug: Ngh... Le-leggo of—!

Nimbus: ALBERT! Albert, stop! Not in front of kids!

Albert: ...Get out of my sight.

Nimbus: What came over you, Albert? That wasn't like you.

Albert: My apologies, I—I'm terribly sorry you had to see that…

Albert: Why do I always do this? I put on airs of civility, and what for? When I lose my temper, I lose myself!

Albert: Is it my inner wolf? Lupine instincts? ...No, a proper gentleman wouldn't make such shallow excuses. What have I done?!

Nimbus: He was fine, Albert. Now snap out of it, at least while you're in front of the kids.

Albert: Th-the kids! Right. Are you two all right?

Canid Page: R-right as rain, Captain!

Feline Shaman: Yeah, we're all good! Dude, that lunge was AWESOME.

Albert: A-awesome? At any rate, I'm glad you're safe.

Albert: I'm sorry for the cold reception. Sadly, this city is still full of war-minded loyalists like those twits.

Feline Shaman: Yeah, I was kinda expecting it to be more... I dunno, all fancy and proper.

Canid Page: H-hey, shut it!

Albert: I may know a place more to your liking. Have you been to the town south of here?

Canid Page: To the south? ...Was there a town down that way?

Albert: There is now. It's still under construction, but it's a place for catfolk and dogfolk to live and work together.

Albert: It still has a long way to go before we can call it a proper town, but the opinions of young residents would be very welcome.

Feline Shaman: A town for cats AND dogs, huh? That doesn't sound half bad! We'll check it out.

Feline Shaman: Thanks for sticking up for me, man!

Canid Page: H-hey, wait for me!

Albert: Again, I cannot reiterate enough how sorry I am for my actions back there.

Nimbus: Relax. Like the kids said, that WAS a pretty cool lunge.

Albert: Oh, no, please forget that. I can—WILL —do better!