Ai Mizuno (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
Cultural Differences?

Ai invites Alk and co. to one of her concerts and asks them to give their frank opinion on her performance. They praise her, but Ai is ultimately unsatisfied and tries to theorize as to what's missing. Light proposes that she and Saki travel to a different world to try to get to the bottom of the matter.

Ai: Sorry for calling you here so suddenly. There's actually something I need your help with.

Ai: I'd like you to have this.

Light: A concert ticket? You'd like for us to help you out with the event?

Ai: No, no. I want you to come watch the concert! As audience members!

Ai: I've been doing a lot of thinking and research and finally managed to put together a set list for the concert. I'd like to get your honest opinion!

Saki: Oh come on, there's no need to be so precise and stuff about this. Just go with whatever feels right!

Saki: And why'd you go and get me involved in this? Why do I gotta waste my time, exactly?!

Ai: Because you're the leader! I think it's the very least you could do.

Saki: Like I said, go with your gut. If you like how the set looks, that's that! Simple stuff, really.

Alk: So, you just want us to give our opinions, right? Just so you know, I'm not really an expert when it comes to idols...

Ai: Even just your brief thoughts would be appreciated. I know it's a bit outside your realm of expertise, but I'd be grateful if you would humor me!

Ai: So, has anyone here actually been to a Franchouchou concert before?

Audience: I have! I have!

Ai: Oh wow, thank you so much! But to be honest, this isn't that big a turnout...

Ai: We've gotta put our ALL into this next concert! That way, we can get even MORE fans to come out next time!

Ai: Okay, here goes our first song! I hope you like it, everyone!

Light: Amazing. All that... twirling and moving around, and they still haven't run out of breath! Truly impressive.

Alk: Wow, it looks like they're even syncing up their eye movements!

Ai: Hmm... So, what'd you all think of the performance?

Audience: It was great!

Audience: There's no doubt about it, you guys are pros!

Ai: You think so? Thank you! I'm so happy to hear that.

Ai: (But... was something missing after all?)

Ai: How was the concert? Tell me exactly what you thought—no filter!

Light: It was quite the incredible performance!

Alk: Agreed! The rest of the audience seemed to think so too! They were pretty hyped during the whole thing.

Ai: Right... I suppose that's what it looked like to you guys.

Saki: Huh? They're complimenting you, dummy! That's supposed to make you happy!

Ai: I feel like ever since we came to this Saga, our performances have been lacking in some way.

Ai: It's like we're not on the same wavelength. It's been on my mind for a while now...

Saki: I mean, sometimes performances don't go well. Everyone has off days, right?

Saki: It happens every once in a while. This time's no different. Nothin' to worry yourself about.

Ai: I'm afraid it's not possible for me to be so optimistic and carefree.

Ai: I take my job as an idol very, very seriously.

Saki: Yeah, yeah... I can see that.

Ai: Tell me... What do you think was the reason the crowd didn't get more into the concert?

Ai: Do you think it comes down to a cultural difference? I feel like that's just an excuse, though...

Alk: Wow, you're really dedicated to your craft, huh? I mean, I certainly thought the performance was awesome!

Light: Cultural differences... Hmm.

Light: I'm not at all knowledgeable about the world of entertainment, but it might be worth testing out this hypothesis.

Ai: This device lets you navigate between different worlds, right? What does it have to do with our concerts?

Light: For me, having the opportunity to travel to new worlds was an immensely valuable experience.

Light: I felt that might be the case for you too. At the very least, it should provide you with some inspiration.

Ai: Okay. It's certainly better than sitting around and doing nothing!

Ai: I'm off tomorrow, so I'll take the day to travel with you guys!

Saki: Ooh, now that's what I'm talking about! All right, are we okay to meet up here?

Ai: Wait a minute. Saki, do you actually want to come with us?

Saki: Uh, yeah? What happened to that whole "you're the leader" crap? Here I am, acting as a leader! Unless someone has a problem with me comin' along.

Light: I see no problems with it. The more the merrier.

Saki: Awesome. I'm actually kinda psyched to see how this turns out!

Ai: This isn't a vacation, Saki.

Ai: Don't forget we're doing this for the sake of the group!

Episode 2
Something Important

Ai and Saki visit the Garden of Sprites with Alk, where they encounter Shroombo—who surprisingly gets along with Saki quite well. Challua and Regitare join up with the group and an impromptu concert suddenly takes place. This experience serves to remind Ai of something very important that she had forgotten.

Ai: Wow, so you really can travel to entirely different worlds. So, what will we find in this one?

Light: Nothing dangerous, I assure you—

Shroombo: Hora!

Ai: Aaah! What is this?! A talking mushroom?!

Shroombo: Chigo! Challua, ayu!

Saki: Well isn't that something. A walking, talking mushroom.

Shroombo: Buvey! Goosmeyja! Shroombo!

Ai: How are you so unfazed by this?!

Saki: I mean... Think about it, what's more messed up; a mushroom that talks and moves, or zombies?

Saki: Look at this little guy. He's got a cute face on him!

Shroombo: Sey... timiido!

Ai: I suppose he is somewhat cute...

Challua: What happened, Shroombo?

Challua: Oh, we have new guests! Hello there!

Ai: A... tree person?!

Regitare: Can someone tell me what all this ruckus is about?

Ai: AAAAHHH! It's... it's... a dead body!

Saki: Pot, meet kettle...

Challua: Challua is very happy to have more guests around!

Ai: I'm sorry about my behavior before. I... lost my composure.

Shroombo: Notte, pureo!

Saki: What's that, "don't sweat it"? Well aren't you a swell little fella!

Ai: How are you on such good terms with it already?

Saki: It's part of an idol's job to be down to earth and get along with people⁠—even those you just met!

Challua: An idol? Are you like Dia?

Alk: Yeah, exactly. They sing and dance just like her!

Challua: Ooh! I want to hear you sing!

Ai: In that case, please come to our next⁠—

Saki: Nah, pretty sure she means NOW.

Saki: All right, you guys clap along! Let's go!

Challua: Wow! Incredible! I loved your singing!

Regitare: Mmm, yes, yes, quite splendid. I must concur with Challua⁠—that was a stirring performance!

Ai: I think our proper concerts would offer an overall better experience, but...

Saki: Don't sweat the small stuff. They enjoyed it! You're still trying to get everything down absolutely perfect, huh?

Ai: Shouldn't I be? We're idols, we need to—

Saki: Make people happy! And, uh, look around. We did! Job complete! The end.

Challua: That was a wonderful song! I really enjoyed it.

Challua: We'd like to sing with you too! Everyone, get over here!

Saki: Well, they're certainly getting into it! And they're not half bad, either!

Challua: Ai and Saki, won't you sing with us too?

Saki: We've got an official request! How can we possibly say no?

Ai: ...It's been a while since we've done something like this.

Ai: I'm glad we came to this world today. I had... forgotten some very obvious things up until now.

Light: I'm happy to see that my suggestion bore fruit after all.

Ai: Thank you, Challua. I've had an epiphany thanks to you.

Challua: But I didn't do anything!

Ai: No, you did. You reminded me of something very important.

Ai: Challua, won't you come to our next concert? I'd love for you to hear us sing once more!

Challua: Yes! I want to go!

Shroombo: Keero, segi!

Saki: The shroom says he also wants to go. How about you, old man?

Regitare: Look at me, I'd scare half your audience away. No, I shall wait for Challua to regale me with tales of your wonderful performance.

Ai: It had nothing to do with cultural differences or trends after all.

Ai: It was about making music together with our fans. That's all.

Episode 3
For the Fans

Ai and Saki finish up a performance without a predetermined set list, which Challua finds to be wonderful. Ai realizes that there are more important things to being an idol than just chasing perfection—namely, listening to what fans want. Ai encourages Saki to be more responsible and less sloppy in her role as leader of the group.

Ai: Hmm. Okay!

Saki: In high spirits today too, I see.

Ai: We went and invited new audience members! It'd be strange if I wasn't excited.

Ai: We can't go and give them a half-hearted performance, so we've gotta give it our all. No, even better than our all!

Saki: As long as you don't overdo it, that's fine! Either way, you're looking good. Keep it up.

Ai: I always look good. I'm an idol, after all!

Challua: Wow! Look at all the humans! And all the bright lights!

Challua: I can't wait to hear Ai sing!

Alk: Yep. The concert will be starting soon!

Challua: Go, Ai! Go, Saki! Woo!

Ai: Hello, everyone!

Audience: HELLO!

Saki: Thank you so much for coming out to our concert today!

Ai: Wow, there are a lot of new faces in the crowd today!

Ai: You know... Everyone who came out today is really lucky!

Audience: Huh? Why?

Ai: Today's concert is... a very special one! How is it special? Can you guess?

Audience: You two are even cuter than usual today!

Ai: Hmm, that makes it sound like we weren't that cute before⁠—and we definitely were! No more talk like that, if you please!

Ai: Anyway, where was I... Right! So today, we don't have a set list!

Saki: We're going entirely off of YOUR energy today!

Saki: So, what song are we gonna start off with?

Challua: Something intense, please!

Ai: That was a fast request, wow! Okay, here we go!

Challua: Wow! Such a great sound! Nice beat! Cool moves!

Light: Incredible. They really are performing even better than usual. They're practically glowing.

Challua: Yes! Even better than before!

Light: To think this, too, was a world utterly unknown to me until now...

Ai: All right, what song do you want to hear next? Keep the requests coming!

Audience: Something cool!

Audience: Then something mellow after that!

Ai: Okay! Don't worry, we'll get through every single one of your requests one by one!

Challua: I had so much fun! Ai and Saki are amazing!

Ai: Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed our concert.

Alk: I have to say, I really didn't expect you to do a concert without a set list! That was quite the decision.

Saki: You coulda given me some warning. I had to do like a dozen songs on the fly there! It wasn't easy.

Ai: We always perform that many songs! And besides, it's not like you don't know them all!

Light: I hope that all your fears and misgivings have been cleared up, now that you've seen the smiles on your fans' faces.

Ai: Idols need to grow along with their fans. I thought I had understood that before, but...

Ai: I focused too much on creating the perfect performance and overlooked what it was the fans truly wanted. I was... off in my approach.

Light: I'm glad that traveling to other worlds allowed you to make this realization.

Ai: Instead of endlessly wondering what song the audience wants to hear, it's faster and easier to just ask them directly!

Saki: I don't wanna say I told you so, but... I told you so! Don't sweat the details.

Saki: Focusing too much on perfection isn't always the right call. You've learned that lesson now, hopefully.

Ai: Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that you're still too careless and sloppy sometimes.

Ai: If you really want to be our leader, you have to get your act together! And behave in a manner more befitting a proper idol!