Adonis (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
Here Comes Adonis

Adonis, now clad in a special holiday outfit, accepts a request from the Guild to procure presents for the orphanage. Adonis recommends that they get wooden toys in the shape of animals. Later, he confuses Light by employing a series of jokes that the poor Champion can't quite follow.

Adonis: Well, what do you think?

Light: A new outfit?

Pur Lilie: You look wonderful, Adonis! Like a cute, precious little angel! Or like an innocent choirboy!

Alk: Not sure I'd ever describe Adonis as a "precious little angel," but okay...

Adonis: I find overly ostentatious displays rather lacking in taste- and tedious to pull off.

Adonis: However, I suppose I will have to accept your praise this time. Thank you.

Pur Lilie: Wooow! So sparkly!

Alk: They've fallen for him, hook, line, and sinker...

Adonis: Am I to be the only one with a new outfit? Won't you change into something else too, Alk?

Alk: Eh... I don't know. I'd just end up in that kind of situation where one person is clearly there to make the other look better.

Adonis: Why, Alk... You wound me!

Adonis: And how incredibly bold- I didn't know you thought so highly of yourself!

Alk: Oh, ha-ha. I get it. You know that's not what I meant. You've got a twisted sense of humor, you know that?

Adonis: Hahaha. I suppose I just pick it up naturally being around you so much.

Light: Heh. Those two men seem to be getting along well as usual.

Pur Lilie: A-are they now? They certainly have an interesting dynamic going on... Anyway.

Pur Lilie: Your attention please, everyone! On to the main request of the day. I'd like you to help with procuring presents for the orphanage!

Alk: We get to pick what presents we want to give out, right?

Light: That's right. Of course, we should take the preferences of the children into consideration as well.

Light: According to surveys carried out beforehand, many of the children there are hoping to get some sort of toy for the holidays.

Adonis: ...Well, that certainly makes sense, doesn't it.

Adonis: That stall over there looks like just what we need. Let's take a look.

Light: Hmm... These toys are a lot more expensive than I anticipated. It will be difficult to get one for each and every child.

Adonis: Let's do some simply math: The total budget we get from the guild, minus the amount we spend on presents, equals our rewards, correct?

Adonis: Which is to say... The less we spend on presents, the more that's left over in the pot for us at the end.

Light: W-we're buying toys for orphans, Adonis! That's no way to think about things!

Adonis: Oh please, Light. You'd do well to learn to recognize a joke.

Light: O-oh. A joke. I see... I apologize for doubting you like that.

Adonis: No need to apologize. Not trusting someone like me is probably one of the wisest things you could do.

Light: I- I did not mean to imply you were an unscrupulous or deceptive person-

Adonis: Haha... That too, was a joke, my friend. Words aren't always mean to be taken at face vale, you know.

Light: I... I see...

Alk: So... What should we do? I feel like it IS possible to just make these from scratch ourselves, but...

Adonis: It would be better to buy the highest quality, most durable toys we have access to- even if they are expensive.

Adonis: Most orphanages aren't nearly well-funded enough to have proper toys for children.

Adonis: If we were to gift them new ones, only to have them break right away... Well, that would be quite devastating for the children, don't you think?

Alk: That's a good point. No skimping on quality. Hmm... And they should be safe for the kids to play with, too.

Adonis: Indeed. How about this...

Adonis: Wood carvings in the shape of animals. Kids tend to love these.

Light: Yes, and how about we fashion a hole to pass a string through? They'd be less likely to lose it if they could tie it around themselves.

Adonis: Good idea. We should be able to figure how to do that without much issue.

Alk: Excuse me, we'd like to buy a bunch of these wood figures in bulk. How many do you currently have for sale?

Alk: Okay. I'll go get us a tool to poke holes in these things.

Light: ...Hmm.

Adonis: What's with that self-satisfied look on your face? Have you forgotten we're dealing with orphans?

Light: Oh, my apologies. It's just... I was quite concerned about this entire endeavor. At least initially.

Light: But I'm happy that you seem to be having a good time here in Starview Village.

Adonis: Having a good time? It seems you've misread the situation.

Light: I... I have?

Adonis: People in this place are... frustratingly hard to manipulate. There are countless other tiresome matters as well, of course.

Adonis: However, this is where I've chosen to be. And I suppose... I don't entirely dislike it, either.

Light: I see. Well... I suppose not disliking it is... also a good thing, then.

Light: W-wait... Unless that too was a joke?!

Adonis: Heh. I'll leave that up to your interpretation.

Episode 2
Holiday Nostalgia

Adonis and co. hand out the presents to the orphans, earing their praise. On the way back, Light approaches Adonis and tells him that he considers them "like family"- which brings back unpleasant memories for Adonis. Later, Adonis converses with Alk, and notes how much he's changed, now being able to give presents to other people.

Children: Can we really have these?!

Guild Staff: One toy per person, everyone! And behave, all right? No roughhousing!

Children: Yaaay!

Alk: Looks like the toys are hit. We knocked it out of the park, didn't we, Adonis?

Adonis: ...I suppose we did.

Girl: Hey, Mister... Did you pick these toys for us?

Adonis: That's right. Do you like them?

Girl: Um...

Girl: Y-yes! A lot! Thank you!

Adonis: Take good care of them, then.

Light: Adonis, do you have a moment?

Adonis: Yes, what is it?

Light: Is... something wrong?

Adonis: ...Why do you ask?

Light: Ever since we went to the orphanage, something about you has seemed off. I was merely worried.

Light: If you ever have any concerns or problems, feel-

Adonis: I have no need for counseling. I'm perfectly capable of managing my own emotions.

Light: I see. Well, regardless, if anything were to come up, I don't want you to have any reservations about approaching us.

Light: All the people who live here in Starview Village... We're something like family to each other.

Adoptive Dad: Listen, Adonis... We're a family, all right?

Adoptive Dad: The roof over your head, your clothes, food- I provide all of these things for you.

Adoptive Dad: So in return, I want you to listen to what I say, okay? You're my son.

Adoptive Dad: All right?

Adoptive Dad: I need you to be good for me, okay? To be as beautiful as possible.

Adonis: Heh. People really are so easily manipulated...

Adonis: Family? You can't be serious.

Light: What?

Adonis: I'm sorry. I'm afraid this type of conversation isn't to my liking.

Alk: Did something happen?

Light: I fear I might have overstepped... I should have chosen my words more carefully.

Adonis: What have I done to warrant being followed, I wonder?

Alk: Nothing, I assume. That wasn't my intention,

Alk: I was just thinking about the orphanage today, about all those presents we have away. I wanted to talk to you about it.

Adonis: Feel free to do so, then.

Alk: Well, I was surprised to find we were quite under budget. We didn't spend that much after all.

Adonis: Likely because we put in the effort of adjusting all those toys by hand- being frugal often comes at the cost of time.

Alk: How did other people handle this in the past? Did they just run out of money and leave some kids without presents?

Adonis: When those in charge are careless in their duty, that's precisely what happens.

Alk: That's really unfortunate...

Adonis: When there aren't enough presents, it becomes a free-for-all.

Adonis: The strongest kids get a toy- the weakest ones are left to cry themselves to sleep.

Alk: You put in a lot of effort to make sure that didn't happen this time, huh?

Adonis: Because the Guild expressly hired me to do so. I merely acted out of self-interest.

Alk: Maybe. But I know for a fact the kids loved the presents.

Adonis: Children are innocent. They can't yet see what really happens behind the scenes. What truly motivates people.

Adonis: ...Hmm, but I will say...

Adonis: I never thought myself the present-giving type. Yet here I am.

Adonis: I think it's about time I retire for the night. I'll find time to make amends to Light at some point in the future.

Alk: Okay. That sounds good.

Alk: Well, good night.

Adonis: Good night.

Episode 3
To All a Good Night

An irritated Adonis goes to interrogate Alk regarding a mysterious package that arrived at his doorstep. Alk claims he doesn't know, and Adonis opens the box to find it contains a wood carving- a surprise from the rest of the gang at Starview Village. Playfully accusing them of conspiring, he gratefully accepts the present. He reaffirms that he cannot see them all as family, but suggests that he can treat them as friends.

Adonis: What is the meaning of this?

Alk: Hmm? What are you talking about?

Adonis: I found this... present laying in front of my door earlier this morning.

Adonis: Of all the people in Starview Village, only you would be willing to do something like this, Alk.

Alk: Uh... I didn't put that present there, Adonis!

Adonis: Then who did? there was no sender written anywhere I could see. This is... quite ominous.

Alk: Ominous?! It's a present someone obviously wanted you to have!

Adonis: I've had packages sent to me multiple times before- and it has never been a pleasant experience. Do you know what they contained?

Adonis: Piles of tangled human hair, stained and tattered stuffed animals, and even house keys- with an address written on them.

Alk: Y-yikes... That's pretty messed up.

Adonis: Well. I'd like to believe such things wouldn't happen in Starview Village. Time to see what's in the box.

Adonis: ...If it does end up being hair, I'd appreciate it if you could dispose of it for me.

Alk: Can we not talk about boxes full of human hair? I'm cooking right now! Besides, I'm sure it won't be that.

Adonis: Let's hope so. Here we go...

Adonis: This is... a wood-carved toy?

Adonis: ...A younger me would have wanted one just like this.

Alk and Co.: Happy holidays!

Stella: We wanted to surprise you.

Adonis: I see. It seems a grand conspiracy was afoot... You're all more cunning than I have you credit for.

Alk: H-hey, it's not like I lied to you! It wasn't me who placed the present on your doorstep!

Adonis: I see... Caught out on an utterly boring technicality.

Nimbus: Come on, it was all in good fun. Though, uh, we didn't know about your complicated history with presents.

Alk: Yeah, sorry about that. We just wanted to surprise you, but we accidently brought up some unpleasant memories...

Adonis: Pay no heed to it. But I must ask... Why go through all the trouble?

Light: It was my idea. I... How do I put this. I wished to apologize for my previous behavior.

Light: I'm really sorry, Adonis.

Adonis: What's this, all of a sudden? if anything, I'm at fault for making you worry about me so much.

Adonis: I apologize as well.

Adonis: And while I think the concept of "family" doesn't work for me... I am willing to call you friends.

Light: I see. Then that is what we shall be!

Adonis: I have to admit though, seeing this wood carving made me chuckle. Was this your idea too, Light?

Light: Y-yes, I consulted Alk and Stella in the matter, but it was my decision.

Light: I-is it not to your liking?

Adonis: I know I may appear young, but I'm not nearly so juvenile as to jump for joy when I'm given a playtoy.

Adonis: ...But I suppose I don't dislike it.

Adonis: I might even say that this is the present I didn't realize I needed all along.

Adonis: Regardless, thank you. I will cherish it.

Light: You're welcome! And yes, I would be grateful if you did so.

Nimbus: All right, 'nuff sentimental stuff. Time to party it up! I could really go for some meat right about now.

Stella: And cake. I want to eat cake.

Alk: We definitely have cake! I mean, we WILL- 'cause I'm baking it right now!

Adonis: In that case, perhaps I could be of help.

Alk: Wait, really? That would be great!

Alk: Okay, in that case, could I ask you to whip up a nice meringue out of these egg whites?

Adonis: ...I retract my previous statement. This is a matter best left to the hands of experts. I'll wait here patiently instead.

Alk: Oh, come on!