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Episode 1
Pretty Face, Pretty Words

Alk and Nimbus team up with Adonis, a talented swordsman who can talk his way into anything. Though Adonis is haughty and callous at first, he begins to sing a sweeter tune when he sees Alk devastate a powerful monster to save a group of hapless adventurers.

Nimbus: Now's your chance. Finish it!

Alk: Got it!

Alk: Wait. What the? HUH?!

Alk: Um, hey... I, uh... I had that.

???: Oh, I'm sorry. Were you actually planning on delivering the finishing blow?

???: You took so long, I thought you were just here to imbibe the sights.

Alk: Excuse me?

???: So why did you call out to me? Was it to stake some kind of claim on the treasure? I'm just DYING to hear your excuses.

Alk: What? No, that's not what I was gonna—

???: Life isn't fair, is it? Shame that it would grace me with so much talent and you with... none.

Alk: Now you wait just a minute!

Nimbus: Rare seeing your feathers ruffled.

Alk: Well, I mean... He won't let me SPEAK!

Nimbus: So what? You planning on taking all the loot?

???: I would never. I'm nothing if not fair. So what do you say to half for me, and half for you?

Alk: That's not a bad deal, but... I still don't like your attitude.

Adventurer: S-somebody! HEEELP!

Alk: Nimbus, let's go!

???: But we haven't divvied up the treasure yet.

Alk: There's no time for that! Come on, we've gotta move!

Nimbus: Yeah, I know, I know...

???: *sigh* You'll never get any rest if you make everyone's business your own.

Nimbus: Damn! There's no end to them!

???: Oh my. Are you having a spot of trouble?

Alk: Obviously, yes! So stop watching and help out!

???: I've outgrown playing "warrior of justice." Besides...

???: You don't strictly need my help. You'll claw your way to victory somehow, won't you? I'll bet you always do.

???: So I really don't see what the point of me leaping in is. We aren't friends, and there's very little we can offer each other.

Alk: That doesn't matter!

???: Well, I suppose it never hurts to have someone in your debt. No matter how cheap that debt is.

Alk: What the? Were you just playing hard to get or something?

???: I prefer to keep my prowess a secret. When people learn you're strong, they find ways to use you.

???: ...And then there was one. It looks fairly dangerous. We'll have to tread carefully...


???: That works too... Not bad.

Adventurer: Thank you! You saved our lives!

Alk: Don't worry about it. You better get your injured friends out of here.

Adventurer: Yeah, you're right. First things first though. It's not much, but I hope you'll take it as a token of our appreciation.

???: Oh, you didn't have to. But we'll accept the gift anyways—so as not to ignore the sentiment behind it.

Alk: You sure have a way with words...

Adonis: My name is Adonis. And you... You're quite the stalwart hero, aren't you?

Alk: No, I, uh... wouldn't describe myself with those words exactly... Hey... Y-you're kinda close.

Adonis: I must apologize for my attitude earlier. I have a bad habit of letting my pride get the better of me.

Adonis: And I never imagined you'd be so strong. I would be honored if you'd let me into your Kaleidoscope party.

Alk: I... I mean... I don't have a problem with that, but...

Adonis: You're too kind. Now, I've got to run, but I look forward to seeing you again.

Alk: Gosh, I, uh... I don't know if it's because he's so beautiful and THAT'S throwing me off, but I REALLY don't know how I feel about him.

Alk: No, Alk! Be strong, not shallow! He was a complete JERK when you first met.

Alk: But maybe I judged him too fast... He DID offer us half of the treasure...

Nimbus: He sure has you questioning.

Adonis: So they're the new adventurers everyone's been talking about...

Adonis: I was worried because no one knew where they were from, but they're softer than I expected... I should have no problem snaking my way into their good graces.

Adonis: It'll be the same old game. Keep your cards close to your chest, and take all that you can...

Episode 2
Bad Customer

In the process of helping Alk deal with an unreasonable customer, Adonis learns that Alk's kindness isn't all due to naivete.

Adonis: What's going on here?

Guild Officer: Seems like that guy over there hired Alk to find some, uh, doohickey from the Kaleidoscope, but that's not what Alk brought back.

Guild Officer: But, truth be told, I've been listening to him rant for ten minutes, and I STILL can't figure out what the difference between the two things are.

Adonis: Unreasonable customers... Of course. Alk always gets the worst of the draw.

Client: You've caused me a lot of trouble, you know that?! Where's my compensation?! AND WHERE ARE THE GOODS?!

Guild Officer: He seemed normal when he came to put in a request. Man, if I'd known he could fly off the handle like that...

Adonis: That's what happens when you trust people before truly getting to know them.

Adonis: *sigh* Why am I doing this?

Adonis: Pardon the interruption. Mind including me in the negotiations?

Alk: Adonis?

Adonis: I've already been filled in on the details. It seems that Alk here was unable to obtain the item you originally requested, and you are rightfully upset about that.

Adonis: However, I promise that he will make the correct delivery at a later date—with my help. So would you be so good as to forgive his slipup this once?

Client: The deal was to finish the delivery by today! Either way, you owe me money for breach of contract!

Adonis: Now, now... Don't be so unforgiving.

Adonis: I can see you're a bigger man than that...

Client: What... What are you...,

Adonis: Alk is a special friend of mine. So his failures... are my failures. You can't imagine how awful I feel.

Adonis: Won't you give us another chance?

Adonis: I can guarantee your satisfaction...

Client: R-really?

Adonis: Just try me. If we fail to deliver, then...

Client: Then?

Adonis: I'll just have to compensate you, won't I? In any way you wish.

Alk: Any way... You can't!

Adonis: Quiet, Alk. Do as I say.

Client: All right! It's a deal! I'll give you another chance!

Client: But if you fail me... you'll get what's coming to you!

Adonis: Understood.


Alk: Got it! It's the right thing! I'm sure of it this time!

Adonis: Congratulations.

Alk: Yeah, but now that guy's probably going to gripe about it being flawed or something...

Alk: Kind of makes me not want to keep up our end of the deal.

Adonis: What are you saying?

Alk: I mean, he's the kind of person who just wants to complain, right? You could bring him the sun and moon and he'll tell you they're not bright enough.

Adonis: I'm speechless. Here I was all this time, thinking there was nothing in your head but air...

Alk: Hey! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

Alk: But seriously. What are you going to do if he starts going on about compensation again?

Adonis: Well, if he makes any demands he should be ashamed of, I'll report it to the Guild. He won't have any ground to stand on then.

Alk: Oh. That's surprisingly... normal of you.

Adonis: And if he still refuses to back off, then I'll just have to ruin his reputation. Perhaps find a few things to blackmail him about.

Alk: You're way too used to this.

Alk: ...Um, maybe I could stick around as your secret bodyguard. You know, burst out of hiding and catch 'em red-handed. That sort of thing.

Adonis: Why would you...

Alk: I mean, I've never gotten a chance to do this kind of sneaky scheming. Light's too PROPER, and Nimbus likes to talk with his claws...

Alk: But mainly, I thought you'd feel better if you weren't alone.

Adonis: ...Seems there's more to you than I first supposed.

Alk: Right back at you.

Adonis: Please. You can't possibly compare the depths of MY character to the depths of yours.

Alk: Well, let's head back to the Guild. Maybe the guy'll give us a break after all."

Alk: Come on, Adonis.

Adonis: ...How can you be so kind after seeing the ugly side of someone?

Adonis: Heh... I want to help someone for once, and in the end, he's the one helping me.

Episode 3
Dare to Hope

Fearing that Alk will win over his trust and then betray him, Adonis attempts to strike out on his own. However, when he runs into grave danger, Alk and a group of adventurers dash through the Kaleidoscope to save him, teaching Adonis that hope doesn't always lead to heartbreak.

Alk: Adonis! Watch out!

Adonis: Are you all right, Alk?

Alk: That hurt... I mean, I'm fine! Nothing I can't handle.

Alk: Don't worry about me. Go see what's in the treasure chest.

Adonis: You've grown to trust me too much.

Alk: Huh?

Adonis: I could turn on you at any time. You'd do best to watch your back.

Alk: Come on. I know you better than that.

Alk: You're the one who's always like, "If the payoff isn't twice as great as the risk, it's not worth my time."

Alk: Even if you WERE planning to betray me, it wouldn't be over one treasure chest.

Adonis: Fine. Then why don't we go our separate ways?

Alk: What?

Adonis: No reason. Just a passing fancy. Adieu.

Alk: Wha? Hey! Wait!

Adonis: *sigh* What am I doing?

Adonis: Everyone is a coin with two sides. On the flip side of every smile is avarice. And behind every veil of tears is cunning. I've come across no exceptions.\

Adonis: ...So why am I hoping that he'll be different?

Adonis: Stop. Just stop. What promise could there possibly be in that vacuous smile?

Adonis: My, my. Seems you've caught me in a bit of a rough spot. Not that you ever had a snowball's chance in hell.

Adonis: See? Now say good—

Adonis: So you had friends, did you? This DOES pose more of a challenge...

Adonis: I'd better withdraw and look for Alk...

Adonis: No, I can't rely on him... I can't rely on anyone!

Adonis: I'm in trouble now...

Adonis: Alk?!

Adonis: Haha... It seems I was right all along.

Adonis: Trust only leads to betrayal. Hope only leads to heartbreak. Even Alk was no exception.

Adonis: I recognize them...

Adventurer A: Are you okay, Adonis?!

Adventurer B: We'll be repaying our debt to you now!

Alk: Get up, Adonis! Fight!

Alk: Phew... You scared me... Are you hurt at all?

Adonis: I'm fine, but... How'd you find this group again?

Alk: Luck. I just ran into them after we split up.

Adventurer A: Do you remember our party members who were heavily injured? The two of us were Kaleidoscope trawling, trying to earn enough money for their hospital fees.

Adventurer B: At first, Alk left us after a few pleasantries, but not five minutes had passed before he came dashing back, sweat streaming off him.

Adventurer B: hat's when he asked for help saving his friend.

Adventurer A: When we heard that friend was you, we couldn't sit still.

Adventurer A: We owed you our lives, after all.

Adonis: I can't believe you did all that for me...

Adventurer B: Please. One good turn deserves another!

Adonis: I despise you.

Alk: Well, I think you suck too.

Alk: But that's just how people are. There's no light without a shadow, right? Everyone will have times of strength and moments of weakness.

Alk: So... do you still wanna come on this adventure with me?

Adonis: Of course. For as long as you prove useful to me.

Alk: Way to ruin the mood.

Alk: Whatever. We'd better get going. I still have to figure out what we're having for dinner.

Adonis: I'm not hoping.

Adonis: I'm just following my heart. That's all.