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Episode 1
The Lonesome Guardian

Out in the desert, Alk and Light are asked to deliver food, water, and a message of atonement.

Villager: AHHH!

Bandit Boss: You're wasting my time.

Bandit Boss: And my time is valuable, see... Worth one or two lives, even.

Village Head: No! Please! Just don't kill anyone!

Bandit Boss: Then you'd better give me what I want.

Village Head: But if you take all our food, that'd be the same as killing us! Have mercy, sir! At least leave enough for the women and children.

Bandit Boss: Oh, don't you worry about that. We'll be collecting your belles and your brats, along with the grub.

Village Head: *sob*

Bandit Boss: Still stalling, eh? Hey, fellas! What do you think my rate should be? One life a minute?

Village Head: A-all right! I'll take you to the storehouses!

Village Head: *sigh* Here we are...

Bandit Boss: It's darker than the inside of a camel...

Bandit Boss: Whoa!

Flustered Bandit: BOSS!

Villager: Close the door!

Village Head: Adil! Now!

Adil: Sink into the depths... Sand Falchion!

Bandit Boss: GYAH! Re-RETREEEAT!

Villagers: Adil! Your plan was a success!

Villagers: My family's safe again! How can we ever thank you?

Adil: Let me use this town as a pit stop between hunting trips. That'll be more than enough.

Village Head: What if we just built you a house?

Villagers: That's brilliant! No bandits'll be able to touch us when Adil's around!

Adil: No. I wouldn't stay in it long enough to justify the cost.

Villagers: ...Then, please, at least take this. It's food and water.

Adil: Your kind words are reward enough. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Village Head: And there he goes... Empty-handed again…

Alk: Is everyone okay?

Village Head: Travelers? What brings you all the way out here?

Alk: We saw a bunch of dust go up and got kind of worried but…

Village Head: Oh. Well, everyone's fine now. Thanks.

Village Head: ...Though now that you're here, there's a favor I'd like to ask of you.

Village Head: Could you deliver these gifts and a message? You see, there's this man, and he acts pretty reserved around us, but we—

Light: Will you not tell us the story from the beginning?

Alk: Adil!

Alk: Phew... We finally caught up!

Adil: Huh? Who are you?

Alk: We've got a delivery for you!

Light: And a message.

Light: These are gifts of gratitude, not tokens to buy forgiveness.

Light: They will never forget that they abandoned your village in its time of need... It is a burden they are prepared to shoulder for the rest of their lives.

Adil: ...You can talk?

Adil: I-I mean... I can't believe they told you all that…

Alk: Will you take the gifts?

Adil: ...

Adil: This place is a wasteland. Even the royals don't send their patrols out here. Inhabitants are always being forced to choose between their own lives or the lives of their neighbors.

Adil: One day, there was a famine. The people who gave me these gifts chose to survive, and my own village was left to die.

Adil: In a way, they're carrying around the lives of my friends and family. I couldn't let bandits get to them— that's all.

Light: Will you go on fighting alone?

Adil: I made myself a promise.

Adil: I don't want to lose anything ever again.

Light: Then will you not come with us?

Light: We know of a place where neighbors extend their hands not to take from, but to aid one another.

Light: You will find comrades there, willing to fight alongside you.

Adil: Heh. Sounds like you're trying to sell me on a dream.

Adil: But your eyes say it all. You're dead serious, aren't you?

Alk: Does that mean...

Adil: Yeah, I'll bite. Who better to make miracles happen than a mysterious boy and a talking animal?

Episode 2
The Goat Thief

Adil meets Yusef, a young goat thief, and learns that they lost their loved ones to the same famine. Yusef is determined to avenge himself on a village that stockpiled food and water while others starved, but Adil urges him to break the cycle of suffering.

Boy: A couple of goats, Yusef. That's all we need!

Yusef: Hoo... I got this. Today's the day I finally prove I'm worth something.

Yusef: Chaaarge!

Yusef: Wait!

Yusef: Waaait!

Villager: Thief!

Yusef: Shoot. Gig's up. Better grab a bleater and get—

Yusef: AH!

Villagers: Wake up!

Villagers: Goat thief! Goat thief!

Yusef: Ugh...

Villagers: Where are you from? Who sent you here?

Yusef: I'm a Desert Hawk!

Villagers: Liar! They don't let kids into the Desert Hawks!

Villagers: Where are you really from?!

Yusef: Yeah, you're right. The Hawks don't accept anyone that can't fend for themselves. But I was gonna show them! I was gonna show them all up!

Yusef: Hah. Whatever... It's not happening now... If you're gonna kill me, hurry up.

Yusef: I know this village. You guys survive by hoarding food and letting every else waste away. You've got so much blood on your hands, killing me will be like a drop in the bucket!

Villagers: Shut his filthy mouth!

Village Head: Wait!

Villagers: Did his village die in that famine?

Villagers: Then he's the same as Adil...

Yusef: Wh-what? You here to do their dirty work?

Adil: No, I'm here to adopt you.

Adil: From now on, you're my son.

Yusef: ...What? Hey, uh, I think your jailer's broken.

Adil: My name's Adil. I lost my village to the same famine that took yours.

Yusef: You did?

Adil: Yeah.

Yusef: Wait. If that's true, why are you working with these dirtbags?

Yusef: They left our friends and family to die!

Yusef: Kids, the sick, the elderly... Everyone came to them for food and water, and they just looked the other way... My mom starved because of them!

Yusef: Hey... Join forces with me. Let's take over this damn village. That'll be more than enough to impress the Hawks.

Yusef: Then we can give these vultures A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE!

Adil: No.

Yusef: Why not? Don't you want revenge?!

Adil: Enough people have suffered.

Adil: It's true... I'm full of this hurt and anger, and for the longest time, I didn't know what to do with myself. But thanks to you, I think I just figured it out.

Adil: I'll build my own village. It'll be a place where all honest people can find food and a home, and its gates will always be open to the needy!

Adil: I can't make this village on my own though. Is anyone willing to help me?

Villagers: Yeah! No more suffering alone!

Villagers: Be the change you want to see in the world!

Yusef: You're all delusional.

Village Head: You're going back to the Hawks?

Yusef: What do you care?!

Village Head: I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I'm asking you to be a witness.

Yusef: A witness?

Village Head: Here and now, we pledge to do everything in our power to make Adil's village a reality. ...Won't you stay and make sure we keep our word?

Yusef: *sigh* Fine. But it's only 'cause I don't trust you.

Village Head: The sun's rising. Finally, an end to a long, long night…