A Hero's Beginning Event/Turning Point

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Turning Point

After splitting up from Alk, Nate is captured by Themis, who has agreed to the corporate world's new anti-hero policy.

King Johnson: I've already filed a complaint and asked for compensation since she attacked first, but...

King Johnson: You still understand what you did wrong, correct?

Nate: Yes, sir... Sorry.

King Johnson: That yes-man act of yours is what I like about you! Now just apply what you learned going forward, and you'll be set!

Nate: Urgh... Yes, sir... I'm really sorry...

King Johnson: Now, what did you want to talk to me about, Alk?

Alk: I... think I've seen those machines before.

Alk: What about you, Johnson?

King Johnson: Hm... What about me? You're going to have to be more specific than that.

Alk: *sigh* Guess I'll have to ask him myself.

Nate: What's going on?

Alk: Those machines are probably from another world. And I have a sneaking suspicion that I know who brought them here.

Alk: Sorry to do this to you, but I need to go find this guy. Mind taking care of things alone while I'm gone?

Nate: No problem. Leave it to me.

Alk: All right, then I better go find him. I'll be back as soon as I can!

Nate: Jeez, he worries too much.

People from the Past: It's easy to tell you were the master and pupil... Your master's desire for justice lives on in you.

People from the Past: It hasn't been long since your master passed, but you're already working so hard... Excellent job, Themis.

Themis: That's all people ever want from me.

Themis: Be it sin, responsibility, justice, or their own will... They want someone else to take on that burden for them.

Themis: If such thoughts are just me "judging people based on assumptions"...

Themis: Then my judgement is that the refusal to shoulder one's own burden to another evil in this world.

Manager: Rise and shine. How do you feel?

Themis: I'm not experiencing any issues.

Manager: I sure was surprised when you said you'd join our plan.

Themis: Having a hero on our side really lends us some much-needed credibility.

Themis: Upgrade complete. Automatos system, activate.

Themis: With this... We'll end the age of heroes.

Nate: *huff* *puff* I can't stop here. I gotta-

Themis: Instead, you'd rather just play the victim. Isn't that right?

Mother: Now, don't end up like your sister, okay?

Mother: We wouldn't want another failure in the family, would we?

Nate: Maybe I should just roll over into a ditch and give up.

Nate: Ah! No, that's not what I want! I-

Nate: The hell you want? And what's with the dramatic entrance?

Themis: You and I need to talk.

Nate: Look, if this is about before, I-

Nate: What are you doing?

Themis: That depends on your reaction to my proposal.

Themis: My company has decided to support a new policy... one forbidding vigilante justice.

Nate: Huh? Wait... What are you saying?

Themis: Having people trying to rein in crime is inefficient, regardless of whether they're bionic or organic.

Themis: Multiple districts have reported historically low crime rates after switching to a fully automated task force.

Themis: Over eighty percent of corporations have decided to enact similar policies, including AltMeme and Noxel subsidiaries.

Nate: Wh-what? No way are the heroes of this city going to take this lying do-

Themis: The concerned corporations in agreement... The new way is more profitable.

Themis: In this new era, all heroes, including myself, will be replaced by security robots.

Themis: Times are changing. There's no use fighting it... Give up on being a hero, Nate.

Nate: N-No... I can't... Without this power, I'm-

Themis: So you've grown accustomed to power. How pathetic.

Themis: Removing admin status and forcing shut down of subject ID: PBC001.

Nate: What the- why can't I move?!

Themis: You have exhibited intent to rebel. Therefore, under the new company bylaws, I'm placing you under arrest.

Themis: This is for the best. People were never meant to be heroes.

Themis: Especially people like you.