A Hero's Beginning Event/Triggered

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Nate awakes in a cage, where she angrily questions Themis' motives. After Alk and Regis come to her rescue, she states she doesn't want to lose to someone who gave up on being a hero.

Nate: Come on, come on! MOVE, DAMN IT! Listen to me!

Combat AI: You do not have admin privileges.

Nate: ...What am I even doing?

Nate: Even if I manage to stand up, what then? Not like I can do anything...

Nate: Am I just gonna give up again?

Themis: Pathetic.

Themis: What, no snappy comeback this time? Looks like I was right.

Nate: About what?

Themis: That the weak are warped by power. Seeing you here confirms that it was the right decision to leave enacting justice to the machines.

Nate: Wait... Did you do all this just to get rid of me?!

Themis: Don't get so full of yourself. What I find fault with is the imperfect society that allowed a hero like you to gain traction.

Themis: Although, now that I think about it... I suppose you are correct, in a sense.

Nate: Wh-what?!

Themis: No one can be truly good. That goes for heroes as much as anybody else.

Themis: So in other words, people aren't suited for heroism, including me.

Themis: As of now ninety percent of Qualia City districts have outlawed acts of hostility between civilians.

Themis: Soon there won't be a need for heroes. After we've finished removing your body prosthetics, just go home quietly.

Nate: Why... Why?!

Nate: Of all the heroes out there, why are YOU saying all this?

Themis: What?

Nate: You're... You're Themis! What about your master?!

Themis: You...

Nate: You're supposed to be carrying on Themis' will! So why are you giving up?!

Themis: Shut it! Don't you dare speak his name!

Nate: Aaah!

Themis: Keep my master's name out of your mouth...

Nate: Damn it all!

Nate: No... No, this isn't right! This isn't THEMIS!

Nate: How could you?! HOW COULD YOU?!

Nate: There's no way Themis would give up! It's not RIGHT!

Nate: Move, you hunk of junk! I. SAID. MOVE!

Suspicious Voice: Need help, little lady?

Nate: Huh? Wh-who are you?

Suspicious Voice: Heh, I've heard all about you from Alk. Now... Don't move!

Suspicious Voice: Electron Buster!

Alk: Sorry we're late! You okay?!

Nate: Alk!

Regis: I'll handle the bots here. You two go on ahead!

Nate: Wait, so the troubleshooters are rioting in the streets?

Alk: There's that, and the fact that the robot task force is too inflexible. They treat every crime like a major violation, no matter how small.

Alk: By the time I got back, the whole town was in chaos.

Nate: ...Hey, sorry if I worried you. I should've been doing more, instead of wallowing in my own self-pity.

Alk: Themis did a live broadcast stating the age of heroes is over.

Alk: She said the world doesn't need them anymore. That there will be no more needless casualties.

Alk: I don't think she gets to decide that though. The future's unpredictable... And we've all got our own reasons for wanting to step up.

Nate: A reason for steeping up, huh?

Nate: I couldn't say so before, but I do have one.

Nate: I know why I wanted to be a hero.

Nate: It's because I wanted to throw everything away. My terrible parents, m dead-end life... and myself.

Nate: I thought if I became one of those sparkling heroes I saw all the time, I could leave that all behind.

Alk: That didn't happen though, did it?

Nate: It sure didn't. I don't know why I ever expected it to.

Nate: I think I always knew deep down. A talentless nobody like me isn't suited to be a hero.

Nate: But that doesn't mean I should give up.

Nate: Especially not when that quitter Themis tells me to!

Alk: That's right!