A Hero's Beginning Event/Stand Up

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Stand Up

Nate and Alk learn that Regis and King Johnson are responsible for the rampaging AI, and the four of them come up with a plan. While Regis and King Johnson dismantle the AI, it'll be up to Nate and Alk to distract Themis.

Nate: So let me get this straight...

Nate: This metal man brought his world's AI and robotic technology into this world.

Regis: Right.

Nate: And you recklessly released them onto the streets as a way to develop different AI programs.

King Johnson: Right. Your combat AI and body prosthetics are both the result of incorporating his world's technology!

Nate: And now... This AI, which the Lunus Civil Police Force also uses, is working with Themis and has ordered the eradication of all heroes?

King Johnson: Right! Quite the pickle, wouldn't you say?!

King Johnson: In all seriousness, this is troubling. That AI has hacked all the other AI and brought them into their plan.

Nate: Wait... Does that mean all the machines in the city are being controlled by the Lunus AI?

King Johnson: That's probably how they took control of your body and shut you down.

King Johnson: Machines don't tire or complain. They're efficient and easily replaced. And above all else, they don't make mistakes.

King Johnson: That's the mindset of the people who instituted these robot. Clearly they underestimated them.

Nate: Then we need to do something about that AI!

King Johnson: Now wait a minute, Nate... Do you think that AI is bad?

King Johnson: If we leave everything to the AI, we won't have to deal with the death of a hero ever again.

King Johnson: Above all else... An AI cannot be swayed by emotions.

Regis: Hm... I know a few droids that would beg to differ on that particular point.

Alk: Regis, come with me.

King Johnson: Well, Nate? Do you want to continue being a hero?

Nate: I don't know... but I'm just pissed off.

King Johnson: Oh?

Nate: Seeing that jerk Themis just makes me wanna punch something!

Nate: That's not the real Themis! She's not even a real hero!

Nate: Themis believed in others! He wouldn't give up on us like that!

King Johnson: So what do you want to do?

Nate: I've got some questions for her. So I'm raring for a fight.

Nate: You've got a plan, right? Count me in.

King Johnson: Yes, yes, that's the spirit! THIS is why I chose you, Nate!

King Johnson: Like the true hero that I know that you are, be prepared to carry the people's hopes and dreams with you!

King Johnson: Shall we go over the strategy one more time?

Nate: Ha, what's to go over? We're just causing a distraction!

King Johnson: What are you saying? No matter the plan, we must all be on the same page!

King Johnson: But you have a point. Get your target to go all out, and then nail them right in the kisser!

King Johnson: But don't lose focus, hero! Remember, all you have to do is buy us time while we dismantle the AI remotely.

Alk: That guy sure loves to talk. That was a lot of words for "distract them."

Nate: No kidding... Still, he's really counting on me.

Alk: How you feeling about that?

Nate: To be honest... I feel like I'm gonna hurl.

Nate: But... I've got this. I know I can do it. I won't run away.

Bulleta: Now that's more like it! Heck, you might be even more trigger-happy than me!

Sera: I am also impressed. Your firepower far surpasses that of other organic life-forms!

Sera: Seraphim Form activated! Watch out for any stray bullets!

Bulleta: Ditto! Now let's finish this ASAP!

Hopper: Ugh! There's too many of them! PBC said we could send them the ammo bill, right?!

Katyusha: A-ahaha... Think we'll get hazard pay for this?

Teurgis: All right, another one bites the dust!

Rudy: Hehe, how energetic. Can the rest of you keep going?

Hopper: Ah! Hey, no fair! That was my kill!

Katyusha: Looks like you've got energy to spare too, Hopper.

Alk: They're trying to stop us!

King Johnson: Nate, how are the adjustments Regis made to your prosthetics?

Nate: They feel great. Now... Let's go!

Nate: Blue Blitz system, activate!

Nate: Here I come, Themis!

Themis: Well... Looks like I can expect a visitor shortly.